Lesson Plan29

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Instructor´s Name: Laura Ruano Date: Friday, November 25th, 2010 Time: 4 hours.

Course: 12th (Escolar) Unit: Four. Pages in course book: 31

Activity to Language
Topics to
recall Warm-up Lesson Functions & Wrap-up
be covered Activities for Production & Practice
previous Activity Objectives Structures to be Activity
in this Unit
learning Used

Ss mention Broken phone.  To identify a) Ss listen to a conversation in which the Ss interview

the subject adverbs of Vocabulary: kids are talking about the activities their
they learned Ss will whisper frequency. Adverbs of
they do after the school. classmates
in the a sentence in about how
frequency: always,
previous their  To describe b) In pair Ss will discuss the activities they often they do
never, sometimes,
classes. classmates’ after-school do after school and they will make a some
ears and they schedules. list. activities.
Schedules. will pass the
message. c) Ss will illustrate three activities they do
Structures: after school and will write how often
they do the activity.
What do you do
after school? I d) Ss present in front of the class the
(sometimes) play information they wrote.
e) work on activity book.

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