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Executive summary

My main job as a human resource manager to manage and outlines for organizations development in
human resource strategy of this new business. I will prepare this report to audit and analyze, planning
and recruiting strategies for the organizations. In addition, training and increase of employee
performance. As a starting point, a thorough analysis of the strategy can choose the best and ABC,
follow it about how to make this strategy work best in the future in various markets.

In this report it uses a number of strategies to analyse problems and make suggestions : in this
evaluation strategy can be replaced –the growth and significantly limited , only strategic or for an
organization selected , we will evaluate it by measuring how the advantage and disadvantage of
strategies, based on which we can draw the measure of suitability , feasibility and acceptability of the
choice between my final plan is employee performance development and market penetration related to
the franchise . According to H R strategies, we can draw the best strategy for the ABC. At present, my
opinion is related to H R barrier the ABC in the UK market. Furthermore, the role and responsibility of
corporate head quarters should be made clear to the H R strategy to better support. In overall corporate
department are responsible for goals of the organization. It also has helped to do roles associated with
administration and H R.

However, despite these optimistic accounts, it is clear that the implementation of strategic human
Resource management is difficult and to date, has diffused only to a limited extent (Rowland &
Summers, 1981; Lorange & Murphy, 1984; Nkomo, 1984; Golden & Ramanujam, 1985; Mills, 1985;
Buller & Napier, 1993). when setting up plans and strategies, we always consider the resource it needs
to implement this strategy. For diversifications it needs to prioritize the H R, investments and information,
new market segments. Finally ABC objectives and how they can monitor the implementation will be
discussed, observation, reporting, feedback is a good method for monitoring. Based on benchmarking
with the best companies, ABC will be easy to control how their implementations in the future.
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Table of content page no

Executive summary 01

Introduction 03

Task -1 04

Task -2 06

Task -3 07

Task -4 10

Task -5 11

Conclusion 20

Reference 21

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Amar Bangla Corporation (ABC) (wildly known as ABC) is a fast – food restaurant chain based at
Wembley in the UK. The group’s principle activity is developing, operating and franchising fast food
stores under the trade name Bangla. It is over one year since Bangla was established in 2009 at
Wembley. The group owns over 600 stores nationwide. To discuss more about ABC – this report will
cover following points:

 Identifying H R Strategy for the development of the business strategy

 Evaluating resource requirements in implementing said new strategy that is proposed.
 Proposing a positive employee performance with time scale for monitoring purpose.
 Company’s roles and responsibilities in the strategy implementation for ABC with the group’s
business strategy implementation plan.

Sources of information:

This report uses the information base in scenario, history, finance and current performance of ABC. By
using theory on book, class material and on the internet example of business plan, we will apply it on
ABC’s case.
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Part – 01:

Possible alternative strategy – limited growth by corporate strategy for ABC:

An organization required internal factors like financial resource (money and credit) physical resource
(building and machinery) and intellectual resources (people) to gain targets. Corporate department often
underestimate the importance of people for the success of an organization.” Personnel management of
firms can be characterised in terms of its relative weight in relation to the corporate strategy. The
classical work by Golden and Ramanujam (1985) is one of the major articles within this relational
perspective. They distinguished between administrative, one-way, two-way, and integrative linkages
between corporate strategy and human resource management and found that the integrative linkage was
only present in one of the ten firms studied by them”. The people in the organization are the most
important resources. Physical resources money cannot plan and work for success people can.
Organization made up of people, people need to recognize as the organization most valuable assets.
At starting point for identifying H R Strategy limitations is possible through a good job analysis.

Job analysis:

Job analysis defines clearly the jobs limitations within the ABC since last year HR manager mentioned
about this. Besides there are following limitations of HR Strategies identified:

Mix perceptual: in ABC’s there are mix match placement among the department mentioned on scenario
that field of administration people placed on marketing department that will not get more productivity.

Suggestions: consider the physical and mental capacity in the design of jobs; it could be more outcomes
to place in right people in right place.

Task identity:

In ABC there is no clearly defined that employee do job in particular department because there were lack
of manpower. For that performance level went go down.


In the time of recruitment, place supposed to be individual people to do individual task clearly from
beginning to an end.


In ABC there is no action taken about performance of employee. For that there is no scale limit of
employee who work good or bad and who need motivated to work.


Every after two month there should make an appraisal of employee so that it can be identified the
weakness of employee. And give training according to their weakness make it better way.
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Proper IT training:

There is no IT training facility in ABC’s. Because of modern technology there should be use of IT
perspective among the ABC. Employees are doing physical work instead of use machine.

Suggestions: there should be proper IT training need for the employees so that they use the modern
machinery .as a result, employee get more motivated to do in their casual work.

Profit report: there is no a sale or profit report for the employee in the ABC Company, such as weekly
sales target or monthly sales after profit etc.


It should be published weekly sales report so that employee know whether their work support the
company or not and make appreciations or advised based on that report.

Creating a budget: there is no particular budget for the employee that includes their bonus, remuneration,
reward and gift for the company as well. so that it is not possible to give the employee reward.

Suggestions: it is compulsory to make a clear budget for the employee to give reward like sort of things.
That way employee could motivated and work for the company in good perspective way.

Supporting stuff: there is no supporting stuff in ABC Company, like if someone called on sick then there
is no one to make his or her work, so that this work went to be collapse and company will not make its
target at the end of the day.

Suggestions: it should be necessary to recruit some part-time employee and trained them in particular
department. It might be helpful for other employee who gets support to complete their task. in addition it
also helpful to control company’s wages.

Use management course: there is no management course in ABC. such as employee can trained to
participate in management action.

Suggestions: it would be useful to create a management course so that operational level employee could
do more efficient when they come to management level, because there was experienced of that people
in field work. And company get more productivity and skill variety people to get better outcome.

Task -2:
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ABC’s objectives after two years is to expand markets, develop distribution network of their products, this
means that ABC will open more stores in market in France. after the financial crisis, ABC will put two
teams to survey the market of France if they give good result, the company will decide to build two stores
in France first ABC should take the time to find suitable location, such as store in artery of market or
shopping centre or near school and college so that its attracts the family when they shopping in other
hands, ABC taste meals especially made for little kids who make up the bulk of ABC customers.

Secondly recruiting and providing training for new employee, ABC should focus on the applications that
are identified by H R Strategies forecasting labour sources, analysis of work (job description, person
specifications) identifying open positions.

Communications skill: communication is a important things that make a bridge among one another. so it
is necessary while recruit that applicants should perform well band of France language.

Culture: culture is a vital part of every country while doing business it is most important things that ABC
should make sure that employee should run their activities under the France culture and it is attract
customer to see how their culture will be used by other companies.

Technology: ABC should recruit some IT specialist to keep up pace with the current world and they will
familiar with France language and its culture. And they give the other employee training because every
employee should know the basic use of technology in their store.

Marketing: Marketing is an important part of any kind of business. For ABC it will be a great responsibility
for the marketing department that inform the customer that ABC is a placing on France and showing
good customer service according to their culture and their language.

Besides ABC should offer some lucrative things for the employee in France so that they can think that it
is their company like job enrichment, pension and stuff discount and there are bonuses according to their
cultural festivals. In addition, in his most recent book, Storey (1992) said that “relations with employees
on a new footing - one which [is] in line with the ‘needs of the business’ [and an] approach in favour of a
Management style which engendered employee ‘commitment’ and a willingness to ‘do the extra
Mile’” (p. 169).

ABC should make sure those employees are good relation with one another and doing their activities
according to the company policy and procedure.

Resource allocations are used to assign the available resource in an economic way. It is part of H R
management .it is the process by which an organizations distributes its resources to effectively and
efficiently accomplish its mission. With all resource which ABC has got, it is enough condition to ABC to
implement the align the HR strategies. Besides it needs more new resource to adjustments that can be
properly integrated with current resource. For example, ABC focus on develop new product of expand
market; it requires more people and more machinery and .extra resource might be need for training.
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Task -3:

Based on Hamel and Prahalad (1989), they indicate that the “HR tasks associated with the development
of strategic vision include empowering people through information, building teamwork and developing a
shared set of values to inculcate a shared sense of purpose” (p. 24). By doing so, personnel
management can work towards the establishment of “a new space off the map that is uniquely suited to
the company’s own strengths” (p. 25).

Wrong process of requirement: as given scenario Ashley Jones was recruited by personal reference and
her specialization and previous experience were in the field of administration. In view of HR, firstly

Mix-match appointed: as mentioned on scenario she had a experience of administration field and she
has been working in the key personal as a marketing.

Irresponsibility: because of personal reference she was appointed that is why, her responsibility went go
down and she cannot manage the monthly target.

Autocratic mode: as she was appointed by reference of the director of ABC that why her mode was
autocratic and she did not bother her subordinate and she got no leadership skill to maintain a good
relationship with her subordinate.

De- motivated of work: as she was in experience of administration and now she have been working in the
field of marketing, therefore she have not get any self-motivated to do job in the department of

Lack of knowledge: since she studied in the field of administration, and she has been doing work of
marketing. So, it is natural that she could face difficult to implement strategy on marketing because of
lack of knowledge.

Besides those employee who worked a long time in the marketing department and wish that they were
going to be promoted as a key personal of marketing ,Ashley Jones recruited being a big embarrass for
them ,and their performance went low and their relationship was not good with each other.

Recommendation of employee recruitment process:

A good selection minimizes the cost of replacement of the candidate. It also eliminates the need for
training. The productivity is better. A questionable selection engages the organization in legal battle. The
result is a bad reputation. During the selection process, the candidate is informed about the job and
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organization. This helps the candidate make a self-assessment of his suitability for the job and the
organization. This prevents resignations due to misfits. The ABC may use the personality job fit theory or
something similar to ensure accuracy in selection. This theory underscores the need to understand the
personality of the applicant. The theory states that if the applicant is recruited to a job that fits his
personality, he would be successful.
Now below there is a selection process:
A typical selection process consists of seven key steps. They are depicted in figure below:

Figure : the selection proces

Initial screnning interview:
All applications received are screened. Those applicants who satisfy the basic requirements are
shortlisted. These applicants feel they fit the job specification. They appear to be willing to take on the
tasks identified by the job description. Hence they are to be called for a screening interview. This step
includes the preparation and dispatch of the notice of screening interview.
Completion of the application form:
Prospective candidates are asked to complete an application form. This is prepared by the ABC. It may
consist of only the applicants name, contact address and telephone number. Sometimes, it may be
comprehensive and include a lot of personal information. In short the application form gives a synopsis of
the applicants’ education, skills, and earlier job postings, past tasks, responsibilities and
accomplishments. All such information is job related. Sometimes, the organization may validate all this
information with turnover and performance and give appropriate weights.
Employment tests
Organizations expect a certain level of intelligence from recruits. This level is determined through a
series of tests. The tests may be purely of technical nature. Sometimes, they may use ability, aptitude,
and personality tests too. This gives a comprehensive evaluation of the candidate. Organizations use
handwriting analysis (graphology) and lie detection (polygraph) tests.
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Comprehensive interview:
The comprehensive interview is conducted to seek clarifications if any. Job related issues are discussed.
The questions are directly related to the job characteristics. The candidate’s suitability in terms of
personality, knowledge, skills and aptitude is assessed. Organizations are also using the comprehensive
interview to make assessments of the candidate’s ability to work in teams. The creativity and leadership
capabilities are other qualities assessed in this stage.
Background interview:
The background investigation is done for candidates who are potential employees. The educational
qualifications of the candidate are verified. The personal and job related references are checked. Former
employers may be contacted for verifying details of the candidate’s current job profile, performance
appraisals and key responsibilities.
Physical examination:
A general physical examination is performed to find out if the candidate has the minimum physical
standards required for the job. In some cases, a more comprehensive medical examination is done. This
is to know if the candidate would be able to bear the rigor of the job. For example, he may be required to
run a couple of meters in hard terrain with a heavy load. If he fails he is rejected. The task evaluates his
endurance. A certain degree of physical standards are required to complete the task successfully. The
physical examination also discloses vital information about the physical well being of the individual. It
also provides information for medical insurance and future compensation claims.

Final job offer:

Candidates who qualify all the stages are alone given the final job offer. A minimum time to join the job is
given. Thereafter the offer lapses. If the candidate joins the contract of employment commences.
As a HR Manager i draw a recruitment process that ABC is required to recruit to facilitate
accomplishment of objectives. Hence, it must assess its manpower requirement. It must also critically
evaluate the demand and supply situations in the labour market. The timing and number of persons to be
recruited are other issues to be considered. All these come under the purview of manpower planning.
The most crucial task facing human resource managers is the selection of the right candidate for the job.
This is possible by ensuring that the right section device is used. The selection process must be
comprehensive and error free. Choosing the right candidate saves unnecessary expenditure of efforts,
time and money. It also improves satisfaction and productivity.

Task: 4
Since “[s]strategic decision-making should inform and be informed by human resource considerations.
The quality of a firm’s human resources will have a profound effect — enabling or constraining — upon
its strategic potential, its ability to formulate and implement strategy” (Starkey and McKinlay, 1993, p. 1).
As mentioned on scenario that the managing director suggest that after two month there is employees
reduce by company, and it will impact on the employee’s morality. as a HR manager my discussion is
given below:
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 Employees will lose their self-motivation to do their task and that’s why their job performance will
go down and the company will lose productivity.

 Employees will more concentrate to find out, another stable job instead of doing their own jobs
attentively; therefore company will lose its targets.

 Those are the remain on the company after reduction they thought at end of the day they will be
lost their jobs like their colleagues’ and its impact on their daily casual activities.

 In ABC there is a union of employees. And it might face trouble by union, such as work strike and
they will left the work due to strike. As a result company will lose lots of production and its effect
on sales.

 Overall company will lose its image to the shareholder, stakeholder etc, they will not interesting to
join with the company.

Finally before make a decision ABC should taking care of these points that I mentioned as above.
Because, According to Grant, a capability is “the capacity for a team of resources to perform some
A task or activity” (p. 119). Grant also indicates that “While resources are the source of a firm’s
capabilities, capabilities are the main source of its competitive advantage” (p. 119). therefore
manpower is a very important part of the organization and it helps to gain goals of the company. Besides
ABC should choose another alternative strategy to control wages and saving cost.

Task -5:

Performance Appraisal is an objective assessment of an individual’s performance against well defined

benchmarks. It is the systematic evaluation of the individual with respect to his or her Performance on
the job and his or her potential for development. The other terms used for Performance Appraisal are
Performance rating, employee assessment, employee performance. Review personnel Appraisal,
Performance evaluation, employee evaluation and merit rating .Performance Appraisal is not done in
isolation. It is linked to job analysis, a standard Performance appraisal Describes work and personnel
Requirement of a particular job Translates job requirement into levels of acceptable or unacceptable
performance. It also Describe the job relevant Strength and weaknesses of each individual. Its
objectives are to effect promotions based on competence and performance. To assess the training and
development needs of employees. To decide upon a pay scale where regular pay scales have not been
fixed. To let the employees know where they stand in so far as their performance is concerned and
assists them with constructive criticism and guidance for the purpose of their development. To improve
communication, Performance Appraisal provides a format for dialogue between the superior and the
subordinate, and improves understanding of personal goal and concerns. The appraisal system is
organised on the principle of goals and management by objectives. Performance evaluation and
individual history. It connotes a two-dimensional concept - at one end of the continuum lies the goals
set by the authority, and at the other end, the performance achieved by the individual or any given
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group. Performance appraisal can be either formal or informal.

As a HR manager i draw an appraisal form that will help to employee’s performance in every level are
as follows:


Fac to rs 1- 6 for staff and opera tional staff: Fac to rs 1- 7 for middle (Confidential)




Mai n Job Re sponsibili ty Rating points Give

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Well ab ove expectation 1 (A+)

above expectations 2 (A)
Meets expectations 3 (B)
below expectations 4 (C)
Well below expectation 5 (D)

I. Perfor man ce an d Competence App raisal (Pu t x in app ropriate block)


1 2 3 4 5
1.Work Results 1. Quantity - Job completion is being
Delivered in accor dan ce to the set
stand ard requirements.

2. Job 1. Understand s, knows how to implement

knowledg e until completion of proc ess step s. Knows
the stand ard required of the assi gn ment
and app lies the knowl edge to the assi gned
job's instructions.
2. understand s job tasks/ areas an d other
related responsibiliti es to the job.
3. Have the ability to learn and app ly new
learned techn iques on the job and is qu ick
on problem-solving .

3.Depandability 1 Attend ance to work with consistency,

/Reliability punctuality with full att ention. Ass ess ment
is on the frequ ency of ab senteeism, late for
work and leave taking.
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1 2 3 4 5

1. Consis tently hard wor king with

4. Diligence enthusiasm when perfor ming the job

2.Have interest in practice an d being

trained to achieve work efficiency.

3. Consis tently put in all efforts, demonstrate

with great care in working .

5. Work 1. Comp lies with rule an d regu lations of the

Attitudes company.
2. Feels responsible and ha s team spirit for
the group , is dedicated to own work an d an
organization, does not crea te cha os or

3. Works well with ot hers, bears a grea t deal of

involvement an d participation, gets along well
wi th superiors, peers and subordinates, is
helpful an d is well acc epted by everyone.
Do es not ign ore other related work,
extend s good co-operation an d being helpful to
pee rs. Sh ows flexibility to cope up with work
requ irements, e.g. overtime work.

4. Be collaborative with the sup erior and does

acc ording to wha t ha s bee n pass ed down
without refusing or avoi ding to follow the
instruction which may cause damag e to the
5. Fort hcoming, participated in training
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6. Individual 1. Creativity- ab ility to create, have

Qualities and initiative an d is constructive.
Att itud es

2. Inn ovation-the ab ility to ad d value and

development to the job, improve work methods
to be simple, produ ctive and effective.

1 - Leader/ Co-coo rdinator/Facilitator in more tha n 1 activities

2 - Leader/ Co-coo rdinator/Facilitator in 1 activity


Points Given
1 2 3 4 5
1 Sup ervisio n-the ab ility to supervise, direct,
7.Manageri al gu ide an d coach subordinates to the righ t
Skills direction.

2 Planning - the ability to effectively plan an d

3 Training – the ab ility to train subordinates
co ndu cts effective meeting s an d gives gu idance
an d mentoring to subordinates.

4 Leadership – the ability to influence the

subordinates to a grea ter sense of
participation, be a role model and motivates
high morale, encourages positive thinking
among subordinates in or der to create a great
team work.
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5 work delegation – the ab ility to correctly

assi gn tasks to subordinates, put the righ t
ma n to the right job.

6 Problem solves and decision making :

considers the soundn ess of
recomm end ations, assess es thoroughly
implications an d impacts before taking
action. Generally takes correct decision.

Average Rating

State your justific ation if the app raisal rating is ( 1 ) or ( 5 )

II Su gg estions on perfo rmance improvement

1. Streng th

2. Weaknesses to be improved

3. Training / Development nee ded

4. Others
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III Poss ible short / long te rm development

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1. Employee ’s own wis hes ab out his/ her future caree r ov er the next few years.

2. Possi ble job options, development/training nee ds

3. Others

App raiser’s name Employee ’s comm ents

Sign ature

App raiser’s Sup erior

Sign ature
Date Employee ’s sign ature
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1. To provide a summary of information necessary to evaluate the individual's current work performance
Against performance stand ards and job exp ectations.

2. To provide management information that will be used in decisions concerning administering appropriate
Award system and change in employe e's job status.

3. Provide a frame work for identifying the strengths and weaknesses of employees, goals setting as well a
On the deve lopment of sub ordinates.


1. Review the employee's work performance over the whole assessment period; do not put undue weight
on first impress ions, isolated incidents or recent performance.

2. Do not allow one single positive or negative factor to influence the general appraisal.

3. Rate the employee's performance against job-related criteria and performance standards.


A+ Well above expectations Exc ellent

A Above expectations Goo d

B Meets expectations Av erage

C Below expectations below average

D Well below expectations Poo r

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1. The appraisal should be an open and frank discussion. Tact and openness are necessary if one is to avoid the
Appraise ad opting a defens ive att itude. Pitfalls to avo id during discuss ion are

(a) Allowing a single negative/positive characteristic to influence the general appraisal. (b)
Attributing one’s own qualities and motives to others.
(c) Appraising based on a stereotype or preconception.

2 Important points to note:

(a) It is better to begin with strong points before discussing weak points.
(b) Listen to what he/she has to say and always give the appraise the opportunity to respond to your assessment. (c) Make
clear mutual agreements and have them recorded.


3 Use the following 5-point rating scale to appraise the employee

5 Outstanding performance in all aspects

8 Consistently exceeds all requirements
7 Meets and exceeds most requirements
6 Meets and exceeds some requirements
5 Meets all requirements
4 Meets most requirements
3 Meets some requirements
2 Does not meet requirements

Add up the same points attained for all the appraisal factors vertically and place the sum in the corresponding “(b) Add all the sums in the Sub-
total column horizontally for the Grand Total.
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According to their ratings, it should be considered that it is possible to get appropriate

promotion or counselling in other way, reward or punishment or more training to get a
good performance. Reward or punishment will be effective while get the result of
appraisal .such as good ratings may include promotion, bonus, incremental salary and
board sending etc. Besides, there is non-financial reward as well such as job enrichment,
job enlargement, empowerment or team working. All these are depending on the ratings
of appraisal .this way employees will get more motivated and give priorities of their
appraisal. There is another practice of grievance management its step as follows:
Knowing the situation at work place, management of self assessment tools, and workers
survey. In addition conduct capacity building via face to face course and e-course .furthermore
evaluate changes by performance chest.

Human resource management are seen as a means to “... elicit and control employee attitudes
and behaviours” (Wright & McMahan, 1992, p. 303) which are believed to be most effective in
realising the aims of the organisation. Thus, depending on the firm’s strategy and the required
behaviour and attitudes of personnel.

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Goal is to become one of the doors leading famous brand in France in general and In particular food and
fast food. ABC should open new stores France with the strict requirements of the selection process and
the investment carefully. There are off on Monday, discounts for students on Friday as well. ABC should
do charity for the poor and homeless, it is very important when ABC to build the image and make the
customer see ABC branch strength in France. More, ABC should launch new products and typically
collect comments and rate of Customer satisfaction. In Addition, ABC should create new events: the
reward for the lucky first customer. With this action, ABC use surveys to track performance. With so
many large and small shops France market opened, ABC should prepare new plans, new HR strategies
to expand further. Between many of the Strategic review, ABC may choose to diversify in related priority
for expansion plans. To use diversification in the most effective possible. However, information is a major
contribution to the success; information system is the foundation for conducting business today. In many
industries, survival and even existence without widespread use of IT is extraordinary, and IT plays an
important role in increasing productivity. Although information technology has become more than a
commodity, in combination with additional changes in the organization and management, it can provide
the foundation for new products, services, and how conduct business to provide companies with a
strategic advantage. In France, the ABC should participate XMG, one of the leading vendors-neutral
Information and Communication Technology research and consulting firm, to conduct an IT project worth
benchmarking. XMG of benchmarking performance and evaluating the cost effectiveness of service
delivery and quality of IT services respectively. This ABC is why the need to update technology at high
level as soon as possible because overall technology in France is not too good when compared with the
change of the trend of IT in the world.

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Grant, R.M. (1991). The resource-based theory of competitive advantage: Implications for strategy
Formulation. California Management Review, summer, 114-135.

Golden, K.A. and Ramanujam, V. (1985). Between a dream and a nightmare: On the integration of
The human resource management and strategic business planning processes. Human Resource
Management, vol. 24, no. 4, 429-452.

Hamel, G. and Prahalad, C.K. (1989). Strategic intent. Harvard Business Review, vol. 67, no. 3, 63-

Rowland, K. and summers, S. (1981). Human resource planning: A second look. Personnel
Administrator, December, 73-80.

Starkey, K. and McKinlay, A. (1993). Strategy and the human resource. Oxford: Blackwell

Storey, J. (1992). Developments in the management of human resources. Oxford: Blackwell

Wright, P.M. and McMahan, G.C. (1992). Theoretical perspectives for strategic human resource
management. Journal of Management, vol. 18, no. 2, 295-320.

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