OOAD Assighnment

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Q.2 :- What is analysis and design ?

Ans :-

Analysis :- In software development, analysis is the process of studying and defining the
problem to be resolved. (We all define the problem before we start solving it, right? Right? Oh,
please, somebody say “Right!” We can’t all be that screwed up, can we?) It involves discovering
the requirements that the system must perform, the underlying assumptions with which it must
fit, and the criteria by which it will be judged a success or failure.

Object-Oriented Analysis (OOA), then, is the process of defining the problem in terms of
objects: real-world objects with which the system must interact, and candidate software objects
used to explore various solution alternatives. The natural fit of programming objects to real-
world objects has a big impact here: you can define all of your real-world objects in terms of
their classes, attributes, and operations.


If analysis means defining the problem, then design is the process of defining the solution. It
involves defining the ways in which the system satisfies each of the requirements identified
during analysis.

Object-Oriented Design (OOD), then, is the process of defining the components, interfaces,
objects, classes, attributes, and operations that will satisfy the requirements. You typically start
with the candidate objects defined during analysis, but add much more rigor to their definitions.
Then you add or change objects as needed to refine a solution. In large systems, design usually
occurs at two scales: architectural design, defining the components from which the system is
composed; and component design, defining the classes and interfaces within a component.

Q3 :- write the steps of designing ?

Ans :-

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