Ansonia Clinic

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vv I
Manufaceure' Processlng and asat llng
of goods'
aod asse s when locac
ffiproceeslng ^-r -..Lrrr{nqr-a to
and subordlnate
wlthln an enclosiJ-i"iiafng aud acc""iory bulldlng'
a reB811 gales ,r"" U"fng cinducted 1o the

cJ.].ntcs rc't Lr.E l'tr'v-F'--- dentlstrY

lcal and deotal
Medlcal den
on preulses
and heallng arts for patlents not rlsldent
o1 anhal { oq
;il H;;:liti^!i"tud'og cltnlcs for the I'nsaoe'
and drug addlits.
f dentlstrY
ilT; ;;;ii"; .ti" ." deilned bY state Law'
scate l'":-ln1? llll
ffi:il:"iii'"ll-;" or,""iia." iy-tt'e zootng Board or Appeal
tn lts adnlnlstr.aioo of certlfil"t" of Approval of
for Motor Vehlcle Juak Yards) '
fi;'ffi;li"ii""o"1etv neetr"e ioit"' aud the diepl'av of
hLetoric structures ouoed ot by Ehe hl'storlcal
(la locatloog re grouPs ot sma

:ft$ilffii."-r"i u. .pitopr!.are1y. rocated to serxte fre-

quetrt co'rmerctai'""1- p"flo""1 - "*ntr1 " "::d:18 :1 ::: :,
cravellug dtsisnce' rt ^":Bot ^:" :lotended to
Hfii"l;;;;i;. ln such
pennlt uaJor comrerclal or eenf"" ""t"tllshmentsBakery' con
dlscrtcte oot "oy-"uionobl1e sentice.statlotrs)'
provided that product
fecrlonery, a"fil.i""""o and the llke, eiall be eold onlv att'
;;;;;;;tli'pto"""ied Eheoa the-preuLges
p'etall and ouly on preutsle; automatf" f:ldty; beauty I
ahops t; drug u.o.Il ;;lqili;h;;1.
:lII:i ":::::lt;,ii31iio",a
excepr drlve-ln and
thoga unr''rlt
Enoss .rYsvrt Florigt,
oervtng tiquor; '^v'-'-' glft ahopr "t::1o"::I'":::;-'
fish market
pnd thc ltke; grocery, auPermarl[;;; ltea't-narket,

r.';;.=.::'r,,.. 1'..:....;,-..t=t-+*ll*l'*:;l-+;-'=*":-:'+:="'' -:"''

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