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Minh Khai secondary school

Full name:………………………….. Class
Marks Remarks of teacher

I. Choose the best answers to complete the sentences.
1. I’m proud…................ my school.
A. at B. to C. of D. in
2. I ............................. on a farm when I was a young girl.
A. use to living B. use to live C. used to live D. used to living
3. Let me get an application form and we can…........................
A. fill it into B. fill into it C. fill it out D. fill out it
4. Can you do me a favor?
- ....................................................................
A. No, I don’t B. No, I can’t C. I don’t like,D. I’m sorry but I
sorry can’t
II. Put the verbs into the correct forms.
1. I (not want) …..........…to go to the Water Park because I
(visit) ..... .. .….it last week.
2. She (collect)…….......……gargabe in Green Park next Sunday.
3 . My brothers love (read) ..............................…English book.
III. Read the text then answer the questions. (2ms)
Language learners learn words in different ways. Some
learners make a list and put into it the meaning of new words in their
mother tongue, and try to learn them by heart. How ever, others do not.
Instead, they write one or two example sentences with each new words in
order to remember how to use the word in the right way.
1. Do learners learn words in the same
way? .............................................................................
2. Why do some learners write examples sentences with new words?
3. What do some learners do in order to remember words better?
4. How should you learn
IV. Change the following setences into reported speech.
1/ She said: “I like my cat”.
She said that
2/ Mary said to John: “Can you open the box for me?”
Mary asked John
3/ Miss Jackson said: “ Please give Tim this dictionary”.
Miss Jackson told
4/ My mother told me: “You should go to the post office before it
My mother said..
V. Listen to the song. Fill in the missing information.
Chidren of our land (1)...................................…Let’s sing for (2)
…......................................, let’s sing for (3)…...................................Let’s
sing for the (4)…...........................................
(7).......................................... our(8) …..............................................

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