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Zuma Deluxe
Copyright © 2003-2004 PopCap Games, Inc.
Presented by GameHouse, Inc.

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System Requirements
- Windows 98/ME/2000/XP
- 350Mhz or faster Processor
- 128MB RAM
- 16-bit Graphics Support & Sound Card
- DirectX 7.0 or better

Zuma requires you to have DirectX 7 drivers or later installed. You can get the
latest version of DirectX from:
Zuma requires you to be running in 16-bit color depth or better. The game may
not function in windowed mode properly in 256 colors. If you are running in 256
colors, the game will try to switch to full screen mode.
In addition, the game may run slowly in windowed mode in 32-bit color. If this
occurs, switch to full screen mode, or change your color depth to 16 bits.
If you should encounter any problems with Zuma, please contact PopCap technical
support at and provide as much information as you
can about your configuration (computer manufacturer, operating system, etc.).
If for some reason Zuma crashes, it will try to capture any pertinent data and
give you instructions on how to send that data directly to PopCap. This is very
helpful for tracking down glitches!

Gameplay Instructions
Can you discover the ancient secrets of the Zuma? Their hidden temples in the
jungle teem with traps and tricks! It will take a quick hand and a sharp eye to
uncover their treasures.
Zuma Deluxe is an action puzzle game with two main modes. If you are new to
Zuma, you should start with the Adventure mode and move on to Gauntlet once you
are experienced with the game.
When you first launch Zuma, you will be asked for your name. Your progress and
high scores will be saved when you quit. If there are several people playing on
one computer, you will want to create separate profiles for each.
To create separate profiles, click on the link at the top of the screen that
reads, "If this is not you, click here." A dialog will appear so you can create
another identity, or select another one already created.
You can choose either Adventure or Gauntlet mode.
Adventure mode is good for new players. You will explore a series of temples in
search of the treasure of the Zuma. Each temple is divided into three stages,
and each stage contains several levels. When a level is described with two
numbers, such as Level 2-1, that means it's the first level of the second stage.
Gauntlet is good for experienced players. As you complete levels in Adventure
mode, they will be unlocked in Gauntlet mode. You can then play an endless game
on any of them, or on a random succession of levels - try to earn higher ranks
and the fabled Sun Gem.
The Options are accessible from the first game selection screen, or by clicking
the Menu button while playing the game. They include:
* Music Volume and Sound Effects: You can adjust these sliders separately to
fit your personal preferences.
* Fullscreen: If this is checked, Zuma will expand to fill as much of your
screen as your video card and monitor will allow, which is typically the entire
screen. If it's not checked, Zuma will be played in a window.
* Custom Cursors: If this box is checked, you will see special custom Zuma
cursors in the game rather than Windows standard cursors. If you have a special
theme installed that changes your Windows cursors, you may need to activate
this option to see the cursor properly in the game.
* 3-D Hardware Acceleration: This box can be checked to improve performance for
computers with supported video cards.
* Help: This will show you an instructions screen on how to play Zuma.

How To Play
Point your mouse cursor somewhere on the screen and left-click, and the stone
frog will fire the ball in its mouth towards the cursor. Right-click your mouse
to switch the ball in the frog s mouth with the ball color shown in the gem on
the back of the frog.
To quit the game or change your options, click the Menu button in the top right.
The object of Zuma is to eliminate all the balls rolling onscreen before they
reach the skull. When a ball reaches the skull, you will lose one of your lives,
and when all your lives are gone, it s game over!
So how do you eliminate balls? Easy! When there is a group of 3 or more balls
of the same color touching they explode! Practice your aim to make sets quickly
and efficiently!
On the top bar is a small orange meter that will fill as you destroy balls.
When you completely fill this meter, you will hear a voice cry, Zuma! and all
the balls will roll backwards for a moment. No new balls will enter play after
this, so you just have to clean up the remaining balls to finish the level.
You will be aided in your task by Powerup Balls that appear occasionally. These
will turn back into normal balls after a while if they're not used, so learn to
recognize the different types! All Powerup Balls can be triggered by detonating
them as part of a set.
* Slowdown: All the balls will slow down.
* Explosion: Causes a huge blast, destroying all balls in its radius.
* Reverse: Cause all the balls to move backwards for a moment.
* Accuracy: Gives your frog an aiming beam and increased firing speed. Makes it
much easier to get the balls where you want them to go.
From time to time you will see a golden Zuma coin appear. Shoot these with a
ball to score big bonus points! If you hit more than one coin on a single level,
you ll get even more!
You can make tons of extra points by scoring combos. A combo occurs when you
cause two or more explosions by firing one ball. That is, one explosion causes
the balls on either side to slide together and detonate, perhaps chain-reacting
into a third explosion, and so on.
You can get a chain bonus by completing 5 or more sets in a row. That is, each
ball you fire must cause a detonation. If you can cause six or more detonations
in a row, you ll score big, big points!
If you can fire a ball through a gap in the balls so that it goes through and
creates a set on the other side, you will receive a gap bonus! If you can do it
through two gaps you'll get the rare double gap bonus! On some levels, a triple
gap bonus might even be possible!
Finish a level really quickly and you may qualify for an Ace Time bonus! On
the level-up screen you will see your time and the Ace Time. Bonus points are
awarded for every second by which you beat Ace Time. Press 'T' while playing to
see at the bottom right corner how much time remains to get the Ace Time bonus.

Adventure Mode
This mode is ideal for players new to Zuma. You must battle through multiple
temples to find the secrets of the Zuma! Each temple contains three stages, and
each stage has several levels.
When you complete an entire stage, your progress in the game will be saved.
Next time you play, you can skip to the next stage you were working on. You can
still go back and play earlier stages by clicking on the respective gateways in
the Adventure screen.
When you start a level for the first time, it will be unlocked so you can play
it in Gauntlet mode later.
You ll get a surprise when you complete each temple. Can you discover the final

Gauntlet Mode
This mode is for more experienced Zuma players. To play levels in Gauntlet you
must first unlock them in Adventure mode. Your challenge is to work your way up
the ranks from Rabbit to Sun God, earning a Sun Gem for each temple.
When you have the Random map selected, you will progress through a series of
levels chosen randomly from maps you've unlocked. Difficulty will increase with
each new map. Random mode can be accessed by cycling through all the maps with
the two arrow buttons.
Use the Back and Next buttons at the bottom of the screen to select a specific
temple to play. This is good for practicing. The longer you survive, the higher
your rank will rise, until you earn a Sun Gem for the map.
If you enable Practice mode, you will play the selected level over and over,
just as in Adventure mode. This way, you can try to improve your performance on
specific levels.
In this mode, you'll have a non-stop stream of balls rolling onscreen, faster
and faster, until you ultimately perish.

You get an extra life every 50,000 points.
Exploded balls are scored at 10 points each.
A combo is initiated when multiple explosions are triggered with one shot. The
first explosion is scored normally. The second gives a bonus of 100 points, the
third 200, the fourth 300, etc.
A chain is created when at least 5 subsequent shots generate 5 subsequent
explosions. At the 5th explosion a bonus of 100 points is awarded. The bonus
for every subsequent explosion will be calculated by adding 10 to the previous
bonus; the bonus for the 6th explosion would be 110, 7th would be 120, etc.
Balls can be fired through gaps created along the curve to cause explosions on
the other side. The bonus ranges from 10 to 500 points. A large gap is worth 10
points, while something closer to the size of the ball is worth 500 (250 in
Survival mode). If multiple gaps are cleared in a single shot, the best of the
bonuses is multiplied by the number of gaps to figure the scoring bonus.
You can score points by shooting coins that appear in certain areas along the
curve. If a coin is shot, a bonus of 1/6th the level's target score (rounded
down to the nearest hundred) will be gained. In Adventure or Practice mode, the
lowest possible coin value is 500 points regardless of the target score. But in
Survival mode, the lowest possible value is 200 points. The target score is
equal to the number of points needed to fill the Zuma meter.
Two additional bonuses are scored at the end of each level. A bonus will be
given based on the distance from the last destroyed ball to the entrance of the
skull's mouth. An award of 100 points per 60 pixels is given.
A second bonus is awarded for speed. The player's time to clear the level is
pitted against a unique and static Ace Time. If your time is equal to or lower
than the Ace Time, an award of 100 points is awarded. If the Ace Time is beaten
(not tied) the difference, measured as a percentage between the two times, is
multiplied by 25,000 and awarded in addition to the initial 100 points. If the
time was not beaten, no bonus is awarded.

Gameplay Tips
The strategy that should be employed when first playing Zuma is the slow and
steady approach. The keys to being successful Zuma are accuracy and efficiency.
The game starts out slow and forgiving, so take time to fire intelligently.
Watch what happens each time a group of balls is destroyed. Knowing the basic
principles and physics of the game are just as important as accuracy.
The frog houses two balls at a time. The ball in his mouth is the ball "in the
chamber." The color on top of his head represents the color of the ball that is
"on deck." The two can be switched at any time by clicking on the right mouse
button. Use this to your advantage when the second color would be more useful.
Each level has a target score represented by the orange bar at the top of the
screen. When the orange bar is filled (it will turn green), "Zuma" is achieved.
This state means that the balls will slow and roll backward temporarily if
they are further than 50 percent along the curve. Try to use this time wisely
to assess the situation and ready the best strategy, like setting up combos to
clear the balls quickly.
As the game gets harder, it's important to remember which scoring tactics are
the most rewarding and efficient. Shooting coins is always the best way to get
points. It takes the least amount of time and has the highest yield. There is a
trick to shooting coins, as they always lie behind balls on the curve. It's
safe to say that a coin positioned behind two lines on the curve isn't worth
working on. Opportunities to hit these coins usually present themselves rather
randomly. However, a coin behind only one line of balls is easy to hit with a
double tapping technique. If a group of like-colored balls is directly between
the frog and the gem, fire a ball of the same color directly at the gem. Follow
up quickly with a second ball (of any color) and it should hit the gem. Double
tapping the mouse button should fire quickly enough to avoid hitting balls that
might potentially be sucked back.
That being said, balls of a like color attract. If a group of balls explodes,
the remaining balls on either end of the explosion will draw toward each other
if they are the same color. This principle is used in making combos. If those
two remaining balls draw together and another group of three or more is formed,
it will explode, creating a combo. Two or more explosions generated by a single
shot are considered a combo. With each explosion, the bonus becomes greater and
greater. While the point total is very good, it's not very practical to spend a
lot of time setting up combos slowly. As you play the game, it might become
second nature to create these combos while doing other things. This is one of
the most efficient ways of scoring.
Another bonus is the chain bonus. If five or more subsequent shots each
generate an explosion, this is considered a chain. Starting with the fifth, a
bonus is added for each subsequent explosion. This is the easiest way to get
bonuses, but it also has the weakest point payoff. The best time to employ this
method is on the levels with a double curve. There are two independent curves
generated their own ball clusters and, generally, there is much more curve
exposed, so there is a better possibility of keeping the chain alive.
The final bonus is the gap bonus. This bonus is achieved when shooting through
a gap in the balls to cause an explosion. The smaller the gap, the higher the
bonus. The best way to employ this is using the double tap method discussed
above. Firing to create an explosion on the closest part of the curve and then
firing quickly at the balls behind the gap you just created is the best way to
get good points. If the second shot creates an explosion, the bonus can be
quite large as long as the gap is small. Watch for opportunities behind two (or
more) gaps. They don't come around often, but the point yield is such that you
won't want to miss it.
The single most important reason to collect as many points as possible is
obtaining extra lives. An extra life is earned at every 50,000 points. A good
way to gather points is with speed. The faster you clear a level, the better
chance you have of receiving a bonus. Each level has a pre-determined Ace Time.
Beating this time can bring in a bonus as high as 25,000 points. The best way
to finish quickly is to garner as many points as possible as quickly as
possible. Usually a combination of shooting gems, gaps and chains is the best
method. If the board is a double curve, take the chain bonus as far as possible
while hitting any gems you can, while also paying attention to gaps you create.

Zuma was created at PopCap Games:
Game Design: Jason Kapalka
Programming: Brian "Ace" Rothstein
Art: Walter Wilson
Sound: Stephane Brault
Music: Phillipe Charon
Level Design: Ben Lyon
PopCap Framework: Brian Fiete
Biz Dev: Don Walters
QA: Eric Harman
Brenna Flood
Shawn Conard
Chad Zoellner
Special Thanks: Jordin Baugh
John Vechey
Shanon Lyon
With additional contribution from GameHouse, Inc.:
Derrick Morton
Garrett Link
Chance Warner
Teagen Densmore
Brandon Godfrey
Chuck Little
Kazunori Sasakura
Jason Katsanis

Software Use Limitations And Limited License

This Copy Of ZUMA DELUXE (The "Software") Is Intended Solely For Your
Personal Non-Commercial Home Entertainment Use. You May Not Decompile, Reverse
Engineer, Or Disassemble The Software, Except As Permitted By Law. PopCap
Corporation And Its Licensors Retain All Right, Title And Interest In The
Software Including All Intellectual Property Rights Embodied Therein And
Derivatives Thereof. The Software, Including, Without Limitation, All Code,
Data Structures, Characters, Images, Sounds, Text, Screens, Game Play,
Derivative Works And All Other Elements Of The Software May Not Be Copied,
Resold, Rented, Leased, Distributed (Electronically Or Otherwise), Used On A
Pay-Per-Play, Coin-Op Or Other For-Charge Basis, Or For Any Commercial Purpose.
Any Permissions Granted Herein Are Provided On A Temporary Basis And Can Be
Withdrawn By PopCap Games, Inc At Any Time. All Rights Not Expressly Granted
Are Reserved.
By Acquiring And Retaining This Software, You Assent To The Terms And
Restrictions Of This Limited License. If You Do Not Accept The Terms Of This
Limited License, Do Not Install or Use This Software.

Copyright Information
Zuma Deluxe © 2003-2004 PopCap Games, Inc. All Other Copyrights And Trademarks
Are Property Of Their Respective Owners. All Rights Reserved.
Portions of this software are based in part on the work of the Independent JPEG
Copyright © 2002 Foundation.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
- Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or
other materials provided with the distribution.
- Neither the name of the Foundation nor the names of its contributors
may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without
specific prior written permission.
Copyright © 1998, 1999 Glenn Randers-Pehrson.
Copyright © 1995-1998 Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler.

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