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Roadmap to Inference in Stat S100

4 Steps:
1.Set up hypotheses & level σ known Inference for μ (z-based)
2.Gather data and calculate test
statistic 1 group
3.Calculate p-value
σ unknown (use s) Inference for μ (t-based)

σ1 = σ2 Pooled t-procedure
Independent groups
σ1 ≠ σ2 Non-pooled t-procedure
Quantitative Data 2 groups
Paired groups Paired t-procedure

2 or more groups ANOVA procedure

One Predictor Simple linear regression

Quantitative predictor(s)
2+ Predictor(s) Multiple regression

1 group Inference for p

2 groups Inference for p1 – p2

Binary Data (yes/no)
2 or more groups χ2 test for association

Quantitative predictor(s) Logistic Regression*

Categorical Data
2 or more groups χ2 test for association
(2+ categories)

*NOTE: Logistic Regression is NOT on the Final Exam

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