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CV Template

Address and Contact Details

This section should include your home address, telephone numbers and your email
address. You may also include your date of birth.


This should be a brief statement summarising your skills, experience and attributes. You
should also include a sentence on what you would be looking for in a new job role.


Your most recent experience should be listed first. You should include the dates of study,
the institute and your grades. If relevant to the position for which you are applying,
include a course break down for your degree.


1996 – 1999 University of Leeds,

BSc (Hons) Zoology – 2(i)

My studies included modules in ecology and conservation and I completed a dissertation

on water vole distribution and population dynamics in Singleton Park Swansea.

1989 – 1996 Reading School, Sonning, Berkshire

A - Levels English……….B Biology………….A

History……….C General Studies …C

GCSE’s 9 (Grades A–C) including Mathematics, English and

Professional Experience

Again, this should be in chronological order with your most recent experience first.
Include dates, company and your job title. You should include details of the role and
responsibilities that you hold. Remember to use buzz words and do not sell yourself
short. Although it is important to be concise- you must ensure that all relevant details
are included.

2003-2004 Eco Corp Limited Assistant consultant

Currently employed in the Environmental Assessment Group working on the
development of guidance on environmental impact and assessment at different decision
making scales. Projects have included research for the Scottish Executive examining the
potential contribution of tree planting to offset carbon emissions. The role also involves
Habitat and species management. Providing advice and guidance on protected species
including mitigation programmes for Great Crested Newts and Water Voles and
providing advice on habitat creation and management for the species.

2000-2002 Zeneca Agrochemicals Lab Technician

Worked as a member of a team of laboratory technicians involved in supporting
agrochemical scientists Responsible for a range of tasks including media preparation and
general office work.

Additional Qualifications and Memberships

This section should include extra skills that you have. For instance IT skills or
qualifications. You should also include any memberships relevant to the post.

• Full member of IEEM since November 2002

• Holder of EN Dormouse licence since October 2002
• Advanced capability in all MS Office applications including word, Excel and Outlook
as well as a working knowledge of SPSS (statistical analysis).

Hobbies and Interests

Employers are looking to take on interesting people and this section should reflect the
fact that you are active outside of work. Whether you are sporty or arty or have a
technical hobby, you should include brief details in this section.

I am a keen tennis player and compete in regular competitions for my county. I scuba
dive as often as possible and am a BSAC Dive Leader, regularly organising trips and
events for my local club.

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