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Name: Date: 9.

27-29, 2010
Homework Assignment:
Writing a teenager’s Declaration of Independence

The colonists wrote the Declaration of Independence in order to declare their freedom
from Britain, which had been treating them unfairly by taxing them, violating their rights,
and restricting their movements. Because colonists were citizens of Britain, they felt the
need to write a declaration stating their reasons for separating from Britain. This was no
easy task. The colonists separating from Britain has often been compared to a child
separating from its mother. Now it’s your turn to try your hand at writing your own

Directions: Imagine yourself in the following scenario: You are 18 years old and live alone with
your “mother”. Lately she has been doing a lot of things to get on your nerves. For example,
she has kept you from talking on the phone or going out with your friends for no reason at all,
she has stopped paying you allowance but given you more chores to do around the house, she
has made you start doing your laundry AND her laundry, and she hasn’t been around to help
you with homework or other jobs. You decide it is time to move out.

On a separate sheet of paper, write a Declaration of Independence from your mother. It

should be structured the same way as the real Declaration of Independence:

• Preamble – explains the purpose of the Declaration

• Declaration of Natural Rights – lists the rights all teenagers should have and the
expectations you have for your relationship with your mother

• List of Grievances – lists all the things your mother has done wrong that are causing
you to declare independence (feel free to make up more than I’ve given you)

• Resolution of Independence – officially states that you are now independent

The more your Declaration sounds like the real Declaration, the better!

Due Date: Wednesday, September 29, 2010


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