Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)

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Sexually Transmitted

Infections (STIs)
 Belongs to the top five disease categories for
which adults seek health care in developing
countries according to WHO.
 Major global cause of acute illness, infertility,
long term disability and death with SEVERE
medical and psychological consequences for
millions of men, women and children.
 Many STIs can be treated and cured relatively
easily and cheaply if diagnosed early enough
 Sexual intercourse is the leading mode of
transmission of HIV in the Philippines and
STI shares a lot of at-risk behavior and
social factors with HIV infections like
multiple sexual partners, unprotected
sexual intercourse, penetrative anal
intercourse and clientele of sex workers,
and sharing needles for injecting drug
Gonorrhea (GC, Clap, Drip)

 Bacteria = Neisseria gonorrheae

 Mucous membranes of Genitals, Anus, Mouth of a

person with mucous membranes of another.

 Contaminated fingers can pass organism from

infected mucous membranes to the eyes.

 Usually 2-10 days, possibly 3 days or more


•Gram Staining

•Culture Of Cervical Cancer And Urethral

Signs and symptoms:
 Males:

 Burning Urination
 Pus discharges

 Females:

 Vaginal discharges
 No symptoms or mild sore throat for gonorrhea of the

 Eye infection is rare in adults

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