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I have just bought a new scarf which is hand woven, with beautiful linings of

threads of different colours. Once I was back at home, I washed the scarf and
to my horror the water in the pail turned black when I immersed the scarf into
it. I thought to myself, how wonderful and as I lift the scarf up I saw the tiny
threads of different colour have now been mixed up with the black dye which
was from the black lining of the scarf. Urghhh...I was so mad for spoiling my
new beautiful scarf by hand washing it. The next day I was sitting on my sofa
watching TV and suddenly I thought of the scarf which was still drying outside
and brought it in. I just sat on the sofa and stared at it blankly...and that’s
when I thought that nothing could be done now that the scarf has been
discoloured a bit, and by worrying it is not going to change the scarf back to
its normal colour. It’s not that the scarf is ruined, it’s just being discoloured.
So what is the big deal? Just the day before I didn’t even know the existence of
the scarf and my life have been going on like usual and by getting the scarf it
doesn’t change my life much, and why should I even let the thought to spoil my
mood when I know thinking about the discolouration of the scarf won’t solve
it. So I have decided that what has happened has happened. No way of turning
back. No point of worrying about it. So I just let go of the feelings and I felt
lighter inside.

The same goes to all the things in our life, I realize. Whether it’s big, small,
crucial or less important as it may seem to be, we should all realize that we
were born to this world with nothing and we would be leaving this world
without anything one day. So what comes in between would just be something
in between. When we could still prevent before an event happens, then it’s
good for us but when we can’t or not in a position to do so, we should not let
our emotions and feelings to mingle with it for so long that it could destroy
our happiness or peace of mind in the long term. What has happened has
happened, and we should think of the next step on how we can improve
matters or move on with life.

There is a saying in Hinduism, not really a saving but its a type of transcript or encoding which
some of its line that states ‘What have You brought to this world, that you are afraid to loose, and
what have you loose, that you are sad now? ‘

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