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Suppose the time field of a file directory entry uses bits 0-4 for the seconds, bits 5-10

for the minutes, and bits 11-15 for the hours (24-hour clock). For example, the following
binary value indicates a time of 02:16:07, in hh:mm:ss format:
00010 010000 00111
Write a procedure named ShowFileTime that receives a binary file time value in the AX
register and displays the time in hh:mm:ss format
The following program is written to accomplish the task, but it is incomplete. The code under label L1 and L2 in ShowFiletimeProc needs to be completed.
time WORD 0001001000000111b ; 02:16:07
main PROC
call Clrscr
mov ax, time ; AX = time in MS-DOS format call ShowFileTime

exit main ENDP


ShowFileTime PROC
; Receives a binary file time value in MS-DOS format
; and displays the time in hh:mm:ss format.
; Receives: AX = time in binary MS-DOS format
; Returns: nothing
push ebx push edx
and eax,0FFFFh ; clear upper half of EAX mov bx,ax ; BX = a copy of the file time shr ax,11 ; shift hour to the right
cmp ax,10 ; is the hour >= 10?
jae L1 ; yes: display it
call DisplayZero ; no: display a leading zero
L1: call WriteDec

........ ; display the hour


call WriteDec
static function sub ShowFileTime (dim binfv as integer)
copy cx, binfc
copy ax, result
shl ax, 4
copy ax, 2
mov bx, ax
interrupt 21h
return ax
end function
L3: call WriteDec ; display seconds call Crlf
pop edx pop ebx ret
ShowFileTime ENDP

;-------------------------------------… DisplayZero PROC

; Displays a zero character
; Receives: nothing
; Returns: nothing
push eax
mov al,'0' ; char to display call WriteChar
pop eax ret
DisplayZero ENDP
END main

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