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Muscular and Skeletal System Test

Study Guide

The Muscular and Skeletal System Test will assess students ability in the following

Students should be able to demonstrate proficiency in the following benchmarks as they

pertain to the muscular and skeletal systems:

10.01 Knows that living systems at all levels of organization demonstrate complementary
structure and function; the major levels of organization for structure and function; the
major levels of organization include cells, tissues, organs, organ systems, whole organisms
and ecosystems.

10.04 Knows that specialized cells perform specialized functions in multi-cellular organisms;
each type of cell, tissue and organ has a distinct structure and set of functions that serve the
organism as a whole

Students should be able to:

- Describe examples of how our bodies maintain homeostasis
- Analyze why our bodies need to maintain homeostasis
- Describe examples of how the form (shape) of objects are related to their function (what they do)
- Compare and contrast muscle cells with other types of cells
- Locate skeletal, smooth, and cardiac muscles in the body
- Differentiate between voluntary and involuntary muscles
- Identify which types of muscles are voluntary and involuntary
- Differentiate between fast and slow twitch muscles
- Analyze why our bodies have many different types of muscles, including skeletal, smooth and
cardiac; voluntary and involuntary; fast and slow twitch
- Describe how our muscles help our bodies to maintain homeostasis
- Explain how tendons, ligaments, muscles, bones, and nerves work together to move our bodies
- Describe how muscles work in pairs to move our bodies
- Explain what increase the strength of a muscle contraction
- Identify the following muscles in the body: biceps, triceps, hamstrings, quadriceps (quads)
abdominals (abs), latisimus dorsi (lats), pectorals (pecs) deltoids, and gluteus maximus
- Identify most of the major bones in the human body.

Resources to use in preparation for the test, in order of which will probably be most useful
to you:
- your textbook
_the internet
-past assignments
-notes from class
-‘Whack a Bone’ and ‘Poke a Muscle’ games (check blog for link)

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