Chinese Poetry Nib

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The Moon at the Fortified Pass by Li Po translated by Lin Yutang The bright moon lifts from the Mountain of Heaven In an infinite haze of cloud and sea, And the wind, that has come a thousand miles, Beats at the Jade Pass battlements. . . . China marches its men down Po-teng Road While Tartar troops peer across blue waters of the bay. ... And since not one battle famous in history Sent all its fighters back again, The soldiers turn round, looking toward the border, And think of home, with wistful eyes, And of those tonight in the upper chambers Who toss and sigh and cannot rest. ie atin ARTS K, Peres: Sagan. Byaae nae nae In the Mountains on a Summer Day by Li Po translated by Arthur Waley Gently | stir a white feather fan, With open shirt sitting in a green wood. | take off my cap and hang it on a jutting stone; A wind from the pine trees trickles on my bare head The Return of the Wanderers by Tu Fu translated by Arthur Christy The red clouds beneath the setting sun Cover the massive foothills of the west. A rose-hued light floods the valleys. Beautiful birds are seeking their nests for rest. Loneliness by Tu Fu translated by Kenneth Rexroth A hawk hovers in air. Two white gulls float on the stream. Soaring with the wind, it is easy To drop and seize Birds who foolishly drift with the current. ‘Where the dew sparkles in the grass, The spider’s web waits for its prey. The processes of nature resemble the business of men. | stand alone with ten thousand sorrows.

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