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Working Principle of DC Generator and Motor:- A machine is an electromechanical

energy conversion device which can convert energy in one form, to other form.
When it converts electrical energy in to mechanical energy then it is called
Motor, and when it converts mechanical energy in to electrical energy then it is
called generator. The same DC machine can be used as a generator or motor,
it entirely depends upon the type of input given to dc machine.

Working Principle of DC Generator:- The basic principle of a DC Generator is

electromagnetic induction ie whenever a conductor cuts across a magnetic field
an emf is induced in it. In the armature of a DC generator the emf induced is
alternating in nature, but the main function of dc generator is to supply
unidirectional voltage thus this alternating voltage is converted in to DC voltage
by using split ring or commutator.

To understand this let us take an example of a simple loop generator where a

coil AB is placed in a magnetic field, the terminals of coil are connected to a
slip-rings A’ and B’ respectively and carbon brush arrangement to which a
resistive load is connected as shown in figure below. This coil is rotated
anticlockwise at an angular velocity of ω rad./sec.

At 1st position the flux linking with the coil is maximum but the rate of change
in flux is minimum thus the emf induced is zero, as shown in wave diagram.

At 2nd position the flux linking with the coil is minimum but the rate of change
in flux maximum thus the maximum emf is induced in the coil, the direction of
induced emf can be obtained by using Flemeing’s right hand rule, now as the
load is resistive the direction of current will be same as the direction of induced
emf in the coil

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