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Melrose Police Department NARRATIVE FOR PATROL OFFICER WILLIAM O'DONNELL Ref: 09-9909-AR Entered: 09/18/2009 ¢ 1502 Entry 1D; 30 Modified: 09/19/200g 0809 Modified 1D: 30 y Approv. 09/19/2009 @ 1220 Approval ID: 60 ae ~All available Melrose Police units were dispatched to 64 York Terrace on a 911 call ofa stabbing, The “ sector officer. Officer Dwyer, had moments earlier been dispatched to 49 Melrose Street on a report of a medical emerzency on the 7th floor inside a stuck elevator. The remaining sector, Officer Dennis, was the furthest sector away from the incident, I responded Code 3, lights and siren, while one dispatcher (Officer Ehlers) sent the Paramedle's and Melrose Fire Department. The other dispatcher (Officer Mahoney) remained on the phone with the stab victim. Officer Ehler's continued to relay the information to the responding units as it was recieved. As | vas nearing York Terrace, he stated thatthe victim is the father, and thatthe assailant is a Matthew Tringali, Officer Ehler’ furthetadvised us that Matfew is stl onthe premises, As T approached the house T observed” — ‘ne fther, Peter Tringall sitting on the ground in a neighbor's driveway He was holding his chest and bleeding. Ten WES Doody and his face: - ~ und, Peter appeare: be lavoring hisright side and not near the heart, nor did the blood spurt out | simultaneously observed his son, Matthew Tringali standing atthe top ofthe font stairs. He was wearing 984g pants, stained with blood on the front legs, He was holding a cigarette in his right hand and a can of tk in his lef. Offieer Dwyer was now approaching Code 3 in his vehicle and I directed him to the victim in hs nest driveway (cither 66 or 68 York Terrace) as I exited my cruiser and approached Matthew. As I ascended the {font stars. Matthew spontaneously stated that he stabbed his father in self defense. He stated he was ‘ttarmed. and thatthe knife was on the floor in the basement. I removed the cigarette and coke from his hands and he automatically placed his hands behind his back to be handcuffed. He continued talking, saying that his | father had backed him into a comer and that he had no choice. I asked him if he had any injuries or medical problems. He answered yes and stated that he suffered form depression and anxiety. He stated that he was on ‘nedictions. but had taken himself off the medication, clonopin, three weeks ago. He had no physieal injuries ninvet him under arrest for Domestic A&B, A&B D/W (knife), and the Attempted Murder of his father, 1 blaced him in my: cruiser (after insuring no weapons were in his possession) and then went to the victim. Peter Fingali stated that he suspected his son of using drugs. An argument ensued and Peter stated thet him several times before dropping the knife. Cataldo Paramedic’s a pee to then transported Matthew to the Pole Station. Sgt. Goc was on scene, securing the scene of the neident and Detective Pamela Daye had also arrived. She took pictures of the scene and would later recover the knife used by Matthew. Upon arriving in the booking room, [read Matthew his Miranda Rights inthe presence of the Booking Officer. Sut. Akell, Matthew had no property, other than a red baseball hat. He was also finger printed and photographed by Sgt. Akell, He was cooperative during the booking, but was making suicidal statements. I sised hirv thot though the charges are serious, the intent was not t hang him, but o get him help. 1 inquired ‘ste som his doctor() are and the last time seen. He stated tht his primary care physician is a Dr. Laddy of Melinse and that he seen him in July , because he was sick with bronchitis. He then stated that he had not been bvescribed clonopin in four years, but had recently found an old bottle that he had, and had ingested them, He lid not remember the doctor's name. He also stated that he has been "in and out” of institutions for his mental health issues, ane that he has attempted suicide in the past, During the fingerprinting he stated that he wished he hac! sueeceded during a suicide attempt when he was sixteen, I responded that suicide is not an answer and jDuld create miore problems for his sonage 15 and in school atthe time of this incident), in addition to other umily members. He was now talking remorsefully about what he had done. He declined to make a telephone call, but Was advised he could later if he changed his mind, I inquired about other family members and ke stated that he has a sister in Somerville, but has nothing to do with her. He was placed in Cell #1 pending department zentuet wit the bail commissioner. His blood stained pants were taken as evidence by Detective Forestll 1 vas told that the vietim was taken to Massachusetts General Hospital, and thatthe evening Detectives, will tures ofthe vietim's wounds and leave a supplement to this report, in addition to Detective Daye Sfticer Dwyer will leave a supplement to this report regarding arrangements for the 15 year old son's setum to

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