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Commonwealth of Massachusetts

City of Northampton
212 Main Street ● Municipal Building
Northampton, MA 01060

Claudio Geurra
One Bridge Street Inc.
d/b/a Paradise City Tavern
82 Industrial Drive, Unit 3
Northampton, MA 01060
November 23, 2010

Dear Mr. Guerra,

I have been reviewing our files in an attempt to determine the allowable occupant load of
Paradise City Tavern at 1 Bridge Street. I have determined that we never issued a permit for change of
use from a restaurant to a nightclub.

In accordance with the Massachusetts State Building Code 780 CMR chapter 1, section 110.1,
a permit is required for any change of use. We had expected that you would submit a building permit
application to add restrooms as shown in the drawings submitted by Thomas Douglas in August and
October of 2009. We would have addressed the change of use from restaurant to nightclub when we
reviewed the permit application.

Please submit a permit application for a change of use from a restaurant to a nightclub. I
cannot allow you to continue as a nightclub until I have approved that permit. I have included a copy of
the application. Please include a floor plan showing the use areas, means of egress, square footage of
the building and proposed occupant load. I have also included an excerpt from the building code
showing the relevant code requirements. Please contact me before December 8, 2010 or I will need to
take further action.

Feel free to call if you have any questions. My telephone number is 587-1240.
Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.

Louis Hasbrouck

Building Commissioner
City of Northampton

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