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Office of the Governor

Sean T. Connaughton
Secretary of Transportation

November 19, 2010

The Honorable Scott A Surovell

Member, Virginia House of Delegates
PO Box 289
Mount Vernon, VA 23219

Dear Delegate Surovell:

Thank you for your letter regarding the funding of the U.S. 1 (Richmond Highway) Transit
Study. I understand the importance of this study to Fairfax County and appreciate your efforts to
secure funding for its completion.
. .
Governor McDoll)1ell recently released his plan for use of the funds identified as part ofthe
independ~nt.finaricial performance audit of the Virginia Departmerit· of Transportation~(VDOT):
By next spring, th~, Commonwealth Transportation Board' Wifl decide what~projectSWill receive
funding as ~ result of the audit. Fairfax County's top J?iiorities~ as providedby Chairman Bulova
ina letter to the Goveri.1.or dated October 19,2010, will be reviewed forftl:lldingconsideration.
At this time, all funds identified in the' audit will be allocated to construction or maintenance

VDOT and the Department of Rail and Public Transportation (DRPT) will also continue to work
together to determine if any other opportunities exist to address your request. As always, thank
you for raising this important issue.




cc: . Governor RobertF,McDonnell Chairman, Shar(m Buiova, Fairfax County

'. Se1l1ltorToqdy Puller' SuperVisor Gerry Hyland, Fairfax County
S,enator Patsy Ti~er SuperVisor Jeff McKay, FaUfaxComity' .
. Senator George F. Barker " Mr. Tom Biesiadny;Fait:faxCoUnty ..
~, DeI.egate David B: Albo Gregory A. Whirley,VDOT.Cbmssioner
Delegate Mark D. Sickles Valerie Pardo, VDOT" .. .
Delegate David Englin Thelma Drake, DRPT Director

Patrick Henry Building. Ull East Broad Street. Richmond, Virginia 23219. (804) 786-8032 • Fax (804) 786-6683 • TTY (800) 828,1120

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