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No. assigned to student : 9



P 6 4 3
W 1 5 5

Johari Window 

Public Blind
Private Unknown

 A social person who tries to make an effort to include people in his/her activities

 Shows a liking to belong to social groups

 Interested in interacting with people and at the same time appreciates & recognizes people’s
qualities, efforts

 Is empathetic towards others

 Shows a very low desire to get included in groups

 Less of an attention-seeker
 Has a lesser control over other’s actions

 Less influencing skills on others whereas his/her own actions are influenced by others

 Wants to be controlled by others and to be told what to do by others

 Expresses less affection towards others. Tries to remain distant and less personal with others

 Has a moderate desire to get affection from people. Does not mind people being friendly with

 Like lots of time to think things through before making a decision

 A good Listener
 Think about lots of things at once
 Does not like to get into the details of things
 Tries to figure out or bring out connections between various things
 Gives general / non-specific answers to most questions
 Makes decisions based on feelings of self as well as others’ feelings
 Caring & Very empathetic towards others
 Takes things personally
 Gets easily distracted
 Enjoys exploring unknown things
 Prefers to wait and see what happens instead of making plans

Johari Window:

 A low openness about his/her strengths & weaknesses towards others

 There are some aspects which are hidden to him/her but known to others. Getting feedback
from others regarding this aspect would help him/her to improve and open up with respect to
the Hidden & Unknown areas too

• Digitalization
• Regionalization
• Convergence & Impact of new media
• Innovation
• Consumer Research
• Institutionalization of HR function
• Growing importance of pay audiences

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