Heart of Darkness, Found Poem

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Gabby Melo-Moore

The Inconceivable Mystery of A Black Soul(66)

Tous les esprits sont esclaves qui servent des choses mauvaises. -Percy Bysshe Shelley
(All spirits are enslaved which serve things evil.)

contemptuously(15) Angered Memories.(4)
Nothing but Black Shadows.(17)
Unhappy savages, Deathlike.(16)
the insidious moment,(16) when
various things happened.(23)
Ignorant, (12) Unconcerned(11) calamities(9)
the Uninterrupted(16) Reality.(14) Silence.(20)
Madness.(12) Men, Devils of
desire, Violence, greed.(16) Hate.(6)
Something pathetically(20) originated. (22)

Vexed, by Unavoidable(32) Evil.(33)
I Never forgot, the
hidden Truth.(34) The
monstrous, ugly trace.(36)
Disappear! Evil Spirits, Thoughts…Scars! (37)
I am, with a terrible
Vengeance. (37) Blood shot eyes,
hands trembling,(40) tearing Myself apart(38)
by the existence(41) of these
creepy thoughts.(37) Disgust. Fear. (41) Restraint, no longer.(42)

Wandering in this(54) miserable (59)
Loneliness,(54) human thought so
Dark. Weak.(55) Crying.(56) For
the(59) cold, heavy(62) Heart (59)
had been pierced.
Emotions, so Overpowering.(64) The
Memory, of gratified and
monstrous(65) Mystery...(66) The Inconceivable
Mystery of a Soul,
Struggling Blindly with itself.(66)

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