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Seafood Menu
汤 soup

豆腐汤 tou fu soup

海鲜汤 SeaFood Soup

苦瓜汤 Bitter Gourd Soup

枸杞汤 box thorn leaf

酸辣汤 sour & Spicy Soup

冬央汤 Tomyam Soup

白菜汤 Chinese cabbage soup

菜心汤 cai xin soup

波菜汤 spinach soup

鱼片/头汤 Fish Slices /Head Soup

紫菜汤 Seaweed seafood soup

$4 (S) $6 (M) $8 (L)

鱼头 fish head

咖喱鱼头 curry fish head

砂锅鱼头 clay pot fish head

潮蒸鱼头 teochew style steam fish head

港蒸鱼头 hong kong style fish head

豉汁鱼头 black beans source fish head

酱蒸鱼头 Hot sauce fish head

叁巴鱼头 sambal stem fish head

甘香鱼头 dried shrimp & lemon glass fishhead

$ 16 (for fish head)

$ 26 (fish head & tail)

鱼片 fish slices

酸甜鱼片 Sweet & sour fish slices

甘香鱼片 dried shrimp & lemon glass fish slices

姜葱鱼片 spring onion ginger fish slices

叁巴鱼片 Sambal Fish slices

宫保鱼片 Szechuan Fish slices

椒盐鱼片 Deep fried fish slices with salt & pepper

酱蒸鱼片 hot sauce fish slice

豉汁鱼片 black beans source fish slices

$ 10 (s) $15 (m) $ 20(L)

猪肉 pork

姜葱猪肉 spring onion ginger pork slices

宫保猪肉 szechuan pork slices

叁巴猪肉 sambal pork slices

甘香猪肉 dried shrimp & lemon glass pork slices

黑椒猪肉 black pepper pork slices

咖喱猪肉 curry pork slices

古噜肉 Sweet and sour pork

*排骨王 pork ribs deluxe

*椒盐排骨 pepper & salt pork ribs

*豉汁排骨 black beans source pork ribs

$ 6 (s) $9 (m) $ 12 (L)

* $ 8 (s) $12(m) $ 16 (L)

鸡 chicken

宫保鸡丁 Szechuan chicken

咸鱼鸡丁 clay pot salted fish w beancurd & chicken

姜葱鸡丁 spring onion & ginger chicken

咖哩鸡丁 clay pot curry chicken

叁巴鸡丁 sambal chicken

黑椒鸡丁 Black-pepper diced chicken

椒盐鸡丁 pepper & salt chicken

甘香鸡丁 dried ahrimp &lemon glass chicken

柠檬鸡扒 lemon sauce crispy chicken

泰式鸡扒 Crispy tai style lemon sauce chicken

沙拉鸡扒 crispy salad sauce chicken

酸甜鸡丁 sweet & sour chicken

虾酱鸡 crispy prawn paste chicken

(S)$ 8 (M) $ 12 (L) 16

牛 beef
姜葱牛肉片 spring onion ginger beef slice

黑椒牛肉片 Black pepper beef slices

咖哩牛肉片 clay pot curry beef slice

铁板牛肉片 hot plate beef slice

苦瓜牛肉片 Beef slices with bittergourd

(S)$12 (M) $ 18 (L) $24

海鲜类 sea food dishes

椒盐苏冬 salt & pepper sotong

叁巴苏东 sambal sotong

印尼苏东 Indonesian sotong

* 海中宝 braise sea cumber in claypot

(S)$ 6 (M) $9 (L) $12

* (S)$12 (M) $18 (L) $24
虾 prawns

麦片虾 crispy prawn Oat cereal

牛油虾 Crispy butter prawns

酸甜虾 Sweet and sour prawns

酱蒸虾 hot sauce steam prawn

干煎虾 Pan fried prawns w hot sauce

铁板虾 Chilli prawn in hot plate

椒盐虾 Salt and pepper prawns

沙拉虾 salad prawn

宫保虾 Szechuan prawns

黑椒虾 Black pepper prawn

印尼虾 Indonesian prawns

(S) $15 (M) $23 (L)$ 30

明恩虾枣 ming en prawns roll

沙 油条 salad youtiao

(S)$ 6 (M) $9 (L)$12

佛本飘香 yam ring $ 12

煎蛋 fried egg

芙蓉蛋 Fried egg w prawns & chicken

银鱼蛋 fried egg w anchovy fish

大葱蛋 onion fried egg

蚝蛋 Fried egg with oyster

菜莆蛋 cai poh fried egg

肉碎蛋 fried egg w mince pork

虾仁蛋 fried egg w prawn

(s) $6 (m) $9 (L) $12

豆腐 tofu

铁板豆腐 hot plate tofu

嘛婆豆腐 ma poh tofu

红烧豆腐 Soy-braised tofu

砂锅豆腐 clay pot beancurd

椒盐豆腐 salt & pepper beancurd

宫保豆腐 Szechuan beancurd

海鲜豆腐 clay pot seafood beancurd

(S) $6 (M) $9 (L) $12

一个人想吃什么 ? 参考以下
A person want to eat what? Refer to the following

炒饭 fried rice

杨州炒饭 yong chow fried rice

叁巴炒饭 sambal fried rice

猪肉炒饭 pork fried rice c/w black sauce

海鲜炒饭 sea food fried rice c/w black sauce

咸鱼炒饭 salted fish fried rice

黄梨炒饭 pineapple fried rice

斋炒饭 vegetarian fried rice

银鱼炒饭 anchovy fish fried rice

香港面 hong kong fried egg noddle

伊面 e fu noddle

福建面 hokkien mee

马来面 mee gorege w tomato

生面 crispy noddle

米粉 bee hoon

星洲米粉 dry bee hoon

*香底米 crispy bee hoon

河粉 hor fun

*豉汁河粉 hor fun w black beans

干炒河 dry hor fun

@牛肉河粉 beef hor fun

(S)$3 (M) $4 (L)5

@ (S)$6 (M)$9 (L)$12
*(S)$4 (M)$5 (L)$6

面汤 soup noddle

粗/幼米汤 soup w bee hoon

伊面汤 soup w e fu noddle

河粉汤 soup w hor fun

鱼粥汤 slice fish porrage

*砂锅面 clay pot noddle

*(S)$ 5 (M) $ 6 (L) $8

(S)$ 3 (M)$ 4 (L) $5
蔬菜 vegetable


香菇芥兰仔 kai lan w mushroom

马来风光 sambal chilli w kang kong

蒜茸/香菇波菜 spanich w garlic/oster sauce

帝王苗 Miller emperors

白菜 Chinese cabbage

生菜 Lettuce

杂菜 mixed vegtables

西芹 celery

银芽咸鱼 bean sprout w salted fish

罗汉斋 loh han chye

椰菜花 cauliflower

西兰花 Broccol

各式饭类 Various types of rice

古噜肉饭 sweet & sour rice

排骨王饭 pork rib rice

姜葱猪肉饭 spring onion ginger pork rice

*姜葱牛肉饭 spring onion ginger beef rice

*姜葱鱼片饭 spring onion ginger fish slice rice

*酸甜鱼片饭 sweet & sour fish slice rice

*酸甜虾饭 sweet & sour prawn rice

*虾仁 豆腐饭 beancurd w prawn rice

姜葱鸡肉饭 spring onion ginger chicken rice

铁板豆腐饭 hot plate beancurd rice

柠檬鸡扒饭 lemon sauce crispy chicken rice

泰式鸡扒饭 tai sauce crispy chicken rice

杂菜饭 mixed vegetable rice

叁巴苏东饭 sambal sotong rice

酸甜鸡肉饭 sweet & sour chicken rice

马来风光饭 sambal kangkong rice

$ 5 *$ 6
Add sunshine egg 0.50 cents

何包蛋 0.50 角
Menu for 2 to 3 person set (A) $17.00

1 芙蓉蛋 fried egg w prawn & chicken

2 油菜 vegetables

3 姜葱猪肉片 spring onion ginger pork slice

Set (B)
1 咕噜肉 sweet & sour pork

2 油菜 vegetables

3 红烧豆腐 tofu w braised mushroom

Set (C)

1 铁板豆腐 hot plate tofu

2 油菜 vegetables

3 咕噜肉 sweet & sour pork

Menu for 3 to 4 person $ 25

Set (A)


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