Lesson Plan Too-Enough

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BASIC COMPETENCE : Simple daily conversation in professional or
personal context with non-native speaker.
INDICATOR : The students are able to construct sentence using
the expression of “too” and ‘enough”.
TIME ALLOCATION : 3 X 45 minutes
I. OBJECTIVE : At the end of the activities, the students are able to
construct sentence using the expression of “too”
and ‘enough”.

Too and Enough are used with adjectives and indicate degree. Too means
more than necessary and it precedes the adjective. Enough means sufficient
and usually follows the adjective.

It's too late to stop him.

Jerry was too young to watch the movie.
There are too many people on this train, there's nowhere to sit.
You have too much money, give some to me.

too + adjective or adverb
too much/many + noun

adjective or adverb + enough

enough + noun

He is too old to ride the Merry-Go-Round.

She has too much money.
Tony was tall enough to play on the basketball (NOT: enough tall)
team. (NOT: enough
They were smart enough to pass the test. smart)

Enough can also be used with nouns. In such cases, enough usually precedes
the word it modifies.
I have enough money for the CD player.
I don't have enough (money) for the computer.
There aren't enough people to make a team.
Common problems include using very in place of too or enough.
She is very young to drink alcohol. (Wrong)
She is too young to drink alcohol. (Correct)

He is not very tough to play football. (Wrong)

He is not tough enough to play football. (Correct)

Generally, too is used to express negative meaning.

• The mountain is too high to climb. ( Meaning: The mountain is very high. We
can’t climb it).
• The music is too soft for us. (Meaning: The music is too soft. We can’t hear it).

While enough, used to express the positive meaning.

• The box is large enough to put all my books.
• The students are clever enough to do the tasks.

III. Teaching Method

a. Explanation

IV. Teaching Learning Process

a. Warming Up
• Teacher greets the students.
• Teacher calls their names.
• Review the last material for some minutes.

b. Main Process
• Teacher gives pre-test before give explanation about the new topic.
• Teacher gives explanation about the new topic.
• Teacher asks the students to do some tasks in the class.

c. Closing
• Review the material given for some minutes.
• Teacher give task to do at home

V. Supporting Facilities
a. Tools : Whiteboard and board marker, pictures.
b. Resources : Essential English Grammar, Living English Structure.

VI. Evaluation

• Essay test


I. Remake these sentences using “too”!

1. It’s very far. We can’t walk.
2. The room is very dark. I can’t see anything.
3. This dress is very old. I can’t wear it anymore.
4. The lesson is very difficult. We can’t understand it.
5. The shit is very wet. You can’t wear it.

II. Remake these sentences using “enough’!

1. You are very tall. You can reach the picture.
2. The room is bright. I can see everything.
3. The hall is big. All of us can get in.
4. Your nails are so long. You can hurt somebody.
5. This battery is strong. It can last forty-eight hours.
Answer Key

I. Remake these sentences using “too”!

1. It’s too far to walk
2. The room is too dark to see anything.
3. The dress is too old to wear.
4. The lesson is too difficult to understand.
5. The shirt is too wet to wear.

II. Remake these sentences using “enough’!

1. You are tall enough to reach the picture.
2. The room is bright enough to see everything.
3. The hall is big enough for us (to get in).
4. Your nails are long enough to hurt somebody.
5. The battery is strong enough to last for forty-eight hours.

Score: Jumlah Benar X 100

Jumlah soal
Kupang, 14th September 2010
Prospective Teacher

Benediktus R. Rattu
NIM. 0601020007
Approved By

Supervisor Critic Teacher

Drs. Godlief Vertygo , MA Ernesta E. Kama , S.pd


Dra. Jublina Lalel

NIP. 195501021968032003

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