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Habit – 8

Take Decisive Action

Destiny is not a matter of chance; it is a matter of
choice. It is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to
be achieved.
- Williams Jennings Brayan
Six Good Reasons Why you may be
1. You are Bored.
2. You are Overwhelmed with work.
3. Your Confidence is slipped.
4. You have a low self worth.
5. You are doing the work that you do not really
6. You are easily distracted.
The T.A.D.A. Formula
• Think
• Ask
• Decide
• Act
Habit – 9
Work with Consistence &
“Go after your dreams with such passion, such
spirit, such determination and such intensity
that you will either succeed or explode.
Agreement and accountability
The Double A Formula
1. Agreement
2. Accountability
3. The integrity factor
4. The consistency circle
(7) (1)

When You
Make better
This brings you
bigger and Choices
better rewards
(6) And develop(2)
THE Better habits

You contribute
& give more

CIRCLE And build
You attract
You become
more valuable
Habit – 10
Live on Purpose
There are two kinds of success. One is very rare
kind that comes to the man who has the
power to do what no one else has the power
to do. That is genius. But the average man wins
is not a genius. He is a man who has merely
the ordinary qualities that he shares with his
fellows but has developed those ordinary to a
more than ordinary degree.
-Thedore Roosevelt
The 3 Key points
• 1.Align purpose with your natural ability
• 2.Be determined
• 3.Maintain your humble attitude
In this book, auther has made a sincere attempt
to enlighten the readers on winning habits
that have been and continue to be followed by
successful people all over world.

Practicing the winning habits is really very

simple. All one needs the will and a genuine
Some beautiful Quotes
• “It takes a little courage
And a little self-control
and some grim determination;
if you want to reach the goal “.

• There is no simple path to glory ,

there is no rosy road to fame.
Life, however we may view it ,
is no simple parlour game;

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