Reflective Account 1

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As a part of the pulmonary rehabilitation programme is running exercise classes for

people with chronic lung diseases. After patients finish the 6 week programme we
following them up 3,6 and a year after their finish. That day i saw Mr. Z for his 3
months follow up appointment. After few routine questions and taking some objective
measurements (weight,BP, SpO2 and walking test)[ 1 why do PR] Mr. Z informed me
that after he finish the exercise group with us he did managed to continue with the
home exercise programme (HEP) as we advice to him but after a while his
motivation level went down and at the moment he is not doing any exercises. I
recognised those explanation from before. I explained Mr. Z again about importance
of continuity of physical activities for people with COPD (chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease).[2 continuity] Also remained Mr. Z about mine maintenance
group. It’s an exercise group for patients who completed pulmonary rehab working in
conjunction with Edinburgh leisure.[3 EL booklet] I remember when Mr. Z finish our
programme earlier this year we did talk about it but he was feeling very apprehensive
and declare then that ‘gym is for young and fit people’ unfortunately any explanation
then didn’t make any difference. Luckily this time was a bit different. Mr Z was willing
to try and come to the gym at least once to see how it is.

When Mr Z came to the gym I introduced him to the few people from my group who
been coming for a while now. I know that as much as patient might trust his therapist
the pear support is very important especially with long term conditions [4 pear

Now Mr. Z been coming to the gym for last 6 months and just recently completed his
final follow up appointment i was happy to see he managed to improve his walking
test which show that he improve his fitness level but mainly he had a very great sans
of achievement and hopefully his motivation going to last this time

What I learned was that I should always try to keep my patients motivated but the
main thing is communication. Always listening carefully and let patient talk. [5


3 ref to mine bookled

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