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School : SMK Swastisari Kupang

Subject : English
Class/Semester : X/1
Competence Standard : English communication at novice level.
Basic Competence : Describing things by mentioning their characteristics.
Indicator : Describing things dealing with colors, shapes and size.
Time allocation : 2 X 45 minutes.

I. Objective : At the end of teaching-learning activities, students are

able to describe things by mentioning colors, shapes and

II. Teaching Material:

* First Meeting

→ Preliminary conversation
• What is your favorite color?
• What color is the wall of the classroom?
• What color is your bag?
• What color is your uniform?
• What color are your shoes?

* What picture is it?

* What color does it have?
* What shape is the classroom?

» How big is the classroom?

→ The colors
• Red : Merah • Grey : Abu-abu
• Pink : Merah muda
• Orange : Jingga
• Yellow : Kuning
• Light green : Hijau muda
• Dark green : Hijau tua
• Light blue : Biru muda
• Dark blue : Biru tua
• Violet : Ungu kemerahan
• Purple : Ungu
• Black : Hitam
• White : Putih
• Brown : Coklat
→The Shapes


Persegi Panjang Triangle




→ The size:
• Little : sedikit
• Small : kecil
• Medium : sedang
• Average : rata-rata
• Large : luas/ besar
• Big : besar
• Long : panjang
• Short : pendek
• Wide : lebar
• Narrow : sempit
→When we ask questions about size, color and shape, we usually use a question word
“What” or “how”.
• What color is it?
• What color is your new bag?
• What shape is the table?
• How big is his house?
• What size is your shirt/shoes? etc.

→ Practice the dialog in pairs

A : Well, here’s the kitchen
B : Hmmm…, it’s very small
A : Yes, it isn’t big, but there is cooker and fridge. There are some cupboards under
sink. The floor is a square tile.
B : Are there any plates?
A : Yes, there are some circular and few ovals shaped.
B : Good, are there any chairs in here?
A : No, there aren’t, but there are some in the living room.
B : Hmmm…, there aren’t any glasses.
A : Yes, there are some conical glasses in the cupboard.
B : By the way, is there any television in the living room?
A : Yes, a big, black and white television.
B : What color is the wall?
A : They are blue and white.

III. Teaching Method:

• Questioning- Answering (Role-Play)
• Explanation

IV. Teaching- Learning Process

a. Warming Up
o Teacher greets the students.
o Teacher calls their names.
o Review the last material for some minutes.

b. Main Process
o Teacher gives pre-test before give explanation about the new topic.
o Teacher gives explanation about the new topic.
o Teacher asks the students to do some tasks in the class.

c. Closing
o Review the material given for some minutes.
o Teacher give task to do at home
V. Supporting facilities
a. Tools : Whiteboard and board marker, pictures.
b. Resources : English module, English in vocational context (LKS)

VI. Evaluation

Student’s Handout
1. Make a conversation by using expression “what colors, what size and what
shape.” About what students have at home.
2. Draw things that have the following shape!
• Circle
• Cylinder
• Trapezium
• Cone
• Triangle
• Square
• Kite
• Cube

Kupang, 3 September 2010

Prospective Teacher

Benediktus R. Rattu
APROVED BY NIM. 0601020007

Supervisor Critic Teacher

Drs. Godlief Vertygo , MA Ernesta E. Kama , S.pd


Dra. Jublina Lalel

NIP. 195501021968032003

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