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Name: _____________________________________________

Write the short form (she´s/we aren´t etc)

1. He is ________________ 4. It is _________________
2. They are _____________ 5. I am not______________
3. She is not ____________ 6. You are not ___________

Write full sentences. Use am/is/are.

1. My shoes very dirty ______________________________________________

2. My bed very comfortable __________________________________________
3. Your cigarettes in your bag ________________________________________
4. I not very happy today ____________________________________________
5. Mr Kelly´s daughter six years old ____________________________________
6. The houses in this street very old _____________________________________

Circle the right answer.

1 We ...... to Mary's party tonight.

are go doesn't go aren't going don't go

2 She often ...... her red dress.

wears wear is wearing 's wearing is wear

3 ...... she ...... her homework at the moment?

Is she doing Does she do

Does she doing Is she do

4 She ...... milk every morning.

is drinking are drinking am drinking

drink drinks

5 My father always ...... the grass.

are cutting cuts is cut

is cutting cut

6 That man ...... at the moment

are laughing is laugh laughs

laugh is laughing

7 We ...... Chinese food.

aren't like doesn't like aren't liking

don't like liken't

8 The Moon ………. around the Earth once every 24 hours.

goes is going

9 Thank you for lending me your umbrella. I …….. it tomorrow.

am returning will return

10 I’ll call you when I ………to the hotel.

get will get

Write positive or negative sentences, to make true sentences. Use am/am not/is/is

1. Paris/the capital of France _________________________________________

2. I/interested in football ____________________________________________
3. I/hungry _______________________________________________________
4. It/warm today ___________________________________________________
5. My hands/cold __________________________________________________
6. Diamonds/cheap _________________________________________________
7. Cats/big animals _________________________________________________

Write the verb in the correct form.

1. Water ___________________(boil) at 100 degrees centigrade.

2. George __________________ (not/go) to the cinema very often.
3. How many languages _______________________ (you/speak)?
4. The swimming pool ___________________ (open) at 9:00 and _______________ (close) at
18:30 every day.
5. “What ___________________ (you/do)?” “I´m an electrical engineer.”

6. I have a car but I _____________________ (not/use) very often.
7. I don´t understand the word “deceive”. What _________________ (deceive/mean)?

Choose the best future form for each sentence.

1. I ………………………………. a birthday party next Friday night.

am having will have have
2. Her flight …………………….. at midnight.
is leaving is going to leave leaves
3. The weather forecast says it ……………………….
is going to snow. will snow. snows.
4. A: I recommend you go see a doctor.
B: You are right! I ………………. an appointment.
am making will make am going to make
5. As soon as ……………………….. I’m going to take a break.
I have finish I finish I am finish
6. …………………………………. Art when I am done with this course.
I am going to study I will study I am studying
7. I think that Tiger Woods ……………… the next golf tournament.
Is winning will win is going to win
8. Would you like coffee or tea? I …………………… coffee, thanks.

Correct the sentence if incorrect.

1. About 200 people are visiting the Modern Art Museum every day.
2. I brushed my teeth every day.
3. Mary study History at the moment.
4. We spend 5 days in Ixtapa next vacation.
5. The pyramids in Teotihuacan are being hundreds of years old.
6. I am thinking I don’t like those shoes.
7. My parents is coming to visit next weekend.
8. This computer is no working.
9. Jamie teach three classes every day.
10. What you are doing tomorrow?

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