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  BBA 2093
Final Project and Presentation:
Take any new or existing company and build a marketing plan for it, focusing on the segmentation,
targeting, positioning, and pricing strategies, promotional activities, placement and distribution channels,
product strategies and analysis of the internal and external environment of the company. In the end make
recommendations on the basis of the problems that you figure out with the current situation that
company/brand is facing.
Make groups of 6-7 members, (no more, no less from the specified limit). The presentations will be
graded on group as well as individual efforts, understanding and presenting capability. The written
projects have to be submitted on 29th November. After which the presentations will start. Late
submissions will result in deduction of 40% marks.  You can make use of the following outline to
complete you marketing plan.
1. Executive Summary
2. Current Situation  - Analysis of Macro Environment
o   Demographics
o   Economic conditions
o   Competition
o   Social and Cultural forces
o   Political and Legal forces
o   Technology
3. Current Situation & Market Analysis
o Market Definition
o Market Size
o Market Segmentation
o Target Market
o Positioning
o Porter Five Forces Analysis
o Competition and Market Share
o Competitors' Strengths and Weaknesses
o Market Trends
4. Current Situation - Consumer Analysis  
o Nature of the buying decision
o Participants
o Demographics
o Psychographics
o Buyer Motivation and Expectations
o Loyalty Segments
5. Current Situation - Internal
o Company Resources
 Financial
 People
 Time
 Skills
o Objectives
 Mission Statement and Vision Statement
 Corporate Objectives
 Financial Objective
 Marketing Objectives
 Long Term Objectives
 Short Term Objectives
o Corporate Culture
6. Summary of Situation Analysis
SWOT Analysis
7. Marketing Mix
o Product
o Price
o Place
o Promotion
8. Marketing Strategy- current and the proposed  
a. Product
                                                              i.      Product Mix
                                                            ii.      Brand name, brand image, and brand
                                                          iii.      Product Portfolio Analysis
                                                          iv.      Product Life Cycle
b. Price
                                                              i.      Pricing Objectives
                                                            ii.      Pricing Method
                                                          iii.      Pricing Strategy
                                                          iv.      Discounts and Allowances
c.       Promotion
                                                              i.      Advertising
                                                            ii.      Sales promotion
                                                          iii.      Direct marketing- personal selling
                                                          iv.      Others
d.      Place
                                                              i.      Placement strategies
9. Budgets and controls
10. Suggestions and Recommendations
11. References

Afia Khalid
Lecturer, LBS

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