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Improvement of Land Cover / Land Use Classification by

Combination of Optical and Microwave Remote Sensing Data

Nguyen Dinh Duong
Department of Environmental Information Study and Analysis
Institute of Geography
18 Hoang Quoc Viet Rd., Hanoi, Vietnam
Fax: 84-4-8361192, Phone: 84-4-7562417, Email:

Abstract: Optical and microwave remote sensing data have been roughness, object density and their 3-D structure that are
widely used in land cover and land use classification. Thanks to very important complementary information to interpret
the spectral absorption characteristics of ground object in visible land use and land cover. Separate use of these data have
and near infrared region, optical data enables to extract different
brought many successful results in practice. However, the
land cover types according to their material composition like
water body, vegetation cover or bare land. On the other hand,
accuracy of the land use / land cover established by this
microwave sensor receives backscatter radiance which contains methodology still has some problems. One of the way to
information on surface roughness, object density and their 3-D improve accuracy of the land use / land cover classification
structure that are very important complementary information to is just combination of both optical and microwave data in
interpret land use and land cover. Separate use of these data have analysis. The ways of combination of these two data types
brought many successful results in practice. However, the are several. According to [2] one can fuse optical and
accuracy of the land use / land cover established by this microwave data by pixel, feature and decision based
methodology still has some problems. One of the way to improve approach. In pixel based fusion, the data are merged on a
accuracy of the land use / land cover classification is just
pixel-by-pixel basis. Feature based approach always merge
combination of both optical and microwave data in analysis. In
this paper for the research, the author used LANDSAT TM scene
the different data sources at the intermediate level. Each
127/45 acquired on October 21, 1992, JERS-1 SAR scene image from different sources is segmented and the
119/265 acquired on October 27, 1992 and aerial photographs segmented images are fused together. Decision based
taken on October 21, 1992. The study area has been selected in fusion, the outputs of each of the single source
Hanoi City and surrounding area, Vietnam. This is a flat interpretation are combined to create a new interpretation.
agricultural area with various land use types as water rice, Another concept is usage SAR data as complementary
secondary crops like maize, cassava, vegetables cultivation as information source for interpretation of optical imagery
cucumber, tomato etc. mixed with human settlement and some [1]. In this study, the author presents a decision based
manufacture facilities as brick and ceramic factories. The use of
combination of Landsat TM and JERS-1 SAR data for land
only optical or microwave data could result in misclassification
among some land use features as settlement and vegetables
cover mapping of Hanoi City and surrounding area. A
cultivation using frame stages. By combination of multitemporal comparison study of using only optical, single data SAR
JERS-1 SAR and TM data these errors have been eliminated so and multi-temporal SAR data for land cover mapping have
that accuracy of the final land use / land cover map has been been carried out. Finally a method for combination of
improved. The paper describes a methodology for data optical and microwave data has been proposed. Land cover
combination and presents results achieved by the proposed map which was compiled by the proposed method seems
approach. to be the best because it separates well many land cover
Keywords: Land cover, Classification, Optical and Microwave categories that can not be classified if only optical or
data, Remote sensing, Combination.
microwave data were used.
1. Introduction 2. Study Area
Land cover mapping has been one of activities of The study area is Hanoi City and surrounding area that
utilization of remote sensing data in earth sciences for a is located in north of Vietnam. Land cover of the study
long time. Both optical and microwave remote sensing area contains mainly categories as: urban, built-up, rural
data were intensively used for this purpose. Thanks to the human settlement, perennial and short term agricultural
spectral absorption characteristics of ground object in cultivation, rice crop, water bodies etc. The terrain is flat
visible and near infrared region, optical data enables to so there is no need of ortho-rectification of SAR data. Both
extract different land cover types according to their optical and SAR can be resample to the same spatial
material composition like water body, vegetation cover or resolution and overlaid each on the other. On figure 1 is
bare land. On the other hand, microwave sensor receives outline map of the study area.
backscatter radiance which contains information on surface
Fig. 1. Location of study area in North of Vietnam Fig. 2. Landsat TM false color composite of study area

3. Materials and Methods

The data used for this research consists of Landsat TM

scene 127/45 acquired on October 21, 1992, March 8, 1993
and August 18, 1993. Aerial photos taken on October 21,
1992 were used as ground truth information. Before
analysis, all the image data were geometrically corrected
using topographical map 1:100000. The accuracy of
correction is within one pixel limitation. The JERS-1 SAR
data were resampled to 30m resolution as the same of
Landsat TM data. Fig.3. Land cover of study area established by TM data
and ML classification
3.1 Classification of Landsat TM data The single date JERS-1 SAR data provides information
on land cover through backscatter radiance. The
The Landsat TM data was classified using Maximum understanding of this image requires auxiliary information
likelihood method. Training samples were selected for the and local knowledge of land cover. Solely usage of SAR
following classes: data for land cover still faces difficulties. A simple analysis
has been applied for single date SAR data. The analysis
Sand Sand, sandy beach located along Red was confined to usage of backscatter values for
river classification of land cover objects. On figure 4 is shown
Veget1 Agricultural cultivation and secondary level sliced SAR image of Oct. 21, 1992. The land cover
crop as maize, berry, sugarcane, was separated one from the other mainly by their surface
Veget2 Vegetation with canopy structure structure and not by material composition as in case of
Built Built up area, urban and construction optical sensor. Five categories were classified and they are:
water water body as lake, pond, reservoir To 1 Very flat object. In the study area, it represents
and river mainly water body
wetld Wetland as shallow ponds, flooded To 2 Paddy field, flat object
rice field, irrigated paddy To 3 Low density or light structural object
Agrld1 Harvested paddy field To 4 Medium density or moderate structural object
Agrld2 Paddy field with young secondary To 5 high density or complicated structural object
After selecting training samples, MLC (Maximum
likelihood classification) has been carried out. Figure 2
shows false color composite of study area and figure 3
displays MLC result.
The classified image shows, in general, well distributed
land cover categories. However, there are some
misclassifications in classes built up and agricultural land.
It was also impossible to separate rural human settlement
and perennials that were merged into class Veget2.

3.2 Analysis of single date JERS-1 SAR data Fig. 4. Level sliced JERS-1 SAR image
3.3 Change extraction using multitemporal JERS-1
SAR data

The multitemporal JERS-1 SAR dataset consists of three

dates: Oct. 21, 1992, Mar. 8, 1993 and Aug. 18, 1993. The
dates were chosen so that seasonal variability in land cover
(particularly agricultural cultivation) is maximal. Color
composite of three SAR data is shown on figure 5. Color
assignment is Red= Aug. 18, 1993, Green= Mar. 8, 1993
and Blue= Oct. 21, 1992. Land cover objects that changes
seasonally are shown in different color shades. Stable
objects are displayed in gray tone. It is very easy to extract
urban, rural human settlement and perennials from
Fig. 7. Land cover map established by combination of
agricultural cultivation by visual interpretation. This
optical and microwave data
interpretation can be carried out digitally by conversion the
Beside the classes that were segmented using only optical
color composite to IHS image and extracting uncolored
data, new classes coming from SAR data were added and
objects from colored ones. The figure 5 shows color
they are:
composite of multitemporal SAR dataset and stable objects
rhsetl rural human settlement
extracted from that are shown on figure 6.
hdenst high density construction area
mdenst medium density construction area
ldenst low density construction area
agrld3 non flat paddy field ( furrows, beds)
veget4 broad leave agricultural cultivation as edible
4. Conclusion

The decision based combination of optical and

mutitemporal SAR data is quite simple but effective
because it enables to extract rural human settlement,
different agricultural cultivation types, urban and built up
Fig. 5. Color composite of multitemporal SAR dataset
area with different construction density that are impossible
to be classified if only optical or SAR data was used. The
approach presented in this study does not requite any
special software therefore it can be applied even in very
modestly equipped remote sensing laboratory.


The author would like to acknowledge the Basic

Research Program of Vietnam for funding this research.
Thanks also belong to staff of Department of
Environmental Information Study and Analysis for
Fig. 6. Stable objects extracted from multitemporal SAR
collaboration in field work and data analysis.
3.4 Land cover classification by combination of SAR
and optical data [1] Z. A. Hasan, K.M.N. Ku Ramil, I. Selamat and K.F. Loh.
Obviously, solely application of optical data as stated in Complementary Nature of SAR and Optical Data for Land
previous paragraph enables to establish good land cover Cover/Use Mapping in the State of Johore, Malaysia.
map, however, there are still some misclassification and Proceedings of the ACRS 1997.
the result needs to be refined for practical use. Combining [2] Jirathana Worawattanamateekul, Canisius X.J.F., Lal
analysis results of both optical and JERS-1 SAR we could Samarakoon. Multisource data fusion-fusing optical and sar
obtain the best result. The figure 7 shows final land cover data for irrigated rice areas identification. Proceedings of the
map that was established using both optical and SAR data. ACRS 2000.

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