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The Writing Process

Instructor Information

Instructor: Dionne Y. Griffith


Lesson Overveiw

English 101-34 helps students develop quality, college-level writing skills by examining
and identifying the steps involved in the writing process. This mini lesson will focus on
the writing process and how it relates to communication. Students will be taught what
the writing process is, its five parts, and how the parts are used to write essays.

Course Objectives

Students will:

• Define the writing process and its elements.

• Explain the writing process.
• Determine a purpose for writing and consider an audience.
• Gather, organize, and present information to serve the purpose, context, and
• Adhere to the conventions of grammar, usage, and mechanics.
• Seek feedback and revise writing to enhance communication.
• Publish an essay utilizing the steps of the writing process.

MLA Guidelines

EN 101-34 follows the research guidelines in the MLA Handbook for Writers of
Research Papers (6th ed.).
Academic Honesty

Students are required to uphold the Code of Academic Integrity and the Code of
Student Conduct. Students who violate either of these codes may receive a failing
grade in the class. Information about these codes and other student policies,
procedures, and penalties is available on the Student Policy and Procedures web page
at .

Writing Submissions

Writing submissions may only be submitted as .doc or .rtf files.

Course Evaluation Criteria

A passing grade is 70% or higher. There are a total of 100 points in this lesson on the
writing process. A final grade will be assigned to the completed essay.

90 – 100 = A
80 – 89 = B
70 – 79 = C
60 – 69 = D
0 – 59 = F

Course Topics and Objectives

Day 1 – The Writing Process

Day 2 – Types of Writing
Day 3 – Essay Development: Prewrite and Draft
Day 4 – Essay Development: Revise and Proofread
Day 5 – Essay Development: Publish

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