Davis Signatures - Pgs. 1001 - 1500

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5 BINDHERE........ aie MUNICIPAL GENERAL ELECTION PETITION We, the undersigned, being duly qualified and registered voters in the City of Chicago, County of Cook, State of Illinois, do hereby petition that the following named person shall be a candidate for election to the office hereinafter specified, to be voted for at the Municipal General Election to be held on the Twenty-Second (22nd) day of February, 2011. NAME OFFICE ADDRESS MAYOR 5956 WEST RACE AVENUE DANNY K. DAVIS) Coun cr coor?) ciicaco, iLLINoIs 60644 STATE OF ILLINOIS SIGNATURE OF GUALFIED VOTER RESDENGE ADDRESS civctown] COUNTY ss WHO ET ETE MRED Twotunouberausnacemowecorsmer | ORVLASE | AND STATE @eucass)|Go0K. > Sore 4) Fe elton! oH | cox LA a 4130 _W weak cage 14IN Centers wicaco | cook. 1. £ p&p se AMON ST bsey cucsco | coon. £ YAM ws. Ad cxscaco | coos.n, | 429 50 -iA cxxcaso | co0%.n CES YE EN edu ($2 A : (owcica foase” Hv J esp eae nef dons | a AY F KM 7OT_N, lobiw We Pr | lof Cert Encl yscaco | cook. > Boj 5 Che shone yaicaco | cook. 23h Wil pasar WV. Austil cxscaso | coon ( W932 9 Pal] VOBV) tern _| O§Y6 Se. Jada | cook. pT casa | cont cer nan) big cy vr da ey at at rede {200M Layton, Inincorporated area (circle one) of Cvcnga. _, (f unincorporated, list municipality that provides postal service) eOb/0 county of Peel. _, and Stato of Iii, that | am eighteen (18) years ot. age or older, that Iam a ctizen ofthe United States, end thatthe signatures on ths sheat were signed in my prosence, and are genuine and that none of the signatures on this sheet were ‘signed more than 90 days preceding the last day forthe fling ofthe petition, and that to the best of my knowledge and bait the persons so signing ‘were, atthe time of signing the petition duly qaliied and registered voters of the City of Chicago, County of Cook, and Staje of lino, and that thir respective residence addresses are correctly stated as above set forth, STATE OF ILLINOIS COUNTY OF COOK E. uD, ap ira ‘Signed and Sworn to (or ated) wieomeon____ Mo? Hy wom Dama tv ler Wosd gt Nare of Gusto Her) vonsine sae l NATURE OF NOTARY PUBL VA pe CERN ces seer wo: 1. es/ ata mr Puig? 2018: i «BIND HERE... MUNICIPAL GENERAL ELECTION PETITION We, the undersigned, being duly qualified and registered voters in the City of Chicago, County of Cook, State of inois, do hereby petition that the following named person shall be a candidate for election to the office hereinafter specified, to be voted for at the Municipal General Election to be held on the Twenty-Second (22nd) day of February, 2011. NAME OFFICE ADDRESS MAYOR DANNY K. DAVIS |OF THE CITY OF CHICAGO | 5956 WEST RACE AVENUE - COUNTY OF COOK CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60644 ‘STATE OF ILLINOIS aOR OF ROPES OEE eeeemmes Sion] Son ope receuenaen ee one income ZIPS Bakes | cook. BYSL bl. GPA oy, caacaco | coon ishahinac| alle taal Aes He | cmcaoe | conn ; MARGU TIE. [cooks ¢ 233 S us. t 2 ao a SZ WIA Shyer t | cliicago_| Cook. 42 Stare T | ciscaao | coon.n ALi Fok uv~~ | cuicago | cook. Poe Gd CHICAGO | COOK, tL cHcaGo | cuiicago | cook.i 16 1 1 Fr — 20 — a. _. a CHICAGO | COOK. IL = cucaco | cook. 2% | cook. 1 : ceicsco | cook. 2 = cucago | cooK.u STATE OF nos} = COUNTY OF COOK WWhennan Burcl___foreuotor's name) being tt cay sworn, do hereby cently that reside agl2B Ss Moplessacd, intn{Cryage Urncoporated ara cle ond of Chica (unincorporated, ist municipalty that provides postal service) P Code(e£P _., County of CCOK ____, and State of tino, that | am eightosn (18) years of age or older, that | am a etizen of the United States, ad thatthe sgnatures on this sheet were signed in my presence, and are genuine and hat none ofthe slgnatues on tis sheet were ‘signed more than 90 days preceding the last day forthe fig o tho pti, and that to thebestof my knowledge and bali the persons 80 signing ‘wer, tthe ime of signing the petiton dy qualied and rgatred voter ofthe Cy of Chicago, County of Coo, and State of nt, and tha het ‘Salve oboe enero Sorey aad sansa sh Benl— (Gireulators Signature) Sined and Swern to orafrmed} betoromeen Noy, Gs aototy Shannon “Bucch (Print Name of Circulator Hero) Tllanister Dresnygl (lessor — eeu er hee sveero: LOOK _ moses "OFFICIAL SEAL" Minister Darryl Colerian Sgt Finis Sp 0127011 se BIND HERE... MUNICIPAL GENERAL ELECTION PETITION We, the undersigned, being duly qualified and registered voters in the City of Chicago, County of Cook, State of Illinois, do hereby petition that the following named person shall be a candidate for election to the office hereinafter specified, to be voted for at the Municipal General Election to be held on the Twenty-Second (22nd) day of February, 2011. NAME OFFICE ADDRESS MAYOR 5956 WEST RACE AVENUE DANNY K. DAVIS|*ccurrvorcooc®°| — Cicaco, ILLINOIS 60644 STATE OF ILLINOIS ‘SIGNATURE OF QUALIFIED VOTER RESIDENCE ADDRESS: Corry, TOWN] COUNTY ‘ALL MUST 8 WRITEN BY TH VOTERIN PERSON “i SHALL NCLUDE HOUSE NUMBER AND NAVE OF STREET OR VILLAGE | AND STATE ae Danek Gtiicago | COOK. UG $ Concer st Hl KL (6 a f\ Y 06E 8S PL Ae Zo, em 200K. Dune | SE | Abs cxicaco | cooe.n * 9 WDO-§ — (be U cascaco | coo. O8S| Kans —|-cttexco | cook. a 2, Ye | ctiicaso | cook. ‘STATE OF ILLINOIS 7 COUNTY OF COOK 1, Zihece SNCF oo (celts name} being fst duty evo, do hereby catty tat ree at 77UIPL ADLS TV Inincorporated area (circle one) of CA CACo . it unincorporated, list municipality that provides postal service) ap 036067 __, county of _C224.___, and Stat o nos, that | am eighteen (16) years of age or older that | am actizen ofthe Unit States, and thatthe signatures on tis sheet wore signed in my presence, and are genuine and that none of the signatures on tis sheet ware signed more than 90 days preceding the lat day fr the fling ofthe patito, and that othe best of my knowledge and beef the parsons 9 signing were, tthe tme of signing the petton duy quali and registered votes ofthe Cty of Chicago, County of Cook, and State ofl, and that thet Teapectve residence adcresses are corey stated as above set forth ae (Circulators Signature) een er oom fy ree 5, olte, (Pri 5 = “JROOUEUNE GREER. “SIGMIATURE OF NOTARY PUBLIC ree } i eu char MSEON PES erry. COO (OF NoraRY PUBL

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