Science Form 2 Paper 1 Exam Question

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Paper 1

One hour and fifteen minutes


1. This question paper consists of 40 questions.

2. Answer all questions.

3. Answers must be written in the paper of Objective Answer.

4. This question paper must be handed in at the end of the examination.

1. Which of these pairs is matched correctly?

A. Tongue- chemicals in air

B. Eyes – light
C. Ears – pressure
D. Skin – chemicals in food

2. are special structures found in sensory organs to detect


A. Senses
B. Nerve impulses
C. Receptors
D. Olfactory cells


Figure 1
_________________ in the skin enable us to determine how rough a surface is.

A. Pressure receptors
B. Touch receptors
C. Sweat glands
D. Erector muscles

4. Most receptors in the skin lie in the

A. dermis
B. epidermis
C. sebaceous gland
D. fatty layer

5. Which of these areas of the skin has the most number of receptors?

A. Fingertips
B. Cheek
C. Back of the hand
D. Elbow

6. Which of the following best describe the vertebrates?

A. They are very complex organisms

B. They are very simple organisms
C. They have backbones
D. They are flowering plants

7. Which animal has fertilization that takes place inside the body?

A. Newts
B. Sharks
C. Tods
D. Pigeons


Figure 2

Which of the following statement is true about the flowering plants?

A. Plants that can produce flowers

B. Plants that can grow rapidly
C. Plants that do not bear flower
D. Plants do not have true leave

9. The sense of sight enables us to gather all these information except

A. shape of objects
B. colour of objects
C. position of objects
D. temperature of objects

10. Which of these is the characteristic of the inner most layer of the eyeball?

A. Contains black pigment

B. Made of strong muscles
C. Has millions of photoreceptors
D. Transparent

11. Which of these parts protects the front of the eye?

A. Eyelid
B. Sclera
C. Choroid
D. Eyebrow

12. shows nastic movement in response to touch.

A. Mimosa pudica
B. Rafflesia
C. Hydrilla
D. Hibiscus

Shoots of plants grow towards light

13. Which of these should be made the manipulated variable in an experiment to test
the hypothesis above?

A. Position of light
B. The number of seedlings
C. The presence or absence of light
D. The presence or absence of water


Figure 3

Which of these does not take place in the large intestine?

A. Reabsorption of water

B. Absorption of digested food
C. Absorption of dissolved minerals
D. Break down of materials into vitamins by bacteria

15. Which of the following are present in faeces?

I. Undigested food
II. Mucus
III. Bacteria

A. I, II and III
B. I and II only
C. II and III only
D. I only

16. helps to prevent constipation.

A. Vitamins
B. Minerals
C. Fibre
D. Fats

17. Which of these pairs is matched correctly?

A. Constipation – watery stool

B. Faeces – undigested material
C. Diarrhoea – hard stool
D. Defecation – removal of excrement

18. Too much can lead to high blood pressure.

A. sugar
B. water
C. salt
D. vitamin C

19. What is the cause of obesity?

A. Overeating
B. High blood pressure
C. Practicing crash diet
D. Insufficient water in diet

20. are animals without backbones.

A. Insects
B. Vertebrates
C. Invertebrates
D. Mammals

21. We classify organisms into different groups according to their

A. similar characteristics only

B. different characteristics only
C. similar and different characteristics
D. life cycles

22. Today’s classification divides organisms into kingdoms.

A. two
B. three
C. four
D. five

23. A has leaves with parallel veins.

A. banyan tree
B. coconut tree
C. balsam plant
D. rambutan tree

24. A fern is a

A. flowering plant
B. non-flowering plant
C. monocotyledonous plant
D. dicotyledonous plant

Questions 25 and 26 are based on Figure 4.


With scales Without scales

With moist With fur Without fur

scales With dry scales

(Animal T) (Animal U)
(Animal R) (Animal S)

Figure 4

25. Which animals have no scales.

A. Animal R and S
B. Animal S and T
C. Animal T and U
D. Animal U and R

26. Which of these animals may be grouped as animal U?

A. Salamander
B. Crocodile
C. Salmon
D. Beaver

27. What do an eagle and a rat have in common?

A. Both have fur

B. Both are without backbones
C. Both reproduce by laying eggs
D. Both breathe with lungs

28. Which of these is a warm-blooded vertebrate?

A. Penguin
B. Monitor lizard
C. Shark
D. Tree frog

29. We can help to maintain biodiversity by

I. maintaining forest reserves
II. setting up animal sanctuaries
III. deforestation

A. I, II and III
B. I and II only
C. II and III only
D. I only

30. Which of the following is not the habitat of rats?

A. Pond
B. Paddy field
C. Palm oil plantation
D. Bushes

31. A ________________ is made up of many different populations living together in
the same area.

A. habitat
B. species
C. community
D. ecosystem

32. A system in which organisms interact with the non-living part of their
environment is called the

A. ecosystem
B. habitat
C. community
D. population

33. What is ecology?

A. The study of relationship between living things and their environment.

B. The environment that is made up lots of different ecosystem.
C. The whole populations in an ecosystem.
D. The variety of different species in an ecosystem.


Figure 5

Which of the following statement about the tropical rain forest ecosystem is

A. Tropical rain forests are found in the tropics, close to the equator.
B. Tropical rain forests have year-round warm temperatures, strong sunlight
and abundant rainfall.
C. Tropical rain forests contain the greatest diversity of living organisms.
D. The floors of the rain forest are bright and cover by herbs.

35. A predator

A. makes it own food

B. obtains food from a living host
C. feeds on dead living things
D. kills and eats other organisms

36. Organisms that recycle minerals back into the ecosystem are

A. producers
B. decomposers
C. consumers
D. competitors

37. Which of the following words best describes the relationship between the remora
and shark?

A. Competition
B. Commensalisms
C. Mutualism
D. Parasitism

38. The diagram shows some stages in photosynthesis.

Substance X absorbed
from atmosphere
Substance W Substance V
released to
Substance Y
in leaf
+ atmosphere
absorbed from soil

What are substance X, Y, W and V?

A Water Glucose Oxygen
B Water Glucose Oxygen
C Oxygen Glucose Water Carbon dioxide
D Oxygen Water Glucose Carbon dioxide

39. Which level of the pyramid of numbers has the most available energy?

A. First

B. Second
C. Third
D. Fourth


A rabbit can be classified as a

A. Producer
B. Decomposer
C. Primary consumer
D. Tertiary consumer



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