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us asa/ea GLACIER ———— ROTOR DYNAMICS OF TURBO-MACHINERY Factors affecting dynamic behaviour of a turbo-machine rotor; the importance of accounting for dynamic characteris- tics of different machine elements and a brief review of available analytical techniques. by Dr A. V. RUDDY THE GLACIER METAL COMPANY LiniTED ALPERTON, WEMBLEY, MIDDLESEX.) Teor go? eett Tel oa6sn1 “| on a ‘monica pemavour ofa tur machine, ite folowing elaments Uo tpeaty of Ita. the rote ‘tne beatings he bearing nousing pedestal Foundation or easing sieture ainterachion tnt coupled the woting uid hough iin th loo ot ebraion nthe inning sped range ara, orer fo Sroure Sn scoala ynsrie Sehoviurh ncn test Shine macnn Sera speeds Pcie forced excitons, eyayrame sanity 2. Ghtetepoeds of tho rotor cited peed of = tubo. Tevet of ralion ta Woauency Stel 6 taraning spss are ats Sfmcmenou! witha damped tural Fequoncy ef te rotor syst Sd that tno vloraon locity mace Unbslonee, Hewmver foe ach) Speed union mum sits {Bh evel Te vecerced il Soper Imoniering equipment ne wal. tow ef unbalance slong tnd round thovotorand tne seoleretion of he rotor tough the iti! spaos Noverthlas,n tubonachiny anor dang en he ‘ener fice'ne repeat concerned th Ihemades tt ower rea Figure 1. stows, how Sredslemoontes “on “wo. simnie ring, seins by ag ‘Sicha ts commonly cali a nical ec man anus ina Bhness. tele Impocant fo note mitaeag hroises tne none bee fuencies oth sytem fo the paint Become effete gtd and core nodes ort sonlacements inthe Searings teh conaion ie cor monly kooen aa a pned pinned Imentay calelatione fat the rater Sonaing “equancies. 2 more Speed map can’ be found in spece i's compion way and he Gnome ‘charectaristies of the Stppoding Structure a comple nd’ the Weraing Benanour of te {olor eel 'can te toftanreed Oy Fock of eynmentry.complox cose ions ante oie ang nnieal methods based on the ‘Sereloped forthe ievestigation of Selsing mes ‘An important characteristic of ‘ulm borings ta the ably of te Tlatim fo easpatesrary at brevida dancing ta the sytem In feet ins many large ata tiw Iochinon i el tt he bea dumping. Unforunaey tdsion [Geral postion nthe eseng th spec booing profilo: and nt Therefore tie Important tlamping gopertas ol tne beating ttm ey tt ote epee na ene tolors, although electrical inaings, asyrymeticl cross: hanceal”alecostinutas ca present problems 4. he dynam characterises of ‘Reretereoppart “This aspect is_primatly on cared with fucsim owns Sar Inge and under normal ating co Stone such earings ragenty Epsom in the rotor ayoumic. The alte of the vesrense te impose force fe compiested by the fact that te eeatoning foro aatng on the journal ina tim fs ot co. linear withthe geting Tove There 1, heel eross cupting Glecions. “Such rots pling ‘ean have very important dynamic Stata Salo! Uhich are eleros folate A oural Searing tld tm 1s relattoty suf and, in practice, Prva vals oF etnade se 1h Ieranae 1010" NM [Orci which can a greater than te aut fess. of a. comparative oling Beran ea “Te machine structure tal up 8 canal pay an Fhe rotor tough to i im wl Bo Frequency" dependent and ote oon ampinde “pend suoturat resonance nthe shang seed ange snow be “The anatysie ofthe tency state cnuracerscs of ais im jour) Statings is ‘Sevelgped felance ng compuler programe are alate to pet Ioad capac poser lote ans usricant ow ateé {ey in punt gtion fog woe tongs of wiverent type Searing. Mowrever the yam [sumption for mosertaly oaced bearings stat The Journals onty Ghepiocog a tmall letonce trom the Steaey-state position "under Append tt amore deed es: tino poroach bearing afm has gained sareman Sccnplance mutt eey sate) for ihe prediction oF large scale [Site where a nontnesr mocel Imust bo used. Anaiteal otutons Mi ubration 2 oxic and ean bs curacy ofthe motel oe bear Ing geometry a san bo employes “Soong thes nae fovsing gaesitfoundaien stu [Ether an’ ampitea! or Iago aealo frequently "an assumed value” of sinus atlunens enw or a diac {lon i uae in voor ram oa atone Tero, a6 yt no ea Gard procouur and, gon orate! Stidesion responsi fs key Saat toundationaymamics it ‘male ory ical ara, 4 Response to Unbelance ane ‘er Forced Cxetations Sina eaidual “unbalance a faterunslane ray devon ine syecroneus of 3 tat tant exotelon of rtorbeating Stem Figue 2 anos tow the aan astern ‘Sines Sd dancing ‘ator Nate how he acdNon ct ‘Sreing sere te mit me post frmpitaces, but has Ihe ste at pressing tne resonance peak ever inider eaveney range ‘Goneraly the eitaiveness of senna nd ner mechan {Be mage shag of In flor. For odes ihe bearings wit tray ayo tow etactve damon “faa derbution of he unbalance is importa In phate. wntalnce ound midspan il oxcte 4 1or oar ie"Wret ena! spoos. Sone. ‘iy, exciaion al psion of Iethe mode shape sesocated with that entice spose lace to max um "arpitudes ‘ot response. ‘Thatta the postion of ceupings Tet slece ane tring mbes or Starpie canbe Important The {totion of unbalance along oa! {otor made wil Deol “eakscrew ‘Sher types of forcing woken act attrequondes stn" tna synchro Sor eanbs cased a foows *Nonsynehonmi rato — flo fies iy stator, Ipeuraliyserifracion ahaa Ss pugas ae bNamayetrono.” non ne ‘Searngs and sala ring In fite petneen lees ang ena, ‘material hysteres, ila Th cyeitrally imposed Totes — Exused by adjacent machinery, Stare worston ona earth ‘uakes Tischineolaments winch can ‘coniinte fo sal rated vbstone 3 Eitionstonontesnaspines then termined by Ine stoay sate stort lve sre,In moot cass Inuensed bythe balance sonalion Sollee ‘bation oe neta big eae. won hers, Ions Fenirg te rotational rete 2 whirling Mate The tan Sent never los away, but foc nergy "Dy the. deetabiielng chan’ amelie ied [arg fovnal diplacerens In the bearings iad robs Tne rotor [ethan said 'o bein limiteyal Se of nstabi operon Smpltvde motion that results Tn frcuasve waar and fatigne to the tachi. Typical mecasisms that {an coninbtta osu octeo vor Aion are ted in Tabi ers, eet Heke eat cur eras ceramae aan aie Sherrie ied sevemuoct ‘Sater ry ina slabio_systom, transiont (damped ou Over 8 snot post of ‘ina mact leoussedsectabilsing Wa ee The resulong suber: falls halfspecd whi, actonal ‘rite nbrtion Trequore)Sempon nt at jaa lee than Pa sunning Space. Se irene’ cr mo ‘One camnient mained tor in xestigatag the aay of 4 rolor Lotem ito onderate © damped ital ‘tequeney “srayes ofa trode! tht nets te desta {rg components Such sn analy tatoo" the saloon ot the ‘tows the net eecte Samping Complicated nomiinea anya Te sarmalegaed Yo uty te vs a ee nice a eect ‘one ate Setmane eteo pee et na ar y or Rotore that are cunning above leceptie fa. subayncheoncs Suetation, causing « gh level of ‘brat ih ltr 6 eke ‘equeney:Arteuany sengerout Imanifestsian ofthis tact fen rotor le running at approximately {ios is rat ertlea speed and Searing inability eocnedos Wn focie sowre wbations inal ae Soinatimes cnown a8 0 Walp, 5 Journal Barings for ‘ubomechinary ‘he ours borings supporting a Sha! dasignad to ‘onaure tha the ‘dynamic “charcteratics ‘of the Somoine withthe foto design er ier mache ements f produce ‘machina. order Yo mest those Fauemenis, several alforent toned. ts possible frank the rent beige in an appro inate ersero stay, a0 showe in Table 2. Wore cetaine gacueson Sa ftmal"banings fo tron Feteranece + and 2. Lays lac, suchas ger Invust br onbalanoed "magnetic pl in te ensure the the system by unloasing the boa Ing, Cae shoul nea We taken to Etareup or too tin fm ing Epaad" or some operational moss Nich as ow speed baring in general. the bearing declan nou enook the base Ineghy et {he Bosting hse 0p adeauste i Derature, anda he same ne the moe’ othe basing onthe ‘names of the rotor shouldbe Strid” once ie’ ache problem Figue 3 gives an indie. {enmanea could slenale he pete 1. Conetusions ‘Tho mator factors affecting the yma Bevery fea tete. ie ingartarce st acsunieg for ‘veal diferent machine ssi ta itcaenan Yo the Intvonce’ of the Bearings on the Synamise of Rotating achinry, Tivoiogy International Ye 19, No Sete S80 pp 15.258 P Garner, BAL Las, CS. ana varios A Sabi oF Profte Bre Dearmgasintuenze on Bearing ‘ype ecton: Taoiagy iter nt 1h Sete ‘ering bymamie Coalcents Four degacerent and. four selocty Spaticane aa used to ‘alate the noarian ores in theo {im to the journal sepisoxment find Veloce elaive to some ign ong fain Po telnet an {he fai wim toes components may FaA KEAN EBA BA and =RK ALY SBR BQ) thor? A, be ate tha daplacemant ‘toa cotta” ‘the beeps relate the die: tion ot the force component oh ‘ction of the journal dspace iment or weatty component iplecomeat in he X section, seers are eaedaled fort Stier of teady-stae pstens {he journal Tho actual valves used ine lr aig nage

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