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U07CE702 Basics of Dynamics and Aseismic Design - Unit II


(An Autonomous Institution affiliated to Anna University of Technology, Coimbatore)


Objective type Questions & Answers

Two degree of freedom system – Normal modes of vibration – Natural frequencies - Mode shapes -
Introduction to MDOF systems – Decoupling of equations of motion – Concept of mode superposition
(No derivations).

1. The equation of motion for a Two Degree of freedom system under undamped free vibration.
a) [m]T { x } + [k] {x} = 0 b) [m] { x } + [k] = 0 c) [m] + [k] {x} = 0 d) [m] { x } + [k] {x} = 0

2. The eigen vector of a MDOF problem represents the,

a) Amplitude b) Mode shape c) Damping d) Frequency

3. The magnification factor is represented by the following equation.

a) x / xstatic b) xdynamic / xstatic c) xstatic /x d) xdynamic / x

4. The orthogonality principle is expressed by the following expression.

a) {K} iT [k] {φ } j = 0 b) {φ } iT [k] {F} j = 0 c) {ω} iT [k] {φ } j = 0 d) {φ } i [k] {φ } j = 0

5. The graphical representation of the relative amplitudes of the two coordinates and their phase angle
relationship equation for a damped SDOF system subjected to free vibration is,
a) Frequency b) Amplitude c) Mode shape d) None

6. The relationship between the flexibility matrix and stiffness matrix is given by,
b) F = 1+K b) F=1-K c) F = 1/K d) F = K2

7. A load that repeats its values after some definite period is called
a) Periodic load b) Aperiodic load c) Impulsive d) Static

8. The amplitude of a vibrating system is given by the expression,

x 0 2 x0 2 x 0 2 x0 2
a) A = x 20 + ( ) b) A = x 20 + ( ) c) A = x 20 + ( ) d) A = x 20 + ( )
ωn ωn t ωn

9. The eigen vector of a MDOF system represents

a) Frequency b) Time c) Mode shape d) Oscillator

10. The _______________ method is used to uncouple the coupled differemtial equations by means of
transformation of coordinates.
a) Modal superposition b) Cantilever c)Stress d) Response

Ans: 1. d) 2. b) 3. b) 4. c) 5. c) 6. c) 7. a) 8. a) 9. a) 10. a)

Prepared by MS. K.Ramadevi, Assistant Professor/ Civil Engg, KCT Page 1

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