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Festivals of Japan

Hounen Matsuri --
Danjiri Matsuri --
Perhaps the most infamous
Osaka's roudiest festival, a
Japanese festival, huge
large expensive shrine is
phalli are paraded down
the streets. The last, great
  run through the city
streets sometimes
annual fertility festival
colliding with hapless
takes place in a town near

Hina Matsuri -- Dolls

dedicated from all over the
country are paraded to the
Tenjin Matsuri --
Processions of portable
  docks and sent out to sea.
This festival is held every
shrines and people in
year with the wish to drive
traditional clothes parade
the evil spirits out of girls!
through the streets of
Osaka. At night they are
sent downriver with
fireworks lighting the way.

O-shiro Matsuri -- The

yearly parade and festival
Hanazumo Festival --
of Wakayama City. See the
Also known as the "Crying   ALTs of Wakayama City
Baby Sumo Festival".
march and dance
Crying and falling over
alongside the Japanese!
bring good luck to the

Hanami -- Yet another

ancient tradition is the
"cherry blossom viewing
  party". The Japanese
Omizutori -- During the sakura, or cherry
month of March in Nara, blossoms, are famous
huge torches are paraded throughout the world.
around the balcony of
Nigatsudo Temple raining
down embers upon the
Festival float at Hakata Gion

famous Tanabata festivals

Soran Festival Daigo Japan
kite festivals in Japan

Summer festival
Naked festival

Japanese Matsuri - Festival

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