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Pre -history

Before history
 Paleolithic, charted utensils
 Neolithic, polished utensils

 What would be the main difference between

these two?
Lascaux France
Pech-Merle, France
Cave of Niaux
 Let's discuss which elements do you think
constitute the formal part of the paintings
inside the caves.
 Make a list in your notebooks.
Cave art
 Cave art start in the Paleolithic era, it consists
of paintings engravings and reliefs.
 Figurative representations.
 -Naturalistic and schematic (stylized)
 These representations were done far inside the
 Creation of color through natural pigments
Contours, unfinished
Animal figurations and woman representations
More details
Which colors they used ?
 Red, ochre, black, orange
 Why do you think they used these colors?

Material elements.
What are these paintings about?
 No animation
 Symmetrical animation
 Animation by segments
 Coordinated animation
 Cult to woman and/or fertility.
 Willendorf Venus, Austria
 Sedentary culture.
 Looming, pottery, and exchange.
 Evolution in painting techniques
 Developed use of space.
 Religious and magic “architecture”
Megalithic consutructions

Poulnabrone Megalithic Tomb Clare, Ireland
 D
 O
 L
 M
 E
 N
 Which purpose do you think these constructions serve

 Hint of certain kind of cults towards death, religious

perception of death and relation between living and

 Relation between human and space, inside and

 Draw, following the same formal elements that
prehistoric man used, something that also
follows the material elements from the
paintings but that comes from your personal
Class objectives
 To identify the formal an material elements
that constitute prehistoric art.

 The relation between the artistic production

and the mystical dimension in prehistoric art.

 The relation between the artistic production

and the historical dimension in prehistoric art.

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