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The responsibility for the running of the Crossroads Care – South Thames Scheme

is in the hands of the Management Committee, which is elected each year by the
Members of the Scheme. We hope that all our clients will become Members, to
share effectively in these important decisions. The subscription for Members, to pay
for the cost of circulating papers and so on, is £15 per year, £50 for five years or £75
for ‘Life’ membership. Alternatively, you may find it more convenient to start a
standing order for just £2 per month (simply fill out the attached form and hand in to
your bank or building society.)

If you would like to become a Member, please complete and return this letter, duly
completed. You will receive the Report and Accounts annually, as well as a quarterly
newsletter, free gifts from time to time, and be invited to attend and vote at the
Annual General Meeting, which is an occasion for sociability, networking and
friendship as well as for doing business.

I/We …………………………………………………………………

Of …………………………………………………………………


…………………………….. Tel. No: …………………..

Hereby apply to the Management Committee to become an ordinary Member of the

above Scheme.

I/We enclose the sum of * £15 / * £50 / * £75 per person

 delete as appropriate


I/We confirm that a standing order has been set up with my bank or building society
for an ongoing monthly donation of £2

Signed: ………………………………………

Date: ………………………………………
New Standing Order Request

To: The Manager

Name of Bank:

Address of Bank:

Sort Code: _ _ - _ _ - _ _ Account Number _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Please set up a standing order effective from _ _ / _ _ / _ _ _ _

for the amount of £2 per month to the following:


Sort Code: 60-14-31

Account Number: 64113558

Reference: Membership Scheme

Name: __________________ Signed: ___________________

Date: _______________

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