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ion Statement: Leading women educators

Volume 17 Issue 5 November, 2010

zetZeta Xi News
impacting education worldwide
Vision Statement: Leading women educators impacting education worldwide

President, Lois Templeton

The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International
Alpha State, Texas Area XIV Editor, Patti Groce
Midland, Texas #158

Mission Statement: The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International promotes professional and personal
growth of women educators and excellence in education .

Zeta Xi Storybook Christmas Meeting

Date: Saturday, December 4, 2010

Program: “Storybook Christmas”

Time: 9:30 a.m.
Place: DeZavala Elementary
705 N. Lee Street
Directions: DeZavala Elementary is located just off Lamesa Road.

Hostess:Joy Cunningham is our hostess at this special Christmas meeting

where we prepare books in bundles for each 1st grade class in Midland. All
members will bring their favorite brunch items to share. A copy of all
recipes welcome.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Create the Buzz

Delta Kappa Gamma is very intersted in getting the word out about our
wonderful organization. Each chapter will publish at least 5 newsletters with 2
or more pages of pertinent chapter news. Each chapter will also submit 3 or more press
releases to local media to publicize chapter and member achievements. Other suggestions
include creating a chapter brochure, developing an elevator speech, and asking members
to submit articles to the Lone Star News or The Bulletin. All of these ideas should let our
community know who we are and what we do.

Remember to look at Zeta Xi’s webpage developed and updated by member, Susan
Harmon. You can read the newsletter online. This is the address of the link Susan is doing her part to create a buzz.

Constitutional Revision and Membership Rules 

At the International Convention in Spokane, Washington a change of the 2010 revision of

the Constitution and the Standing Rules was completed. The revision is to give the chapters
more flexibility in membership.

Membership Rules that do not change are definitions of types of memberships active,
reserve and honorary.

Membership in Delta Kappa Gamma is still by invitation.  

An  individual becomes  a  member  when  she  is  initiated and she is initiated only once.

Membership Rules That Were Changed and are  in effect  NOW:  

“Article  III, Section  B  1.  An  active  member  shall be a woman who is employed as a
professional educator or  who has been retired from an educational position. This means that
the chapter decides and restrictions on time of service—women are eligible during the first
year of service and in any year of retirement.

A member  is reinstated  without  a chapter vote.

Zeta Xi Chapter Alpha State Texas
The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International
Chapter Meeting Minutes November 1, 2010

Before the meeting was called to order by President Lois Templeton at 6:30 at the Advanced Technology Center of Midland
College, the members bid on member donated items to raise money for World Fellowship Fund.

First Vice President, Virginia Conner introduced two guests, Brenda Cordero and Marty Villarreal, who would later present our

The roll call had members respond to the question, “What is your favorite Halloween candy?”
Twenty-eight members were present and the favorites usually included some type of chocolate.

Joyce Hobbs gave the inspiration. Natalie Eustace led the members in a “Happy Birthday Song” to Anita Patton.

The results of the survey of the legislative priorities were passed out by Dorothy Thompson.

The minutes were approved as printed in the Newsletter.

Treasurer, Susan Harmon, reported that 100% of the membership had paid their dues, and that we have $689.11 in our bank

Committee Reports:
Patti Groce asked if everyone was receiving their Newsletter by e-mail or by mail.
For Storybook Christmas, Ann Andrews said we have 1,756 first graders in Midland. There is $3,000 in our SBC account
and we will need approximately $6,000 to purchase books this year. She encouraged members to donate and encourage others to
donate for this worthy cause. Joy Cunningham reported the books to be purchased this year are “Chicken Little” for the English
speaking children and “Bear Snores On” for the Spanish speaking children.

New Business: Joyce Hobbs passed the recognition rose to Susan Harmon for her excellent work as treasurer and on

The Texas Capitol ornaments will be available for purchase at the December 4th meeting.
December 5, 2011 Golden Gift Fund Applications due to International
February 1, 2011 due date for International Scholarships applications
March 1, 2011 due date for State scholarship applications
June 23-25, 2011 State Convention in McAllen, Texas
June 29-July 2, 2011 SW Regional in Denver Colorado

Music: Natalie Eustace had the members review part 1 of the DKG song and then led us in part 2 to help us commit our DKG
song to memory.

Virginia Conner gave the backgrounds of our two guest speakers, Brenda Cordero, who spoke to us about the Midland College
Classics; and Marty Villarreal, who spoke to us on Internet Safety and showed us websites we could go to.

Kathy Landrum totaled the auction revenue. There was at least $265.25 from the auction to given to the World Fellowship Fund
with other donations possibly added to that.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:40.

______________________________ _____________________________
Dorothy Blair Lois Templeton
Recording Secretary President.
Zeta Xi Programs for 2011
There are great programs scheduled for 2011. Be sure and mark these important dates on your
new 2011 calendars.

Janurary—no program. (We are all resting after two months of non-stop holidays)

February—is the Scholarship Untea. (Be sure and send your donations to Susan Harmon for
scholarships and we’ll not ask you to dress up in your heels, hose, and gloves to
attend one of those fancy smancy teas)
We will have our annual Girls’ Night Out at Dos Compadres on February 7.

March 7—Susan McKinney will present a program on home decorating with spring colors.

April 4—Tina Corbitt from the Make a Wish Foundation will speak to Zeta Xi.

May 2—will be the installation of officers and Founders Day.

Remember to wear your membership pin and red to each meeting.
Should be easy to wear red since it is the Christmas season.

A drawing will be held from names of the members wearing their pin.

Please bring your magazines for Casa de Amigos and toiletries for Safe Place.

There is still time to make your donation to Storybook Christmas if you haven’t yet.

Invite that lovely lady you know who would like to be a member of Delta Kappa Gamma. You know she
will love us when she meets us and will be informed and inspired by our program meetings.
Zeta Xi Member News Wanted
This is the space in the newsletter that will include news of members accomplishments,
travels, needs, and family news. Please contact Patti Groce at 687-0732 or e-mail with this information. We really want to know what’s happening with all
of our members, please let us know.

Tell us your news.


Happy Birthday to Members

Happy Birthday to each one of these ladies. Remember you don’t have to count your birthdays, but
you do need to celebrate and bring your birthday pennies.

December Birthdays

12-Patsy Ward
17-Linda Brown-
19-Kerry Kay Cook
Letter from Lois
What a great turn-out we had at our November meeting at the Midland College Advanced
Technology Center! Virginia Conner planned a very informative program . We are grateful
to have had Midland College’s Brenda Cordero tell us about College Classics and Marty
Villarreal talk to us about “Internet Safety”. Thanks, Virginia, for planning the tasty
refreshments provided by hostesses Jan Perkins, Dorothy Blair, Gloria Grunenwald, Martha
Savage, Charlotte Sweatt, and Virginia Conner.

Thanks also go to Kathy Landrum and her World Fellowship committee for the very
successful auction that raised funds to be contributed by Zeta Xi to further education in
impoverished countries. We appreciate Kathy’s generosity in matching all funds raised by
the auction.

Our next meeting is the highlight of our year since we will be having our annual Storybook
Christmas brunch. Please come ready to help get books ready to distribute to every first-
grader in Midland County. Ann Andrews, Pat Adams, Joy Cunningham, and their
committee have put in many hours in preparing for this day. We appreciate the dedication
they show to this wonderful chapter project. We will meet in the DeZavala Elementary
School library at 705 N. Lee Street at 9:30 a.m. on Saturday, December 4th.

We also look forward to initiating Sandy Hammontree as our newest member. We’re asking
every member to bring a brunch item and look forward to all the delicious treats we will be
enjoying that morning. If you have not made a contribution to Storybook Christmas yet, be
sure to make your donation before the meeting or at the meeting.

Be thinking of prospective members who would enjoy participating in our chapter activities
and projects. Chapter growth helps us continue to thrive.

I look forward to seeing everyone at Storybook Christmas!

Love and Laughter to all of you,

Lois T.

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