Using Powerpoint To Create High-Resolution Images For Journal Publications

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Yam Computers in Radiology

to Create

Using PowerPoint to Create

High-Resolution Images for
Journal Publications
Chun-Shan Yam1 OBJECTIVE. In this article, I describe the essential steps for using PowerPoint to create
high-resolution images for radiology journal publications.
Yam C-S CONCLUSION. PowerPoint 2003 can be used as an alternative to create high-resolution
images for journal publications without the need for other image-processing software.

ecently, I gave a presentation at a turer’s default setting for Image Export

R 12 noon conference in our depart-

ment about using PowerPoint
2003 (Microsoft) to prepare digi-
is configured at the low-resolution setting
(i.e., either 72 or 96 dpi). To enable high-res-
olution, one must add an optional registry pa-
tal images for journal publications. At the rameter at the system registry file (i.e., Ex-
first glance of my title slide, some of my au- portBitmapResolution) to specify the output
dience had puzzled looks on their faces won- image resolution. The instructions for adding
dering if my talk was just another tutorial on this parameter are documented at Microsoft’s
how to use PowerPoint. However, it was the Web site [1].
second slide—“Using PowerPoint 2003 to Figure 1 is a screen capture of the system
Create 5" × 7" 300 dpi TIFF Images”—that registry of my PC system (Windows XP Pro-
stunned everyone in the room. At the end of fessional, Microsoft) after I added this param-
my presentation, many in the audience were eter. I set the image resolution parameter at 300
amazed to learn of PowerPoint’s capability to dpi because this image resolution is commonly
produce high-resolution images while others required by radiology journals. To simplify
were delighted to learn how to use Power- this task, I have included a registry file in Ap-
Point as an alternative for creating images and pendix 1 that can be used to insert this param-
illustrations for journal publications without eter automatically for PowerPoint 2003 in
the need for other image-processing software Windows XP. Users can download this file
such as Photoshop (Adobe Systems). In this onto their desktop and run it by double-click-
article, I describe how to use this little-known ing on the file icon; see Appendix 1 for details.
feature in PowerPoint 2003. I also show how This will insert the parameter into the system
to use this feature to create quality illustra- registry. Subsequently, images exported from
tions for radiology journal publications. PowerPoint 2003 will be set at 300 dpi.

Enabling the High-Resolution Feature Case Demonstration

in PowerPoint 2003 The process of creating high-resolution
Unlike the older versions of PowerPoint images from PowerPoint 2003 is similar to
(i.e., 97, 2000, and XP) for which the resolu- preparing a typical slide presentation except
Received October 26, 2004; accepted after revision
tion of the exported images was limited to the that the Save As function under the File
December 14, 2004.
computer screen resolution—for example, menu is used to export a given slide to an im-
1Department of Radiology, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical usually 72 or 96 dots per inch (dpi), Power- age format. For demonstration, I discuss the
Center, 1 Deaconess Rd., WCC, Rm. 306, Boston, MA 02215. Point 2003 allows users to customize the im- steps that are essential for creating a stan-
Address correspondence to C.-S. Yam age resolution to higher values. This useful dard 5 × 7 inch TIFF image from a slide. In
( feature does not appear in the File menu and this example, I used a CT image in Bitmap
AJR 2005;185:273–276
is also not documented in the Help menu in format that I downloaded from our PACS
PowerPoint 2003, but detailed instructions Web browser. Any other source of digital
are available at the Microsoft Web site [1]. images can also be used for this purpose, and
© American Roentgen Ray Society Because this feature is optional, the manufac- the details about acquiring digital images for

AJR:185, July 2005 273


Fig. 1—Screen capture of Registry Editor in Windows XP Professional operating sys- Fig. 2—Screen capture of Page Setup pop-up window in PowerPoint 2003
tem (Microsoft) shows “ExportBitmapResolution” parameter for setting output (Microsoft) shows settings for creating 5 × 7 inch slide.
image to 300 dots per inch. User can double-click on this parameter to enter another
resolution value.

Fig. 3—Screen capture shows CT image inserted into PowerPoint (Microsoft) slide Fig. 4—Screen capture of 16-MDCT image of heart (5-mm-thick maximum intensity
using drag-and-drop function. It also shows action of resizing an image to best fit projection) of 55-year-old man scanned using LightSpeed 16 scanner (GE Health-
dimensions—that is, 5 × 7 inches. Note Picture toolbar shows commonly used care). In this image, an arrow and a label, “A,” were drawn using drawing tools from
image-processing tools (e.g., color, contrast, brightness, crop, rotate, and so on). Drawing toolbar in PowerPoint 2003 (Microsoft). Note that using the arrow keys on
the keyboard while holding down the Control (Ctrl) key allows greater control of
object placement.

use in PowerPoint presentations have been Step 2: Insert Picture into the Slide Template also use some of the built-in image-processing
documented previously [2–4]. Pictures can be inserted into a PowerPoint tools (e.g., color, contrast, brightness, crop, ro-
slide using the Insert function (Insert → Pic- tate, flip, and so on) to adjust the appearance of
Step 1: Create a 5 × 7 Inch Slide Template ture → From File). This can also be accom- the image. These tools can be found in the Pic-
After launching the PowerPoint 2003 ap- plished using drag-and-drop: Simply locate ture and Drawing toolbars. If these toolbars are
plication, a new presentation is created auto- your image file and drag it onto the slide. not displayed, go to the View menu and click
matically. If a blank presentation does not ap- Once the image is inserted, click and drag the Toolbars function to select the toolbars that
pear, go to the File menu and select New to the corner of the image to resize it to the best you need. However, for this sample CT image,
create one. Next, go to the File menu and se- fit dimensions within the 5 × 7 inch area I did not need to use any of these tools. Again,
lect Page Setup to change the slide dimen- (Fig. 3). Dragging the corner to resize will details for using image-processing tools in
sions to 5 × 7 inches (Fig. 2). maintain the aspect ratio of the image. I can PowerPoint have been previously documented

274 AJR:185, July 2005

Using PowerPoint to Create High-Resolution Images

Fig. 5—Screen captures show steps for exporting slide and saving as TIFF file.
A, Screen capture shows Save As window for exporting finished slide to TIFF image. This function can be accessed
from File menu. Multiple images can also be saved simultaneously if presentation contains more than one slide.
When multiple images are saved with Every Slide option selected, images will be saved as: Slide1, Slide2…within
a folder labeled with a given file name. TIFF images then can be renamed.
B, Screen capture of Properties window shows dimensions (2,100 × 1,500 pixels) and resolution (300 dots per inch)
of sample TIFF image file (Fig. 5A.tif). This information is displayed under Summary tab.


[2–4], and most radiologists are already famil- file and select the location (Fig. 5A). In this puters (Apple Computer) in the latest Mi-
iar with using these functions in preparing their example, I named my file Figure 5A and crosoft Office versions (Office 2001 and X).
presentations. saved it to the desktop. To verify the image
resolution, simply right-click on the ex- Limitations
Step 3: Add Arrows and Labels to Images ported image and select the Properties func- Although this feature is adequate for gener-
Arrows and labels are common drawing ob- tion from the drop-down menu. Figure 5B is ating images for journal publications, other ra-
jects added to radiologic images to highlight a screen capture of the Properties window of diology applications that require higher resolu-
specific features. To enable the arrow-drawing Figure 5A that shows the image resolution is tion images and more complex graphics may
function, left-click the Arrow button from the 300 dpi; note that all the figures that appear require more sophisticated software such as
Drawing toolbar (Fig. 4). Then, left-click on in this article were created using this Adobe Photoshop [5]. Also, the images ex-
the image to select the starting position of the method. Alternatively, one can also print the ported from PowerPoint 2003 will be in
arrow to be drawn. While still holding down image directly to a photo printer for hard- red–green–blue (RGB) format, not cyan–ma-
the mouse button, drag it to the final position copy manuscript submission. genta–yellow–black (CMYK) or gray-scale
and then release. An arrow will be placed on format. Based on my experience, although
top of the image. To change the size, pattern, Compatibility Issues some journals (e.g., Radiology and Radio-
and color, simply double-click on the arrow Based on my experience using PowerPoint Graphics) require the image files to be submit-
and adjust the corresponding values in the For- 2003 to create high-quality images for manu- ted in these two specific formats for final prints,
mat AutoShape pop-up window. script submission for almost a year, I do not they accept images in RGB format as long as
These functions are also available in the see any drawbacks. The only requirement is the image resolution meets the requirements
Drawing toolbar. In this example, the arrow that you need to have a copy of PowerPoint (Harmon SP, personal communication). Fur-
that I used was a solid black four-point line. 2003. However, at the time of this writing, thermore, if drawing objects (e.g., arrow and la-
Similarly, I inserted a label, “A,” next to this PowerPoint 2003 has already been available bel) are required to be saved in separate layers,
arrow using the Text Box function. Next, I for more than a year (since May 2003). Our two copies of the images (one clean and one an-
used the keyboard arrows while holding institution has already started to roll out Mi- notated) may be required. Finally, regardless of
down the Control key (Ctrl) to fine-tune the crosoft Office 2003, which includes Power- the method chosen for creating high-resolution
placement of the drawing objects (e.g., arrow, Point 2003. Because Microsoft Office is an images for journal publications, starting with
label, rectangle, and so on). essential software application, many aca- good-quality source images is essential.
demic institutions will be upgrading to this
Step 4: Export Slide to TIFF Image software in the near future. Furthermore, Mi- Conclusion
To export the finished slide to an image crosoft has announced that this high-resolu- PowerPoint 2003 can be used as an alterna-
file, go to the File menu and select the Save tion feature will be available for all future tive to create high-resolution images for jour-
As function. In the Save As window, select PowerPoint versions. This high-resolution nal publications without the need for other
TIFF as the output format and then name the feature is also available for Macintosh com- image-processing software.

AJR:185, July 2005 275



1. Microsoft Web site. Microsoft help and support. 3. Lababede O. Digital image editing using Power- image-manipulation commands. AJR 2004;
Available at: Point. 1. Introduction to the image-manipulation 183:853–858
px?scid = kb;en-us;827745. Accessed April 11, 2005 commands. AJR 2004; 183:847–851 5. Stern EJ, Richardson M. Preparation of digital im-
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APPENDIX 1. Registry File for Setting Image Resolution to 300 Dots per Inch (dpi) in PowerPoint 2003, Windows XP

Instructions Step 2—Save the file with the file extension sions of PowerPoint, refer to the official in-
Step 1—Copy and paste the following “reg” (e.g., 300DPI.reg) on your desktop. structions provided by Microsoft at the Mi-
three registry statements to a text editor (e.g., Step 3—Double click the file. crosoft Web site [1].
Notepad [Microsoft]). Although this one-time registration pro-
Remarks cess is trivial for experienced computer users,
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 This particular registry file will work on other users should be careful at all times when
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Micro PowerPoint 2003 (Microsoft) and Windows working with Windows registry because even
soft\Office\11.0\PowerPoint\Options] XP (Microsoft) only. For settings for other a minor typing error in the registry can crash
“ExportBitmapResolution” = dword:0000012c Windows operating systems and future ver- your operating system.

276 AJR:185, July 2005

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