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Code :RA 07A7EC04 RA

IV B.Tech I Semester(R07)Regular Examinations, November/December 2010

(Electronics & Control Engineering)
(For students of RR regulation readmitted to IV B.Tech I Semester R07)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE questions
All questions carry equal marks

1. (a) Give the database system structure and explain each component in detail.
(b) Explain conceptual design for large enterprises.

2. (a) Write about relational calculus and explain the expressive power of relational calculus.
(b) What is an integrity constraint? Explain enforcing integrity constraints in relational

3. (a) Explain outer join variants in SQL with examples.

(b) Consider the following schema to write SQL queiries.
Member (Member-id, Name, Designation, Age)
Books (Bid, Btitle, Bauthor,Bpublisher,Bprice)
i. List the titles of books reserved by professors.
ii. Find the names of members who have reserved all books.
iii. Find the names of members who are professor older than 45 years.

4. Discuss in detail schema refinement in relational database design.

5. (a) Discuss dirty read and blind write operations. Illustrate with examples.
(b) What is a transaction? What properties does it have to maintain integrity and consistency
of the database.

6. (a) Discuss Write-Ahead log protocol.

(b) Explain deadlock prevention policies with examples.

7. (a) How indexes can be used for performance tuning? Explain.

(b) Discuss in detail stored file organization. List its advantages and disadvantages?.

8. (a) Describe disk space management.

(b) Explain page and record formats.
(c) Give a short note on ISAM.


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