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On the Edge

Hope for Animals and Their World

Endangered Species Fact Sheet

Species Name: Common and Scientific
Number Remaining: Status: Endangered or
Wild Captivity Threatened
### ### Image of
Range: Where is the species from? What is their natural habitat? the Species
Make sure you have the rights to the
image. is a great resource
for them.
Size: (height, weight, length, etc.)

Diet: (omnivore, herbivore, carnivore, specific Social/Family Structure: (Who is the head of
plants/animals) the family? Who raises the offspring? What type of
groups do they live in?)

Physical Characteristics: (What is the Behavioral Characteristics: (Is the

animals coloring? Does it have scales, feathers, or animal vocal? Is it nocturnal? Are there any things
fur? Describe the animal in as much detail as that it does that makes it particularly unique?)

Major Threats: (What is causing this species to be threatened? Look into possible causes such as
environmental, economic, human, & invasive species)

Fun Facts: (Include any facts that you found interesting that did not fit into the above categories.)

Sources: Where did you find the information about your species? Include authors, book titles, website addresses.
Anything you used for information on your species.

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