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I'll tell ya what you can do--

first of all- check this link out

herbs are so effective that you will have bad side effects if you dont get the colon cleaned out
while taking them. At least take prune juice and castor oil every night to "unplug" your colon so
dead stuff can get out into the toilet. Otherwise, expect lots of skin issues, dizzy spells, etc from
the herbs doing thier work.

As for other ways to kill tapeworm-- yep, RAW pineapples (ripe) eaten daily will kill many a
tapeworm. Cloves (ground up or else clove oil) will kill the parasite eggs and baby worms. For
some reason cloves are the only thing that is really effective against worm eggs.

I just read that 4 glasses of natural Pomegranet juice daily will kill tapeworms. i read that you
can just blend the pomegranete seeds along with the fruit fiber in the blender for the best
strength and effect. No wonder I actually passed some Tapeworm segments when eating a raw
Pomegranete last month! I think I have dog tapeworm. You can get that just by being bitten from
fleas from your dog! I had flea bites on my ankle last year when we had 2 dogs.-- plus I live in
the country and our dogs are always playing in the fields and killing and eating rodents, etc.

Alcohol will kill anything at first-- but it will also back stab you about 2 weeks later as it creates a
chemical condition in the intestines where worms can hatch better and live. Alcoholics have
more parasite issues than non-alcoholics because of this. It creates an acidic ph balance which
permits more parasites to safely hatch. Even cancer cells thrive in an acidic environment.

Did you know that meats-even chicken and too many eggs and dairy create an acidic ph in the
body? You may not be able to cut out all meat--and if so, then at least dont eat pork and really
limit red meat-- and eat no more than 3 servings a week.
When you eat meat- also make it no larger a serving than the size of a deck of cards.

Raw pineapple and papaya afterwards will help you digest it- and when you eat it- dont drink
any drinks or sodas, water or any liquid while eating- and chew extra long.

I prefer a raw fruit/nut/veggie meals with occasional steamed veggies and stews and soups with
some organic cheeses -- and when I drink beer, it's one glass with a meal and its the GOOD
NON CHEMICAL stuff. Guinness and Becks' are good beers because they are brewed the old
fashioned way instead of the cheap way out with chemicals.

All store bought liquour has sulfites added - which encourages parasites. If you drink anymore
alcohol- it should be home-made stuff. What a shame that it's such a crime to sell home-made
liquor when it is soooo much healthier than the crap sold in the State liqour stores.

Anyways- you should try to limit the amount you drink- because more than a glass once in a
while will make your ph balance acidic.
so now that you were practically living on an Atkins type diet for all those years- its never too
late to restore your diet. Get more raw fruits and veggies. Worms hate the fruit and veggie
enzymes but they lovvvvvve meats and dairy.

Get the colon cleaned-- strive for 2- 3 bowel movements a day. You will be poooping alot as you
get cleaned out- and your butt may be sore as all that old crap gets pushed out.

Take 1-2 months each Spring and Fall for bi-annual parasite cleanses. Especially in your
condition! Just use the ferby herby herbs-- Read the link i posted above for the herbs to use.
You can even use them in capsule form. What I reccomend is just getting two bottles of MH"s
liquid herbal dewormer (it tastes good too) purchase at 937-666-6107

It has no additives or chemicals- he makes it himself. It is the best for all types of parasites.

Also try the pomegranete juice 4 times a day and raw pineapple

Raw pumpkin seeds with that will also "paralize" parasites and make them succumb to the anti-
parasite herbs and starve to death.

Good luck!

Most people have Tapeworms and have no clue they have them.

Tapeworms are also responsible for many a beer belly gut!

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