Extra Exercise Chapter One: System of Units: - BT, Where T Refers To Time. What Are

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1. Determine your own height in meters and your mass in kg.

2. Express the following sum with the correct number of significant figures:
1.80m + 142.5cm + 5.34 x 10 5 µm

3. Determine the conversion between

(a) 1km/h to mi/h (b) 1m/s to ft/s (c) 1km/h to m/s

4. Convert the following expressions to SI units:

(a) 16 in (b) 100 mph (c) 88ft/s (d) 5 hours (e) 6 years (f) 10 in/s

5. The length of a notebook is 234.5mm and the width is 158.4mm. Express the surface area in
square meters.

6. The density of brass is 8.89g/cm3. What is the density in kilograms per cubic meter ?

7. A solid piece of lead has a mass of 23.94 g and a volume of 2.10 cm 3. From these data, calculate
the density of lead in SI units (kg/m3)

8. The speed, v of an object is given by the equation v = At3 – Bt, where t refers to time. What are
the dimensions of A and B?

9. The equation for the speed of sound in a gas states that v ¿ √ γ k bT /m . Speed v is measured in
m/s, γ is a dimensionless constant, T is temperature in Kelvins (K) and m is mass in kg. What are
the units for the Boltzmann constant, kb ?

10 The position of a particle moving under uniform acceleration is some function of time and the
. acceleration. Suppose we write this position s = kam tn , where k is a dimensionless constant.
Show by dimensional analysis that this expression is satisfied if m = 1 and n = 2.

11 Newton’s Law of universal gravitation is represented by F = (GMm)/r2 . Here F is the magnitude

. of the gravitational force, M and m is the masses of the objects and r is a distance. What are
the SI units of G?

12 Assume that the distance x measured in meters (m) is a function of initial speed vo in meter per
. second (m/s), acceleration a in meters per second squared (m/s2), and time t in second (s).
Show that the following formula is dimensionally correct : x = vot + ½ at2

13 The speed of ocean waves depends on their wavelength λ (measured in meters) and the
. gravitational field strength, g (measured in m/s2) in this way : v = K λp gq where K is a
dimensionless constant. Find the values of the exponents’ p and q.

14 Mercury has a density of 1.36 x 104 kg/m3. What is the density of mercury in units of g/cm3 ?
1. A person jogs eight complete laps around a quarter-mile track in a total time of 12.5 min.
Calculate (a) the average speed and (b) the average velocity in m/s

2. Calculate the average speed and average velocity of a complete round-trip in which the
outgoing 250km is covered at 95km/h, followed by a 1.0 hour lunch break, and the return
250km is covered at 55km/h

3. At highway speed, a particular automobile is capable of an acceleration of about 1.6m/s 2. At

this rate, how long does it take to accelerate from 80km/h to 110km/h?

4. A sprinter accelerates from rest to 10.0m/s in 1.35s. What is her acceleration (a) in m/s 2 (b) in

5. A sport car moving at constant speed travels 110m in 5.0s. If it then brakes and comes to a stop
in 4.0s, what is its acceleration in m/s2? Express the answer in terms of “g”s where 1.00g =

6. A car slows down from 23m/s to rest in a distance of 85m. What was its acceleration, assumed

7. A person walks first at a constant speed of 5.00m/s along a straight line from point A to point B
and then back along the line from B to A at a constant speed of 3.00m/s. What is (a) her
average speed over the entire trip ?
(b) her average velocity over the entire trip?

8. A particle moves according to the equation x = 10t2 where x is in meters and t is in seconds. (a)
find the average velocity for the time interval from 2.00s to 3.00s. (b) find the average velocity
for the time interval from 2.00s to 2.10s

9. A velocity-time graph for an object moving along the x axis is shown below. (a) Plot a graph of
the acceleration versus time. (b) Determine the average acceleration of the object in the time
intervals t = 5.00s to t = 15.0s and t = 0 to t = 20.0s.

10 A particle moves along the x-axis according to the equation x = 2.00 + 3.00t – 1.00t2, where x is
. in meters and t is in seconds. At t=3.00s, find (a) the position of the particle (b) its velocity (c)
its acceleration

11 A ball is thrown directly downward, with an initial speed of 8.00m/s, from a height of 30.0m.
. After what time interval does the ball strike the ground?

12 A baseball is hit so that it travels straight upward after being struck by the bat. A fan observes
. that it takes 3.00s for the ball to reach its maximum height. Find
(a) its initial velocity and (b) the height it reaches

13 A stone is dropped from the top of the cliff. It hits the ground below after 3.25s. How high is the
. cliff?

14 A baseball is hit nearly straight up into the air with a speed of 22m/s.
. (a) How high does it go? (b) How long is it in the air?

15 A balloonist, riding in the basket of a hot air balloon that is rising vertically with a constant
. velocity of 10.0 m/s, releases a sandbag when the balloon is 40.8m above the ground.
Neglecting the air resistance, what is the bag’s speed when it hits the ground?

16 Is it possible for the velocity and the acceleration of an object to have opposite signs? If not,
. state a proof. If so, give an example of such situation and sketch a velocity-time graph to prove
your point.

17 What is happening when the velocity is in negative value and the acceleration is zero?

18 A small rocket leaves its pad and travels a distance of 40m vertically upward before returning to
. the Earth 5 s after it was launched. What was the average velocity for the trip?

19 The tip of a robot arm is moving to the right at 8m/s. Four second later, it is moving to the left
. at 2m/s. what is the change in velocity and what is the acceleration?

20 A car travelling initially at 50km/h accelerates at a rate of 40m/s 2 for 3s. What is the final
. speed?


1. A force F1 of magnitude 6.00 units acts at the origin in a direction 30.0 o above the positive x-
axis. A second force, F2 of magnitude 5.00 units acts at the origin in the direction of the positive
y-axis. Find the magnitude and direction of the resultant force F1 + F2

2. Vector A has a magnitude of 8.00units and makes an angle of 45o with the positive x-axis.
Vector B also has magnitude of 8.00 units and is directed along the negative x-axis. Find
(a) the vector sum, A + B
(b) the vector difference, A – B

3. A pedestrian moves 6.00km east and then 13.0km north. Find the magnitude and direction of
the resultant displacement vector.
4. A dog searching for a bone walks 3.50m south, then runs 8.20m at an angle 30.0 o north of east,
and finally walks 15.0m west. Find the dog’s resultant displacement vector.

5. Each of the displacement vectors A and B shown below has a magnitude of 3.0m. Find
(a) A + B, (b) A – B , (c) B – A (d) A – 2B

6. A vector has an x-component of - 25.0 units and a y-component of 40.0 units. Find the
magnitude and direction of this vector.

7. A boat travels west a distance of 200m, then north for 400m and finally 100m at 30 o S of E.
What is the net displacement?

8. Two forces A and B act on the same object and produce a resultant force of 50N at
36.9o N of W. The force A = 40N due west. Find the magnitude and direction of force B.

9. A sled is pulled with a force of 540N at an angle of 40o with the horizontal. What are the
horizontal and vertical components of this force?

10 Find the resultant of the following perpendicular forces : (a) 400N, 0 o ; (b) 820N, 270o; and (c)
. 500N, 90o

11 A projectile leaves the ground with a velocity of 35m/s at an angle of 32 o. What is the maximum
. height attained?

12 A basketball player who is 2.0m tall is standing on the floor 10.0m from the basket, as in figure
. below. If he shoots the ball at 40o angle with the horizontal, at what initial speed must be
throw so that it goes through the hoop without striking the backboard? The basket height is

13 A ball is thrown horizontally from the roof of a building 45.0m tall and lands 24.0m from the
. base. What was the ball’s initial speed?
14 A tiger leaps horizontally from a 6.5m high rock with a speed of 3.5m/s. How far from the base
. of the rock will she land?

15 An athlete executing a long jump leaves the ground at 28o angle and travels 7.80m.
. (a) What was the takeoff speed? (b) If this speed were increased by just 5.0%, how much
longer would the jump be?

16 A projectile is shot from the edge of a cliff 125m above ground level with an initial speed of
. 65.0m/s at an angle of 37o with the horizontal.
(a) Determine the time taken by the projectile to hit the ground level,
(b) Determine the horizontal distance when it hit the ground,
(c) find the horizontal and vertical component of the velocity just before it hit the ground, (d)
the magnitude of the velocity in (c),
(e) The maximum height reached by the projectile.

17 A ball is thrown from a point 1.0m above the ground. The initial velocity is 19.6 m/s at an angle
. of 30o above the horizontal. (a) Find the maximum height of the ball above the ground. (b)
Calculate the speed of the ball at the highest point in the trajectory.

18 An arrow is shot into the air at an angle of 60o above the horizontal with a speed of 20.0m/s. (a)
. what are the x- and y-components of the velocity of the arrow 3.0s after it leaves the
bowstring? (b) What are the x- and y-components of the displacement of the arrow during the
3.0s interval?

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