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Bobby Kalbfell Period 5

Mr. Baruch 2/23/10

Lab #15 Molar Mass of an Unknown Gas

Objective: Determine the molar mass of a substance from measurements of the density of its

1) The unknown smelt like paint thinner.
2) The water in the beaker had particles in it.
3) The flask was sweating when it was placed in the hot water.
4) The barometric pressure was 768.35 according to outside sources (the internet).
5) The parafilm melted to the flask.

Data: Molar Mass Data

a. mass of flask and cap 104.20 grams

b. mass of flask, cap, rubber band and condensate 104.66 grams
c. volume of flask 150 mL
d. temperature of water (T1) 100oC = 373K
e. barometric pressure 768.35 mm Hg

1. Find the mass of the condensed vapor: m = (b) – (a)

2. Find the volume of vapor at STP: (V2)

3. Convert V2 from mL to Liters:

4. Find the molar mass of the gas sample:

1) The gas created in the flask was cyclohexane (C6H12)
2) The molar mass of the gas was 92.8 grams per mole.
3) The actual molar mass of the gas is 84 grams per mole.
4) A source of error was the barometric pressure in the room might not be the same as
the barometric pressure used from the internet.
5) The percent error in our lab was 10.5.
92.8 – 84 * 100 = 10.5% error of our results from the actual molar mass of cyclohexane.

1. Using the molecular formula provided by your teacher, calculate the actual molar
mass of the unknown liquid.
The actual molar mass of the unknown liquid is 84 g/mole.

12g * 6 + 1 g * 12 = 84 g/mole

2. Compare the true molar mass of the unknown liquid with your experimental
calculation. Determine your percent error.
See conclusion 5.

1. What are some possible sources of error for this lab?

See conclusion 4.

2. A gas has a density of 1.25 g/L at STP. What is its molar mass? What is this gas?
The molar mass of this gas is 28 g/mole. The gas is N2

1.25 g/L * 22.4 L/mole = 28 g/mole

3. AT STP, 10 liters of a gas has a mass of 9.01 grams. What is the molar mass of
this gas? What is this gas?
The molar mass of this gas is 20.1824. The gas is Ne.

9.01 g * 22.4 L/mole = 20.1824 g/mole

10 L

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