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Chase Bushman

Lesson Plan – Progressive Era

Topic: “The Machine”

Introduction: The class will watch political campaign ads from the most recent political election
paying attention to the different “community” activities that are depicted in the video. Students
will write them down in order to discuss them after the videos are done.

ISBE Standards: 14.D.4, 14.F.4a

Learner Objective:
• Students will recognize the “political machine” in the present as well as the past
• Students will compare and contrast modern day political campaigns and Progressive Era
political campaigns
• Students will apply the RAC model to “A Day in the Life of a Machine Politician”

• Projector/Internet
• “A Day in the Life of a Machine Politician”
• RAC model worksheet

1. Have the students read “A Day in the Life of a Machine Politician” individually, underlining
examples of political campaigning and possible issues as they go
2. Have the students complete the RAC model worksheet using possible issues they found while
reading the article
3. Discuss as many different issues found by students and their reasoning behind their opinions
as time allows

Students’ abilities to present an opinion and explain how they reached their conclusion will
provide the teacher with adequate evaluation of their understanding of the concepts

Assessment Tools:
In-class participation and the RAC Model worksheet will serve as the tools to measure student

Plans for Diversity:

I will make sure to show political ads from political figures of all genders and ethnicities to show
how advancements have been made in these aspects since the Progressive Era

Students will write a brief ‘out the door’ activity comparing and contrasting the “political
machine” of the Progressive Era with today’s political ads seen at the beginning of class

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