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The Ceo in the new Millennium

Amit Patel



Ganesh Raj
Face of the company,
To Define The Meaningful Outside
of the organisation.
First Task Of the Ceo

Roughly means to identify the areas in which the company will be


1.Local Market for commercial Loans
2.Major industries and short term credit needs
3.Mutual Funds

Each sector is different…each needs different competencies..Different

definition of results
Work On Getting Information from
the “outside” into usable form.
Lots of data are available….
The Ceo needs to choose the correct data and convert into usable information
Few Examples…
American executives in 50-60’s didn't care much about the changes taking place in
Japan---Implications Japanese products ruled in the us market for a long time. If
only they had thought that the kaizen and other manufacturing methods were

Toy makers tend to define other toy making companies to be their outside…But it
is actually other companies which claim the potential customers money..So the toy
company should concentrate on the value of the toy that the potential customer

Implications- Customer Research is more important than market research.

To decide what results are
meaningful for the institution
What is our business?
What should it not be?
What should it be?
CEO to decide what results are meaningful for the institution.

the results is important, critical and risky for institution.

The results- the bottom line may have differing meanings according to how an
institution defines” meaning results”.

“Short-term ,long-term Goal ” judgment. CEO make decide business goals

which task is short-term or long term, how long get to task?
To decide the priorities
CEO- make decision, measure the task.
Manager – doing thing better, taken an action

In a Dying Organisation Far more task which are important are there than
available resources.

The CEO’s most critical job –also the CEO’s most difficult job – is say no. to do
so is not just a matter of willpower. It requires an inordinate amount of study
and work – work that only the CEO can do , but again work that the CEO must
To Place People into key positions..
Every Organisation says ”we have better people”..Which is Impossible
Good Organisations make common people to perform uncommon things.
Ceo should identify the strength of the employee and place them accordingly.

Moreover placing a wrong person to a job could end in a bad way.

Critical People Decisions only the Ceo Can Make.

To Organise Top Management
Coe's in America have been Failing Pretty Regularly

Highly successful in their previous jobs- fail once they reached the top

This shows that the job taken up had become undoable.

Changes brought by Jack Welch


Asea Brown Bover(ABB)-Goran Lindahl(2000)-Made individual units into separate

worldwide businesses

Financial services company-5 ceo’s-Head of each operating business is also Ceo for
one top management area. Chairman became Capital Controller and represented the
company to the outside world.
Ceo – Where are they from
The Term was initially designed by Alexander Hamilton in thee constitution of the

The first Organisation to use it was the Bank Of New York

Different Countries have got a different person at the top\

Germany- Sprecher Des Vorstands

France- Administrateur Delegue
Japan – President
United Kingdom- Chairman
How Viable is it??
To Define The Meaningful Outside of the organisation.

Work On Getting Information from the “outside” into usable form.

To decide what results are meaningful for the institution

To decide the priorities

To Place People into key positions..

To Organise Top Management

How Viable Is it

In the recent years The Ceo model is

showing signs of Failure.

Companies should study – analyse-

adjust – adapt if they want to adopt this
Thank you
Happy Birthday

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