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BIND HERE... ‘MUNICIPAL GENERAL ELECTION PETITION‘ We, the undersigned, being duly qualified and re Of Illinois, do hereby petition that t hereinafter specitied, to be day of February, 2011. istered voters of the City of Chicago, he following named person shall be a candidate for voted for at the Municipal General Election to be held on the County of Cook, State electioit to the office ‘Twenty-Second (22nd) NAME OFFICE | CAROL MOSELEY ADDRESS Ma MAYOR CITY OF CHICAGO 1229 EAST 56TH STREET COUNTY OF COOK OK | ci ILLINOIS 6063 : BRAUN STATE OF ILLINOIS HIGAGO, ILLINOIS 60637 SIGNATURE OF CUALIRED VOTER RESDENGE URES crm Town | county Apis eevnrreiey Meo hoeece ssuu.nauneret ener Savin | BBA Cos {5 LLL Aa Karerig dy 4EN. Conheak Wes we CL ae, »Pokila Mg (003 oo Saceson wtruens Zarno Yo23 ul Manso Ae ‘ ~ PAW yin end Edt By pee alond Ddewnd | 2"). Cerdrel PY PS a Wanda WV) il du Pula bi P cuicado | coo. x. 2a ae Ie | 2E2D. CIOs fE OF ILLINOIS 1 COOK. iL COUNTY OF COOK ha Wicctdria ECO gnats mon nea ig in nD epierremcen ret Cj ago + uincarporated ist municipality that rvdes postal serio) 2 Gate PLSD coy tga tl at an staan (18) yas ao cr tt a cs the Imy Presence, and are genuine and that none ofthe signatures on this sheet were atin tne fea Prnccig the last cay orton oft pation andthe tothe beso my krawaecin ree Persone so signing were, eanenne Siang the petiton cy qualifies and gitred voters oti iyo Chisago, Counyer Coes noo inela, and that theirespective estinieeu7) Ie Cethal ‘aomissiinwinatiemorerAlOVeMbte 2 avon, AB Croen A (Print Name of Circulator Here) i Mee Siedesucy 4 GELORSTME Geno rac Notary Public State of Mtinols 240 | Expiresdcaoggan1- \ | ‘My Commission oo Pecoecnocces BIND HERE... ‘MUNICIPAL GENERAL ELECTION PETITION‘ We, the undersigned, being duly qualified and registered voters of the Peeuitals, do hereby petition that the following named person shall be {ereinafter specified, to be voted for atthe Municipal General Glestion tp be held on the ‘Twenty-Second" (22nd) day of February, 2011. NAME OFFICE | ‘ADDRESS c CAROL MOSELEY ory OER aco | 1200 EAST 56TH STREET BRAUN SEUNTSF.GOOK | CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60637 SaNATURE OE URES TST TEROENGE ADDRESS AL MUST BE WRITTEN BY THEVOTER IM PERSON CITY, TOWN 8 SLL NOLUOE HOUSE NUMBER AND NAME OF REET Say Bil] 0 Vann pe Faas) Kan) LY Meh saz ica y Pie W) Haya ai 3732 eu, ? tg Sflesks’ ny Fat ee laren WY Ci CD4T OO feelep Pea ® harmon, Me ted Fe AL de be LE F / i S20 gy 208 © so, STATE. £32 W.wlat Gr Y2HB W, Washington UpekbmeSen igo WI5x SL DNe. »Gloro@otns _ Deda. W Yong x : 1. WL. bite Siro rrr STATE OF al COUNTY OF COOK f 3° : l Asihg SoM mse teen nee ina, 20% wy westenc| Inthe Cityilage/tnk ComortadaraicieeratCicaag wha 24 commpet_ cook (unincorporated ist municipal that provides postal servic) Sn ‘Soredsndswim fe atineg noc meen Ma? 2 astoty & Chet Hae of Crs Fay Lo Official Seal cexcnoue —| , Meeee an SIGNATURE GF NOTARY BURES OF NOTARY PUBL) efor, Por State of 0 MyG i saeranny CO 2 pete GINO Meneses x 7 X MUNICIPAL GENERAL ELECTION Ke PETITION We, the undersigned, being duly qualified and registered voters of the City of Chicago, County of Cook, State Of Iiincis, do hereby petition that the following named person shall be a candidate for election to the office hereinafter specified, to be voted for at the Municipal General Election to be held on:the Twenty-Second (22nd) day of February, 2011 NAME OFFICE ADDRESS MAYOR CAROL MOSELEY | airy Sexo aco 1229 EAST 56TH STREET BRAUN COUNTY OF COOK CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60637 STATE OF ILLINOIS SIGNATURE OF QUALIFIED VOTER RESIDENCE ADDRESS cin. ToWN] COUNTY Mlb 0 WATTEVEY VOTER MPERON ‘su NUDE HE AGEN WE EET SRVLLAGE | AND STATE 20%. cook. | cooK. 00K. 00K. CoS 3L1 crucaco | cook. HIGAGO | COOK. IL 3B] W' O3PS% 201556| cero | co0K.n 6 “ied SW ky | ccico-| cook. | 29-3 % -r_winyle baer | ocaso | cooe. : eles time wicaco | cooK.u v7 5, Worcs cuicago | Cook. IL QO r 00K. 7 Deng" ele deter fee gyeannin wste yen hase cuicaco | cook. it Yea [7 GLotED He oar olen ; a 4907 Ww Roomye IL Lof AY arcrce | coven | 4909, w Lost fo oo Kalk Aken 1527S. tty ech 2 ba 1 /0gl? 2 Coleco Ltd ‘STATE OF ILLINOIS COUNTY OF COOK 600K. IL 600K. IL eter name) bigs cy sworn, do acy cry that ese a bo4¢.22 S, Neary in the City/Vitage/Unineorporated area cite one) of ea (unincorporated, st municipality that provides postal service) zp code (Ulo4(, county ot COCK and state of tii, that lam eighteen (16) years of age or oder, that | am actizen ofthe United States, and that the signatures on tis sheet were signed in my presence, and are genuine and that none of the signatures on this sheet were signed more than 90 days preceding the last day forthe fling ofthe petton, and that tothe best of my knowledge and belie the persons so signing were, residence addresses are correctly stated as above set forth, eee och 2S — ‘OFFIGIAL SEAL LARRY A. MINTER VEX Vern Ue Olde ee x BIND HERE . week MUNICIPAL GENERAL ELECTION PETITION We, the undersigned, being duly qualified and registered voters of the City of Chicago, County of Cook, State of Illinois, do hereby petition that the following named person shall be a candidate for election to the office hereinafter specified, to be voted for at the Municipal General Election to be held on the Twenty-Second (22nd) day of February, 2011. NAME OFFICE ‘ADDRESS CAROL MOSELEY ony SP eaIeAGO poe BRAUN GOUNTY OF COOK | CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60637 ‘SIGNATURE OF QUALIFIED VOTER RESIDENCE ADDRESS: ‘GIy, TOWN] COUNTY AL MST BE WRITTEN BY THE VOTER N PERSON ‘i SHALL NCLUDE HOUSE NUMBER AND NAME O STREET OR VILLAGE | AND STATE Baw Koy Le Wlatagt BE cescaso | cook. TS) citcaso | coor ee ode Sie L_ps Joy cxscaco | cooK.n 4 Xowra QZ _Ne Long A Abt pase Jon _h PAK cuicaco | cook. Done: | Po Pox 2. cascaco | coos.n AANG\ 2. Vikas Schon ee leo 2 DG 2. [owe crucase | co0K., wo iy Kan 5 GRU ty cxicaso | cook. lee 500M, con ther —cicaco | cook. 3. Phete > c i nem) pl Reels f—___/ oat ass SION GIgHe | ccna | coat Hew Quem ant | cucco | coo |\55a7 Fo | cwcaco | cooK.n l8le_W__bofus cwwcaso | co0K. STATE OF ILLINOIS COUNTY OF cook f 1 Barenestine Humphr¢ crestor ame) ving tet iy ewan do haby cay that ide Ye ts lotus in the Cityitage/Unincorporated aoa (crle one) of . {if unineorporated, ist municipaty that provides postal servic) 20 cod [cory ct COOK as oft, at am ohn (1) yar of ag of lr tha a cian fe ned Sates ard hat to spats on is shes wore sna n my presence nd are gnu aed tat ne tthe esas on th shout were ‘ned mor than 0 das prececig telat ay forthe ing he pet, ane that ote est fy Know aed beta parsons 0 9 wae atthe ine of ging the peton day que andres votes te City of Chicago, County of Coo, ana Stat fin, anda a especie residence addresses are correctly stated as above sot forth, ‘ ; (Greulators Signature) f ‘Signed and Sworn to (raid) before me on oct 90 mon EUS OS Humphries “Sossoaseasat saa (SEAL On| risen xs 93/20/34 OF NOTA ls SHEET No, oooh ecg | cook. 2ZUS Ww, Harris. SOL) | cook. Ee tbe 5 | coin Wied wt GD | co0K.n i LRSM ag ton eo ZlZOo Ww, Leen soy~ f 222K 12720 w), Hornivenr SA. |certeaag.| cox. IZ2CC/ UW, Pny ese 00K. A/S be, Sharrite coow. LZlS MW. ewer sor Gass | cook. LD. iB Ldest Murboer Katie | coon. Be eS Be (cn | | conn Pe Adory Va L Wo Wombat 305 5 Monae D/L \ esacny | cosa STATE OF ILLINOIS COUNTY OF COOK Wicody Cremona) bora feta som, shanty oy at mee DIOS. Cecryru| inthe yWitageUrincorperated area creo one ot C hPeac o . if unincorporated, st municipal that provides postal sevice) 21° Code LLL _ county of and State of lini, that | am eighteen (18) years of age or older, that Iam a citizen of the United States, and thatthe signatures on ths sheet were signed in my presence, and are ganuine and that none of the signatures on this sheet were signed more than 90 days preceding te last day forthe fing of the petition, and that to the best of my knowledge and belief the pareons so signing were, atthe time of signing the petition duly qualfied and registered voters ofthe City of Chigago, County of Cook, and State of linols, and that ther respective residence addresoes are comecty tated as above set forth. (rcuators Signature) Shed and Suom to oatfned betoremeon OCT 25 Lae Lees Sac emort (Print ‘of Circulator Here) ‘SIGNATURE: C kane . (SEAL OR STAMP ‘OF NOTARY PUBLIC) e. ano nen e MUNICIPAL GENERAL ELECTION ae PETITION We, the undersigned, being duly qualified and registered voters of the City of Chicago, County of Cook, State Of Illinois, do hereby petition that the following named person shall be a candidate for election to the office hereinafter specified, to be voted for at the Municipal General Election to be held on the Twenty-Second (22nd) day of February, 2011. NAME OFFICE ADDRESS: CAROL MOSELEY | omy MAYOR neo 1229 EAST 56TH STREET BRAUN | Seinen | Scsco atmorcr sustrocer caret or one resuincureromunccrnonuccrenet | ORalase | ADSIATE N21. Calrek 6624 csca00 | coon (D1 we 0634 cwcaco | cooK.n | 32 291 Lawndale G0625-| cwcrco | coon 1239.£ Koh nce 26 | CHICAGO | COOK, iL TOO Ln Gulati HICAGO | COOK 1. 29d) WO: Lori, cwcaco | cook n BRA) Ww. Monroe. Gaigago? |_cook. ‘STATE OF ILLIt - COUNTY OF COOK ile co LOMA _ restore gms being fat duly ewor, do hay coy rat rete ALY 3 S Gatyns int filage/Uruncorporated ares (circle one) of _ Nd C (if unincorporated, list municipality that provides postal service) 21° code 0G’ . County of. and State of lino, that | am eighteen (18) years of age or olde, that |am a citizen ofthe United States, and that the signatures on this sheet were signed in my prasence, and are genuine and that none ofthe signatures on this sheet were signed more than 90 days preceding the last day forthe fling ofthe petition, ana that othe best of my knowledge and belie the persone 0 signing were, atthe time of signing the pettion duly qualified and registered votars ofthe Cty of Chicaga, County of Cook, and State of lini, and that thei respective Fesidence addresses are corect stated as above set forth. eg (Creultors Signatire) Set ancSwomofratimes wiowmon OCF OS (SEAL OR STAMP (OF NOTARY PUBLIC) here - BIND HERE x MUNICIPAL GENERAL ELECTION PETITION We, the undersigned, being duly qualified and registered voters of the City of Chicago, County of Cook, State Ilinois, do hereby petition that the following named person shall be a candidate for election to the office inafter specified, to be voted for at the Municipal General Election to be held on the Twenty-Second (22nd) day of February, 2011. NAME OFFICE ‘ADDRESS CAROL MOSELEY | cry Sf Gricaco | 1229 EAST SOTH STREET BRAUN SOUNTYEOF Gals | CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60637 Savane oe VTENN ESD ‘rs nc eaermennucorsnec | ORVILAGE | AND STATE oe Syd we. Adar S| csrcrso | coon 2 eave Wi ed AYD Wi lomPhAce | cucsca 1 Oya kufe | ayes Se ragactte wo 77th ee Sea LS Sees BE CL michigan 347 Meg 5 cm |_s5230c9 BU2> WV Pitsburg | Sead | aR» IS RE ths. — | Sner@o | cocrge omc a) ITY OF COOK \Chesstacce- {circulator’s name) being frst duly sworn, do hereby certify that | reside UPS Green, hscags _(frincorperated st ply tat provides post! serve in the Cityilage/Unincorpocated area (circle one) of _ C17 62 and State of linois, that | am eighteen (18) years of age or older, that 1am a citizen of the ze code_GOC2 county ot C4 fe Fe ee tai ha Uoakees va heat wore dre ny presen rd a gue and tat aro te satires ons soa wre oot anna dye tiger pull anil ote ry kchfedge an bee te prensa Wr TRS Rann tn pen ay gato and eget vtotho ey tl Cock ara Sutect hot and tha he pues Testenoeadsreaes are comecty stated a above st forth tla itera Sgaze) 25 Chest. Signed and Suorn tor fered before me on ___. 20108 fr ae Wug 7 Xoeceseeee BIND HERE x MUNICIPAL GENERAL ELECTION PETITION We, the undersigned, being duly qualified and registered voters of the City of Chicago, County of Cook, State of llinois, do hereby petition that the following named person shall be a candidate for election to the office hereinafter specified, to be voted for at the Municipal General Election to be held on the Twenty-Second (22nd) day of February, 2011. NAME OFFICE ADDRESS CAROL MOSELEY gary Se cicaao 1229 EAST 56TH STREET BRAUN SOUNTY OF GOOK | CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60637 SiGNATURE OF QUALIFED VOTER TESDENGE ADDRESS ‘iy Tom] County user wae THE OTR NPM resomunqueeroutnamermowucoroneer | ORVILLAGE | AND STATE ihe Gi (oS HS, Pom an aPiooe 3403 w Clie y DY CoAvood CiBaD| coo _W. Wl f S512 09, Contbak ca co0K. 5512 w- Coe lanct (cosy WY 8531 ashen en STATE OF IL os} . COUNTY OF \ ZAC WAS mere tt hn ony cory itt made t NO S Conroe PEL in as ‘area (circle one) of {i unincorporated, lst municipality that provides postal service) zp. » County of CO: an State of tino that | am Sahtsen (18) year of age x cde that | am a ctizan of the tigned mere than 00 day precoding tho ast afr then the petton and tat oe bee of my knowledge and boi the person eo iging were. at te time of signing the petition duly qualified and registered voters of the Cy of Chicf@@) County of Cook, and State of Minos, and that their respective residence addresses are correctly stated as above set forth. (Crckiators Signature) 2010by _| (GEALOR STAMP \ "SIGNATURE: OS PUBLIC (OF NOTARY PUBLIC) 2.404 ‘SHEET No. ee + OSES PNG Xe ceseese BIND HERE x MUNICIPAL GENERAL ELECTION PETITION We, the undersigned, being duly qualified and registered voters of the City of Chicago, County of Cook, State of Illinois, do hereby petition that the following named person shall be a candidate for election to the office hereinafter specified, to be voted for at the Municipal General Election to be held on the Twenty-Second (22nd) day of February, 2011. wane a, TODRESS CAROL MOSELEY | cry SeGnicaco | 1229 EAST STH STREET GOUNTY OF COOK BRAUN STATE OF ILLINOIS ‘CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60637 SERAURE OF CUALED VOTER TESDEE ASORESS Gav Tomn] COUNTY Ler eee oe Po vinowunaeimeeancrmewwcccsres | ORVLLAGE | AND SINE Mp sk 10 Shaw) 4235 vb THLE. Muskego Soran atau uv OEM. an [Sox S. foan 4v.| cicto | coom.n [4917 wy - co camp | coe YII7 vb GL Ps | coox.n. SUL w Ce bfe! agp | cook. 3 i at} cons Ogee oe) ee APY UD uto-— _| ert | co C7 SG, Mi01Gat) Leas Bo Ley ng te. |e | comes ‘cuicaao)| cooK., Aa trou) Sac. hdoyS2 ‘STATE OF ILLINOIS COUNTY OF COOK, Lecoy Seeman ctr ge) tig tet ly wc, doen tty tat rae GD S Cocriral Savarese wentsciocnit CVIECAC)S __gunrcoperats t municoay t otspt ee 2 coe LOG23 cou or Coo aed Stat of ince, that lam eighteen (18) years of age or older, that am a chizen ofthe ‘Thies Stat, and atte signature on Hs shat wre dns nm prsece, ad te geruine and that none fhe sgn on ths sheet wore Signe more than 0 deve preceding test yf to ng ote peo, and tat othe bet fy knowlege and bet he persone so signing were atthe ti residence addresses are correctly stated as above set fort, (SEALOR STAMP (OF NOTARY PUBLIC) sg ‘of Circulator Here) ‘of signing the petition duly quafied and registered voters of the City of Chicago, County of Cook, and Stat of Mino nd that ther respective yen pe neers eA Fen BIND HERE... x MUNICIPAL GENERAL ELECTION PETITION We, the undersigned, being duly qualified and registered voters of the City of Chicago, County of Cook, State of Illinois, do hereby petition that the following named person shall be a candidate for election to the office hereinafter specified, to be voted for at the Municipal General Election to be held on the Twenty-Second (22nd) day of February, 2011. NAME OFFICE ADDRESS: CAROL MOSELEY grry Gechicago 1229 EAST 56TH STREET BRAUN STATE OF ILLINOIS See ee SauaReGr TESDENGE DRESS Gin Town | COUNTY acer err nisouuncisreriewsemenmccrsn: | OMVILAGE | AND SITE OY [BY fel He | Catast)| cont. We BLAS \/826 S$. Perah. —| 25>} co08.n gree S. cucaco | soot. ES. 5 Lake Fak 3 | coo... [026 3 Byven 4 5 feces | olf S Fushi BD HOA! caso | coos dtle 6 i 2, cutcaco | cook. 10 Loodtetl OF ~ rence} coo 29D Conadlete Bo M | cook. i. [aedd ws Wile Csede | coos 130 \): Tine, HicaBS) | COOK. 530 Moath Prne enc V c00%. B63 Wh. Less tae ____| otucaco | cook. 2433 Ws Th chdanice_| Gieieo) cow. 525 ~ Monae — acaag) | com. ale ig é eal £02¢ bl Conseltol la SY EST vacace | c00K.n VES bom, = wicaso | cook. STATE OF Ct COUNTY OF COOK \ CARL These R_eossersran)sng diy oe tora coy tte SO BE. 02 lek ng fory inthe Ctytagenincerperated ara lon) _ unincorporated it municipal that provides postal ence) 29 Code, QY countyot LOCK. and stat onc, hat am eighteen (18 years of age or ode, that Lam actin of the United States, and that he signatures on this sheet were signed in my presence, and are genuine and that none ofthe signatures on this sheet were signed more than 90 days preceding the let day forthe lag ofthe petition, ad that othe bas of my knowledge and bet the persons so signing were, atte time of signing the peliton duly qalfied and registered voters of the Cty of Chicago, County of Cook, and State of lino, and that their respective Tesdene addressee ao corel stated as above sa fonh ial Leelee | Sonat) ——L L Zi Ll Vie ‘Pat Name of Grevlator He) ‘SIGNATURE'DF NOTARG PUBLIC All [SEAL OR STAMP (OF NOTARY PUBLIC) : ase ane MUNICIPAL GENERAL ELEC’ PETITION We, the undersigned, being aa qualified and registered voters Ae of Chicago, County of Cook, State of Illinois, do hereby petition that the following named person shall be a candidate for election to the office hereinafter specified, to be voted for at the Municipal General Election to be held on the Twenty-Second (22nd) day of February, 2011 NAME OFFICE "ADDRESS a LES ony Oe OF Cuicace 1229 EAST S6TH STREET HICAG®, INOIS 60637 UN STATEORILLNGIS | — ~ SENATE OF BORED OTE SESOENGE DRESS Srrvown] COUNT missuuneiermernaonmonccrsnst | ONVRLAGE | AND STATE rn Lo- OBwA _| cisco | comn IS iellow12 ceacano | coon w. Hotei st adi STATE OF ILLINOIS COUNTY OF COOK ul (Gretrsrane ting fst dl ewom, do hreby cnt tat wide at FACS] 5 Musi inte Cy iegeRincrporid ae lon (funinapetd it mrcblty hat prove pot soe) ZP Code: County of COQ JC. ane state of itincs, | shen (1) yer fae ht am a tsa f ‘Sgred more than 80 day preceing ths ast dy fre ing ofthe petton, ad that othe best cy krowiedpe and beset he parsons So sing wer, ‘atthe time of signing the petition diy qualfed and registered voters of the ity of Chicago, County of Cook, and Stat of inis, and that their respective residence addresses are comecty stated as above set forth Shao. (Cireuators Signature) sora Shanna, Molden (Print Name of Sulator Here) j they oie PUBLIC UL | See aes Xeeeseseese BIND HERE... x MUNICIPAL GENERAL ELECTION PETITION We, the undersigned, being duly qualified and registered voters of the Gity:of Chicago, County of Cook, State of Illinois, do hereby petition that the following named person shall be a candidate for election to the office hereinafter specified, to be voted for at the Municipal General Election to be held on the Twenty-Second (22nd) day of February, 2011. NAME OFFICE ADDRESS R_ CAROL MOSELEY | ci SeYSitaco 1229 EAST 56TH STREET COUNTY OF COOK CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60637 BRAUN STATE OF ILLINOIS SERTUR OF CALFED VOTER TESDENGE ROURESS Sin Town] COUNTY aN earners ner wsomincinermienmemsnmccrsnt _ [ORVILAGE | AND STATE ML w 33" sheet -cxicaco | cooK. aye jar} mol Ly | cncaso | coon 2 Ge = ___| CHICAGO | COOK, Il, Si oka) | euscace | coos. [8t6-5. Chur antpre > €8i2| cucsco | coonn FOS Qble ae yqze_ Me Ndi! Sica |e BENS Union (257 S- Kies “ ( 2a ck i k wvdy [ALSTY Vo . 2563E~Z/oukie eI 00%. IW ALUQ UE a] : 224 urn K cxvcaso.| coon, ade STATE OF ails ss COUNTY OF COOK VLA TUbhek _sorattorsname) being te ty sven, do rrby cot tat ise LOLS bop Cerrip foe inthe CiyritageA incorporated area eis ona) ot Ch Cag p (unincorporated ist municipal that provides postal service) 2 code 2024 county t L201. and state 6 inci, ha | am eighteen (18) years of age or ode, that | am actzn ofthe Ferra ta th dgnatets cine sheet wer sgn in y presence, and ae gerane an a one of he sities on ts sheet were Sates Sanaa ny proedngth lastGayorh g ot the poon, ana a toths best omy knowedge ae bale persone so sang were, Sa a rete day etd ar otre tees he ly of Cheapo, County of. Cook, ana Stat nos, aa tha te eopactne Teldoncesoesnes av corecty sted a above ctor ‘(Circulators Signature) LN Taecewe (Pant Name of Cjoulator Here) Sioned nd Suemto(oraimed)boioemeon OCS a 24/ 2010 ce og ‘ AL GRFC: = MKS, | NOTRE Zortumois cenonstanpipialicey wc Aon OF NOTARY PUBLSGNIMISSON Jal Se suezt no: 2? oan KeeeceeeeesBINDHERE 200600027 MUNICIPAL GENERAL ELECTION . PETITION We, the undersigned, being duly qualified and registered voters of the City of Chicago, County of Cook, State of Illinois. ‘do hereby petition that the following named person shall be a candidate for election to the offtce Pe ainattsr specified, to be voted for at the Municipal General Election to be held on the Twenty-Second (22nd) day of February, 2011. NAME OFFICE ‘ADDRESS CAROL MOSELEY gary Gecuibaco 41229 EAST 56TH STREET BRAUN ‘STATE OF ILLINOIS CHICAGO, ILLINOIS can "SIGNATURE OF QUALIFIED VOTER: RESIDENCE ADDRESS ‘CITY, TOWN, soa pe EN SS ucorsncct | ORVILAGE | AND STE 22/6 th, MAS oo | 00K. Noo.6. Caeramesto (Fewer | coos.n S24l* Carol wre | oom. 3G( Nj moon __ | cook tae 5. 5p Claw en, = ARSE vr ¢ jocband Blais ie Tmsthos | esos | coos. 2801) Mayo | | cms D235 te FUlieh) (CERES 000K 1. | caso | coor. 727 ees STATE OF ILLINOIS COUNTY OF COOK Clete. PACAP Yi erst name) ra te ys, do heey corty that este t_ STO) MAYA nthe Ctyitagerrincororted area oreleone) ot C1 C2 FO) tuincorporte, it municiaty tat provides postal sevice) a cove LoD 73. countyot COOL ana state oni, tht am eighteen (18) years of age or lr that Lam a cizen ofthe 2 ata oe oa ae tg ny preteen ee geri ad rt rene othe Sonate on hs sheet wee ttt Slew anerotons st ays ptn anaes fy kot ant pos ora rer Sondre than SO dye roting a car one ty of Ghage, County of Cok ar tate of not, ada he reepectve el sdcton ar corey sad a above ot th Bitte Ms Wak Cree ce ame LOL aoa {GNATURE OF NOTARY HUBLI (SEALORSTANP (oF NOTARY PUBLIC) oe FY + eeoeaeene Xe ccee sees BIND HERE 2c ex MUNICIPAL GENERAL ELECTION PETITION We, the undersigned, being duly qualified and registered voters of the City of Chicago, County of Cook, State of Illinois, do hereby petition that the following named person shall be a candidate for election to the office hereinafter specified, to be voted for at the Municipal General Election to be held on the Twenty-Second (22nd) day of February, 2011. NAME OFFICE ‘ADDRESS. CAROL MOSELEY | ciry S¢¢hicaco | 1229 EAST SeTH STREET BRAUN oT aos CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60637 aunarnerre acme TENN OO ‘so nee Hs Ae NAMES SEE Gavutace | ano oTare Z z BOO 10. Yi we (na. 0 | 4/5: : Bol LUdG-S: St lois Vere 34S, LALLIN — ; 2, Siccon a COOK : ie Cleenled _ {ean f Sin) 3 x zB ot i x: acee a oe Nannies feck A rs Pe A DMN &, Secksrat e701 mean teoe = wo NWQvay MOV.o% L3IIL Ws Mon Gor | coon STATE OF ILLINOIS COUNTY OF COO! 4 dex “[eeuators name beng etc suo, do hereby cont tat rece a 74a Cena | He ine cinaagonreonetsecs re one) ot COO KC ny). runnorantes tt mucosa ros postal ene) ZIP Code. county ot CACC and stato of tino, that | am eighteen (16) years of age or oder, that | ama otizen ofthe —, County United States, ad thatthe signatures on this sheet were signed in my presence, and are genuine and that none ofthe signatures on this sheet were ‘Signed mare than 80 days preceding the lst day forthe fing ofthe pettion, and that to the best of my knowledge and bei the persons so signing were, at the time of signing the pein dy qualiied and registered voters ofthe Cty of Chicago, County of Cook, and State of linoi, and that theirrespective sie ios ea a al ie hoon Pauglr (Circulator’s Signature) scouimisnonntestwenvteenan $0 MBA say COTA Pougwe (Print Name of Creulator Hare) iGNATORE OF NOTA Lie seme x see BIND HERE 5226202 MUNICIPAL GENERAL ELECTION PETITION We, the undersigned, being duly qualified and registered voters of the City of Chicago, County of Cook, State of Illinois, do hereby petition that the following named person shall be a candidate for election to the office hereinafter specified, to be voted for at the Municipal General Election to be held on the Twenty-Second (22nd) day of February, 2011. nan ornce aDORESS CAROL MOSELEY CITY Grcuicaco 1229 EAST 56TH STREET COUN OOK 60637 BRAUN STATE OF ILLINOIS aan ae 7 TE Sea aon Sey apaacronvowren oye wren wry ‘rest nope anion OF SET Savinanee | ano STATE i ree st. 200K. i0 00K ‘STATE OF ILLINOIS COUNTY OF COOK f * SA glace, rots ane os cy oon sora ety aie ZL er CarTT BL in the Ctyhilage/Unincorporated area (cect one) ot LOLIK COCA. (t unincorporated, ist municipal tat provides postal service) 2 coe L0GTY county ot COOK. ad sat winds, tat am etteen (18) yar of age or ole, that am acre ofthe ‘itd States and thatthe sgn on ts sheet We signed in my presence, and are genuine and that none ofthe signatures on tis sheet were ‘Zoved more tan 90 ays preceding the st day forthe fling othe ettfon nd tha to the bes of my knowiedge and blithe persons so signing were, Sri umes ourun the ptuon cay qualified and rgistred voter ofthe ity of Chicago, County of Cook, an Sat of lin, and thatthe respective pelotalacpetseortarreicene elope sentanionanttrstinagraceren OT AS roy Lorene. Parag ls CE Batts LS “ergs aaeA voyeranc scones | 2 (SEAL OR STAMP (OF NOTARY PUBLIC) 3 aI ee BIND HERE: MUNICIPAL GENERAL ELECTION PETITION = * Za We, the undersigned, béing duly qualified and registered voters of the City of Chicago, County of Cook, State of Illinois, do hereby petition that the following named person shall be a candidate for electioit to the office hereinafter specified, to be voted for at the Municipal General Election to be held on the Twenty-Second (22nd) day of February, 2011. NAME, OFFICE ADDRESS. C CAROL MOSELEY cry BF Ghioaso 1229 EAST 56TH STREET BRAUN COUNTY OF GOOK | CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60637 SanTUne OF CULPED VOTER SESonNGE ORES Sriram] oo Agua meer eee naomunctemenommmomccrsnes | 6 SHR Fetal G50 NK. Clavewdke A | Gress) cons : ae 2 lov 3 14 g axe 9635 OL SMe 2 ecainars ane bg fnew, donb erty tartan SEED inthe Giytagetsncorperated proms CA — zi code Lop Z2_ county ot__Codm_, . and State of lis, that | am eighteen (18) years of age or older, that | am a ctzen of tho United States, and that the signatures on this shewt were signed in my presence, and are genulne and that none ofthe signatures on the sheet ware signed more than 90 days preceding the last day forthe lng ofthe petition, and that tothe best of my knowiedge and bela the persons go signing were, attho time of signing the petition duly qualified and registred voters ofthe City of Chicago, County of Cook, nee (unincorporated, ist municipality that provides postal service) d State of llincis, and that their respective residence addresaes are correctly stated as above set forth. a i pee ee ND HERE MUNICIPAL GENERAL ELECTION PETITION We, the undersigned, being duly qualified and registered voters of the City of Chicago, County of Cook, State of Illinois, do hereby petition that the following named person shall be a candidate for election to the office hereinafter specified, to be voted for at the Municipal General Election to be held on the Twenty-Second (22nd) day of February, 2011. NAME OFFICE ‘ADDRESS CAROL MOSELEY orry Sr Giloago 1229 EAST 56TH STREET IK BRAUN STATE OF ILLINOIS CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60637 SaRNURE OF RLPED VOTER TESOENGE DRESS civ Tom] COUNTY Aare rer n ee oe nissuumteecuereeuccrener | Gavuaee | AO SINE | BEY? beat FL riproey | aed | eooRy HO Wh Pl aehd 618 S Kane | Son. alB Ss Lorem e. eal AIRS Laramie as Lc haar LER E 3422 SHY Li) tharn, 30527 ud Trekvo ws S229 Wi hetbr path | euceao | s0000 bat 2) Loe attan ST Grcass>| cont. BUY S-Thdiaua = Ave eae [680 S. Cerrbral Prog fe |e | ‘STATE OF ILLINOIS > ‘COUNTY OF COO! inthe Cryniageninorporaed ae ercteore) ot QL a $- __runincorporate, st municipality that provides postal see) 21P Code & F County of Cc > FX _, and State of tincis, that | am eighteen (18) years of age or older, that | am a citizen ofthe United Stat8, and thatthe signatures on this sheet were signed in my presence, and are genuine and that none of the signatures on this sheet were signed more than 90 days preceding the ast day forthe fling ofthe petition, and that to the best of my knowledge and belief the persons so signing were, atthe time of signing the petition duly ualfied and registered voters ofthe City of Chicago, County of Cook, and State of Ilincis, and thet thir respective residence addresses are comecty stated as above set forth (Giculator’s Signatur) Signed and Sworn to (or affimed) before me on. oct as 2010 by we (Print Name of Circulator Here) ‘SIGNATURE OF Cope eq — GLE, ae aft _tetesrrap pen tetcr en sven evens LAL herhty| . unincorporated, list municipaity that provides postal service) . and State of Mino, that | am eighteen (18) years of age or oldar, that | am a citizen of the ‘and a TAL Span? Nine Jaiite” ff Soe at of tnt Exotee 03/20/11 ‘SHEET NO. cet pete ND HERE x MUNICIPAL GENERAL ELECTION PETITION We, the undersigned, being duly qualified and registered voters of the City of Chicago, County of Gook, State of Illinois, do hereby petition that the following named person shall be a candidate for election to the office hereinafter specified, to be voted for at the Municipal General Election to be held on the Twenty-Second (22nd) day of February, 2011. NAME OFFICE ADDRESS: CAROL MOSELEY | cin MeYoR aco 1229 EAST 56TH STREET BRAUN COUNTY OF GOOK | CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60637 Aaccatsivaroisetavas tol aaa neune nine uanoupeyoe or EET GavieaGe | AND STATE SLT [Cpl ahh) cacaco | coo%. ye : Nor cuicaco | cook. iL 6 AS /} 4 | ciucaao | coo. 167 Bie | cxcaco | cooe SY 5B Lo WALD HY | cincaao | coon iVe Qi | _cicaco | COOK. at chia ol Bie. Mary [cana | coat ‘STATE OF IL! NS oF cook, f * Ds (circulators name) being first duly swom, do hereby certify that | reside ‘4 G inthe CityVilage/ Unincorporated ara (ce oe) of LL. (+ nincorporated it municipality that provides postal service) 2P Coe, 1 County of. and Ste of inci, that | am eighteen (18) years of age or older, hat | am a citizen of the x sess BIND HERE... MUNICIPAL GENERAL ELECTION PETITION We, the undersigned, being duly qualified and registered voters of the City of Chicago, County of Cook, State of Iilinois, do hereby petition that the following named person shall be a candidate for election to the office hereinafter specified, to be voted for at the Municipal General Election to be held on the Twenty-Second (22nd) day of February, 2011. NAME OFFICE ADDRESS CAROL MOSELEY | cir Seve aco 1229 EAST 56TH STREET BRAUN SO TE Ook CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60637 suet Oe wat eters em nssunaucroseemmonnrsner | OAMLAG | AOSATE Leute Suy np teens fend | enooo | conn Pty, Lan _! cuacaso | co00. K, As, |_cwicaso | cook. KYW SO WwW. Van Burt cuucaco | cook. 1. a am 4 $2 Li lb ciscaso | coos. 1483 10. PrekoqpE cxaco | cous ina WwW Heli _ave cxicaso | cooK.u Lass). Parlesiohe | crucaca | coo. 578 S/S 207. wl, e uly rane — wacaco | coo. 33 AL WALEp. Miu, bb pL LAR RARE | cucsce lee, Sladek Wnok lors o) perhaide | ore | eos ‘STATE OF ILLINOIS (rer a nig at yen, cody cat at reste ZS AD Mae inthe Caynitags are ne oe of | — __ecinconported, at murcipaly tat proves postal ence) 21 codela D6 _ county t_ COO! nd iat of ns hat an eiheon (18 year of ge oo, tat am a tzn of he United States, and thet the signatures on this sheet were signed in my presence, and are genuine and that none ofthe signatures on this sheet were ‘signed more than 90 days preceding the lat day forthe fling ofthe potion, and that to thebestof my knowledge and bel the persons so signing were, the time ot signing the pttion dul qualified ae registred voters of the Gof Chicago, County of Cook, an Sate eos, and Wat thei respective residence adcresses are conecty sito as above sa forth omneperetenne i 14 _ 2010 by ee Pint ‘SIGNATURE OF | BUS aK ‘SHEET No, Ebconsoesod BIND HERE... MUNICIPAL GENERAL ELECTION PETITION We, the undersigned, being duly qualified and registered voters of the City of Chicago, County of Gook, State of Illinois, do hereby petition that the following named person shall be a candidate for election to the office * hereinafter specitied, to be voted for at the Municipal General Election to be held on the Twenty-Second (22nd) day of February, 2011. \ NAME OFFICE ADDRESS CAROL MOSELEY | cry Bey OR aco 4229 EAST 56TH STREET COUNTY OF COOK CHICAGO, ILLINO!: BRAUN STATE OF ILLINOIS eee SIGNATURE OF GUALIFED VOTER TESDENGE ADDRESS in Town Aucasereewariever Te ope opece rasuuunecarmnmgnomucorsner | OAvLone | ADeUTE 1 GZ7W- LS x Mit, Pa itl, |BX01 Wynd ex Fee ih Wooly BOS Sb Lely, | aetna US2L 5. bieatalast GiiBaae | ASB Fp ur vicecd Base S CSattun/S LS IV UV Ro pee BAY Ww. Wo ns — DBLEO G: Teen bg Zo Leto Ey OM fe pp FUR leas pe 2 un Soyppo LAS Vii O0 bev YO pd (Ole _ hr IGAGO COOK. ‘STATE OF ILLINOIS COUNTY OF COOK -f Lbs __ raatrs an) ga iy vo, doen cayman 224 «etn 7 siecineseieaponte ans cao ot CA 2ngo Cunircrprta tmp ha roves postal sens ze coi Lo DLA. couriyot CxD0 {and sto tel, at am ohae 8) yar of age an ackzen ote United State nd tat the signatures on tis sheet ware signed in my presence, and ae genuine and tat hone of fo aigratures ote sheave $Sgned more nan 80 days preceding the las day forte fing ofthe petition, and tat othe best of my keowledgo a boli re parsons se sens wee, athe time signing the patton ly que and registred voters ofthe Cty of Gi Sook sp Stage inc, and that thi rmpocte Teicence cps are covet sated as above et fh Cc v2 és whe (Cieuikors Signa . ‘ See e Signe oof Stn ‘Stor ates) before me on Z M5 jf Spo. / "Oita Sal © Mariela Rodriguez : m7 SBNATURE OE GSEALORSTAMP Nor PawueS 77 Kote faiskeete- Fi . CENTRE SR. OM Fes 2B io : ; 7 » Soe Xe cece eeee BIND HERE ox MUNICIPAL GENERAL ELECTION PETITION We, the undersigned, being duly qualified and registered voters of the City of Chicago, County of Cook, State of Illinois, do hereby petition that the following named person shall be a candidate for election to the office hereinafter specified, to be voted for at the Municipal General Election to be held on the Twenty-Second (22nd) day of February, 2011. NAME OFFICE ADDRESS CAROL MOSELEY gury Sr chicago 1229 EAST 56TH STREET cooK BRAUN COUNTY OF COOK | CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60637 GREK ape ra SESDENGE ORES Giviom] Com RN nygguunoeenencuscesmer | ORMLLAGE | AND STATE fee. siti Hed. Ful fr. F sacaco | 00 E SIY6 0 CHTRZ | crnssa | come Z2E So hed. catoaso | cook. N7 5 | coucaso | cook. 2 | cxtcaso | coor. ZADS cxoaso | co0K. 1tz7tm Menald cnicaco | cook. D aston |28L2 Ww. Coe zerrre\| ciscano | coon en Kay £ 2a? gf Kos bxoe m= —_| cuucrco | cooks fz “ Us Cen) cuicago | cooK. aa ekg | woaco | coon we) conosco | cooK.1, | ___ FZ Z ate HIcAGO_| COOK. IL Shoe" Wd Cutt cuicaco | ook. \SCPIAA Kye vicaso | cook. [S254 wee | etc | cook. (864 we Erie = 1agaco | cook. SPOS Lr Ce Ax cxacaco | 00K. SEO) Ferg crcago. | cow. STATE OF ILLINOIS | | COUNTY OF COOK sting ty vom dovoty ey tat iainer APS 2.49 Coreen S Gi CoN (errs Chas Geircrporte, at mclty ht prove pow oo) zip code_€2 ST, county ot C0 [¢ __, and state of incs, that | am eighteen (16) years of age a odor, that lam a citizen ofthe Thich Sates and hat gnats on ths shes ware ign in my presen, and are geuine and tat none ofthe nares on tis shest were Saree Ane than go cay precoding tn st coy fr th fling ofthe patton, ae het tho est of my knowledge ae bee! the persons so sgring were, Stine tine of signing the petition duly qualified and registered voters ofthe Cty of Chicago, County of Cook, and State of lis, and that their espective residence addresses are corectl tated as above set forth f E Cw (Circulators Signature) ‘Signed and Sworn to (or afrmed) before me on i {a _2010by. Kes, Collins —__ Pita of Orato Pa) OFFICIAL SEAL ‘SIGNATURE OF NOTARY Va overna: 242 econ ose Pe, DT Na dhs SCoalwee tl Cuma reales in the Ciy/Vilage/Urincorporated area (cee one of scAICORERRARVEY NBAcMBBLE ETA OF Lunors Ny COMNSSON ExPRESATTINne ee BINDHERE.........2.% MUNICIPAL GENERAL ELECTION PETITION We, the undersigned, being duly qualified and registered voters of the City of Chicago, County of Cook, State of Illinois, do hereby petition that the following named person shall be a candidate for election to the office hereinafter specified, to be voted for at the Municipal General Election to be held on the Twenty-Second (22nd) day of February, 2011. NAME OFFICE "ADDRESS CAROL MOSELEY | cry Gechicaco 1229 EAST 56TH STREET COUNTY OF COOK 63 BRAUN STATE OF ILLINOIS ee a ee TONAURE OF UALFED VOTER TESDENCE ACTRESS GavTow] coun aac ote Ora neominateeeancrnewuccrsner | ONVLLAGE [AND SINE BEE ALA __ Fico” | cooky | iy SS ess Poo 3357 Wwe Le Mero |_cuicaco | cook. 4700.3. Cowal fe . [40S 5 These —_| A342 J. Lexing dow onal S Kedvale S: Za), PACK 4g? w Gladys L JX WL exw JO > 115 uw st Sol | cook. E94) Mh Hougeber | Fay | cook Bit w gacksow caso | co0K.1, ‘STATE OF ILLINOIS COUNTY OF COOK 1M ieblnct ZF Ayr lad cers rane sige dy ovr. do hay cniy nat mide SZO_ Ns oeneel ~ inthe Cityilage/Unincorporsted are circle one) of PLE L. egC) (unincorporated ist municipality that provides postal sence) 20 coveBia-b 2 Coty ol LLL and Stat ot linos, that | am eighteen (18) years of age or older, that | am a ctzen ofthe tinted States, end thd the signatures on tfis sheet wore eigned in my presence, and are genuine and that none ofthe signatures on this sheet were signed more than 90 days preceding the last day for he fling of the patton, and that to thebestof my knowledge and belt the persone 90 signing were, athe time of signing the petition cy qualified and registered voters f the ity of Chicago, County of Cook, and State of Ilines, and that their respective residence addresses are correctly stated as above set forth. 4 Sore an Swomto(or aie ote ven 4 10 Mrchast Nolo __ oo Vile SIGNATURE OF NoTAMY PURLIG ane (Grecualors Signature) Porooo360 BIND HERE... x MUNICIPAL GENERAL ELECTION PETITION We, the undersigned, being duly qualified and registered voters of the City of Chicago, County of Cook, State of Illinois, do hereby petition that the following named person shall be a candidate for election to the office hereinafter specified, to be voted for at the Municipal General Election to be held on the Twenty-Second (22nd) day of February, 2011 NAME OFFICE ADDRESS: OF 6063; BRAUN SERIE OR WL MIO) |p seers SennTUnE OF GUAFED VOTER SSDaCE ORES Stem] Cou aN ue ocer Me RENE er, M DLS wicaco | cook. 2 Bkpaud __lpsgen w go | cxmcano | cook aMieneso Dso¢ ONE su | come LC OAS Ue _S Aberdoo | cxwcrco | cooks ing a7 GSH Se OSD | aso | conse a lz v7 2 2213 SH ll gael scan | cook. 202K 41 94: : ae i | Gras) Ge \gb1.3 ibaa” Hoa) | coox.n | [5868 wm foc’ el/ J cetcaco | coo. Veto S. 3, Zt. BZA csscaco | coos. Ties 5.use &, cxscace_} 200%. | v2y pw Berd tf ed | crscaco | coor. | M&S 2 LUAGE 2: cxucaca | cook. LOSE gene y | otcrco | cook. 6 STATE OF ILLINOIS COUNTY OF COO! < MW telnel L DUMLLS.retators nae) being rt duty ewom, do hereby cet) aT) We Deuke iin the City/illage/Unincorporated area (circle one) of . Cc __., if unincorporated, list municipality that provides postal service) 2 cate Le ZaY/ county ot COOK, wes sielbcs tis, that | eighteen (16) yars of age or older, tat am a citizen ofthe Ghtod States, and thel the signatures on ths sheet were signed in my presence, and are genuine and that none ofthe signatures on this het were Signed more than 80 day preceding the last day forth ling ofthe pation, anc that tothe best of my knowledge an bal! the persons so signing were, sare ine ot signing the petion duly quafied and registered voters of the City of Chicago, County of Cook, and State of Minos, and that heir spective residence addresses are corectl stated as above set forth — tL 8 Mg sion ane crn afi) bore, voy Mtehott olan — Rs occa ol ‘SIGNATURE OF "Y PUBLIC Wo SHEET NO. x + BIND HERE seek MUNICIPAL GENERAL ELECTION PETITION We, the undersigned, being duly qualified and registered voters of the City of Chicago, County of Cook, State of Illinois, do hereby petition that the following named person shall be a candidate for election to the office hereinafter specified, to be voted for at the Municipal General Election to be held on the Twenty-Second (22nd) day of February, 2011. NAME OFFICE ‘ADDRESS CAROL MOSELEY my Ge SHoAGO 1229 EAST 56TH STREET COUNTY OF BRAUN SEAEORILLINGIS | CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60697 SiGNATURE OF GUALFEDVOTER TESDENGE ADDRESS aivtonn] coun sa wre TTEVEY NEVINS rasouuncunenosnanenmbwuccesmect | ORVILASE | AND STATE [430 A. Faull, 78 | cises00 | coow.n Bon Laurier = T— Ht 500K. tL, | cuicaso | cook. cuicago_} cooK. 1. cuicaco_| 00K. iL _____| citieaso | cook. cuicaco | coo. cuicago:| cook. |_cwicago_| cook. cuicago | cooK. 1 HIGAGO | COOK. teaGo | COOK. ‘STATE OF el MOL fl. Bo IR csworrnaora essen or ocena nen DIL AA Leff inthe GtytlageInincorporated area cle one) ot CLAPP ___.tnincorpocated st municipaty tat provides postal serves) econ LELF. coy, LAZL to ra ir 0 ya a lr to an 28 ate LB LZ sory CICA i oe a cal agetae on hae ned Sa a or ry eoncge anise pote soesn woe ‘Erin tne of signing the petition duly qualified and registered voters ofthe Clty of Chicago, County of Cook, and State of linols, and that their respective residence addresses are correctly slated as above set fort. Z, ; L. 77 s ‘(Creators Signature) el 0m Fenn Bool moo al otc OFFICIAL SEAL K HARVEY SIGNATURE OF NOTARY Ryaic [STATE OF ILLINOIS. 1 Q FA So7ntt SHEET NO One roses Ke sseeseee BIND HERE... x MUNICIPAL GENERAL ELECTION PETITION ‘We, the undersigned, being duly qualified and registered voters of the City of Chicago, County of Cook, State of Illinois, do hereby petition that the following named person shall be a candidate for election to the office hereinafter specified, to be voted for at the Municipal General Election to be held on the Twenty-Second (22nd) day of February, 2011. NAME OFFICE ADDRESS CAROL MOSELEY CITY Mayor aco 1229 EAST 56TH STREET BRAUN SEMEORILUNOIS | CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 69857 aN Swern TE ERO rsomuncummaneracsuccrsnes | OVILLAGE | AND STATE 4260 W. ford Co, OF 7 100K. tL 4380 0. Role wicago | cook. | FUSS. Drove | cracaco | cook. Ex - vwcaso | 200K. 1. BST HAR (yo. | ecaco | coos Ly2at «7 ptomaC | cocaso | cook. Ubu tu, Loire | cicaao | coon 5736 lal. Suapetio ccicago | cook. 0: cago | cooK. 1. . C. Px WPofimac | racasa | coo. 236 4 [ole re. ons Yo30 wd. (bone cuncaco | cox. 1. wes» “vrelomen cacaco | coos.n Y23p We Peto HC | awe | cons 49.80.19. Potomee. Re wscsco | coms 4276p Cotas auc | cwcroo | coon WS$ AU wren? BE | ascaco | coors {Gd slepe choy ll cusce | coos L729 bo). Lop ance Chyt. cwrcsso i: 4632 wd) _Covfoe. 2t let ‘STATE OF ILLINOIS = cou F COOK 1 yllic han ee eater ene 22 I lie age/Unincorporated area (cle one) of cag unincorporated, fist municipal that provides postal service) zp ciel OLS] comyot Cosh _and State of ino, that am eighteen (18/yers of ago or ode, that am acizen ofthe 2 ate ea ai own ware signa ny presnce andar genane an a ane of the sorts ons sheet were Ute Se eco tas he at ayer ing rte pt and that ota yet my ifovie and ba prone so sing ware Sige more tan days a on egitre wae ef hey of Congo Pout ot oo, and Stat of ins an tht hr respective SELIOTscersans a conerty stated an above st foah Keven eBIND HERE. 2.20000 MUNICIPAL GENERAL ELECTION PETITION We, the undersigned, being duly qualified and registered voters of the City of Chicago, County of Cook, State of Illinois, do hereby petition that the following named person shall be a candidate for election to the office hereinafter specified, to be voted for at the Municipal General Election to be held on the Twenty-Second (22nd) day of February, 2011. NAME OFFICE ADDRESS CAROL MOSELEY | ecny GF Chicago 1229 EAST 56TH STREET ‘COUNTY OF NK HI 60637 BRAUN COUNT OF Gnas | CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 69637 SiSNATURE OF GUALFED VOTER TESDENGE OER ca Town] COUNTY a oon se mameemennuccrsnec | ORVILIAGE | AND STATE Ploow | Si WLOY* wl. | eescaco | coor. ae Wh is JAA PL. vacaco | coon eaeretabh bbb ir Gen AIP LOL | ceaco | cooe.n Ze 0 fae 7 ceicano | coon | {1QSUS pag SP} camesa | coors _lys a 10674 | caso | coat ow, NF espyeet cuioaco | cook. 3aw || Hes preet- —| crtesco | coor, Lo VASE Se stan _____| cxteaso | coon 4 20. Thee cicaao | cook. dn 34 W108 Po | onan | cn | [002 pear ee een i . LP — feel ____| cHicaGo _} Cook. iL 16|]0 $. Frashe cascaco | cooK.n >| e S. WecikesrItes | cacao | coon L STATE OF ILLINOIS = cot COOK. u & terest ame) bong et diy ewor, dot ay hat rede ot 122.4 WA Ab fewac ir it ‘ flagerincorprated area (cle one) ot C ‘Lv C25 0 ¢furincorporated, ist municipality that provides postal sence) mw oa OS (— comy ot 200K an sate oti, ta oghton 18 years of 298 ocd ht ama cizan of th United States, and thatthe signatures on this sheet were signed in my presence, and are genuine and that none of the signatures on this sheet were ‘Signed more than 90 days prececing the last day forthe fing of the petition, and that tothe best of my knowledge and belie the persons so signing were, ‘guine te of signing the petiion duly qualified and registered voters ofthe City of Chicago, fZounty of Cook, and State of ilincis, and that thei respective Teaderos adresses are coed state a above set forth. 2 os kom apace nn ro i Jaen om W149 hi Mame of Groton Hes) sie “SIGNATURE OF WAY orci: OA. os apes x BIND HERE... 22.220 MUNICIPAL GENERAL ELECTION PETITION We, the undersigned, being duly qualified and registered voters of the City of Chicago, County of Cook, State of Illinois, do hereby petition that the following named person shall be a candidate for election to the office hereinafter specified, to be voted for at the Municipal General Election to be held on the Twenty-Second (22nd) day of February, 2011. NAME OFFICE ADDRESS CAROL MOSELEY J eny Se Gnicaco 1229 EAST 56TH STREET BRAUN SOUNTY OF COOK CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60637 SIGNATURE OF QUALIFIED VOTER RESIDENCE ADDRESS ‘Ty, TOWN] COUNTY ALT Be WATIEY THE TERI PERSON “TASS NGL HOUSE IMBC AN RAE OF STREET ORVALAGE | AND STATE kA. Ke cntcace | cook. [598 pier he | craso | conse 0 A pga wscaao | coos. 1220 /U cwcasa | coos. Ode L z cuicago | cook. A204 Mf 2 72% | cnrco | coon (7p N. Moody sz cusaco | conen [Jo4_ J. Woody NWA? Wt MAL: cuicaco | cook. it —| owcago | co0K. iL ot COOK. tL 3SB_w_CARRO iced | coon, ; osc vOut AEF. | cascr00 | coo. no Lprseg Duker LIAB KA, Lovrerg rt. cutcaao | cook. u STATE OF ILLINOIS COUNTY OF COOK \ + erousors rane) binge cuy suo do heey crt tat ride w/OD inthe ClyvogeUrinoaported ara cle ont CAEALO incepta st munca at rove poster) 2 coro PF coun ot CLE Kad iso o wince, a am ightoen (18 288 of geo ode ta | am atin ofthe {United States, and thatthe signatures on tis sheet were signed in my presence, and are genuine and that none ofthe signatures on this sheet were ‘signed more than 90 daye preceding the last day forte fling of the petition, and that tothe best of my knowiedge and belie the persons eo signing were, atthe time of signing the petition duly qualifed and registered voters ofthe Cty of Z, County of Cook, and State of Wino, anc that their respective - residence addresses are correctly stated as above set forth. Wr g ; (Circulator’s Signature) SS. ee fa an LAL LOLI: ‘int Name of Circulator Hore) OFFICIAL Si NICOLE L HARVEY ee eomgaos ‘SIGNATURE OF NOOARY PUBLIC eer: 2430. Xe eeeeseee++ BIND HERE x MUNICIPAL GENERAL ELECTION PETITION We, the undersigned, being duly qualified and registered voters of the City of Chicago, County of Cook, State of Illinois, do hereby petition that the following named person shall be a candidate for election to the office hereinafter specified, to be voted for at the Municipal General Election to be held on the Twenty-Second (22nd) day of February, 2011 NAME OFFICE ADDRESS CAROL MOSELEY CITY May OR ao 1229 EAST 56TH STREET BRAUN SEA ORILLING!S | CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60697 aE CRT Gane arian] cone ene EON ROOTES creme: | Sevnee | SD SRTE . ra [1A le § Hprpeze | csc | coos, 196 S Hes owe wacaco | coor. _|WeS Bopleae | ctucaso | cooK., Soa. cuicaco | cook. LOS per yscaco | coon (225 h. 5: Laaseirg | cscsco | coos.u IDG ZT Ll YEE Oe © en Ze Zap LE, cuicago | cooK. 1. BEB So) gree Poco 5 © 63 S$ F(X | ccaco | cooK.n 260 <, ADA cHIGAGO_| COOK. i. [$2005 3 ttc | cook. TUG 6 Ponce | ama | anes 1223 WwW 2 SH cacao. 002 So. St#le. wacren | cote Ofx2 SLI | cwcsce | cooK. 5g 4 a = —Teerco | 2 14 A ne CISBY S abe | ensao | coonn ‘STATE OF ILLINOIS COUNTY OF COOK 1, Wadn J Bas pwede IL, (circulates name) being first duly sworn, do hereby cert that | reside aS Zh Sb Mesret, inthe Gty/ilage/Unincorporated are (circle one) of CAsea ge .Fnincorporate it municipality tat provides postal serves) zip code beh 1, County of HK __, and State of tincis, that | am eighteon (18) years of age or older, that | am a citizen of the Tried Sates and that the dgnatures of ths sheet were signed in my presence, and ae genuine and that none ofthe signatures on this sheet were ‘gned more than G0 dys preceding the last day for th fling of tho petition, anc that tothe best of my knowledge an bel the persone c signing were, saree ine ot agning the pettion duly qualified and registered voters ofthe Cty of Chicago, County of Cook, and State of linc, and tha ther espective Tesidence addresses are corectly sated as above set forth P (Greouiator’ Siandare) SSgred and Soro frame) betoreme on 2010by Sahn TF Palpucdar Te —u4 jae Ctr Here) aA OFFICIAL SEAL ‘SIGNATURE OF NOTARY PUBLIC gaaserueiey OF Lunas MY COMMISSION EXPRRESarin, SHEET No. oss prve ou x BIND HERE... MUNICIPAL GENERAL ELECTION PETITION We, the undersigned, being duly qualified and registered voters of the City of Chicago, County of Cook, State of Illinois, do hereby petition that the following named person shall be a candidate for election to the office hereinafter specified, to be voted for at the Municipal General Election to be held on the Twenty-Second (22nd) day of February, 2011. NAME OFFICE "ADDRESS CAROL MOSELEY | cry S¢&ficaco 1229 EAST 56TH STREET BRAUN GOUNTY OF COOK | CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60637 MY WT BYE STER PEN is SL NCUDE NOUS MAE WEE STREET Gay TOWN COUNTY. LOS Mee Rel [Fa 8, Paw jing | encsoo [coon l , | Is%e wv 55 | ae eee Celi an SS SF. BM ct . Sid Se Ki hag | ceca | «ae i> ve 192 Cadeleble Hy | cvscsco | cook S518 mud a sau, Oude ore GOjéW Phe? ioe SLE 8. Bokga Ee Leis Heresy S/S ber SESE a case 8) > be 2S SS. Tostine | Gera ) 694 5. Justine => T饢8, 2 S$. JuS TINE | soca | coaes l4727 5 dy sfire 7{2¢€ S827 5a. STATE OF unas} 7 i COUNTY OF COOK Lee Aydt Mesa. erastors oe ening ety swom, do herby cent ta reside t_ PP Led San, Pa ccetoe inthe Ctytagerincoprated ara ce one) 7A . uincorporated, st muncipaty tat provides posta enc) 2p code BO LAL, county of C722 _ and Sat of tos, that | am eghtoon (18) years of age or lds that i zen of te United States, and thet the clgnatures on ths sheet were &gned in my presence, and are genuine and that none ofthe signatures on thie sheet were ‘signed more than 80 days preceding the lst day forthe ling ofthe petition, and that othe best of my knowledge and belie the persons so signing were, [Xie tine of signing the peiion duly qualified and registered voters ofthe City of Chicago, County of Cook. and State of linois, anc that their respective ‘Ratdnce adcesses ae correct stated ae above sat forth ee Ln WP thsa (Circulator’s Signature) Signed and Sworn to (or atfrmed) before me on wy 426 Lawn Moho’ [Print Name of Creulator Hore) ‘SIGNATURE OF | AY PUBLIC wera, 2072 vm os x BINDHERE 22.20.2008 MUNICIPAL GENERAL ELECTION PETITION We, the undersigned, being duly qualified and registered voters of the City of Chicago, County of Cook, State of Illinois, do hereby petition that the following named person shall be a candidate for election to the office hereinafter specified, to be voted for at the Municipal General Election to be held on the Twenty-Second (22nd) day of February, 2011. NAME OFFICE ADDRESS CAROL MOSELEY ory BF cuibaco 1229 EAST 56TH STREET BRAUN STATE OF ILLINOIS ee eee SauaTUnE OF GUARD VOTER TESDENGE ADDRESS GrvTom] GoM sano Te NFER ee SA | HICAGK COOK, IL 2 Phia we ye | S219 s, Wary dation fioo | ecu 2 Seat Prabal a GUL 5 Loewe ~ | crtieaso | cox. KF KZ 0 SCWvemee > | ascsco | coors. WELFLA Fez $0 5 Chopi/s | acacia | coown ‘ LL cutcaco | coon SY 5S leonts wscaco | comma S TneMept S44 %S Coa | crxcaso | cook. 96d s—Tustin cwucaao | cook. nw [SONG Uh wchihas ceca | coon Coy qsst 5. faulka cxicaso | cook.» he ene DD Mar bbe —_ _cuicaco | cooK, 1. t Lb1E¢ Caliswet scuieas.| cook. aan 4 ~ | cui KIL 230 le kin tage eeu eo CLI SD -cvacaco | co0K.i. {Jie | cricaco | cooK. P40 §. ach rtcl ee COUNTY OF COOK 4 ele FA. cebator's name) being frst cy swom, do hereby ceri that reside at SIL Se Mee Pet. STATE OF unas} inthe ClyAiapeRrincorportd ara ccieon) ot_ CA eer ere rincoporae, st muna tha proves pont re) zr code hele 5 County of __€774L. and State of ilinols, that | am eighteen (18) years of age or older, that | am a citizen of the United States, and thatthe signatures on this sheet wore signed in my presence, and are genuine and that none of the signatures on this sheet were ‘Sgned more than 90 day’ preceding the lst day fr the fing ofthe pettion, and that to the best of my knowledge and baie! the persons 80 signing were, [tthe tne of signing the petition duly quaifed and registared voters ofthe City of Chicago, County of Cook, and State of linois, and that thei respective ee ft (Giruistors of, — eae eee eet ee _ 2010 by Jeb Ye i ‘ere tite Hors) ‘SIGNATURE OF N¢ PUBLIC ses: 133, — oun Xeveeeseeee BINDHERE 2... ....047 MUNICIPAL GENERAL ELECTION PETITION We, the undersigned, being duly qualified and registered voters of the City of Chicago, County of Cook, State of Illinois, do hereby petition that the following named person shall be a candidate for election to the office hereinafter specified, to be voted for at the Municipal General Election to be held on the Twenty-Second (22nd) day of February, 2011. NAME OFFICE ADDRESS CAROL MOSELEY omy Sk Crease 1229 EAST 56TH STREET OF COOK BRAUN ‘STATE OF ILLINOIS. Rae Kase) SIGNATURE OF GUALFIED VOTER TESDENGE ADDRESS ‘ary Tom] county AO eB TEND PEON msourscusemsmnaenmowurcesmen | OAVLLAGE | AND STATE en 20 Lathes. eee eee Lath [2058 1. Cer eee Ller t — Ceatpal. mee cee UAB NS Leche cago | cook. G59 Wh caucaco | coon 30ZO. -ouicago | cook. a Sebo yacaco | coon [837 Voce © LT | Gcasa)| cook. me Dono. cucaco | cooK. 1. GHW eee GE cu E; ee ti iL WAY AN- FR Vc oes ~1932 wo. Oh:d ceacaco | cook. a cuicase | cook. 1. Ste .u2Ud [orl eee AVBS W-Snue guticago | cook. tL ZEROS Lutig lee COUNTY OF COOK 7 y \ Lia's (Gros name bing est ly sworn, do hereby corti ese at LI AAA In the Ciy/Vitage/Urincorporated area circle one) of YOLE EP” _, | incorporated ist municipality that provides postal service) 2 cote be PZ, county VALLE ad Sate otis, tha am egntean (18) yar of age rotor, that | am a tz ofthe Tied Snes, and cto gnats one sheet wee signed my presence andar gears ard wa ano of he oats oni she! Wore Ssgad ore thane Seve precoding ant ayer ogo plln an tha othe eset my krowiege ae ou epreono vo sing wre, Se ime ot seri the peony cud andere ase iy of Cicago, County of Coc an tte of canta opecve residence adaresses are correctly stated as above set forth ; (Groatér'e Signature) sigan vera afta) ere mon zoo _Efan\cis Pickem DN ttt OFFICIAL SEAL ‘SIGNATURE OF MANY : ace. a4 ERIE noe ser: 2% fae BIND HERE... 2. x MUNICIPAL GENERAL ELECTION PETITION We, the undersigned, being duly qualified and registered voters of the City of Chicago, County of Cook, Sta of Illinois, do hereby petition that the following named person shall be a candidate for election to the office hereinafter specified, to be voted for at the Municipal General Election to be held on the Twenty-Second (22nd) day of February, 2011. NAME OFFICE ‘ADDRESS CAROL MOSELEY | cry 8¢nicaco | 1229 East seTH STREET BRAUN SOUNTY OF COOK | CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60637 yet oe WATE TORR PE CC a 2 Myf Ys ja Ae ws tase swf | cxtcaao | cook. LBL [est Mauss ee St We Waghiaa ta 900 ho labaubaator tees 556 WS, Vor Bel cwcana | cooK.u exutosnae tenga sam ora aay een SO 2L_ Se (ated a a (ee — = ee ee United States, and tht the signatures cn this sheet were signed in my presence, and are genuine and that none of the signatures on this sheet were signed more than 90 days preceding the last day forte fling of the petition, and that to the best of my knowledge and belief the persons so signing were, atthe time of signing the petition duly qualified and registered voters ofthe ity of Chicago, County of Cook, and tata ir that their respective residence addresses are corectl stated as above set forth, ons at Ree ocho’ eee noe a eee (Print Name of Circulator Here) OFFICIAL SEAL : (IG SATE OF INOS \ {SEAL OR stamp | NOTARY PUBLIC « SAS Me dear. 2495 (ATURE OF PUBLIC e MUNICIPAL GENERAL ELECTION PETITION‘ We, the undersigned, béing duly qualified and registered voters of the City of Chicago, County of Cook, State Of Illinois, do hereby petition that the following named person shall be a candidate for election to the office hereinafter specified, to be voted for at the Mi lunicipal General Election to be held on the: ‘Twenty-Second: (22nd) day of February, 2011. NAME OFFICE ADDRESS: ig CAROL MOSELEY omy OF EAGo | 1209 EAST 56TH STREET BRAUN SOMNTY, OF GOOK CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60637 SIGNATURE OF GUALFIED VOTER TRESOENOE ADDRESS iy TowN | coun surewrenemmwven | eee ee {eds | ab ae 23OF3F # pe —cuicago | cox. 9 © May st cwcaso | cooky. Ct. Main F +f exon D Ln bAmey Ave WIE | coi n i — CHI Bea Be Bete RST [eee et Wire Auwdar Barta bE “cuucaso | cook Lilt nf Derg 4 4125 i xicaco | cooky. Aum Uc 2S _s Towed cwscaco | co0%.y done ¢ 2Q, Li x suicaco | cooky wMisd Sawes dis Mampntk Da’ otc ~cuicaao | cook. LL ASST S, Cols s [ciucaco | cook. Maevin CPi B45 Drexe | ale cuicaso | cook. uCheorsrovher Davis 13S Vo wert | cook n. 6th phe 04D Vary Boe cuscaca | cook. te Aston Meawh ELST S, EvurAg oa \ 27 W, 15%) / CHICAGO | COOK. ——__ . Pass 7 vee ee | cook. n , Vaal Coll, VaR ae Of _S.- Mchegew wcago | cook. inte Ctyivtagertnincorpcated area ciclo bna) tC’) Ya (fnincomerated st municpalty tat provides postal nice) 2 code G0 O14 aun ot COVA ae ts tn, tam Upto Stats, and hatte signatures on tis seat waa ig ery, ee shin re a 20 dvs prcecing toast day orth ingot te peion anata: eee athe tine of sging the pation dy qualifies andeptenes ‘estince addaos ar comely slated a above wa to es gt ys, cohety wy mio JS 3 EPS Offical Seal (SEAL OR staMP Marleela Rodeigaez ~ ‘Rotary Pubite 81.'> of th"; ent teat eA Naga Xe veces cess / BIND HERE eee MUNICIPAL GENERAL ELECTION PETITION We, the undersigned, being duly qualified and registered voters of the City of Chicago, County of Cook, State of Illinois, do hereby petition that the following named person shall be a candidate for election to the office hereinafter specified, to be voted for at the Municipal General Election to be held on the Twenty-Second (22nd) day of February, 2011. NAME OFFICE ADDRESS CAROL MOSELEY | cry Se Snicaco | 1229 EAST s6TH STREET b BRAUN COUNTY OF Nos CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60637 stato fobs peor rann mssuipeumpromnmnmewuorsmen | ONVALAGE | AND SINE 1 e cuiicaco | cook. rome. Voir p38 34, WwW (3th Plice |e | cook. a _| 1437s bilb@err da | cook 4 oye — LOK Lise St, DiebmeL? caicaso>| cook. Littl Zn Hime IAG COOK. bod. Hells, __ WWBS da | Povo. _ Alas ati ¢ 1a. 54S. _Iselley es - N30 p/ Cara DE Gt dita Ie Zz ssacao | soot L/P VIO VED a= ZA D. Ne BE | cuscano | soo. adayrmoser ATM | cucaca | cones HICAGO KL cuicaco | cook. Ine 5 ALR wicaco | cooK. 1. [3017 va), Leyton. —___| cua | o00K.1t USI ne WRLLE! wucaco | cook. [Blo _v Sao ee cescaso | cont. PAA Whe ane ny or ty et ete eee _ rience eet tpn pnd wed rroanlle S lama LEB] sizomanrn aetna et onan Bee en ee ek haps oan oh Lae area eeeeea tats es inte moses tarmcemnustercie: tthe time of signing the petition duly uafied and registered voters ofthe Cit of Chicago, County residence addresees are correctly stated as above sot forth. STATE OF ICCINOIS COUNTY OF COO! ledge and belie the persons so signing were, ‘(Circulators Signature) Nipgad contnisronterstmnseaoenen AD CRD IChasowy ton WW sil | GREASE ‘Pn Name of Grcstor Res) NOTARY PUBUC -STATE OF MLNOIS NYCOM ‘SIGNATURE OF NBTARY PUBLIC sen onswur ISON EXPRE: 7/041 (OF NOTARY PUBLIC) ern, 47 x se BIND HERE... 22.2 MUNICIPAL GENERAL ELECTION PETITION We, the undersigned, being duly qualified and registered voters of the City of Chicago, County of Cook, State of Illinois, do hereby petition that the following named person shall be a candidate for election to the office hereinafter specified, to be voted for at the Municipal General Election to be held on the Twenty-Second (22nd) day of February, 2011. NAME OFFICE ‘ADDRESS CAROL MOSELEY | cry SeGnicaco | 1229 EAST s6TH STREET BRAUN pee es CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60637 sycuatoc vere Te en nen ese pou OA REN SOMO TET [sit sso STATE [S"Ol A+ cwicaco | cook. 42) Bw bk De - cuicaco | coos. u eye pees be celal Neate cuicaco | cooK. SSbS pu Cog fess cuicaso | cooK.n. OW Lose cascaco | c00K.1L aes? Lu. Ada | acco | comm saro W4hake Se. cucaco | cook. -78/ Pel AZ | ciicaco | cooK.n 252 sf ohn ote STATE OF ILLINOIS OF cook f ™ L Ceo (srs nae ing ty urn cat cay wt imacenr L014 A? Cad tra] in the CityVilage/Unincorporated area circle one) of . (unincorporated, ist municipality that provides postal service) zip code_{a 045 | __.. county of. sc at of i, ata artnn (0) yas fae or hata cizen fhe ‘United States, and that the signatures on thie sheet were egned in my presence, and aro that none ofthe signatures on this sheet were ‘Soned more than 0 cae prosrdng at ey tore get he pation ané atthe bet of my krewledg anda perone 20 Sng wee, _at the time of signing the pation duly qualified and registered voters ofthe City of Chicago, County of Cook, and State of linois, and that their respective fern onc stcameesaer 7 ol # , ae “OFFICIAL SEAL” Nina Jalil is Comission Eroires 03/20/14 veer: 3b e pe MUNICIPAL GENERAL ELECTION PETITION We, the undersigned, being duly qualified and registered voters of the City of Chicago, County of Cook, State of illinois, do hereby petition that the following named person shall be a candidate for election to the office hereinafter specified, to be voted for at the Municipal General Election to be held on the Twenty-Second (22nd) day of February, 2011. NAME OFFICE ADDRESS CAROL MOSELEY | ci MR aco 1229 EAST S6TH STREET BRAUN | Seristuasg | Swesto.uinoe et Sano OnVuLASE | 200 STATE ee ee Weg ee ye} sooo | cone goa We cuicago | cooK 35454 Kale cquicaco | coo. 1. HZ. to OF/O. cuicago | COOK. Ho 4G, tw Fe ff cscaco | coms. 510 N Centra | COOK. C1Y pe Fork’ ra rr —sS 122K LTRRKS|L | cooky. TY) 2 Ferdyia | cacaco | coos. G00 ea SOl Wy Gewese Giexe5)| coo... Bite fire ‘oacaco | coon SL tl fin K Sa be coscaco | co0%.u 4b OL AWA gyrce/ catcaco | cook. 0 | CHICAGO | COOK. i \ox0a/) Mane cwwcago | cook. ‘STATE OF ILLINOIS - Cc OF COOK orte Bal (erstors name bain fet iy ewer, tray cot tat irae L079 A) rea ey in the CityNillage/Unincorporated area (circle one} of -. (f unincorporated, list municipaitty that provides postal service) zr con lO $1 cary ena [A we tt et am pin (9 fg ia i oe atthe time of signing the pation duy qualified and registered voters ofthe City of Chicago, County of Cook, and State of inci, and that thei respective ‘esidence adresses are corey sated as above so forth (Circulator's Signature) o ee eens Os +2010 by z . iret Her) Nina Jalil (Sea distery Pubic, State of tints if or vovflytudaay ts Eas 3/2071: | IN Uf BIND HERE... ox MUNICIPAL GENERAL ELECTION PETITION‘ We, the undersigned, being duly qualified and registered voters of the City of Chicago, of Ilinots, do hereby petition that the following named Person shall be a candidate for County of Cook, State electioi: to the office hereinafter Specified, to be voted for at the Municipal General Election to be held on the ‘Twenty-Second(22nd) day of February, 2011. NAME OFFICE ADDRESS € CAROL MOSELEY cry Se tbaco 1229 EAST 56TH STREET COUNTY OF COOK 5 6063 BRAUN STATE OF ILLINOIS | CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60637 RESIDENCE ADDRESS. TS SHAL CLUDE HOUSE NIMBER AND NAME OFA YP WU hihinl i ‘CITY, TOWN | COUNTY OR VILLAGE | AND State Sw Wadia biel Fe tL 5I 5. Camel a se) Le Web enne IY A) Lesertge— SF Haun aon Lhe Leg | oboe o orca | FAT, py Votan. Gok (x10 W, Adams | co0K. wees 2 1 cook. 391 «2 Wlenes € | cook a tt BW av moige | conic ‘STATE OF ILLINOIS COUNTY OF CooK f . ae Aetre nee” HCN sss tey ty nn dy ny at lA2 JOG) tualice inthe. CityNVillage/Unincorporated area | (circle one) of. i (if unincorporated, list ‘municipality that provides Postal service) Be caie 2G LC coset COOK wed sacs ot am eighteen (8) yar of age or older, that am a clan ofthe saturn ty aio tn fa tt nat serssmecineocey peesngcetrveiaa nae omer sn wes Shotnctomnng serge at ert ig ets cl th ye Chicago, County of Cok, and Se flip ws tee ‘esenceadcresos are comely sated a above sect mn i 27 / (Gresors Sights) ' ‘SomdantSvimtojratimestatremeen 7° AW, ayy by Oficial Seal ‘e : SIGNATURE OF NOTARY PUB, Print Name of GSulator Here) * Mariela Rodrigues EAL OR STAMP Seenerrinis; | Nous i Nagy D2 My Cor ete ten, ., 4, Shemp Noe OU ~ ok «BIND HERE. x Q oO MUNICIPAL GENERAL ELECTION PETITION ‘We, the undersigned, being duly qualified and registered voters of the City of Chicago, County of Cook, State Of Ilinois, do hereby petition that the following named person shall be a candidate for election to the office hereinafter specified, to be voted for at the Municipal General Election to be held on the Twenty-Second (22nd) day of February, 2011. NAME OFFICE ADDRESS CAROL MOSELEY ony Se cHioaco 1229 EAST S6TH STREET BRAUN COUNTY OF COOK | CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60637 SIGNATURE OF GUALES TER RESDENGE ADDRESS arom] Cony ast rw one RAP Mecnumumoacnacenemnecrsner | SHVASE | MOAN iQ AtyL Lop reo} (0 %o¥3 BIO AGO ps rs tth rr —\Grereo) | cook. wDEw iE JoWES Glos §$ mashPield papate | coos Tgma Gnes [10% 5S. barshgield eo co0.. 1 8 ( piltirty, a Pcson 2 Larstence Wor | yoo 2371 rome eee 2 daevael Brille _ | 44 wo. ST ot | cutters | cook. = ohslpe tospia 2524 5st cxicaso | cook.n a Anil (be | oSi [ib Place KP corns STATE OF ILLINOIS COUNTY OF COOK f * (decker - tas) bia et yon. do dy cant nattate 5936S. Brshar in the City/vitage/Unincorporated area (cre one) of Le nee CK. Feat onk LH sere | cont 125! Loner Ci 1 we Ll An Toco é [Lf CE aicago} cook. a Daamd ult [13.092 SbaQ i) Psi | coe ‘STATE OF raza f INTY OF COOK ( Doekeclac Scar ¢rsstors sae angie oy evr comet oy at scot 5786-3 Bish. inte iynlage Uincorrrate rn cle omelot Ch, Cox.g nora muna hat roves post soc) 2 code (dx _, comiy ot Coda sate ons tat am doce (18) years of geo le, tat am actzen ofthe United States, and tat te signatures cn tis sheet were signed in my presence, and are genuine and tat rone of he signatures on this sheet were signed more than 80 days prececing te last day forthe ling f the petton and that othe bes of my knowledge and bal! tho persons so signing were, atthe timo of signing the paliton dy quai and registred voter ofthe Cty of Chicago State of lho, and that the respecte fesidence adresses are correct stated as above sot fh (Circulators Signature) Satan Sern to atime brome on CCS“ soto br - icine een ° oo. re MUNICIPAL GENERAL ELECTION a PETITION We, the undersigned, being duly qualified and registered voters of the City of Chicago, County of Cook, State OF lilineis, do hereby petition that the following named person shall be a candidate for election to the office hereinafter specified, to be voted for at the Municipal General Election to be held on the Twenty-Second (22ne) day of February, 2011, NAME OFFICE ‘ADDRESS. € CAROL MOSELEY any Srcaicaco 1229 EAST 56TH STREET NT. CAG 4 BRAUN STATE OF ILLINOIS | CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60637 TSNATURE OF GUALFED VOTER TESDENCE DAES city Town] COUNTY Jes oc TEN oreo mssmincunereseunmnmowucrsner | Srv | SE ag Bd3¢ 2 49/ §7 zante fh L296 Kida pe ELF | resco | coon Heckik [0907 5. Daxtan ele = AST Odced rus |Geasd| cones 4 1335 f fe eee eee WEEE BIL APARS aii om ny Logh | s2c = Cate = [ 3680 37 14a we Maron! $30 DC Mh 276 W 64 Phen) : i OS Viger 2S nidésse locee0e% BIY0 3+ P2KT. nN a Ogee Louis AE LESS é ara. 12. W, ALE on Aw CO 1 USB N: thy ban, aA jzsy Nariel, wt S2U, Nicenve| Sy Li Cel So, ars, pat a AewebII| ce ¢ et! corset CON Taam cf i, tet shinny fag cd at a ect ne Used State, and at hadnt ons ‘ad ae ganuie and that none of the signatures on te shea ware a Stay an 2 day precacig te st afta ingot te petra aot fy knowtedg etter ease cae ee atte tme of sgring he pton daly quai sn reg "osdencecdéraaes are conecty sedan abone carter oo Hy — Signed ana swim tw img veto meen “AT 31/0 ,2010by_ L. Bec tates nnd (Pring Name of Circulator Hore) ee : SiaNATURE OF NGTARY pbaLiC Sex. on SM aT Pu) Fal, SHEET NO. — ace ae ~N —— XeeeeeceeseeBIND HERE = MUNICIPAL GENERAL ELECTION PETITION We, the undersigned, being duly qualified and registered voters of the City of Chicago, County of Cook, State of illinois, do hereby petition that the following named person shall be a candidate for election to the office hereinafter specified, to be voted for at the Municipal General Election to be held on the Twenty-Second (22nd) day of February, 2011. NAME OFFICE ADDRESS CAROL MOSELEY | eny d¢ricaco 1229 EAST 56TH STREET BRAUN Ree OT SNols CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60637 ‘SIGNATURE OF QUALIFIED VOTER TESIDENGE ADDRESS ‘ify, TOWN | COUNTY ‘LMUSTEE WATTEVEY THe VOTER PERSON 1 SAL NOLO HOE MBER EOF TRE GR VULAGE | AND STATE z _ 4133 W)C. f-cacaco | coos. La Po Bos ti Das bgper So | cacsca | co0s. OF Oi Lee 24 5 AVLAE | coarse coos 4) robe! QI S Paarce scaca | coos = 2a ald fas Co wucaco | cook. 9414 bn Cor bec ceicaco | cook. L = | cuicaco | cook. PIAS. TROMOOW | caso | coor EL we (a Cu | 23/¢ Ss Kirklaw Irae c00K. fcago-? cook. it COUNTY OF COOK WM [ert] DHL 2UMS cicasatrs nae) veg fest sy om, do hereby catty tat reside at SOW kh Inthe Cyaagrinorpertd aren (ce on) of CLE 1 UR YC > eincopeate, et munca tat roves posers) zp cove Ko E Z-LL., county of LCS LE and State of iis, that | am eighteen (16) years of age or older, that | am a citizen of the United States, and tat the signatures on this sheet were signed in my prosence, and are genuine and that none of the signatures on this shoot were ‘signed more than 90 days preceding ths last day forthe fling ofthe petition, and that othe best of my knowledge and belie the persons 80 signing were, ithe time of signing the petition duly qualfied and registered voters ofthe City of Chicago, County of Cook, and Sate of linois, and that their respective residence addresses are core ‘a8 above sat forth dence ad cy stated a Z Cio Sat Ab — Srnsssnoms tines meen 1 1Q_anoy_Mieha. ee (Print Name of Circulator Here) HARI seta SATE unos mani MY Conussion ExPRESaT STATE OF unos} « ‘SIGNATURE OF NO@RRY PUBLIC ecco 28 eae x +++ BIND HERE... x MUNICIPAL GENERAL ELECTION PETITION We, the undersigned, being duly qualifiad and registared voters of the City of Chicago, County of Cook, State Pereitels: do hereby petition that the following named person shall be a Candidate for electioh to the office hereinafter specitied, to be voted for at the Municipal General Election to be held on the Twenty-Second (22nd) day of February, 2011. i NAME “ OFFICE | ADDRESS T CAROL MOSELEY city SeCeibaao | 1229 EAST 56TH STREET BRAU IN: Se TE GOSK CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60637 ‘SIGNATURE OF GUALINED RESIDENGE ADDRESS Gin. TOWN] COUNTY AL Mut Wren BY maVoTER “P88 AL NCLUDE HOUSE AND MAME OF SReET OR VILLAGE | AND STATE Za At 5o- auicaco | coox, WAS ¢ MAK cook. PTA 1872. terete cuicago | cook.» 2. cacase | cook a, 20 el teas | cooky FOB Ou, VU/ lin on | eocie age a. hLUF f LA9 So | cook. 2 1927 Bo -cuicaso | cook. ta fu sto} 300 WD] ? Kao ie tg wl he nos, that | am eighteen (18) yeare of age or older, that | am a clizen of the efco, and are genuine and that none ofthe signatures on this sheet were and that to the best of my knowledge and bal! the persone co aigning were, City ef Crip, County of Cook, and Stato linc, and tha thei reapective (Creslatore Signature) r a Fl Rouge. Sue ofr ated before 2ot0 nee LG (Pint Naso Grvator Ha Oficial Seat ; Maricela Rodrigue F NOTARY BUBLI Gea. on stan Nata’ Public Stiff Tnois NATURE OF ROTARY OBL ornonay rg > ton Expr Ja 242001 aus oe Jj Xe eee ees es BIND HERE aus MUNICIPAL GENERAL ELECTION PETITION We, the undersigned, being duly qualified and registered voters of the City of Chicago, County of Cook, State of Illinois, do hereby petition that the following named person shall be a candidate for election to the office hereinafter specified, to be voted for at the Municipal General Election to be held on the Twenty-Second (22nd) day of February, 2011, NAME OFFICE ADDRESS CAROL MOSELEY CITY Grcticaco 1229 EAST 56TH STREET COUNTY OF K 6063" B RAU IN STATE OF ILLINOIS ee ee e SIGNATURE OF GUALFED VOTER RESIDENCE ADDRESS Gin, Town] COUNTY SRB ATTEN THE VOTER PERN nssmanawoenoanmnvemowcrsiecr | ORVLAGE | AND STATE Wad W. Col Beenie B35 WU Yair tr 2662. W) oto Ma SB? Wfpeiicd Fama | coon. ee Prausta, | cap | coos. V (éavi nicacd) | cooK, 1 Pac, Hugs (eens S397 ul Whee Seco} cook. V7 Sercra27anyo ‘chica ack ON os fort ISON ederian BSS UME ide Koicase~} cook. ass Ww -Aujuston Sigaaa}c00K SZ APSO [ence | cote 200K, tL PD. ra el STATE OF ILLIN ch COUNTY OF COgK f° ~ pois Hse cusses non dotnet tain 8 JO_U-10, in the Ci) vitage/Unincorperated area (circle one) of ch uc oF . funincorporated, tit municipality that provides postal service) 2 cxtole [2D2~couny ot C190 Kane state o tins, that am sigisen (1 years geo olde, tat am aczn ofthe cs Sat, an ate ignatss on Fis shes were signed ny presen, ar are gure and hat ree of he iaues one sheet wee signed note ano dye proecng eat ey fog he paler ad teh best fy knownsp nde he persone so sgnng we", sitetime sting te peony queda roiters vor fh ly of Ceago, County of Cook ane Stat ct noe an that he respects teoarcesdsteses comely sted a above or LARI SRY A MINT! ed Xe esces esses BIND HERE x MUNICIPAL GENERAL ELECTION PETITION We, the undersigned, being duly qualified and registered voters of the City of Chicago, County of Cook, State of Illinois, do hereby petition that the following named person shall be a candidate for election to the office hereinafter specified, to be voted for at the Municipal General Election to be held on the Twenty-Second (22nd) day of February, 2011. NAME OFFICE ADDRESS CAROL MOSELEY | cny 8 'Riitaco | 1229 EAST SeTH STREET BRAUN SOUNTY OF COOK | CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60637 ‘SIGNATURE OF QUALIFIED VOTER TESDINGE RDDRESS cv Town] COUNTY aaa er eo PE resenuncuvenourmamcrmowuccesmcr | ORVILLAGE | ANDSTATE lop N Mobi cello SF [aces cook a Jott N Mom cellos* | cote Dl FiGASES 00K. L~ I¢LS San tcl Zacte | cook. (50%. fronior Sac} cook ico, Chelan eat 2 00 Ud. C16 Whhs Gx Sucsco | coow.n a2 A 4) Hy. cuicaco | 200K. i, GOLA cutcaco | coos. TUAA Henry | euceso | coon BU weet Washing bots |r) cook. Lu Dh cut WAGE ate — {arcs | coor. Cosmin azi7 cicaco | 200K. __|399qG cy. Hereen cag) | cook. BLS) Day: Cescise) POOR Les Th MsMe rs LfeeS} cook, COUNTY OF COOK De Leis (Cratos name) bing ist dy sworn, do herby coy that reside at ZACH. UD He heaston in the City/Village/Unincorporated area (circle one) of Asi 5. zp ote laatadty —. County of _ ("ei _ and State of ilincis, that | am eighteen (18) years of age or older, that | am a citizen of the United States, and thatthe signatures on this sheet were signed in my presence, and are genuine and that none ofthe signatures on this sheot wora ‘signed more than 90 days preceing the lst day forthe ling ofthe petilon, and that othe best of my knowledge and ballet te persone 0 signing were, atthe timo siging the pettion duly qualified and registred voters ofthe Cty of Chicago, County of Cook, and Stato Mine, an that he respective tesidence addresses are corel sated as above oot forth. STATE OF os . (f unincorporated, ist municipality that provides postal service) Lhd Lf Signed and Swom to or armed) betore me on_ MOY 4 aorory Ears faeris (Print Name of Circulator Here) Offical Seal ‘SIGNATURE OF NOTARY rye g (SEAL OR STAMP. Maricels Rodriguez (OF NOTARY PUBUC) Notary Public State AY = My Commis sie Papo + cern ee ee BINDHERE 2.000000 MUNICIPAL GENERAL ELECTION PETITION We, the undersigned, being duly qualified and registered voters of the City of Chicago, County of Cook, State of Ilincis, ‘do hereby petition that the following named person shall be a candidate for election to the office \ hereinafter specified, to be voted for at the Municipal General Election to be held on the Twenty-Second (22nd) day of February, 2011 NAME OFFICE ADDRESS: CAROL MOSELEY ony Ge chicago 41229 EAST S6TH STREET IN" BRAUN COUNTY OF COOK | CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60637 Saupe OF CURD VOTER TESDENOE RODRESS Gav Town] COUNTY eg tenner 1s NO PRreupyesmt | ORVILAGE | AND STATE bo ab ale BoA yea ted PREIS nn? a E a am 6) or Deasclia go Puke rege beaten SOUNTY OF Fpoe } 5 a \ being tly or, doy oy at rie 3.4 |e Ate ase in the City/itage/Unincorporate area (circle one) of ¢ fh Lago it unincorporated, st municipaty that provides postal service) 21° code. Go 8 County of, and Stato of lino, that | am eighteen (1) years of age or older, that Lam actz ofthe United State, and tha Uo signatures on this sheet wer signed in my presence, and ar genuine and that none ofthe signatures on tis shoot wore ‘Signed more than 90 days preceding the last day forthe fing ofthe pation, and that tothe best of my knowledge and belt the persons so signing were, at the time of signing the petition dly qualified and regitored voters ofthe City of Chicago, yh ‘and that their respective Cee ne ee ay.) Cat TClidess, siredand suomi rates otxe meen COCE DE stay : (Print Name of Circulator Here) , eae Ose (SeALOR STAMP (OF NOTARY PUBLIC) Kee eeseesse+ BIND HERE. MUNICIPAL GENERAL ELECTION PETITION qualified and registered voters of the City of Chicago, County of Cook, State following named person shall be a candidate for election to the office ‘Municipal General Election to be held on the Twenty-Second (22nd) We, the undersigned, being duly of Illinois, do hereby petition that the hereinafter specified, to be voted for at the day of February, 2011, NAME OFFICE. ADDRESS: CAROL MOSELEY ory or SHICAGO 4229 EAST S6TH STREET BRAUN SOUR OF GeGIS | CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60s RESIDENCE ADDRESS. ity, TOWN] COUNTY "SIGNATURE OF QUALIFIED VOTER “TH SHALL OLUDE HOUSE NMSER AND MAME OF STEET OR VILLAGE | AND STATE ‘AL MOST BE WRITTEN BY THE VOTERIN PERSON $19 V SHUM F/EU> boc Lae eld Sah Ipos W.chgrfa Vito bp lpr aa aS Fol Ladle S ie | ZBEN Conti ME ere FF as Yarding | ss Leas) carer f COUNTY OF ie ib eeRER ‘ Oe eee eon Ie a ‘ inthe Ciynsjage/Unincorprated area (ele one) ot CL 'GLLA 7 Gt unincorporated st muricpaty that provides postal sence) 2 code FO[2A_. county _ an Sata of tins, ta am eighteen (18 years geo le that am a ctize fhe Thi Sater a4 at the Snr on We ceet wate Sonad in my presence ard re gnure and tat ane fhe signatures on this hes wre Cee te aye ean he day rh lng tte pete, and thet thebestof my krowledge anda he parsons signing wee caer nin tn eon dy quad ard eet were fhe iy of Cicago, County of Cook, and Stat of inant ht respective teldonce adtean ae cect sted a above st fh ; oe Cay Todsbers {Print Name of Circulator Here) ee ee ees = OCTE (SEAL OR STAMP (OF NOTARY PUBLIC) Se oem bossa = «BIND HERE x MUNICIPAL GENERAL ELECTION PETITION We, the undersigned, being duly qualified and registered voters of the City of Chicago, County of Cook, State of Illinois, do hereby petition that the following named person shall be a candidate for election to the office hereinafter specified, to be voted for at the Municipal General Election to be held on the Twenty-Second (22nd) day of February, 2011. NAME OFFICE ADDRESS CAROL MOSELEY | cry Saeco 1229 EAST 56TH STREET COUN IF COOK BRAUN STATE OF ILLINOIS | CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60637 SNARE OF ALES VOTER RSDaCE ORES Gr Town] Gon feet aaroter nace ree neounaunemionnnoumcenn | nme owe 3540, Se, Aves hy - CUYD. Lonny Ayo: a. ap d IS Fa 1 __| Nile (SB QW : a Kellen D040 sen | R/S wo WiLCA feseo cae c [5235 w Wlea P<.) : im . | ccnp h So 2800 Wshinetes Ba —linH4o.¢ | — Bus0 ue Fulton 4430 _wGite . z {creator's name being frst dy sworn, do hereby cantly that reside at 7 7 I, Cv) C0) Arve in the City/Vilage/Unincorporated area (circle one) Coole Cony). (unincorporated, list municipality that provides postal service) ZR Code _. county of and Stat fino, tat am ten (1) years of age o ld that am aczen ofthe United States, and thatAne signatures on tis sheet were signed in my presence, and are genuine anc that none of the signatures on tis sheet were signed more than 90 days preceding te last day forthe fling of he petition, and tht tothe bast of my know/edge and bale the persons so signing were, atthe time of signing the petition duly qualified and registered voters ofthe Cty of Chicago, County of Cook, and State of tino, an that heirrespective tescence accesso are corel tte a above sot oth. ~~ (Circulate ers soesensouommeretnas weenece OF MEI avy wharene 0» 6 Tuam of Ct (SEAL OR STAMP (OF NOTARY PUBLIC) ora PUG. one Sc SHEED) oe EErocnecs BIND Here. MUNICIPAL GENERAL ELECTION PETITION We, the undersigned, being duly qualified and registered voters of the Cit Of illinols, do hereby petition that the following named Person shall be a hereinafter specitied, to be voted for at the Municipal Genera) Election to bi day of February, 2011. ity of Chicago, County of Cook, State Candidate for electiok to the office 9 held on the Twenty-Second (22nd) NAME | OFFICE ADDRESS T CAROL MOSELEY gay Be ehtoaco 1229 EAST 56TH STREET BRAUN STATE OF ILLINOIS | CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60637 SiaNATURE oF COMED VOTER TESDENGE SORES civ Town | GouNiy A sapere meee Deewinouiteatmneermenusoremer | Sr icONN] SUNT * E 4 => K [48 1 Ltayealen ees 2 TF Tipe Se 12 hope FE gen FOS we Wie. l Aw Bess A Wo Ortn aco Spy | Haishica 20 ees Bute | gg Z taplt.s-o uyen Ree “joa Bosey 15.9 Wedans pana was OF ke $240 Usrst En af es STATE OF Los . : : ITY OF Col ctopva ASColl Uich i chat’ ame being fit duly sworn do hry cry tat eld MIG tom GoD dugatncrparad aa cr ot 10 Gt urncorerated, st muricpasty ta provides postal sve) 2° coi O05) canis LOO statue enimapetgerorr ee ee Siged movshanaaageatt hig twain danny pera and oe ee Ss slgnaes on tis sheet ware {igfad ore than 99 dys pecan the ast day forthe ingot epetkon sna ath tim oelgring the best of my knowledge and belle the persons so signing wore, ily qualified anc registered votre cf the iy of Chicago, County of Gosh ees of tinels, and that their respective comely rth, . : (Greuistors Signature) “Signed and Swi oor afimec) tore weap ellssnrl-l) erry Vidtow Marieels Rodriguez Notary Pui. Ste of nas ‘My Commission Expires Yan. A Lele — Fad (GEA OR STAMP OF NOTARY P 7 x We, the undersigned, being dul Of Iilinols, do hereby petition that hereinafter specified, to be day of February, 2011. MUNICIPAL GENERAL EL! PETITION ECTION he following named person shall be a voted fo 'y qualified and registered voters of the City of Chicago, at the Municipal General Election to be County of Cook, State election to the office held on the Twenty-Second(22nd) candidate for NAME OFFICE ADDRESS, 7 CAROL MOSELEY | «ny OEERibaco | 1200 EAST 56TH STREET BRAUN |_| STATE CHILGNGIS | CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 6oss7 el resuncurctesmmamiemccromer [Saget] Sou J L ~cuicago | cook. &a. Sac1ee | coo. 1 1s -Kin a 290 a4 Linh senti beng y < L283 wuhtesle ies Kove 2 ad a SEMIS CA é S7S° S. Hem & Age. Soi B2Q1/7% : cate LES ESD | 8 j ART EA NE A a4 14 5 .laf lune —cvicaso | cook i, AG So Hoop SAE cook 1 F2y 4 LA cwicao | cook. Ha 6 Fok cuioaco | coon, oF Loop LL ST Senos cor as 7 or . \ ang bg ty svonshenbyutty ati mane_ LIYE WBE Inthe ciyr ara (rele one) of Oe (unincorporated st municpalty that provides postal service) zP code 6! United States, ‘signed more than 80 days atthe ti (SEAL OR STAMP (OF NOTARY PUBLIC) of signing the petition ‘sidence addresses are correctly, Sammetvintrdinearasemen VF aya , Official Seal Maricela Rodriguez, =~ ‘Notary Public State of Dlimola 5) My Commission Expires Jan, 269981 Jators Signature) LOSMIN DS ROB Ingons (Print Name of Circulator Here) a o PURtIC Keone -BINDHERE........2..% MUNICIPAL GENERAL ELECTION PETITION We, the undersigned, being duly qualified and registered voters of the City of Chicago, County of Cook, State of Illinois, do hereby petition that the following named person shall be a candidate for election to the office hereinafter specified, to be voted for at the Municipal General Election to be held on the Twenty-Second (22nd) day of February, 2011, NAME OFFICE ADDRESS CAROL MOSELEY cary Se Gaicaco 1229 EAST 56TH STREET BRAUN STATE OF ILLINOIS | CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60637 ‘SIGNATURE OF QUALIFIED VOTER "RESIDENCE ADDRESS ‘cry, TOWN CoUNTY gare iro Te voreR werSoN ep nce oe agen Grivutage | AND STATE JUS _ 7 KALE Ta Ug NO PQs gorriy lager bah Sad SS Lathe . i Is 1024 E. 1oo% pl. wlth, Ck 141) 6 he B63 5s ee ——. BARS Lace | _ SHawps YAW: Yad eA cr1caso.| cook. i. Mills 1 Ve27 S pulose! 2am Pocon.n IN 353% WI 20 2 cuicago 1 COOK. iL ‘STATE OF ILLINOIS: = en wenn 1228 lll COUNTY OF COOK inthe Ciyilage/Unncerporated area ele one) of CNCGO unincorporated, ist muniialy tat proves Bias 2 code. T Souny ot LER Kae state o tines, tat am eghtaen (18) years of age or ode, that | am aetizon of he United States, and thatthe grates ons sheet wee grein my presence, and ae gnuie an tat pan a tho signatures on this sheet were signed mor than 0 dye preedng teak day fo tein the patio, anc that ope best of my knoe and ele te persone so sing were, atthe time of sgrng te pein cy quae and registred vlc the iyo State of lino and hat ok respective rescence adreses are comely stated a above et oth (SEALOR STAM Seenirons errno: AD 9 none pee ee BINDHERE St MUNICIPAL GENERAL ELECTION PETITION We, the undersigned, being duly qualified and registered voters of the City of Chicago, County of Cook, State of Illinois, do hereby petition that the following named person shall be a candidate for election to the office hereinafter specified, to be voted for at the Municipal General Election to be held on the Twenty-Second (22nd) day of February, 2011. NAME OFFICE ADDRESS: CAROL MOSELEY | ery Se ehicago 1229 EAST 56TH STREET JUNTY OF Ci BRAUN STATE OF ILLINOIS CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60637 Ears aces aon] Say ; Seatac ema ies Moea WES (UT fe Kerasets| coo. 2 a, Precio | coos. ia 10S Spathrinpe | Gecsce?| coon Grete) coor eee SY fchact.__| ina Pc00K SESE Th A CWS OU: _ trae) bingy enor, do rey cat tat esite a NOS Ss Grrbcal PK wn tmeGutagsintaerne ne orem anes GB tunrconarte ft mnisty tt poids postal ee 20 Code _ county ot OOF _ ans sao of ios, ta | am ego (1) yours of age or that Lam aetzen of he Ute States and that th dates on tis shet were Sinan my prsers, and are genie and that none he agate onthe sheet ere signed more than 0 day reed het ay for ha ng the pen an that othe bea oy nee abate te prsoe so sng were atthe time of gin the petion daly quae an essere voters of he City of Cayo, County ef Cock, ane State tin and ta tek recpacte readenecosress ar caret sada above st th (SEAL OR STAMP (OF NOTARY PUBLIC) pone Xe veces eee BIND HERE weve MUNICIPAL GENERAL ELECTION PETITION We, the undersigned, being duly qualified and registered voters of the City of Chicago, County of Cook, State of Illinois, do hereby petition that the following named person shall be a candidate for election to the office hereinafter specified, to be voted for at the Municipal General Election to be held on the Twenty-Second (22nd) day of February, 2017, NAME OFFICE ADDRESS CAROL MOSELEY gry Se sroaco 1229 EAST 56TH STREET BRAUN ‘STATE OF ILLINOIS ae ee cae IGNATURE OF QUALIFIED VOTER RESIDENCE ADDRESS ‘GIy, TOWN] COUNTY ALL INLLDE HOUSE NIVBER ANO NAME OF STREET oR; ANDSIATE aS bcm a 04 in.) FAIS|_ Lemandal, | Rens ea SOLS HWS : waicaGO [cook ALOlr se 1 Fpaa~ Vin | (da dis . wo 14S) Shedvie | mmm lan. Wee ee Gia ldiog Lona ‘STATE OF ILLINOIS COUNTY OF COOK f * 1 BLL £44) (circulators name) being fst duly swom, do hereby certty that | reside at inthe ee ee area (ore. ong et_ Chicago (f unincorporated, ist municipality that provides postal service) a coin lae2Y cans COO Kansas at am on 9 yr la: ata en te Fee ee cet sae neean Stoo ny poe sh ae gone sd a note sigs oe sho no Le Se a roach addy ne tgatie plben ene oben my knonlee ad lete perso sonra woe, Se a sans Gren eC cseog Casto Coane Se anna at ak eps see aera oe Sorel stan bare so oh : Signed and Sword t0 (or: ate AES Horan PU? ic STATES W700 Mirus BES. th ee onstawe SeNOTY PUBL KG sveer no cee BIND HERE... 20.000 MUNICIPAL GENERAL ELECTION PETITION We, the undersigned, being duly qualified and registered voters of the City of Chicago, County of Cook, State of Illinois, do hereby petition that the following named person shall be a candidate for election to the office hereinafter specified, to be voted for at the Municipal General Election to be held on the Twenty-Second (22nd) day of February, 2011. NAME OFFICE ADDRESS MAYOR CAROL MOSELEY | eny de Ghicaco 1229 EAST 56TH STREET COUNTY OF COOK | — CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60637 - BRAUN STATE OF ILLINOIS ‘SIGNATURE OF QUALIFIED VOTER RESIDENCE ADDRESS ‘ay, TOWN | COUNTY. “PHS 9¥4L NUDE HOUSE HMRER AO NAHE OF ETEET OR VILLAGE | AND STATE Wied STORY (GE VOTER PERSON, FER SHE, - — (eviciag KE) [52795 Momaa lee teat a Sawye/ oe ra Q3 KA a | aS Sd 6, Pfse Te lceX SS SOLS Bilas is! ims S caxcaan | exon 5 Ee (b40.s -Chuu a ae okt | Zo" tr. Kolewgree | ciiicaao | cook. Lyedg ww. 43% | crtcaco | coe. ing est duly swom, do hereby cerity hat reside at_060 FL Cpe she ulators name) be fhe Ctyitageincorparaed ara (ete one) of _ CIC RID ___ tnncorporate, st muniipay tat provides posta serie) County of . and State of lino, that | am elghteon (18) years of age or older, that am a citizen ofthe thatthe signatures on Wis sheet wer signed in my presence, and are genuine and that none ofthe signatures on this sheet were signed more than 80 days preceding te last day forte fling ofthe petition, and that tothe best of my knowledge and bole the persons so signing wore, atthe tie of signing the petition duly qualified and registered voters ofthe Cty of Chicago, County of Cook, and State of lino, and that their respective Seer cistat ee Comey deat ch a rey ~ ef fee a ' = Sion er Swe ple fie AA guy Kathy Collins 1 (Paigt Nar of Circulator Here) Wot ee aarti seria: AF Fin + BIND HERE. MUNICIPAL GENERAL ELECTION PETITION We, the undersigned, being duly qualified and registered voters of the City of Chicago, County of Cook, State of Illinois, do hereby petition that the following named person shall be a candidate for election to the office hereinafter specified, to be voted for at the Municipal General Election to be held on the Twenty-Second (22nd) day of February, 2011. NAME OFFICE ‘ADDRESS CAROL MOSELEY | cry S86Ricaco | 1229 EAST SeTH STREET BRAUN oun anos CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60637 aa or ware TER PRR ‘es SUL nOLae REET MF RT Gavalnce | AND STATE Ser Za cscaco | cook. CY \. yr nicaco | cooK.y. LSS S”. Rkhap fee 1S, UNA, Silerrealle Shas Ss. Racne cuca | cook. f WLIELED ee J cwscaco | coos.n Vy | CHICAGO | COOK, IL — ‘3 S408. 5. herr Loge CHICAGO | COOK. IL 5932S Hermitate eee 2 D3 { HIcAGO | COOK, i, a ay eee orc Sf caucaco | coon OS. cnicaco | 690K. Comp beol beornacd POOR ING Comrpah aR | erco'| coos COUNTY OF COOK \ g 1 abeyetee D205 Cen amy en coment VC] Sw oO! inte Ciynttgetpncrpertd aa iio) ot _C-C7 STATE OF rom unincorporated, Ist municipality that provides postal service) 21P Code, County of. and State of lino, that | am eighteen (18) years of age or older, that | am a citizen ofthe United States, and thatthe signatures om this sheet were signed in my presence, and are genuine and that none of the signatures on this sheet wers ‘signed more than 90 days preceding the last day fr the fling ofthe petition, and that tothe best of my knowledge and bali the persons so signing were, atthe time of signing the petition duly qualified and registered voters ofthe City 30, County of Cook, and State of ilincs, and that their respective residence addresses are corectl stated as above set forth ‘Signed and Sworn to (or armed) before, (OF NOTARY PUBLIC) SBIND HERE 2... MUNICIPAL GENERAL ELECTION PETITION We, the undersigned, being duly qualified and registered voters of the City of Chicago, County of Cook, State of Illinois, do hereby petition that the following named person shall be a candidate for election to the office he lafter specified, to be voted for at the Municipal General Election to be held on the Twenty-Second (22nd) of February, 2011. NAME OFFICE ADDRESS ( MAYOR CAROL MOSELEY GiTy Or GHicaco | 1200 EAST soTH STREET CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60637 BRAUN STATE OF ILLINOIS SiGHATURE GF GUALPED VOTER TESDENGE ADDRESS cmv Town] COUNT pur on Wer gy ne enn een pesureumsnaeneonucremen | OVE | MOE Ie SUP | = AY ST | scan Coa AUYD WOeksony sacaco {ESOC = fe | cxicaco kasama. 193 Parks ck D Eebowes jate7 W. Wiles |p| ec Got. Ue = _|3 14d was | ic | GSB wt

DY dey Se rn hye L. Gi M ¢ WATT Mitre Site Ld Praw cin 108. < (lu Te. i 12 VE evra, ~ ait (eat COUNTY OF COOK ihe ~ STATE OF tuna} (circulators name) being fret duly sworn, do hereby cet that reside. iM inthe Ciy/Vttagerincorpratd are (cel oe) of PULA qo (unincorporated ist municipal that provides postal sac Ow county ot Coy i Sate of tna, that am eighteen (18) yore of age or oder, hat am a czen ofthe ‘nto Sates, and tia Sipe ons Shoot wav sore in my peer, and are gsuine nd tat none of he gratin on tis shot ware signed more than 0 days prcoding the la ay forth ing ofthe pet, and that othe beet of my knowedge ad ble he peraons eo sgring Wee, ftibetine of elgg th peti quate ad reir cars lhe Cy Cheap, County of Cook and Stata of Mil, and thal thai especie | teidonceaderosoos are corecty stad as above wtoth. . {Creators Signature) “signed and Swern to fo air «= F- 2010 201065 ne Ra ” (Print Name of Circulator Here) (Oficial Seal Mariela Rodriguez ‘SIGNATURE OF NOTARY Pl seaonstwe —-,_Nofary Public State of Mlinols OF NOTARY PUBL) My Com! ion ExwsvesgiansZag0ny 24°) Dan Xeeseeseeses BIND HERE MUNICIPAL GENERAL ELECTION PETITION We, the undersigned, being duly qualified and registered voters of the City of Chicago, County of Cook, State of Illinois, do hereby petition that the following named person shall be a candidate for election to the office hereinafter specified, to be voted for at the Municipal General Election to be held on the Twenty-Second (22nd) day of February, 2011. NAME OFFICE ADDRESS CAROL MOSELEY cory Si Chicago 1229 EAST 56TH STREET BRAUN STATE OF ILLINOIS CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60637 SENATE OF GUALED VOTER TESDENGE ADDRESS Gi Town] COUNTY peswunaimrseresecrnenucorsncc | ORVILAGE | AN STATE wae Te hy 19 - 7 wicaco | cook. 1. 19 S owe cucaco | cook. & Mile 3 waggle | soso | cook 1 DOO S, pearl cacaco | coon moe QWissw AL cuicago | cook. 1. . Vez), ‘cHIcAao | Kel | cuicaco | COOK.IL, “RRO 2008. | GacacS) coos. 00K. 200K. 200K. eae [ese de ( L216 sLoure | ceacano | cook n : ‘ie [slerm~ DUIS Feely Mee Met 2 | esscsso | coon Vent! Ploeg CHIR EL. Lex HcaGo « Oyu Kero vacaco | cook. K ta Spi Re. weica | cone iE S Lave coca Kall ae HS casa | cook. cuicaso_| cooK.y. b 8 cuicago | COOK. cuicaco | cooK.L | cuicaso | cook. iL cutcago | cooK.1. icaGo | COOK. IL an ncaa | cook. G24 h C (| tease | 00K. 1540 SM . vacaco | cook. cold S tinton peer lfoooea! ‘STATE OF ILLINOIS 7 cout OF COOK PC heittacra” Tass —nasneaqaeen sean enn orn snyeiaee 6113 5.Groeg inthe ty tageincorporaed area (cone ot Tica ° ( unincorporated, st municipality that provides postal service) z code 29G2) — countyot_ COGIC end State of tincis, that | am eighteen (16) yeer of age or older, that | em a ciizen ofthe ites Stale, and alte Sgaturs ono sheet were signd inmy presence, anda enue and ta one of he lates on ths she! Were Signed morta 60 days pressing ea yf tengo te peton arr othe bet oy krowedye ae bel person so sign were, atthe ime of signing the potion duly qualifed and registered voters ofthe City of Chicago, County of Cook, and State of tinois, and that their respective residence addresses are correctly stated as above set forth, Hei ‘OFFICIAL SEAL SRRRY A. MINTER 6, STATE OF ILLINOIS MYCOMNSSENExe 182013 seen: O40 cs BIND HERE ox MUNICIPAL GENERAL ELECTION PETITION We, the undersigned, being duly qualified and registered voters of the City of Chicago, County of Cook, State of Illinois, do hereby petition that the following named person shall be a candidate for election to the office hereinafter specified, to be voted for at the Municipal General Election to be held on the Twenty-Second (22nd) day of February, 2011 NAME OFFICE ‘ADDRESS CAROL MOSELEY | ory dr'Ghicaco | 1220 east sovH street BRAUN STATE OF ILLINOIS a ty /BansTatnarion or me voTERM PEREN mssuunourenoatuaaermoucorenes | OVILASE | AND SINE @IR45 8, (rns cotcaco | cook. Fit § Burn Side a. 5% 5: Peoria cxtcago | cook... hs lkinloh | caesco | cont. 33 _ Ada cago} COOK. IL & = s | cuscaco | cook. cuicago | cook. Nf TAWA Saleen (14ly Manges F*| oars | coo | GG5¢ ©. feel (Oe Ela | ook | ssc xto > cana) cook. SHAM SOL OL [chicago (Cook. 63415 ydc. leita) coon bfod So. LL Covers’ | coos. LAMA?» DSO S Plot ne y cuicago | cook. LOMA Le4o7 4 bnovba WGA cwesco | coo. a9 1 [tod Cescrd({ coos> CAN [3 1p £6 F SF J resco! val lw OLy OAL AH OPA «DM cxncac0 (cooK.t sue OF ILLINOIS ue ITY OF COOK citer” Sere retaors ane) ong tt ty vor do hey centyratiesiger 2113 S.Green ine cyaptnrcopoaeana ce ond t_C hcg o icra et my tt oes ot es) zp coce_(2.0621__, county ot C00 1C and state o nos, that am eghteen (16) years of age or oder, that lam a ctizen of the United State, and thatthe signatures one sheet were signed in my presen, and are gerne and tat none of te snatreson tis sheet were signed more than 90 days prececing teas day ete fing oth patton, ae tha to the best of my knowledge an bee he person 0 ning were, tthe te of signing the ptton dy quaed and regatered voters ofthe ity ofChiseg9, Coury of Cook, and State olin, an ha ther respective reidence adress are correct stated as above st forth g io ar Sella Signed and Swoen to (or atftrned) before me on , 201067 _C. = seem CURRY ony PUBLIC STATE sae ER MY couMission erorge LenS x BIND HERE... MUNICIPAL GENERAL ELECTION PETITION We, the undersigned, being duly qualified and registered voters of the City of Chicago, County of Cook, State of lilinois, do hereby petition that the following named person shall be a candidate for election to the office hereinafter specified, to be voted for at the Municipal General Election to be held on the Twenty-Second (22nd) day of February, 2011 NAME OFFICE ‘ADDRESS CAROL MOSELEY ory Se Suoaco 1229 EAST 56TH STREET BRAUN STATE OF ILLINOIS Ce Si ‘SIGNATURE OF QUALIFIED VOTER TESIDENGE ADDRESS Cy. TOWN | COUNTY. “Aust oe wnirreye A VOTER PERSON ‘TH SHALL GLUE HOUSE NMBER AND NAME OF STREET ORVILLAGE | AND STATE Myo Vis Ww) au cxicaco | coon. Ks busg | wood =n ID SK! ics | coon 50355. Cal Lo weata, [engi G24 8, Ava cuicage | 00K. iL ‘ ¢ Ly2¢ oakDal i PEEOTES, 017 5 Peaks Ove cogs Bra 3. DRaye; ZS. 23 2p? Adft ft 2143 S, pec Co St nate] T9al sx Mery SK = oath Lj) Akena | 7750 5 bSoa) 57. Pa Perat wo idl _ 722 > Suth Bove WK ewer | coow.n 61a w LE" Aero cuncaoe | coos. = vs ey Be tiene -}~G00K. 5 aca nicaco | cook. ‘STATE OF ILLIN sh 7 COUNTY OF COOK (Christer ia So nescsto 2) being fst duly sworn, do hereby catty that resid at ‘in the City/village/Unincorporated area (circle one) of | Cc tq i (if unincorporated, list municipality tat provides postal service) 2 iP Code, United 5 oicwe county ot CS © (Cane state orcs, sata sgsen (18 yet of age or le tat ama ctn ofthe ‘and thatthe signatures on this sheet were signed in my presence, and are genuine and that none ofthe signatures on this sheet were signed more than 90 days preceding the last day forthe fling of the petition, and that tothe best of my knowiedge and belie the persons so signing were, atthe time of signing the pation duly ualifed and registered voters of the City of Chicago, County of Cook, and State of lino, and that ther respective residence addresses are correctly stated as above set forth Signed and Sworn too afrmed) before me on _" "7 OFFICIAL i F LARRY A MINTER aT TATE OF LN MMGOMRISSINIEKPRES tres Och a Ke cceseesees BINDHERE 0.00000 MUNICIPAL GENERAL ELECTION PETITION We, the undersigned, being duly qualified and registered voters of the City of Chicago, County of Gook, State of Illinois, do hereby petition that the following named person shall be a candidate for election to the office hereinafter specified, to be voted for at the Municipal General Election to be held on the Twenty-Second (22nd) day of February, 2011. NAME OFFICE "ADDRESS CAROL MOSELEY Orca CITY OF CHIGAGS 1229 EAST 56TH STREET COUNTY OF K CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60637 BRAUN STATE OF ILLINOIS aac SERATURE OF GUALPED VOTER TESDENGE ADDRESS Gav ToMN] GOUNTY eel seauncuderornomermewicorsmect | ORVILLAGE | AND STATE Y Vo bw (Se? | cwerso | coon Lid GLEE LY HICAGO_| COOK. IL, P57 EB 2 | cancrao | coor DBZ Ls seucaca | cook 679 lo, C0** sf Deel VL Wd SPE ee IYiox Ss § cutcaco | cook. 7 5 Kiodve 25 cucago | cook. Alo ele ST cis [coe Cfas love cvscaco | coor. GU27 Sf 14 [ eke Lee52A\_curcaco | c00k. iL, 6724 be nfobeatt | ertcace | cook. S| 4YAS 2: 218 F | eacaca | cook LL cxtcaco | cox. Ze es cetoac0 | coos. P7556 _S ECLELHAEA | caso | coos. GUE S$. Hote! yacaco | cook. WAT Sx ZY DPE | sco | oon “0, S- Koatr eee COUNTY OF COOK C Ministers Sunes rcp estan ie CAG © 2 cose_O OWL couny ot C.4.4/& _ an site ttn, tat am ite (1) years fag ord tat | am a ize fhe Cred Stats and hat tw gnats on this soot ware Sed in my presence, and ae gauie ad ha one otha grates on tis shat were ‘Saned more than 90 days preceding the lst forthe ing ot the petfon, and that tothe best of my knoledge and bali the perso 9 Signing Wer, St tne time of sing th pettoncuyquafed and registered voters ofthe Cty ofCreago, County of Cook nd State ki, ane hat the respective reldenceadreses are comectiy sated a above et forth In the City ilage/Unincorporated area (circle one) of (f unincorporated, lst municipality that provides postal service) ‘Signed and Sworn to or armed) before me on 2 ‘OFFIGIAL SEAL od AARY A, MINTER ITE OF LLNOIS OF Nf AOTARUBUBGIC. S73 MY COMMISSION EXPIRE 11-2013 SHEET NO, x BIND HERE x MUNICIPAL GENERAL ELECTION PETITION We, the undersigned, being duly qualified and registered voters of the City of Chicago, County of Cook, State of Illinois, do hereby petition that the following named person shall be a candidate for election to the office hereinafter specified, to be voted for at the Municipal General Election to be held on the Twenty-Second (22nd) day of February, 2011. NAME OFFICE ADDRESS MAYOR CAROL MOSELEY CITY OF SnIcAGo 1229 EAST 56TH STREET COUNTY OF COOK -HICAGO, ILLINOK: 7 BRAUN STATE OF ILLINOIS | CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 6065 SaNaURE OF GAPDH SESDENGE ADDRESS cavTow] cou (Claypassr ce wnirrev ev Tae voren Penson "DS SHALINGLLDE HOUSE NUMDER AND NAME CF STREET OR VILLAGE | AND STATE pha Mugttix IYO F Geen 5+ 60L0F | cserco | coon 60 iG 22Aw Why st : oxen | cons aRandy Cate POP _S Nowmal caso | cook. Lpxelo- é SZ 5 sting» | crcsoo | coon nine felle £23 5. fe wicaao | COOK. fe Seve 8S Say ane Gna) cook. Ase Lo bh Dn Qn GacadSN cook,» | 244 pysP© [leer YL S. 4the// crrcaso_| 290K. ag AchA wacaco | cook 1 S545 S freer) AEG 200k. br LD ya ct Giikae. Méooca > 255) 5, byiw~e Cacsco)) c00'.1 Lead ad. cole oS LOM tay a O70 Gee SACP omsaspooct 157 fete amas KL eon Meaye "| Gases KL |[SA925: Peovia CT cancaso Nooonn SES)F , Bete [ cncaco | coos. STATE OF ILLINOIS COUNTY OF COOK “ este 4 cDiney reat nana) beg ta dy sn, ory cty at wade t 67 (FI. Grose, in the City/Vilage/Urincorporated area circle one) of te (unincorporated, list municipality that provides postal service) 2 code (OWE | county t C0 4K. and State otis, that | am eighteen (16) years of age or cde hat am a clizen of the Utes State, and hatte grat os sheet were ign m my presence, sea gerne and ta tone of Saucon tie she! we Str more than 00 ys prec treat eyo fingre piensa ta oro ea ny knew done ow prsone so song were ttn tine of aging te pton Gy cul un votre los of ety of Ghago Couto Cock ar Sate nana ha oor feline adress ae corely sed a above a fon Chrarokin. Jarre b of 2° (Circulators Signature) Signed and Swoxn to (or affirmed before me on _ OFFIGIAL SEAL LARRY A. MINTER oem Xe ceeesesse+ BIND HERE. x MUNICIPAL GENERAL ELECTION PETITION We, the undersigned, being duly qualified and registered voters of the City of Chicago, County of Cook, State of Illinois, do hereby petition that the following named person shall be a candidate for election to the office hereinafter specified, to be voted for at the Municipal General Election to be held on the Twenty-Second (22nd) day of February, 2011. NAME OFFICE ADDRESS CAROL MOSELEY ony, Ge chicago 1229 EAST S6TH STREET JUNTY OF IK 60637 BRAUN STATE OF ILLINOIS ee 7 SauTine OF GUARD VOTER TESDENGE ADDRESS cavTown] GOUT a Tas Le ENS Aornenouccesmut | ORVRLAGE | AND STATE 7 LT Ks (deo? S | 334 l jE psa | LE au | Ma Kedge uty _| etapa | 822 Lansulhtle_ — Li 1S Ae es WEA Of, COOK, 1 We YOY Tif di QA FB Sg td 1 nl LA by, Gilg Myer FS abyal ‘STATE OF ILLINOIS F, | 77 ee ithe Oityvilage/Unincorporated area (cicie one) of __. unincorporated, ist municipalty that proves postal sevice) 20 Code County of (Cs x04 i,t am sighton (18) years of age rode, that | ma zon ofthe Chace Sake cat re Spares on Sect wore Sed ty presence andre gene and hat rane the snes on hs set Wore see eee saaa ane retain tr ast oy tere ing otra palin ano tha tothe bot fry krowedpe done ie prone so sgnig wer, sere enn th peony ct ora oieres ws ote iy of Creag Couto Sod, an Sate nan tha ha apace Ieluonos cosets ue cae ed ae above oto (Cpr Signature) brpnund owen rated oem Ao DBS AB f OF A (GEALOR STAMP (OF NOTARY PUBLIC) \/ oi. x SeBIND HERE... ....6.2% MUNICIPAL GENERAL ELECTION PETITION We, the undersigned, being duly qualified and registered voters of the City of Chicago, County of Cook, State of Illinois, do hereby petition that the following named person shall be a candidate for election to the office hereinafter specified, to be voted for at the Municipal General Election to be held on the Twenty-Second (22nd) day of February, 2011. NAME OFFICE ADDRESS CAROL MOSELEY 7 Grchicaco 1229 EAST 56TH STREET INTY OF KK BRAU N STATE OF ILLINOIS eee rete tell ORE OF QUALFED VOTER TESDENGE ADDRESS cam Tow] County Saal See ee ae L— | (032 5 Toy hacia rome Dratey (SSWee PX | cencrso | coomn LOE. Wy): Coe ocr | coo. 2O/7 W by -cxscaco | coo... SK s-Sparld/ny -cuicago | cox. 13 Yaw tHe cxscann | cook ISE4U W. Crew shew! |-crcaco | cook. 3030 WIT —| cuicaco | cook. $Z5 So Greve i. ra od woh | ae G6I2 S- favime Look. CHICAGO | COOK, IL tf & Chet waa = ace i AgBs pkey fsa oe 17231 45 alee By Stan: | ettewaor | cox. 14949_ SE SPOS _ ‘STATE OF ILLINOIS man OF COOK / K Elona Le 0) ares van) tint ty oor coy cnty at aisent 2019 tl, Jarvis in the City/illage/Unincorporated area (circle one) of . C hi Fs _ (if unincorporated, list municipality that provides postal service) ze ote LOL YS cmos S24 nts an om din 9 sa an Fe eo I ne ee sents (a Nene igttows oe rou ee Ue Sen ae a oe re ar eananlcraa tact one ny eenegendboet be prea sn sao See en ee a enn coswelGeo ae, Sut aipan an babes epee Se eraser _—— Tord (Print Name of Creulator Her) ACSA OREEREAT san (sea on sae Rao NOS . (oF NOTARY PUBL ae SIRES el NON eo call tno dAle col oe oe * eeeoes rs Xe eceer sees BIND HERE 2200002 MUNICIPAL GENERAL ELECTION PETITION We, the undersigned, being duly qualified and registered voters of the City of Chicago, County of Cook, sal of llinois, ‘do hereby petition that the following named person shall be a candidate for election to the office \ Roreinafter specified, to be voted for at the Municipal General Election to be held on the Twenty-Second (22nd) day of February, 2011. NAME OFFICE ‘ADDRESS: CAROL MOSELEY | cry S2¢Ricaco | 1229 EAST SeTH STREET BRAUN COUNTY OF rors CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60637 (SBMS crap evcrenn rein es BULL none ee het MU OFT Srvaunce | ano sate FF di [42s A Mes FE cacao | coon, eras toby 2 ah 3 y) | Gago 3626. bb Fro JEW & ae Wise oe? 11@°_S fp——_—_—_ 2 7% ap YG TE Tow Nilo 24Il North Mpbile- wend. N70 Us Enz (S12 hambale nde 1893-Sc- ffor——__ cascaso | co0K.n Z she __|z909 wweve crscaso | cook. , Fas £3: | cxscaco | coon Oe 3 } o } COOK, Ik UI Cw “Cer oh eo atoll bl wee alg OV ico | coos aPelinda Fy PLAS S Spa lly ceacaso | coo | nod Gbso Belted ave’ = cL fides Eli VE9E Zr G7 ga | ssa | css sera} - COUNTY OF COOK . , elqua. 3 Volo ercia tne vont ty ovo, dove coy tt imase 2249 bl Jarvis jin the Cify/Village/Unincorporated area (circle one) of. oe . (if unincorporated, list municipality that provides postal service) re cata 6 OGYS counyt C50 (sna sn ct rata een 18 eo 29 of at amazon of he ze cone OBES coun te lcoa tines pesca dare geo vba one he aaron ast Wo Une Ses, ang al he ais oo Te sng beptler an toate fy trowedyu andl te ponon vos wo sapesmmorean ces ern a dye a Pee ino Gicom, Coo afCroe anise ne td ope entre Sea Pe ceca elaen coe to ce (SEALOR STAMP | (OF NOTARY PUBLIC) aon cours Kee BINDHERE...........x MUNICIPAL GENERAL ELECTION PETITION We, the undersigned, being duly qualified and registered voters of the City of Chicago, County of Cook, State of Illinois do hereby petition that the following named person shall be a candidate for election to the office hereinafter specified, to be voted for at the Municipal General Election to be held on the Twenty-Second (22nd) day of February, 2011. NAME OFFICE ADDRESS: CAROL MOSELEY ony, , Se Gricaco 1229 EAST 56TH STREET BRAUN GOUNTY OF COOK | CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60637 SIONATURE OF ALPES VOTER TESDENCE ADDS cin Town] ‘COUNTY ORVILLAGE | AND STATE Cebu (ML | 39) FP) HIGAGO | COOK. [eeph sti/s Pecdinpe Aspygrint nudes, Ht w bf shen UW, S&// 5. pe yawn Yona |71s AZ 4ey Lee | F752 Morea a hres bre—Airioun 05 5 aha 515 Mersbhrelt S401 5 Woeed, st cuicago | cook. cuicago | cook. | CHICAGO | COOK. iL CHICAGO | COOK, ee S. ST. ile ee ee lessee AL Leh pp vacace | 00K. ndibliuam (peter se | G29 se pel2 pear ST cuscaco | cook. 13. 8 CAlonez- Hc | OOK. Um? § Cote cuca | cook. a IEC STATE OFILLINOIS COUNTY OF cooK f UNIS pra wer Gece cuicaco | cox. : : arson vist 10m nyc wrieaten S23 by Moe in he CityWitage/rincorporated area (cice one) of SPSZ WBS cago | cook. Oe = pe Ccenne | conosco | cox. HA 02) fb 7 dS Cowcaco) cook. 502] 4 S.C puyrworseh Alem leone S04 4 Qrreuresh! a0 P eZ e » Gen _Teve. FJesSe ~“ TSxeksor/ create “an ‘STATE OF ILLINOIS | COUNTY OF GOOK ru yan bin iy nom dobby tytn e SONA WAY Qincs ntectdumoicepranna tress ARCO arora oh tl arcu loo county ot L={ {an subCo tei, that alten (18) yuo ge oo tha am eno United States, end thatthe signatures on tis sheet were signed in my presence, and are genuine and that none ofthe signatures on tis shoot were signed more than 90 days preceding the last day forthe fling ofthe petition, and that tothe best of my knovwedge and belie the persons so signing were, atthe tie of signing the petition duly qualiied and registered voters of the City of phicago, County of Cook, and State of lino, and that their respective residence addressee are correctly stated as above set forth OFFIGIAL SEAL, xe + BIND HERE... x MUNICIPAL GENERAL ELECTION PETITION We, the undersigned, being duly qualified and registered voters of the City of Chicago, County of Cook, State of ilinols. do hereby petition that the following named person shall be @ candidate for election to the office oreinatter specified, fo be voted for at the Municipal General Election to be held on the Twenty-Second (22nd) day of February, 2011. NAME OFFICE ADDRESS CAROL MOSELEY | cry Se t¢ricaco | 1229 EAST SoTH STREET COUNTY OF COOK CHICAGO, ILLI 60637 BRAUN ‘STATE OF ILLINOIS Lees ‘city, TOWN | COUNTY SIGNATURE OF QUALIFIED VOTER RESIDENCE ADDRESS ‘nos AE WATER BY THE VOTER ZEON “TS SHALL NGLUDE HOUSE NUMBER AND NAME OF STREET OR VILLAGE | AND STATE ES OR Tale oe [ASS hecbisla ae G07. Macks es | od Hd Pall Bd AE-AD. a []u27 A¢_meade | B00 Ww Fupetiod BE sax8 ecnpe rin tna sen some eet se SILOS, Cea. in the City/ilage/ Unincorporated area Sr __ if unincorporated, st municpafty that provides postal serge) 2 cade -canyot_4-\ ite State, ard hate Sgrtures on ie set we See sot ttando Gye eran et yr eng FRET sean tytn oy cuties and rete votes fey ‘Sates scene ae coecty stand a above sth ind Stato 4 linos, that | am eighteen (18) years of age or older, that | am a citizen of the \gned in my presence, and are genuine and that none of the signatures on this shest were the pation, and that to the best of my knowledge and bei the persons so signing were, iyo Cook, and Ste of lino, and that thei espective MINTE| le STE OF Kos SION EXPIRES 118.2013 ooo voc Fa eee BIND MERE ec MUNICIPAL GENERAL ELECTION PETITION We, the undersigned, being duly qualified and registered voters of the City of Chicago, County of Cook, State of Illinois, do hereby petition that the following named person shall be a candidate for election to the office hereinafter specified, to be voted for at the Municipal General Election to be held on the Twenty-Second (22nd) day of February, 2011. NAME OFFICE ‘ADDRESS CAROL MOSELEY gary Ge chicaco 1229 EAST 56TH STREET JUNTY OF IK 60637 BRAUN STATE OF ILLINOIS | CHICAGO. ILLINOIS 60687 SONTURE OF GUALED VOTER TESIDENGE ADDRESS inc TOWN] COUNTY re rsomuncubenoarmnmermowiecrsnes | ORVILAGE | AND STATE Ue u7w VIIA & sa deli op ee Feo fet olton =| Solent Fi { 2 thf x | entcaco | coor. 3Le ) Matern ested | cok. [5-500 D/ Mayol | oaicaaé | econ. Ea ae cP IU WI bass Gish | BL [31N3 YL shingginns “Kees | es) : Pe Kelas eee ra \y\ ree cetcaso | cook. “To. COMA KS | cacaze | coon | : P lozsn cscaco | coos.n ZIDL Lo. Danner Abe | crcrao | cooK.n BB~e Go Warton, Bhat | cucrco | cox. a 395 Wray pola Cf ostiad | coos. aw Cade, LRP SBE — | cescas0 | coo tp 0K i ad hnrpe being fret duy sworn, do hereby erty that | ere) & ¥ int ctyMilage incorporated area (a gre) of AM! , funipcorporated, st municipality tht provides postal service) ae cote 44, counyor | «and ose that lam echteen (1) years of ae or older that am a cizon of the Chea States, and tate Sgratte chs uo ors Sr ny oresones are ae Sere and tt renee te agate ene shee were Sig mere than 9 cae proche ul dy torte lng te plan tha toto eat my kroviadp and uae oe prsone so sig wer, atthe time of signing te pettion duly qualfied and rogistored votors ofthe City of ‘County of Cook, and State of ling, and that their respective residence addresses are correctly stated as above set sc eat enon rama tn non ct a ‘OFFICIAL SEAL Y Eboousocd0 BIND HERE * MUNICIPAL GENERAL ELECTION PETITION We, the undersigned, being duly qualified and registered voters of the City of Chicago, County of Cook, State of Illinois, do hereby petition that the following named person shall be a candidate for election to the office hereinafter specified, to be voted for at the Municipal General Election to be held on the Twenty-Second (22nd) day of February, 2011 NAME OFFICE ADDRESS CAROL MOSELEY ory Sr CICAGO 4229 EAST 56TH STREET ITY OF COOK BRAUN GOUNTY OF COOK | CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60637 SIGNATURE OF QUALIFIED VOTER AESDENOE ADDRESS my. TOWN] SOUNTY EO WTTENBYNEVOTE PERE nesouuncunenouswasermonvcrsmer | ORVLLAGE | AND STATE ee Lh LLL) | ciscace | co0%.1 de BA wacaco | cook. SOY ye ccaco | cont Si WZ eo Ags ye lowest feeeleree A 28 W 32 6 le Mee a I SE Pozar. bg fc 8747 _S 4 cuca} cook. 12s wW. cHiigago_|_ COOK. 00K. | coo. cuicaco | Pook. it zoo STATE OF unos} . COUNTY OF px inthe Ciyiagerincorpocated ara (orl one) ot WIN CG O _fusnconporated at muricialy that provides postal servis) 29 Code Y county ot end State of Hncs that lam eigen (10) years of age or ler, hat am a cizen of the United Stato, and tha the signatures on ths sheet ware signed in my acesene, ard are genuine aid that rane of the signatures on tis sheet were ‘Sgned:mor than 90 day pecacing te lt ay forth fing ofthe patton and hat ye beet of my krowtedgeand bali the persons so signing Were, itn time of signing th pettlon cay quafed and registred otra ofthe Cty of Cifeoo, County of tesenesacreses are correct sated a above st forth ee eae ceecgcm ee oct DS, bobeline f>- Woon LARRY A. MINTER arr OF AoTaRY PUBINE NOTARYAUELIC, STATE OF RLNOIS SMMCOMNEERETE S| gery, OATS 3k, and State of 1 that their respective Signature) noaetincns crepe duty snoen, do hey cnt tat resists e FOLF WQi ve Y ee BIND HERE x MUNICIPAL GENERAL ELECTION PETITION We, the undersigned, being duly qualified and registered voters of the City of Chicago, County of Cook, State of Illinois, do hereby petition that the following named person shall be a candidate for election to the office hereinafter specified, to be voted for at the Municipal General Election to be held on the Twenty-Second (22nd) day of February, 2011. NAME OFFICE ‘ADDRESS CAROL MOSELEY gury Secuicaco 1229 EAST 56TH STREET BRAUN ‘STATE OF ILLINOIS: ee SIGNATURE OF QUALI VOTER REBDENGE ADDRESS cay Town] county a Ox WATONSY TERN PIO msomncuscoutmeemonncestinr | ORVLLAGE | AND STATE ee Yas N Cowher ofage | oy ls (9A And YLIO Ug2 li VIEAD ke? GAG ew Figutnay — Tease | 309 5 (nr a Cox 30a, We Levidorr | éacadd | [Hira so Homan Ade 6 ZS pngpisow Gacagh Cog. 298 w. Ween BW = BceJ7_ “+ von Burkes Sw hotles Reed nN Abo, WiNeme | hers? | te ica) Z An0N- ae "GHA 3/37 J Dea Kiaxo : Lo fa Cb bevy bral casi : wy Luly abort DHAA HAN 0 ‘STATE OF ILLINOIS GOUNTY OF COOK f° 7 (Qusenpely ee One Inthe Ciy/Vilage/nincorporated area (ce one) of. __. unincorporated lst municipality that provides postal service) ZIP Coes, County of _, and State of lino, that | am eighteen (18) years of age or older, that | am actizen ofthe United States, and thi he signatures on tie sheet were elgned in my presence, and are genuine and thst none ofthe signatures on tis sheet were signed more than 90 daye preceding the last day forthe fling of the petition, and that tothe bes of my knowiedge and bel the persons so signing were, paella elo me pen ona eeapertenanaarey aan seine tne nese ae te \ Greely, eourk anes — ined on vemos baker man, 22 _ monGlengol Heal sin Official Seal Maricela Rodriguez, cceNetasyifinbic Stat of Hinois Awe MyComaiaion Expires Jon.242011—— greery; BQa4} J x BINDHERE...........x MUNICIPAL GENERAL ELECTION PETITION We, the undersigned, being duly qualified and registered voters of the City of Chicago, County of Cook, State of Illinois, do hereby petition that the following named person shall be a candidate for election to the office hereinafter specified, to be voted for at the Municipal General Election to be held on the Twenty-Second (22nd) day of February, 2011 NAME OFFICE ‘ADDRESS CAROL MOSELEY | cry S¢6Ritaco | 1209 EAST seTH STREET BR AUN ee aos CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60637 SaNATURE OF GUALPED VGTER TESDENGE ADDRESS cr Tow| GoUNTY a risouncudercununacrmowlccrsnest | OMVLAGE | AD STATE ate N: Wien AND Apt te (cncacp eqn L.Drav Pp 6 Crozet Gasse | Gace? aD) Seavecsow) 0 ¢ SSF St cee t aba eocrce~) AQ! NOAO s. imgar re 7 6S, Be 24H ZS, L. YB E. 33d St, G32 _ Ti Belmarrtage WS om Mane, 1321 Capraro Sand nd MWA Woda sy 2 B06 LAI) Mate sok: ae five Is EI Ha le yy ill tok Day UENO raed IB ig e () 00K \Goox W/ " Og, 74 WoW igowet \SO¥2 p/hexsng » lesan [amnat VE La teteab 90 LALO nLOWD Farhan |5F/2 uesoot — GG ‘STATE OF ILLINOIS COUNTY OF COOK : Gwen Lecter nae) eoig fet ty sucrn. do acy coy at eide ms SO YR W/ ACK In DHoy inthe CaymageUnincorporated area ccteone) ot Ce ge i urincerpoated, st municipality that provides postal sevice) TU) Ne (gooK} 2 code Coes (1, county ot COS FC an stato of tins, that am eighteen (18) years of age or older that | am a czon of the tied Staten Ste Sat chs set wer sgned my prescee nee gee and at fone oe aates eno set were Sige more than 00 Sys prosoan te lat ytrn og ore pln an tha othe est my krowndpn ado te person so spring wre, tte tne ot ering te pstin Guy quad and regitered oars tte ty of Gp, County Cock, an tect ane a a ees residence addresses are correctly stated as above set forth Jf Official Seal (Gievitors Scie) ck a6 2010 by Puteng ol yA A Anlkin, (Print Name of Circulator Here) Maricela Rodriguez Notary Public State of Minois Wren OF WoTA Expires Jan, 24,2011 Curt ar ~ ° seer 7G ‘Signed and Sworn to (or armed) betore me.on gm od BIND HERE x MUNICIPAL GENERAL ELECTION PETITION We, the undersigned, being duly qualified and registered voters of the City of Chicago, County of Cook, State of Ilinois, do hereby petition that the following named person shall be a candidate for election to the office hereinafter specified, to be voted for at the Municipal General Election to be held on the Twenty-Second (22nd) day of February, 2011. NAME OFFICE ADDRESS CAROL MOSELEY erry OF cHioaGo 1229 EAST 56TH STREET COUNTY OF GOOK | CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60637 BRAUN ‘STATE OF ILLINOIS SIGNATURE OF GUALFED VOTER RESIDENCE ADDRESS civ.Tonn] coun ORVILLAGE | AND STATE 0 4 LD. VSe 5-COrTIUK. Goce |cBox) es SS x B00K. I, LBL Ye te tr’, ww 14S Kecvale | esas | Gon) HICAGO_| COOK. IL [ coodit poe MER wy Cheei vm BUS? wy ALAM cio fee Or) gat6nco [oooxdii a cxicago | cooK. 1. cxicaGo_} COOK. IL | aes S05 Lec Pem> STATE OF unas} in the Ciy/ilage/Unincorporated area (crcle one) of. COUNTY OF COOK f Guten Dal yn alt _(tetorname be a lyon, do tarby coy KE a 2 Code, . County of Casey alte time of signing the pation duly qualffed and registered voters ofthe City of Chicago, County of Cook, and: 6M. 3 0G Ww. Flucnay TF (f unincorporated, ist municipalty a — | cco | = Fo YA Urhepl'ng Sat Le jnge ington that provides postal service) . and State of Hinols, that | am eighteen (16) years of age or older, that | am a citizen of the United States, and thatthe signatures on tis sheet Were signed in my presence, and are genuine and that none of the signatures on this sheet were ‘signed more than 90 days preceding the lst day forthe fling ofthe peiton, and that to the best of my knowledge and bali the persons so signing were, residence addressos ar correctly stated as above set forth, be Sane and Sworn oor ape afore mon ‘Maricela Rodriguez Notary Public State of Mlinols IATURE OF NOTARY ‘Gourmission Expires Jan, 24,2011 cence ieee (Cruidors Sighature) ‘SHEET No. ho of lincis, and tha thei respective x BINDHERE...........% MUNICIPAL GENERAL ELECTION PETITION We, the undersigned, being duly qualified and registered voters of the City of Chicago, County of Cook, State of Illinois, do hereby petition that the following named person shall be a candidate for election to the office hereinafter specified, to be voted for at the Municipal General Election to be held on the Twenty-Second (22nd) day of February, 2011. NAME OFFICE "ADDRESS CAROL MOSELEY ony Ge chicago 1229 EAST SOTH STREET UNTY. K | cH , BRAUN ‘STATE OF ILLINOIS ICAGO, ILLINOIS 60637 Tauine OF GUARD VOTER TESDENCE FOORESS GrvTom] Cou sa meron aR aRN 2457 w AMADIS do [eas ZL wW. Jockson Alvi) Cia (Sa — FOLK Gost ie L [ets se fare ¥ = ED GHIGAGO™ OK, It Bee oe vos. Goad | CooKT f pee Le pace cxGRGO] COOK. ‘ ul [5254 w- _Mayouie €eg0| go | Lrgtnerte Puckt BIW Tesag "Iie (Co_| cate a ebharor. Merchar|S23 pen Li 1 Gacagp | ax SHI WM ILLS )| see BT Fe is Sa ns mn $243 Se Drexel B14 W) Vpabrtn SSTI[ vo-Houanor Bow tT pwe 256( oe Sae Ron 35/2 __| ore 3658 Y. Sach5én ‘STATE OF ILLINOIS COUNTY OF COOK f Gwen (creuators name) bein est dly sworn, do hereby cry that tresise aw? £2 ws Lexington in the Gty/Vitage/Unincorporated area (isle one) of 1@ G._ rurincorpocated, ist muncpalty that provides postal service) zr cade Gs county ot Lan Stato i,t am Sheen (18) yas ofa or ler tht am acizen oth Ted States, and fet the Signatures on ths shoot wes gnc in my presence, and ae gee and tat none of te signatures en this sheet were signed mor than 90 day preceding te ls da forte fing ofthe eton, and that the bet of my Knowledge ane bet porsons so signing Were, atthe ime oslgning te pet day euaite ander ters fhe ly of Cryo, County of Cook an Stat of inant he expec reserc adresse a corel sued a above et orn. | cs A 7 {(Circulator'’s Signature) ck zt Ki, Signs ana Sworn gti tor neon UX ES _20t0by t fecal i Nar of Ce ator Heth Notary Public State of Mlinois Neorctlcd, My. dt'sugn Expires Jan, 24,2011 roca [Maria ‘SHEET NO. Boae/) ether x BIND HERE ........-6. MUNICIPAL GENERAL ELECTION PETITION We, the undersigned, being duly qualified and registered voiers of the City of Chicago, County of Cook, State of Illinois, do hereby petition that the following named person shall be a candidate for election to the office hereinafter specified, to be voted for at the Municipal General Election to be held on the Twenty-Second (22nd) day of February, 2011, NAME OFFICE ADDRESS zo CAROL MOSELEY gry Se Gaeaco {228 EAST 56TH STREET BRAUN SAE ORTLLINGRS |p Sette eee a “SIGNATURE OF QUALIFIED VOTER RESIDENCE ADDRESS city, TOWN] COUNTY ALL MUS WRITEN BY TH VOTER PERSON THs gL NGYE HOUSE NUMBER BO MyM CF STREET OR VILLAGE | AND STATE 5. COUNTY OF COOK Drage Level ster. irevistors ame) being fest duly sworn, do hereby certy that reside at IO OF Loko? , inthe hy apeUninopaaes wea oreo) ot As Aeeg e _ tt unincorported ist muncpaty that provises postal service) STA unas} “ 2 Code lp Cbche—countyot J. an ate ttc, that am elton (yar of 8 le at a acta ofthe Os sees lr FLEE ao a anata to liege ie poor and tats he best omy krona nde re persone so sgning we, Se star Oy eden rates oars ote yf Gago aunty ol Soo, ara Sate ot Wn an that ae opectve tesunceabreoe are comely sted a above ooh, (Cecile Sonu) Sioned lc ae matey gE C oo 20107 5 ‘SIOUNT Jo ayeI Hang Lre,o lator Here) mt NN Zandupoy GAL, 19g (ery ‘SIGNATURE OF NOTARY PUI (SeALOR STAMP OF NOTARY PUBLO) sneer, AB x BIND HERE... 22+ x O MUNICIPAL GENERAL ELECTION PETITION We, the undersigned, being duly qualified and registered voters of the City of Chicago, County of Cook, State of Illinois, do hereby petition that the following named person shall be a candidate for election to the office hereinafter specified, to be voted for at the Municipal General Election to be held on the Twenty-Second (22nd) day of February, 2011. NAME OFFICE ADDRESS CAROL MOSELEY | cry 4 Sicaco | 1229 EAST SoTH STREET BRAUN STATE OFILUNOIS | _ CHIOAGO. LHINOIS 80887 agurorverrovg ne von NPE neomincdesemnmcrcewuccesnict | ORVALAGE | AND STATE V2 w. Lewa 3HIGAGO | COOK, IL, ut | cerso | 00%, | ZeaCarro(l | ciao | coon [AA Lunt - | cucaco | cook. DEO Le Glatca 02 OIG pf. flew te L3S5/L/ ffeoSeve/L| A D224 41 Hag fe , (rultor's nam) being frst uly evo, do hereby corti that resi at saSemapa® rea cron ot I 2 ASO inva t rn at provi ot oie 2 Code. county ot CLA Kad Stat fini, tha | am egntoon (18) yur of age oro, tht ma iizen of the United State and tat the signatures on his sheet were signed in my presence, and are genuine and that none ofthe signatures on tis sheet were ‘signed more than 80 days preceding the lst day forthe fling ofthe petition, anc that tothe best of my knowiedge and belie the persons so signing were, ‘at the time of signing the petition duly qualfied and registered voters ofthe City of Chigago, County of Cook, and State o lino, and that their respective residence addresses are correctly stated as above set forth. > S r ( (Circulators Signature) ‘SIGNATURE OF NOTARY POBLIC Siosarna MP cane V1 + cee Keceeeceeses BIND HERE... 22521 MUNICIPAL GENERAL ELECTION PETITION We, the undersigned, being duly qualified and registered voter of the City of Chicago, County of Cook, State of tinols, do hereby petition that the following named person ‘shall be a candidate for election to the office 0 vinattor specified, to be voted for at the Municipal General Election to be held on the Twenty-Second (22nd) day of February, 2011, NAME OFFICE ‘ADDRESS: CAROL MOSELEY eny Secuicacg 4229 EAST 56TH STREET IF 60637 BRAUN STATE OF ILLINOIS CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60937 SER OFA VOTER FESDENCE DORIS Sarom] COUNTY NA earn NPE esa NCE OReroumoramust | ORVILAGE | AND STATE oe mn _tenicr| Zi fowr)_| CaRef lian S | cnc 200K. L— 2 00K. 1 cook. iL utc Kt Peeiye ccna | aSi0 ~ Ln Veo. oh Jocthy Grekin o- 5. Avers “easy | 2000. STATE OF ILLINOI \ COUNTY pF,GOOK f Men Le eam eopyeaesn nen mer ctnoaicenn DIO scald eas Wii2g comer et ky a pois pon a) LI canna DOK ath ca, mat 0 Le 3 recom lel D!Y coset POD aig ge aero ne arena is Ss ke ere ata tormnabe tak en ge oom Smarr dap og tl eb oo Sa com on mon es aasenve addresses are corecly stated as above set forth, on Pele _Lee. sputertunnpesmaricaren 20400 wy — C aoe a ‘(Print Name of Circulator Here) ain ‘Si NATURE OF NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF WUNOS 1/4/11 (GeALonstAMe (OF NOTARY PUBLIC) a SHEET NO,

whos Patel | rr S Lee | eae | eatin allotted Rfuntey | ase TL = | ec / 420 BW? | cease} coor. uo a e ae LobY 5 Ok extp— ” 6. ©4535, S- Yormorbici0 | ccroo | coon Qk eae | tL Lee Lowy alpen 1629-20 S. Bods.ce | cicss0 1 coo% ‘STATE OF ILLINOIS JUNTY OF COOK \Siiperes a0 emaenqy meyer onnis SIZE S thtbiwe | inthe cityrytage/Unincorporated area (crcl one) of. (unincorporated, let municipaly that provides postal service) 20 code. BL county ot Coy 1S ane State of tins, that | am eighteen (18) years of age or older, that ama cizen of the irece State, andar ha sigan cn Bie et were Sed nmy presence ara genune and ta rene he sali on he het wore signed more than 20 days preceding the last day forthe fing ofthe petition, an that othe best of my knowiedge and belie the persons so signing were, {atthe time of signing the petition dy qualfied and registered voters ofthe City of Chicago, County of Cook, and State of lino, and that ther respective residence addresses are correctly slated as above set forth ere Signatiye) 4 aA | signed and Sworn to (or atmed) before me on eA ET TT oot py et | ete of Oreo Prepress Sites) eee ‘GFRICIALSEAL ‘ALEX CARLA ‘SIGNATURE OF NOTARY PUBLIC (SEAL OR STAMOTARY PUBLIC ~ STATE, OF UNIS: uy As 8 Cr ea rg, JAB + come Ke eeseeesee BIND HERE... MUNICIPAL GENERAL ELECTION PETITION We, the undersigned, being duly qualified and registered voters of the City of Chicago, County of Cook, State of Illinois, do hereby petition that the following named person shall be a candidate for election to the office hereinafter specified, to be voted for at the Municipal General Election to be held on the Twenty-Second (22nd) day of February, 2011. NAME OFFICE “ADDRESS CAROL MOSELEY | cin Mateiaco 1229 EAST 56TH STREET BRAUN COUNTY. OF GOOK | CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60637 See anemone ‘ meomuncuberpeienryoenuccrenes | ORVRLAGE | AND STATE - £ 7 HICAGO_} COOK I, XS Wf au) | soon.) |i 09 i tp aka St ¥e . cHicaco. Kat Ie 0, co dune cwtcaco | cook. 1, EG ES CBM Fab wcaco | cook. LL x cuicace | cook. sas,” Bell ee ee 1494 Ste cvtmsco | none a Op, SS lodiaca wicaco | cook. __| cticaso | cook. Anco STATE OF ILLINOIS COUNTY OF COOK Cotten dont cxty oat rie SZ) in the Chyage/Unincorporated area (circle one) of _ . unincorporated, Ist municipal that provides postal service) 2IP Cod County of and State of lini that | am eighteen (18) years of age or ocr, that | am a citizen ofthe United States, and thatthe eignatures on tie sheet wer signed in my presence, and are genuine and that rone of the signatures on this sheet were ‘signed more than 90 days preceding the last day fr the fling ofthe petition, and tha othe best of my knowiedge and belie the persons so signing were, atthe te of signing the petition ly qualified and registered voter of the ity of Chicago, County of Cook, and State of lino, and that their respective residence addresses are correctly stated as above set forth SE enstnisunvtrsimarioonen A] DAbeet oy Mase} wae, belated — ar) RIAL SEAL Picci ‘SIGNATURE OF NoT#AY PUBLIC aU STATE OF LUNOS xx.onstai | NOUR RU, SEO Ue (OF NOTARY PUBLIC, _ MY COMMISSION ERE Tt nee WO; OND On oom Ke ceeeeeees+ BIND HERE MUNICIPAL GENERAL ELECTION PETITION We, the undersigned, being duly qualified and registered voters of the City of Chicago, County of Cook, State of llinois, do hereby petition that the following named person shall be a candidate for election to the office Pereinatter specified, to be voted for at the Municipal General Election to be held on the Twenty-Second (22nd) day of February, 2011. NAME OFFICE ADDRESS: CAROL MOSELEY ony, Ge GHIEAGO 41229 EAST 56TH STREET BRAUN GOUNTY GF COOK | CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60637 "SIGNATURE OF QUALIFIED VOTER RESIDENCE ADDRESS ‘ony, TOWN | COUNTY. NE er ee WER NETO soe cuicaco | COOK. iL STATE OF unas} COUNTY OF COOK f | MONA DLL teary ste ty omm ctetyentyeicninn S21 Phe fshiy inthe Ciyitage/Uninoorpoatd area (cle oe) ot tr urncorporated ist municipaly that provides postal sence) 20 Coxe. 3G. county ot and Sate of ino, that am eghtoon (1) yrs of age rode, that | am a iz ofthe Fai eee ccna Us aguatns on this shoot wore signed in my presen, and are genuine and tat none of the signatures on tis sheet wore ‘Sgned more than 90 dye procecing the last day forthe fing of the petition, and that othe best of my knowiedge and bel the persons 20 signing wer, atthe tne of signing the petition duly qualifed and registered voters ofthe City of Chicago, County pf Cook, and State of lino, anc that thei respective residence addresses are corecly stated as above set forth rr * ptt Sema ema toma on 2 toler Zlmon Mecknel bik fit Name of relator Here) a EX «STATE OF WLINO'S JRE OF NOTARY PUBLIC (eal on sta NOTARY PUBL STE ott NOTARY COMMISSION EA Serra ver, #83 << reo MUNICIPAL GENERAL ELECTION « PETITION Baw We, the undersigned, being duly qualified and registered voters of the City ‘of Chicago, County of Cool State of llinoie. "do hereby petition that the following named person shall be a candidate for election to the office Pereinatter specified, to be voted for at the Municipal General Election to be held on the ‘Twenty-Second (22nd) day of February, 2011. NAME OFFICE. ADDRESS CAROL MOSELEY | oy 5¢ F882 | chcxco iano BRAUN STATE OF ILLINOIS ae Sausine OF IAIFED VOTER TESOSNGE ORES Gaiam] coum Er ERNE No Succremecr | ORVRLAGE | AD STATE [272 [Le FIT | sacac0 | coon Lf Ay Ss ec Se Nac 3 cacao | COOK. S — | CHICAGO | COOK, IL thy epee — a7 allect© | cwicaao | cooK.n. a (a/%. 5: Phen {ceacas9)| cook. Mok cus Tiiwerl32low. ked ie cxxcaco | cook. wud Hick, | gag Sf. Sawyer (ego cows 1827 5. ed pre Aug cuicaco | cook. 0a Wl” cusceco | cook.n YS Iles. Spavidieg vaca | 200%. V7, auld ag Deco, (AAS Gof ho qa as 1821 S Spwye8 >| curcaco | cook. 1929 So Lpaitelecg| csceso | coos /¢ 28 pling Aiacitte | cook. 920. S Pelee VEU Veal a7 Gert cxtcaco | cooK.n »’ MO un 28 LO AAO AM circulators name) being frst duly sworn, do hereby crtty that | reside at in yNillage/Unincorporated area ane ce _ (if unincorporated, list municipality that provides | I servic Bh i ze cosd0lVych D _, couny o «sand Sato nis, that am eigtaen (18 yar fag ole, that am azn of ho a coad UL Court hots dies my pears, ae gee ad tht ree fhe gates on sss wre Ute Sate ae ate Sa engin plan das thee ofmy owed web hp ona were Sane moran 0 ys rn a aware yo cheage, Couto Con ar State orl an at hese ‘Gudenenadarsse are comecy tte a above ox forth. ‘(Creators Signature) + LRA Signed and Sworn ofr affeed) before me on oct IS oy Wer lh 4 Richmarct ‘(Print Name of Circulator Here) (sea. onswe SAOEN (ATURE SF NOTARY PUBLIC (OF NOTARY PUBLIC) EKCAP IIAP worn ac eM AS c+ BIND HERE MUNICIPAL GENERAL ELECTION PETITION We, the undersigned, being duly qualified and registered voters of the City of Chicago, County of Cook, State of Illinois, do hereby petition that the following named person shall be a candidate for election to the office hereinafter specified, to be voted for at the Municipal General Election to be held on the Twenty-Second (22nd) day of February, 2011. NAME OFFICE ADDRESS CAROL MOSELEY | cry M2%9% aco 4229 EAST 56TH STREET BRAUN STATE OFILLINIS | CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60697 SIGNATURE OF QUALFIED VOTER RESDENGE ADDRESS ‘ay. town | GouNTY Ast WITTEN ST HE VOTER PERSO nmswuncuperosemnmarmowcoremet | ORVULAGE | AND STATE INCL) Me Pad Jo { 200K. 1. 210 3. Hamba | coo. SUS. Ho Teele wicaGo | COOK. USS GATE aD SFO S Sogn caceaa | cook. Nora lL (639 5S. Sduren P cook. whites asvel |usd S- Saerylre coma | coon a A 3d $. Ol bat cruao | goo ‘STATE OF ILLINOIS oun OF COOK’ nN in the Ci age/Uni ad ar le one) if (if unincorporated, list municipality that provi se)" rene CCAM DUEL TNT IT os covaarocvajonsnevoyersten rum tutan umes United States, and that the signatures on ths eheot were signed in my presence, and ars genuine and that none of the signatures on tis sheet were ‘signed more than 90 days preceding the lst day forthe iin ofthe petition, and that to the best of my knowledge and bali the persons 20 signing were, _at the time of signing the petition duly qualified and registered voters of the City of Chicago, County of Cook, and State of licis, and that their respective residence adcresses are correctly stated as above sot forth. signdendsvomnpratmanteimenecn OCF 9S aa Borlbe, — Rich mans (Circulators Signature) . (Print ame of Crculator Here) me MUNICIPAL GENERAL ELECTION PETITION We, the undersigned, being duly qualified and registered voters of the City of Chicago, County of Cook, State Of Illinois, do hereby petition that the following named person shall be a candidate for election to the office hereinafter specified, to be voted for at the Municipal General Election to be held on the Twenty-Second (22nd) day of February, 2011. NAME OFFICE ADDRESS 4 CAROL MOSELEY cary dF Gaioaco 1229 EAST 56TH STREET ITY OF COOK BRAUN STATE OF ILLINOIS CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60637 SGRATURE OF GUALFED VOTER TESDENGE ADDRESS civ Tom atta oer east neon resmuuncuoahummsomucrsmen | Savas | Bee 235! F173 Su Api. a. Falashe Ro St¢F wisttaue ($2 5 Peorkbern ZPD 1 Wa Se Iasyg Wy sth £7. STATE OF ILLINOIS COUNTY vo COOK inthe CiyMtigetnncoraraedae cre one) ot CANCE Per. gunincrporate, et municpalty that provides posta sevice) Lo scorers 0. LF anasto eihn 8) yr of 298 it, at am acne United nd that the signatures on this sheet were Signed in my presence, and are genuine and that none ofthe signatures on this sheet were. ‘signed more than 90 days preceding the last day forthe fing ofthe petition, and that othe best of my knowledge and bei the persone 80 signing wore, _atthe time of signing the pettion duly qualified and registred votrs ofthe City of Chicago, County of Cook, of lines, and that their respective residence addresses are comecty stated as above set forth, (Creulators Signature) \ eer Cin Same navn ws dara cy at ee I QC) Le Mita x BIND HERE MUNICIPAL GENERAL ELECTION PETITION We, the undersigned, being duly qualified and registered voters of the City of Chicago, County of Cook, State of Illinois, do hereby petition that the following named person shall be a candidate for election to the office hereinafter specified, to be voted for at the Municipal General Election to be held on the Twenty-Second (22nd) day of February, 2011. NAME OFFICE ADDRESS CAROL MOSELEY CITY MAYOR AGO 1229 EAST 56TH STREET GOUNTY OF COOK CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60637 BRAUN Stare (OF ILLINO! ‘SIGNATURE OF QUALIFIED VOTER RESIDENCE ADDRESS: ‘cry, TOWN ‘COUNTY. “TS ONAL NDE YOUSE NBER INO NAME CF STREET ORVALAGE | AND SINE Poe fae 4 — fa VED Ss. EAL fae LE epA Zur — 4) cy SEFD AS bs 12759. Heanaiia 9B Hanh 31s 414 din 18ua_p be bsh S224 w/ 2 Lan} ol Oa LL3 yp We vk 70 fl Sonor) | wefan Allg ja us tLadavern 25 reer ro fre 130 nk Buel : UMN CeWefertd | oe AIS?) AfTausTe) _| is eck STATE OF ILLINOIS COUNTY OF COOK st Ledasmuremrer tiv von siren ec esinae LOSLM Hpi inthe CityVitage/Ueincoxpopated area (cre!e one of. 4A L_— neon st marcel at pois post aie 2 Co. D county ot (0 Kare tte of ici, tat a eighteen (18) years of age rode that | am a chizen of he This staledvand that the sigetures on the sheet were signed in my presence and g@)eenuine and that one ofthe signatures on this sheet were Signed mere than 90 day preceding the lst day forthe ling ofthe petion and that o atthe time of signing tne petition duly qualified and registered voters ofthe City of Cy residence addresses are corecty stated as above set fort pest of my knowledge and belief the persons so signing Were, ofl Gouty of Coos, ang Stat of linc and that the espetve 7 ete re) . ‘Signed and Sworn to (or affimech betore me o Official Seal /: Maricela Rodrig _ F Z oatecetanes (0-81 O11O | Sealerare : y My Cogmearepize Jen. 242011 wea Of OO Kad

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