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MGMT _ Management

The Classroom Pact, which you and your fellow students developed, states that you will
obey the following rules.

1. Listen (which includes not talking out of turn)

2. Be Respectful (to each other, and the teacher)
3. Be Courteous (includes not bullying, calling names, etc)
4. Don’t Talk while the Teacher is Talking
5. Have Fun

If you break these rules, you are warned, then given vocabulary words, then a lunch
detention, then an office referral. Now, I’m adding a participation grade to your
classroom conduct. Each week you have 5 points you can earn for participation. If you
receive a warning, you lose a point; if you receive vocabulary words, you lose 2 points;
a lunch detention, 3, and an office referral all 5 points.

Warning = -1 point
Vocabulary Words = -2 points
Lunch Detention = -3 points
Office Referral = -5 points

You also need to participate constructively at least once a week. That means adding a
worthwhile comment, asking an inquisitive question, or responding to a question posed
by the teacher. This participation grade is not solely based on punishment, but also on
proper participation. If you are not participating regularly, you will also lose points.

Music Box
Finally, we have a classroom wide behavior standard. The music box plays music for
approximately one minute and thirty seconds. Anytime it gets too loud in the classroom,
I will open the music box until it is completely quiet. The music plays until we are all
silent. If the music box needs to be rewound, meaning all the 1:30 has run out, then we
will stay after class for that amount of time, to regain the time we lost while off task. But,
if the music box still has music to play at the end of the period, you earn 1:30 of free
time for Friday. Each week you can earn up to 7 minutes of free time on Friday, where
we will end class early and you can work independently.

I hope this will lead to a constructive, efficient classroom experience where we can learn
together and from each other, undistracted by outside influence or our own, sometimes,
fidgety spirits.

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