Plastic Money

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Plastic money is here, there & everywhere:

The concept of ‘Buy Now, Pay Later’ dates back the to late 1960s & 70s with the
introduction of plastic money in the western nations. It originated because the people
wanted a convenient and rapid means of accessing their bank accounts. Also, the
exorbitant price of money changing hands between the consumer, merchants and the
banks led to the diffusion of this concept in the banking system.

For spendthrifts and habitual borrowers plastic money induces spontaneous and on-the-
spur spending. But its advantages in terms of convenience, flexibility and safety far
outweigh its pitfalls. Provision for easy repayment gives the card the liquidity of cash
along with the accountability of credit card.

In the past 20 years these cards have proliferated the world market so successfully that
they have altered the face of retail banking. With the power of plastic ruling the world,
India cannot remain behind. With a slow and steady move towards scrip less trading the
country is moving towards cashless transactions.

The plastic money market is bubbling with activity with both Indian and foreign banks
vying to expand their market presence. While the foreign banks have been hogging the
limelight Indian banks are the slumbering giants. The latter have the advantage of a

large customer base, branch network along with low service charges. These
advantages need to be tapped to realize the full potential of these banks.


The main purpose to serve on this topic under the Dissertation is to discover the
accurate dimensions of the Plastic Money.
As every project has its own specific purpose, my project is to: -
1) Find out that how the credit card may help in the development of an economy like
ours a developing economy.

2) Find out what is required to do for a credit card market and to establish credit card as
a special security tool.

3) Find out the reasons of fear in the mind of the customers during the acceptance of
the credit cards.

4) To understand the toughness of the credit card market due to emerging competition.

5) To know the credit cards procedure, documentation and the growth of credit cards in
Indian context.

6) To know the credit cards division of the Banking Industry very closely.

7) To understand the impact of credit cards in the purchasing power of consumers.

8) To determine whether consumers are aware of credit card and its advantages.

9) To determine the consumers acceptability and likeness towards credit card.

10) To find out the features, which attract consumers towards credit cards and the
parameters, they use to compare the credit cards.


For starter, a credit card is as good as bank behind it. A form of 'near money' these
cards are issued by commercial bank to people whose creditworthiness has been
ascertained. Instead of carrying unmanageable weds of cash, the card holder enjoy the
flexibility and safety of purchasing any thing from groceries, cosmetics, petrol to high
value items like refrigerators, television, and washing machines by using his credit card.
Banks ask for TDS certificate or income tax returns document before enrolling a

Credit Card provides the card holder with authorized line of credit of some specified
amount. Such cards may be used for following purposes:-

• Purchase of air, rail and road tickets for traveling

• For the Settlement of hotel bills.

• For Cash withdrawals.

• For the Settlement of club bills.

• For the Payment of purchase bills.

• For the Payment of insurance premium.

• Refilling the fuels in vehicles.

• Payment of phone, water and electricity bills.

• Payment of school/ education expenses.


A Credit Card is referred to as 'plastic money'. Carrying a lot of cash on you can be
cumbersome, risky and sometimes, you run short of it, just when you most need it.
(Remember the SALE at your favorite ready-mades store?). A Credit card is the smart
solution to these problems. It is a convenient and safe alternative for cash.

Besides, it says things about you. Most people associate a credit card with a prestige,
which it most certainly bestows on you, but more importantly, it says that you have
taken the onus of being responsible - to be extended credit! So, when you get yourself a
card, remember that, because your bank does!



All credit card issuers charge an annual fee which is payable at the start of the year.
The start of the year, of course, is your membership year, and not the calendar year.
So, if you got yourself a card in March, you can expect to be billed the annual fee every
March until you cancel your card. As a privilege, this fee is sometimes waived the first
time. When the time comes for renewal of your card, you can even use the reward
points you have accumulated from using the credit card over the year to settle your
annual fee.


The most attractive feature of a credit card is that you need not pay off your dues in
whole. You can opt to pay 5% of the total amount on or before the due date, every

month, the rest is carried forward. But there's a price to pay for this extended credit -
interest! Normally, interest varies between 2.5% and 3% per month.

The interest rate that reflects the yearly cost of the interest the outstanding on your card
is called the annual percentage rate. This rate is charged to the card holder on the
amounts carried forward beyond the due date for the payment of balances. Most card
issuers will tell you their monthly rate of interest. It might sound low at 3%, but when you
look at the interest rate over the year, it turns out to be as high as 43%.


An important feature - lets you withdraw cash from designated ATMs using your credit
card. Use discretion when withdrawing cash on your credit card because the charges
for this facility are high, around 2.5% to 3% per transaction.


If it is for the convenience of not carrying cash then a debit card can suffice. And, if it is
for the free credit that the companies claim they give, then last week we had highlighted
the high cost of using such credit where the customer ends up paying more than 5 per
cent interest per month depending on the amount of credit due on the card.

For those who want to use the credit facility at a reasonable cost then we suggest that
they use facilities like overdraft against salary accounts or loan against fixed deposits or
shares. Rolling credit on the card is not feasible as the interest paid on credit cards is
phenomenally higher than what is charged on overdraft facilities.

Going a step further, in case you don't have the cash to pay off your credit card bill in
one month then it makes more sense to take an overdraft for that amount to repay the
bill because the interest on the overdraft works out far cheaper than what the card
company will levy on you if the payment is not made in time.

Almost all banks offer overdraft facilities at reasonable rates to customers who have
salary accounts with the said bank, as well as to the general public. Salary account
holders can avail of the overdraft without any collateral, which is called a clean
overdraft. For the general public, banks provide overdraft facilities against collateral like
NSCs, shares, fixed deposits, etc. For overdraft against salary accounts the rates being
quoted in the market are very competitive and are as low as 1% per month on a
reducing balance. Similarly, one can avail an overdraft facility against NSCs at 13% p.a.
and up to 65% of the face value or against fixed deposits at 9% p.a. up to 90% of the

Then why should a customer pay 2.95% interest per month on an amount of Rs. 40,000
to a credit card company when he can pay 1% interest per month on the overdraft
against the salary account or 8.5% per annum for overdraft against fixed deposits?


1. If you pay by credit card there is implicit guarantee of satisfaction because as a
customer one can stop payment.

2. If a airline ticket is booked on a credit card and especially if you are going overseas,
the travel insurance is covered, that could otherwise be a lot of money.

3. Free airfare mileage based on point system that can take you or your family to a
destination of your choice if you can accumulate points. This is quite easy as the
shopping can be done on credit card and the points are accumulated that can be
encased for gifts or travel.

4. The best part is that you can get statement of all expenses and you can keep a track
of your expenses at a glance.

5. It helps to establish a credit history and can help in getting loan if needed.

6. There are a number of innovative credit cards that help benefit the customer. There
are cards that help accumulating points towards reducing the cost of your new car.

7. On internet it is the preferred option and you can also participate in on line auctions if
you have good credit rating.

8. You can get cash advance anywhere at so many cash outlets.

9. Some cards have your picture on it that is as good as a identification paper.



1. There is a temptation to acquire more and more cards. Some have more than their
share of cards. They can loose track of payments and be in difficulty.

2. Some credit cards have conditions that may put you in difficulty if you have not read
the fine print.

3. Then there is a danger of someone can get hold of your credit card number and
misuse it.

4. There are a number of cases of double dipping done at your expense when paying at
an outlet by credit card.

5. Static’s are available that the domestic violence increases after the festive season in
the credit card user societies when the credit card bills arrive.

6. Using credit card exposes one to the possibility of some companies profiling and
lobbying you based on your spending pattern. Some governments also take interest in
the spending patterns of individuals and credit card statements make their job easier.
There are always dangers when money matters are involved but one has to live with the
necessary evil. The happy are those credit card users that pay up and take advantage
of the free credit days that the credit card companies provide.

So being a good creation and instrument of financial market it is risky too, so there
are several things to be kept in mind and people should take in using it.



Banks excited at the projected 40% growth rate1 in the plastic money industry are
apprehensive about the potential corresponding increase in fraud cases. Some banks
register upto 7% fraudulent case in a year.

1. Default in payments - Currently banks have huge amounts of funds blocked with
willful defaulters. Lack of reliable data / infrastructure to check the credit worthiness of
individuals has led to the situation where people without sufficient resources have
become eligible for availing credit facilities. The marketers in India find it more cost
effective to just right-off the unpaid amount in their balance sheets, after trying to
recover it for six months, than to pursue it throughout the litigation labyrinths.

2. Multiple Imprints or Record of Charge (ROC) Pumping - It refers to the expedient

system by which merchants make multiple charge slips instead of the relevant number
when a cardholder gives in his plastic card.

3. Lost/Stolen Cards - These account for 60% of fraud in India. In case of loss all
multinational banks and some Indian banks limit the liability of the cardholder upto Rs. 0
(for Gold card) and Rs. 1000 (for Classic card) if card is used after lost / stolen card has
been reported. These banks transfer their risks to insurance companies and generally
replace the lost card within three days. Some banks carry the risk themselves and
investigate the loss before determining the liability of cardholders. These banks take
about a month to replace the missing card.
To combat this, banks have started the Photo card Option which provides the
photograph of the cardholder on the card. They are also providing information about the
lost/stolen cards .
Through the Hot Card Bulletin which is continuously upgraded and sent to merchant
establishments to provide them with the current status. But the success of this measure
is debatable.

A majority of the credit card losses are skewed towards the issuer as the risk on the
cards is carried by the issuer. Visa and MasterCard have a formal set of guidelines
known as charge back rules. Once a card holder has informed the bank of the loss of
the card, he is subject only to a minimum liability, which most banks fix at Rs.1000
regardless of how much the card is used fraudulently. Before the hot card date, the
fraud loss is the issuer’s responsibility. However, if a merchant accepts a hot listed card,
the issuer is entitled to ‘charge back’ the transaction to the merchants, through the
acquirer. If a merchant is found guilty of willful fraud, his bank is liable.
Visa offers its members a national merchant alert service which acquiring banks can
refer to in order to check on the credentials of the merchants whose business they woo.
It also has its risk identification service which monitors every single transaction through
Visa Net. This enormous database helps zero in on cardholders and locations prone to
fraudulent activity.
Master Cards security and risk management team organizes regular training programs
for banks and member establishments on fraud prevention.
Delivering new cards to members by courier has drastically cut fraud arising from non-
receipt of cards.


The main problem with credit card is that it is easy to get in over the head. A majority of
card users utilize their maximum limit. Credit cards charge higher interest than some of
the other forms of borrowing. While a credit card offers convenience, that convenience
can be expensive if the card holder is slow in paying off his outstanding dues. In terms
of the annual percentage rate that an individual is charged towards paying off his debt,
the figure ranges from anywhere between 22% to 34% p.a. depending upon the roll
over period ( 30 / 45 days ).Tocombatthese problems potential card owners decide
upon the mode of payment before selecting a card. In India, for the majority of people
who believe in paying off their balances in full, the prerequisites would include a card
with a low or no annual fee and long grace period

There are five parties involved in credit card business:


When one applies and is issues the card.


When the customer applies to the bank for a credit card, the bank checks the credit
worthiness of the customers and once the application is approved, the bank issues
credit card with a specified credit limit. The customers then becomes a card holder and
can use the credit card to purchase goods or services from a merchant. Each month the

cardholder receives a bill from the card issuer for the amount the cardholder incurred
with the credit card, as well as finance charges if any.


When the cardholder uses the credit card to pay for goods and services at retail shops,
restaurants, hotels, airlines or any establishments that accept the credit card , the
establishment is a merchant. A merchant should be of good reputation and be
financially responsible.


In order for an establishment to be a merchant, it must be accepted by a financial

institution who is a member of Master card/ or visa. There financials institutions is the
acquirer. When a merchant accepts visa or mastercard as a mean of payment, he is
bound by a written agreement with the acquirer.


Master card international and visa international are known as Associates. They are
owned or controlled by a group of member institutions. For financial institutions to be a
member of Master card or Visa, they have to meet the criteria set by the associates.

Banking has evolved a long way from the days of the medieval moneylenders counting
coins on the bench to the present scenario, where it is hard to trace the trail of money
from the beginning to the end.

The trail starts right from the small saver leaving a few rupees in his local bank to the
billions of rupee loans raised by a syndicate banks and financial institutions, capable of
financing projects in any country in the world. Still, these banking majors are heavily
dependent upon their retail home base of savers and borrowers. Most of the bankers

began focusing on this retail market segment as global competition intensified in late
seventies and early eighties.

Credit cards, one of the banking products that cater to the needs of retail segment has
seen its number grow in geometric progression in recent years. This growth has been
strongly supported by the development in the field of technology, without which this
could not have been possible.

The history of phenomenal growth in the credit card segment traces way back to in
1950, the time when ‘Diners Club’ was established. The card provided select members
with credit at 22 restaurants in New York and collected a commission for paying the bills
promptly. The credit card industry got a further boost with the arrival of American
Express in the arena in 1958. American Express began selling their card as a prestige
to hotels, restaurants, shops or airlines in America and slowly expanded the network
across the world.

The success of these two players attracted many other banks to join the credit card
business. The entire breed of new players saw a fresh opportunity of granting
unsecured loans at high interest rates to those credit cardholders who did not pay their
bills on time. These banks were not so concerned with collecting commissions from
shops but were thriving on high interest income from those who did not pay their bills on

Starting from ‘Diners Club’, some 50 years ago, the card industry has been growing with
a rapid pace world over and so has been the growth in the domestic card industry. With
only two players in domestic card industry, HSBC and Citibank in the early 80s, the
number swelled to over 25 in the year 2001. Credit cards in India, made their debut in
1981, and are on the verge of an unprecedented boom. Between 1987 and 2001, the
market has virtually grown to over 4 million cards with over 25-30% of compounded
annual growth in new cardholder’s base.

Its not that only the card numbers have increased, but even the types of cards on offer
have seen a surge. Today the domestic card industry is flooded with different types of
cards ranging from gold, silver, global, co-branded credit cards, smart to secure,.the list
is endless. Foreign banks have shouldered the major responsibility of increasing the
card base and adding value-added services to the card products in the past. This is also
evident from the fact that the market share of these foreign banks is estimated to be
well over 70%. But the scenario has changed dramatically in the last of couple of years
with the entry of State Bank of India (SBI), a domestic major in the banking sector. More
and more nationalized banks and private sector banks like ICICI and HDFC Bank are
aggressively launching credit card with value added features.

There is immense growth potential in the domestic card industry. A glance at the Indian
population reveals that India’s middle/upper middle class (target segment) represents a
population of over 10 m. There are only 2 to 3 m cardholders, each possessing an
average of 2 cards. This is a very low figure given India’s huge middle to upper class
population. There is no doubt that the domestic card industry has to yet to mature and
offers significant long-term growth potential.

Given the lack of maturity of the domestic card industry, its growth will depend upon
building core retail business, with more sophisticated products. In the expansion of
domestic credit card market, the existing foreign players, SBI, other nationalized banks
and the new domestic private sector banks are expected to play important role with
complementary strategies.

Foreign banks with the advantage of technology and industry experience are expected
to concentrate on increasing card spending and customer loyalty in the major cities.
SBI, on the other hand is expected to capitalize its superior distribution network to
expand card acceptance in the smaller towns. The new private sector banks would have
the opportunity to capture significant market share by combining the strengths of foreign
banks and nationalized bank like SBI.

Although at present the card market is mainly limited to India’s relatively bigger cities
and tourist locations only, there is also a potential in smaller cities. Domestic banks,
owing to their vast network and reach to smaller cities, can easily tap this potential.
They would be better off, penetrating into smaller cities and bringing credit card to the
masses rather than cannibalizing other foreign banks’ existing cardholder base.

The efforts of these banks to increase the card base is going to be wholeheartedly
supported by the residents of these smaller cities with their higher disposable income,
changing lifestyle, increasing travel and the growth in the entertainment sector.

The age of plastic money seems to be here to stay. A recent American Express `Share
of Wallet' study among cardholders across the six cities of Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata,
Chennai, Bangalore and Hyderabad reveals that card usage is highest for dining and
shopping, while it is also popular for travel-related expenses such as air tickets, hotels
and car rentals.

The result of the Indian survey is in line with the other markets in the Asia Pacific region
that were surveyed. Cardholders in countries such as Singapore, New Zealand,
Thailand, Malaysia, Hong Kong and Australia spend 10-30 per cent more on the same
While travel and entertainment-related expenses continue to be "big ticket" expenditure
items, Indian consumers are increasingly using the plastic alternative for everyday
spends such as petrol, hospitals, telephone services, home furnishing and good old

The survey indicates that consumers in the country are increasingly looking to use
credit cards to pay school dues for their kids. In fact, this has spurred American Express
to tie up with the Delhi Public group of schools to facilitate parents to pay by card. Right
now, India is at a low 11 per cent in comparison to other countries in the Asia-Pacific
region when it comes to using plastic money for recurring bills such as utilities,

subscriptions and insurance. In this category, Malaysia tops at 42 per cent, Taiwan at
31 per cent, both even higher than Hong Kong and Australia.
According to the wallet study, the frequency of card usage is expected to go up in the
forthcoming months. About 32 per cent of the consumers surveyed anticipate using the
card more frequently in the next six months, while 18 per cent said that they would add
more credit cards to their wallets.

Interestingly, 39 per cent consumers in Thailand also anticipated increased card spends
while about 19 per cent expected to acquire more credit cards in the next six months.

However, in the developed markets of Australia, Singapore, Hong Kong and New
Zealand, the number of credit cards are expected to remain the same, obviously due to

But corporate cards continue to have good potential. According to American Express,
there are about 30,000 mid-market companies in India, with sales revenues from Rs 5
crore to Rs 500 crore incurring a total travel and entertainment expenditure is $2.7
billion. This expense in India is expected to grow at the rate of 8 per cent and is
estimated to exceed $5 billion by year 2006. The use of corporate cards can bring
savings up to 40 per cent for the middle market companies through process savings
and purchase savings.

The credit card market in India, according to American Express, is growing at 20-25 per
cent per annum. From the half-a-million cardholders in 1992, the population is at a
whopping nine million today. Also, the total billings on cards are estimated at over Rs
10,000 crore, growing at 20 per cent per annum.

Australia began printing plastic notes in 1988. Since then Securency has spread its
ambit to 23 countries—Bangladesh to Vietnam, Nepal to Mexico, and now Singapore.
‘‘A 24th country has just signed on,’’ said a Securency official, ‘‘but the name is

Securency prints its notes on a polymer substrate called Guardian, which it has
patented. ‘‘While polymer notes cost 1.5 to two times more than paper notes,’’ said
Curtis, ‘‘they are more durable and difficult to counterfeit. Against a counterfeit rate of 68
per million for notes in Europe and 100 per million in the US, Australia has only nine
counterfeit notes per million.’’

In India, where the velocity of money—the number of times it changes hands—is high, it
is longevity that is emphasised. Low-denomination paper currency, such as the Rs 10
note, usually survives six months. Securency’s experience with polymer suggests a life
of almost four years. As for higher denominations, Aus $50 notes issued in 1995 are still
going strong.

Securency first spoke to RBI in 1999. Sample Rs 10 and Rs 100 polymer notes were
produced but the idea was perhaps still too novel. About nine months ago, Securency
presented its case afresh, pointing out that polymer notes did not get dirty, tear or
crumple, were never rejected by teller machines—and were a huge cost saver.

The Australian firm quoted the example of Brazil’s 10 reais polymer notes, issued in
April 2000 and roughly analogous to India’s Rs 10 note. ‘‘There are 250 million 10 reais
polymer notes in circulation,’’ said a Securency official, ‘‘a Brazilian government study in
2003 calculated that in three years they had saved the central bank $17 million.’’ India
issues seven billion Rs 10 notes a year. Just do the calculation.
Securency’s tentative offer to India includes a joint venture ‘‘with an Indian entity of the
government’s choice’’ to produce the polymer substrate locally. Asked what sort of an
investment by Securency this would entail, Curtis was evasive. ‘‘May be between $25-
50 million.’’

On their part, Indian officials said: ‘‘the polymer technology is good but no final decision
has been taken. These things take time.’’

Delay would appear perfectly explicable. The banknote industry has conservatism and
secrecy written all over it. Change is unusual.

In the US—seen by some as ‘‘the final frontier for polymer notes’’—the dollar is printed
on special paper, 75 per cent cotton and 25 per cent linen, supplied to the Federal
Reserve by a family-run firm for the past 125 years.

Based in Dalton, Massachussetts, Crane and Company patented this paper in 1879. In
2003, it signed a four-year contract with the Treasury, agreeing to supply paper worth
$336 million. The company’s chairman, Lansing E Crane, is one of America’s wealthiest
men, even if few have heard of him.

For 50 years, free India printed its rupees on machines bought from De La Rue Giori,
run by the Swiss family Giori and till recently said to control 90 per cent of the banknote
printing business.
The Giori saga has an unfortunate Indian subtext. In December 1999, M Roberto Giori,
eldest of the Giori brothers and company chairman, was among those hijacked to
Kandahar. If the Taliban had figured out who this economy class passenger was, he
would have been the uber hostage.
Giori never recovered, insiders say. In 2001, he sold his business to Koenig & Bauer, a
German firm.

In the 1990s, India diversified. Turning away from De La Rue Giori, it bought machines
from Japan’s Komori for the RBI’s new presses. That decision was taken when
Manmohan Singh was finance minister. As PM, will he take the next leap to plastic? At
Securency, they’re betting their polymer on it


The credit card has its beginning in an embarrassing incident that took place in the early
1950’s in America. The story goes that Mr. McNamara; a New York businessman took
his friends out to dinner. The end of meal he discovered that he had forgotten his wallet
at home; the proprietor was kind enough to allow him a later settlement of bill. As
McNamara stepped out of the restaurant he had the brainwave for the introduction of
credit cards - system of availing instant credit upon confirming the identity of card
holder. Thus was born the Diners Club Cards, the pioneer of today’s multibillion dollar
plastic money business. Diners club adopted a promising approach by recruiting various
Hotels and restaurants to act as member establishment for accepting the cards. Not
only did these establishments pay a commission on member’s purchases but the
members also paid an annual subscription fee. Diners Club vetted its members for
credit worthiness and guaranteed payment to participating establishment. Thus was
born the first ‘Travel and Entertainment Card’. It was followed by American Express
which is now a dominant force in the Travel and Entertainment cards industry, and by
1959 by Carte Blanche, after many vicissitudes is now a part of Citi Bank Empire
Together With Diners Club. In the present time American Express leads the travel and
entertainment (T&E) card industry.The next great leap-forward came from Bank of
America, which in other banks. Such card holders could use their card 1966 offered to

license its successful blue, white and gold Bank America card to at any accepting
merchant establishments around the globe. Later in 1977 all the national and
international Bank America licenses were pulled together under the single name of Visa.

Not to be outdone, a rival group of American Banks came together in 1966 under the
name of Interbank, later renamed Master Charge and later still Master Card. Ever since
Master Card and Visa and their affiliates have carved the world credit card market.

In the 1980s credit card concept was launched in India through the Diners Club card,
and soon, within a couple of months both Visa and Master card entered into the Indian


Since the beginning of history man has been involved with trade and commerce. As this
area has expanded and become more important, different medium of exchange has
been developed. Barter gave way to the advance of money, and money in turn has
faced the advance of checks.

Now both are feeling the advance of credit card. In this age of rapid technological
advances it is only natural that man should seek out a new and more efficient system of
carrying on trade and commerce. This system seems to be credit card.

Again, credit cards are not new. They, or some equivalent, have existed since the early
part of this century. Some time before1920 some large department stores began to
issue "credit coins". These coins were a small piece of metal which displayed the name
of the merchant and the series of merchant identifying the customers account. These
coins were issued to good customers and allowed them to purchase merchandise on
credit in the store.

In 1950, the Diners club, introduced the first independent credit card plan. This plan
involved a agreement between the club and the merchants. The members agreed to
pay the club to obtain the card and then agreed to pay each monthly billing as it came in
. The merchant agreed to honor the card and then forward his credit voucher to Diners
club for payment once a month. The member there by were able to get service from
many type of establishments by carrying only one card and were able to pay for it at the
end of the month.

The merchant on the other hand, were relieved of having to have his own plan and was
also likely to increase the volume of his business since card holding members would
find it more convenient to deal with him then with a merchant who wouldn't honor is
card. The success of Diners club pan was such that the American Express company
entered the field in 1958, while Hilton Credit Corporation initiated the "carte blanche"
plan the following year.

In 1951, the first National bank of long island became the first bank to offer its
customers a credit card plan. This area was not very important, however, until the late
1950s when the bank of America and the Chase Manhattan bank issued there cards. In
1966, the Midwest bank card system was started.

By at least the beginnings of the 1970s the personal credit card had become a fixture in
the nation’s economy. Today more than 60 million credit card accounts exist in the
United States, and seven out of ten households possess at least one credit card. By
1986 out standings balance on credit card account total more than $80 billion


Before we go any further, why not become familiar with the various terms and jargons
used by the credit card industry.

Credit Card – A credit card is a financial instrument, which can be used more than once
to borrow money or buy products and services on credit. Banks, retail stores and other
businesses generally issue these.

Credit limit – The maximum amount of charges a cardholder may apply to the account.
Annual fee – A bank charge for use of a credit card levied each year, which ranges
depending upon the type of card one possesses. Banks usually take an initial fixed
amount in the first year and then a lower amount as yearly renewal fees.

Revolving Line Of Credit - An agreement to lend a specific amount to a borrower and to

allow that amount to be borrowed again once it has been repaid. Most credit cards offer
revolving credit.

Personal Identification Number (PIN) - As a security measure, some cards require a
number to be punched into a keypad before a transaction can be completed. The
number can usually be changed by the cardholder.

Teaser Rate - Often called the introductory rate, it is the below-market interest rate
offered to entice customers to switch credit cards.

Joint Credit - Issued to a couple based on both of their assets, incomes and credit
reports. It generally results in a higher credit limit, but makes both parties responsible
for repaying the debt.


MasterCard – MasterCard is a product of MasterCard International and along with

VISA are distributed by financial institutions around the world. Cardholders borrow
money against a line of credit and pay it back with interest if the balance is carried over
from month to month. Its products are issued by 23,000 financial institutions in 220
countries and territories. In 1998, it had almost 700 million cards in circulation, whose
users spent $650 billion in more than 16.2 million locations.

VISA Card – VISA cards is a product of VISA USA and along with MasterCard is
distributed by financial institutions around the world. A VISA cardholder borrows money
against a credit line and repays the money with interest if the balance is carried over
from month to month in a revolving line of credit. Nearly 600 million cards carry one of
the VISA brands and more than 14 million locations accept VISA cards.

Affinity Cards - A card offered by two organizations, one a lending institution, the
other a non-financial group. Schools, non-profit groups, pro wrestlers, popular singers
and airlines are among those featured on affinity cards. Usually, use of the card entitles
holders to special discounts or deals from the non-financial group.

Standard Card– It is the most basic card (sans all frills) offered by issuers.

Classic Card– Brand name for the standard card issued by VISA.

Gold Card/Executive Card– A credit card that offers a higher line of credit
than a standard card. Income eligibility is also higher. In addition, issuers provide extra
perks or incentives to cardholders.

Platinum Card – A credit card with a higher limit and additional perks than a gold

Titanium Card – A card with an even higher limit than a platinum card.

Secured Card – A credit card that a cardholder secures with a savings deposit to
ensure payment of the outstanding balance if the cardholder defaults on payments. It is
used by people new to credit, or people trying to rebuild their poor credit ratings.

Smart Card – Smart cards, sometimes called chip cards, contain a computer chip
embedded in the plastic. Where a typical credit card's magnetic stripe can hold only a
few dozen characters, smart cards are now available with 16K of memory. When read
by a special terminals, the cards can perform a number of functions or access data
stored in the chip. These cards can be used as cash cards or as credit cards with a
preset credit limit, or used as ID cards with stored-in passwords.

Charge Card – Falls between a debit and credit card. Works like the latter and you
don't have to be an accountholder. Just pay up in full when the bill arrives with the mail.
No outstanding are allowed, in other words, no revolving credit facility either. American
Express and Diners are providers.

Rebate Card – This is a card that allows the customer to accumulate cash,
merchandise or services based on card usage.

Co-Branded Card – This is a marriage of convenience between two service

providers who want a trade-off with the other's strengths. Specific facilities are made to
members through these tie-ups. So, Times Bank and Citibank have a co-branded card
that allows concessional rates for add-on cards or telephone banking. Stan chart and
Hindustan Lever Limited have a co-branded card to sell Aviance beauty products. SBI-
GE Capital has a co-branded card for retail loans.

Cash Card – Cash cards, similar to pre-paid phone cards, contain a set amount of
value, which can be read by a special cash card reader. Participating retailers will use
the reader to debit the card in increments until the value is gone. The cards are like
cash -- they have no built-in security, so if lost or stolen, they can be used by anyone.

Travel Card – These work mostly as debit cards for the limited purpose of travel.
Citibank Dollar Card, American Express, Bobcard Global and Hongbank Bank Thomas
Cook International Card are among the players in this section.



Following methodology is used for credit card business:

Credit Card bank advertises or approaches the prospective cardholder.

Prospective card holders apply for credit card membership by filling the prescribed form
which normally contains personal and financial particulars.

Issuer of credit card evaluates the form and issues the credit card and fixes the money
limit for use of such credit card.

Cardholder puts the signature on the prescribed place on the card before putting it to
use and starts using it.

Member establishment prepares a charge slip (for cost to be recovered) gets it signed
by the card holder, tallies the signature, and return, on the copy of charge slip of charge
slip to the credit card holder. The second copy is sent to the issuer for recovery of
money and he retains third copy.

Card issuer receives the bill and charge slip and makes payment to the member

Card issuer prepares an account statement and sends it to card holder for payment to
bank directly or through its authorized collection centers.





























With the credit card truly becoming an international citizen, issuers have begun
highlighting the value added features offered along with the basic product. While some
of them are offering attractive interest rates, others are luring customers by their reward
schemes. With a plethora of choices on offer it is not easy to come to a decide on any
particular card. However, a comparison on the basis of a few basic parameters is will
help us make an informed choice.

First, there's the credit limit. All banks have different limits set for customers depending
upon the type of card in their possession. Even within a particular type of card, limits
may vary depending upon the credit worthiness of the individual. This depends, among
other things, on the gross income of the individual and the period for which he/she is
using the card. However, some banks like Citibank and American Express have cards
which have no set credit limit. Amex, for e.g., has a charge card which has no upper
limit and allows one to spend as much as one likes (provided the holder repays the
amount at one go).
A second criteria could be the lost card liability. If one is travelling and has lost his/her
credit card then reporting the loss will not be much of a problem. HSBC, Citibank,
Stanchart and Amex can be reached from any corner of the world for information on
one's card as well as for reporting the loss. However, except for Amex, all others will
mail a replacement card to the holder's mailing address. Amex will replace the card
within 48 hours free of cost. Liability for a lost card is nil for Citibank, HSBC, Amex
(once the bank is informed about the loss) and the Stanchart photo card. However, the
non-photo card carries a liability of Rs1,000.

Nowadays, almost all cards come with various goodies attached. These include airline
ticket booking and insurance benefits on lost luggage and accidental deaths. HSBC, for
e.g., offers discounts of 3.5% on domestic air fares and 6.5% on international ones if
tickets are charged
to their cards. The latest in line of value added features are the rewards programs. Here
a card holder earns a certain number of points by spending a particular sum of money.
Stanchart, for e.g., uses a conversion of Rs125 (spent in India) or Rs80 (spent abroad)
for one point. HSBC, on the other hand, only allows points collected to be squared
against a discount on the annual fees. A minimum of 350 points is needed to get a
discount on the
annual fee. Citibank awards one point on spending Rs100.The table below gives an
indication of the various value added services on offer from various banks.

Value Added Features Citibank Stanchart HSBC Amex
Hotel discounts - - - Yes
Travel fare discounts Yes Yes Yes Yes
Free global calling card Yes (G) - Yes Yes
Lost baggage insurance Yes Yes Yes -
Accident insurance Yes Yes Yes -
Insurance on goods purchased Yes Yes Yes -
Waiver of payment in case of accidental death - - Yes* -

An innovative scheme offered by American Express, called Balance Transfer Service,

helps the cardholder to pay off out standings on other credit cards. Amex will pay the
card issuer and transfer the amount due to the Amex card. And for the first six months
the Amex card holder gets the benefit of a lower interest rate of 1.99% per month as
compared to 2.95% for most other banks. For frequent users,
Amex has a scheme for waiving the annual fees if the cardholder spends more than Rs45,000 in
the preceding 12 months.
Another new thing on the horizon are the so-called co-branded cards. Several of them have been
have been launched recently. Companies like Indian Oil Corporation have tied up with Citi bank
to launch Indian Oil Citibank card. With this card one does not require to pay a transaction fee
for purchasing petrol at any Indian Oil outlet. The card holder gets a 5% discount on all AMCO
and Exide make batteries from authorized dealers and Rs1,000 off at select outlets for MRF auto
coat car painting charges.
There is also the Times card and Bharat Petroleum BOB card. These cards give you discounts at
several outlets. For example the Mahindra Stan chart card gives you priority check-in and check-
out facilities at Guest line hotels (run by Mahindras).


As the undisputed leader in the Cards business, Citibank has more than 70 million card
member accounts worldwide. Growth has continued through the acquisition of the AT&T
Universal Card Services business, introduction of the Driver's Edge and Sony Citibank
cards, and expansion of the Citibank-American Airlines partnership. The merger adds
more than one million credit card accounts, principally with members of professional
associations and other affinity groups, including Salomon Smith Barney clients.

The Citibank Advantage card, now in 25 countries, is the most successful co-branded
card in the industry.

Citibank has 25 million cards, including affiliates, in force in Latin America, Asia,
Central and Eastern Europe, and the Middle East. In most of these markets we have
double-digit share: 43 percent in Puerto Rico, 11 percent in Argentina and Chile, and
more than 20 percent in Hong Kong and Taiwan. In Poland, where Citibank launched a
card in late 1997, we have 20,0000 card holders today.

In the United States, Citibank is strongly committed to maintaining Cards as one of the
great success stories of the bank. Acquisition of the AT&T Universal Card increased our
market share of total U.S. card receivables from 11 percent to 15 percent.

Diners Club was the first card in the Indian market. Launched in 1960, just after 10
years it was launched in the market of United States. It was the firs charge card in the
world. The early eighties saw the launch of credit cards in India by some Indian banks,
viz. Central bank, Andhra bank et. , with Visa and Master Card affiliations. The size of
the credit card market was around 300,000 in 1990. Credit Card was a status symbol for
upscale individuals who had high travel and entertainment needs. More than 40,000-
business establishments in the country now accept credit cards. The total credit they
provided in 2004- 05 was Rs. 80000 crore.


Your lifestyle demands complete financial flexibility and convenience. Unlike other Card,
the Diners Club Card does not restrict you with a pre-set spending limit. At Diners Club,
you’re spending and payment patters and personal resources determine how much you
can charge. So, over time, you set your own limit.

Club Assurance
As a Diners Club Member, you are insured against loss of life in an air accident for
Rs.30 laky, or Rs.2 laky in any other accident. This insurance is available to you,
wherever you are in the world.

Club Protection
Household Insurance this cover protects household articles (excluding jeweler and
valuables) for a value of upto Rs. 1,00,and 000/- per annum. This insurance is on first
loss basis that insures articles for the entire sum insured.

Baggage Insurance
Baggage Insurance protects your baggage against theft or loss for upto Rs. 40,000/- in
India and upto Rs. 60,000/- while traveling abroad.

Delayed Baggage
If your baggage is not delivered within 12 hours of arrival of a flight, you will be
reimbursed for purchase of essential clothing of upto Rs.5,000/- in India and Rs.
10,000/- when abroad.

Delayed Flight
If you miss an onward flight due to late arrival of an incoming flight, and if there is no
alternative flight within 6 hours (of actual arrival time) or the airline do not provide
accommodation, you will be entitled to Rs.15,000 reimbursement for hotel

Loss of Passport/Ticket
If you lose your passport in a foreign country, you can claim upto Rs.25,000/- towards
the cost of obtaining a fresh Passport. If you lose your air tickets you will be reimbursed
for it upto Rs.5,000/-

Purchase Protection
Under International Purchase Protection, purchases on your card are insured against
loss or damage due to fire or theft, for a period of 180 days, from the time of purchase
up to a value of Rs. 50,000/-

Club Rewards - with Fast Track option

With Diners Club Card, you also get the most powerful rewards program in the country.
For every Rs.100 spent on the Diners Club Card, you earn one Club
Rewards Point. You can redeem the Rewards Points you have earned for fabulous
travel packages and delightful gifts. Moreover, these Points are 'evergreen', which
means you can encash them whenever you want.

Besides Diners Club has tied up with Flying Returns, India's No.1 frequent flyer program
from Indian Airlines and Air India. Which means you can now redeem your Points for
free miles!

Finally, your Club Rewards Points can also be converted to Oberoi Top Points and
Welcome Award Stars - the rewards programs of the Oberoi Group and Welcome group

Club Perks
Club Perks is a unique promotional offer exclusively for Diners Club Members. Club
Perks gives you special discounts at your favorite restaurants, hotels, car rentals and
retails across the country. It also gives you complimentary into some of the most
prestigious discotheques in the country. All you have to do is charge your bill to your
Diners Club Card every time you visit any of these places.

Club Lounges
Relax between flights.
You can now relax in plush airport lounges, designed exclusively for Diners Club
Members. There are more than 74 such lounges located at various international
airports. In India, you have complimentary access to airport lounges located at the
domestic departure areas in Mumbai, New Delhi, Chennai and Bangalore.

Club Cash
The Diners Club Card gives you the convenience of drawing cash in an emergency, 24
hours a day, 7 days a week! You can access up to Rs.20,000 through Club Cash
through our extensive network of Automated Teller Machines.

Club Privileges-Phone Home, Global One Calling Card

Finally, Diners Club offers you an exclusive range of international privileges.
The GlobalOne Calling Card, the international calling card which enables you to call
from 60 countries to over 300 countries whenever you travel overseas, and pay later in
Indian Rupees through your Diners Club Card. This facility is available absolutely free.

Citibank international gold card

High Credit Limit

For someone as powerful as you, only the most powerful Card in the world will do - the
Citibank International Gold Card. A true reflection of your power, this Card gives you the
ultimate financial freedom in India and everywhere in the world. The best part is this
Card is yours at no additional cost, and comes with the advantage of spending in
International currencies and paying back in Indian Rupees!
Comprehensive Insurance Benefits *
Whether you are traveling in India or overseas, your Card comes with FREE Personal

Accident Insurance (uptoRs.20lakh)

Free House hold Insurance
This cover protects household articles (excluding jewelry and valuables) for a value of
up to Rs.75,000/- per year. This is valid for primary Card members only.

Free Baggage Insurance

This unique insurance protects your baggage against theft or loss for up to Rs. 40,000/-
in India and up to Rs. 60,000/- while traveling abroad.

Free Delayed Flight Insurance

If you miss an onward flight due to late arrival of an incoming flight, and if there is no
Alternative flight within 6 hours (of actual arrival time) or the Airlines does not provide
accommodation, you will be entitled to Rs.15,000/- as reimbursement for hotel

If you lose your passport in a foreign country, you can claim up to Rs.25,000/- towards
cost of obtaining a fresh passport. On loss of an air ticket, you will be reimbursed for up

Under International Purchase Protection, purchases on the Card are insured against

loss or damage due to fire or theft for a period of 180 days from the time of purchase for
a value of upto Rs. 40,000/-.

Unique reward program.

Every time you use your Card you earn Citibank Rewards Points that can be exchanged
for many exclusive privileges like Free Air Miles, free Hotel Nights, leather accessories
and much more. You can exchange your Citibank Rewards Points for miles on airline
frequent flyer programs and fly free to your dream destination and stay free at hotel
participating in our Rewards Program. You can also choose to pay your Card Renewal
Fee (in part or full) using your Rewards Points as well. What's more, your Citibank
Rewards Points are evergreen and never lapse.

Revolving Credit Facility

With Citibank's powerful Revolving Credit Facility you can choose to buy high-value
items now and pay later in parts. And pay as little as 5% of your total outstanding every

Free GlobalOne Calling Card

The next time you make an international call from overseas, you do not need to use
precious foreign exchange or hunt for loose change. The Global One Calling Card
makes international calling absolutely easy. The Global one Calling Card charges will
be conveniently billed later to your Citibank International Gold Card and itemized call
details will appear on your monthly statement.

Special Discounts on Travel

India's leading travel management company Travel House (a member of the ITC Group)
brings you 3.5% off on basic domestic air fares and 7% off on basic International air
when you buy tickets on your Citibank International Gold Card. In fact your tickets will
be delivered to you at no extra cost.

Free Phone Home facility
In case of an emergency or for any urgent clarification on your Card, while you are
overseas, you can use FREE Phone Home Facility.

24- hour ATMs

While travelling overseas you can access cash (up to 60%**** of your Credit Limit) at
over 12,50,000 Visa/MasterCard ATMs across the globe. There are 24-Hour ATMs in
Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Calcutta, Chennai, Delhi, Hyderabad, Mumbai and Pune too.
You can also draw cash from any Citibank branch.

24- hour CitiPhone

CitiPhone, the revolutionary phone banking service ensures that Citibank is just a phone
call away from you. From the minute you dial in, the world-class Interactive Voice
Response (IVR) Service will guide you right through. Call our courteous CitiPhone
Officers standing by to assist you. 24 hours a day, and 7 days a week.

Worldwide Assistance
The Visa/MasterCard Global Assistance Services can be used for reporting lost or
stolen Cards, requesting for an emergency Card replacement or for emergency Cash
Advances. A wide range of miscellaneous information is also available for your benefit.

Additional Card
You can share the power of your Citibank International Gold Card with your family. Your
Citibank International Gold Card Membership entitles you to Additional Cards for two
members of your family, over 18 years of age, at a special price of Rs.1000/- p.a. per

Citibank silver card.

Exciting gifts with Citibank Rewards
Every time you use your Card, you earn valuable Citibank Rewards Points that can be
exchanged for fabulous gifts. Choose from a wide range of gifts - cosmetics to cameras,

CDs to wallets. You can also exchange your Citibank Rewards Points to pay your Card
Renewal Fee (in part or full). What's more your Citibank Rewards Points are evergreen
and never lapse.


With the emergence of plastic money (credit cards) as a social security tool and the
modest way to come under transactions with time saving the customers are widely
looking and accepting credit cards for their transactions. No doubt due to several
advantages of it, is gaining its market and competency. Due to wide acceptance in the
market every institution in financial market whether it public sector or private sector

institution are engaged in this discipline with better customer focused strategy to
capture the untapped market soon.

Banks like ICICI, HDFC, CITI BANK, SBI, PNBwith the multinational banks like HSBC,
IDBI and STANDARD CHARTERED are engaged and competing for the market
capitalization. Every banking company is ready to serve with better schemes, rates,
terms and conditions which can suit the customers’ requirements.

To be an active player of the financial market every institution is issuing

several types of cards like the life time free cards with extended date to pay the amount
back to the banks. They have good strategies and workforce with many reputed direct
sales associates and direct sales teams to fetch good sales and to win the consumers
faith. The government of India is also taking initiative to protect the consumer rights in
this credit cards division.

So this market is now a days a global market which is gaining its growth like anything.


1995: The Industrial Credit and

Investment Corporation of India
Limited (ICICI) incorporated at the
initiative of the World Bank, the Government of India and representatives of Indian
industry, with the objective of creating a development financial institution for providing

medium-term and long-term project financing to Indian businesses. Mr. A. Ramaswami
Mudaliar elected as the first Chairman of ICICI Limited. ICICI emerges as the major
source of foreign currency loans to Indian industry. Besides funding from the World
Bank and other multi-lateral agencies, ICICI also among the first Indian companies to
raise funds from International markets. 1956: ICICI declared its first Dividend at 3.5%.
1958: Mr. G. L. Mehta was appointed the 2nd Chairman of ICICI Ltd. 1960: ICICI
building at 163, Backbay Reclamation was inaugurated. 1961: The first West German
loan of DM 5 million from Kredianstalt was obtained by ICICI. 1967 : ICICI made its first
debenture issue for Rs.6 crore, which was oversubscribed. 1969 : First two regional
offices in Calcutta and Madras were opened. 1972 : Second entity in India to set-up
merchant banking services. : Mr. H. T. Parekh appointed as the third Chairman of ICICI.
1977: ICICI sponsors the formation of Housing Development Finance Corporation.
Managed its first equity public issue 1978: Mr. James Raj appointed as the fourth
Chairman of ICICI. 1979: Mr. Siddharth Mehta appointed as the fifth Chairman of ICICI.
1982: Becomes the first ever Indian borrower to raise European Currency Units. : ICICI
commences leasing business. 1984 : Mr. S. Nadkarni appointed as the sixth Chairman
of ICICI. 1985 : Mr.N.Vaghul appointed as the seventh Chairman and Managing
Director of ICICI. 1986 : ICICI first Indian Institution to receive ADB Loans. First public
issue by an Indian entity in the Swiss Capital Markets. : ICICI along with UTI sets up
Credit Rating Information Services of India Limited, (CRISIL) India's first professional
credit rating agency. : ICICI promotes Shipping Credit and Investment Company of India
Limited. (SCICI) : The Corporation made a public issue of Swiss Franc 75 million in
Switzerland, the first public issue by any Indian equity in the Swiss Capital Market. 1987
: ICICI signed a loan agreement for Sterling Pound 10 million with Commonwealth
Development Corporation (CDC), the first loan by CDC for financing projects in India.
1988 : ICICI promotes TDICI - India's first venture capital company. 1993 : ICICI sets-up
ICICI Securities and Finance Company Limited in joint venture with J. P. Morgan. :
ICICI sets up ICICI Asset Management Company. 1994 : ICICI sets up ICICI Bank.
1996 : ICICI becomes the first company in the Indian financial sector to raise GDR. :
ICICI announces merger with SCICI. 1997 : ICICI was the first intermediary to move
away from single prime rate to three-tier prime rates structure and introduced yield-

curve based pricing. : The name "The Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of
India Limited " was changed to "ICICI Limited". : ICICI announces takeover of ITC
Classic Finance. 1998+ : Introduced the new logo symbolizing a common corporate
identity for the ICICI Group. : ICICI announces takeover of Anagram Finance. 1999 :
ICICI launches retail finance - car loans, house loans and loans for consumer durables.
: ICICI becomes the first Indian Company to list on the NYSE through an issue of
American Depositary Shares. 2000: ICICI Bank becomes the first commercial bank
from India to list its stock on NYSE. : ICICI Bank announces merger with Bank of
Madura. 2001: The Boards of ICICI Ltd and ICICI Bank approved the merger of ICICI
with ICICI Bank. 2002 : Moodys' assign higher than sovereign rating to ICICI. : Merger
of ICICI Limited, ICICI Capital Services Ltd and ICICI Personal Financial Services
Limited with ICICI Bank.


ICICI Bank is India's second-largest bank with total assets of about Rs.146,214 crore at
December 31, 2004 and profit after tax of Rs. 1,391 crore in the nine months ended
December 31, 2004 (Rs. 1,637 crore in fiscal 2004). ICICI Bank has a network of about
505 branches and extension counters and about 1,850 ATMs. ICICI Bank offers a wide
range of banking products and financial services to corporate and retail customers
through a variety of delivery channels and through its specialised subsidiaries and
affiliates in the areas of investment banking, life and non-life insurance, venture capital
and asset management. ICICI Bank set up its international banking group in fiscal 2002
to cater to the cross-border needs of clients and leverage on its domestic banking
strengths to offer products internationally. ICICI Bank currently has subsidiaries in the
United Kingdom and Canada, branches in Singapore and Bahrain and representative
offices in the United States, China, United Arab Emirates and Bangladesh.
ICICI Bank's equity shares are listed in India on the Stock Exchange, Mumbai and the
National Stock Exchange of India Limited and its American Depositary Receipts (ADRs)
are listed on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE).
As required by the stock exchanges, ICICI Bank has formulated a Code of Business
Conduct and Ethics for its directors and employees.

At October 31, 2004, ICICI Bank, with free float market capitalization* of about Rs.
220.00 billion (US$ 5.00 billion) ranked third amongst all the companies listed on
the Indian stock exchanges.
ICICI Bank was originally promoted in 1994 by ICICI Limited, an Indian financial
institution, and was its wholly-owned subsidiary. ICICI's shareholding in ICICI Bank was
reduced to 46% through a public offering of shares in India in fiscal 1998, an equity
offering in the form of ADRs listed on the NYSE in fiscal 2000, ICICI Bank's acquisition
of Bank of Madura Limited in an all-stock amalgamation in fiscal 2001, and secondary
market sales by ICICI to institutional investors in fiscal 2001 and fiscal 2002. ICICI was
formed in 1955 at the initiative of the World Bank, the Government of India and
representatives of Indian industry. The principal objective was to create a development
financial institution for providing medium-term and long-term project financing to Indian
businesses. In the 1990s, ICICI transformed its business from a development financial
institution offering only project finance to a diversified financial services group offering a
wide variety of products and services, both directly and through a number of
subsidiaries and affiliates like ICICI Bank. In 1999, ICICI become the first Indian
company and the first bank or financial institution from non-Japan Asia to be listed on
the NYSE.
After consideration of various corporate structuring alternatives in the context of the
emerging competitive scenario in the Indian banking industry, and the move towards
universal banking, the managements of ICICI and ICICI Bank formed the view that the
merger of ICICI with ICICI Bank would be the optimal strategic alternative for both
entities, and would create the optimal legal structure for the ICICI group's universal
banking strategy. The merger would enhance value for ICICI shareholders through the
merged entity's access to low-cost deposits, greater opportunities for earning fee-based
income and the ability to participate in the payments system and provide transaction-
banking services. The merger would enhance value for ICICI Bank shareholders
through a large capital base and scale of operations, seamless access to ICICI's strong
corporate relationships built up over five decades, entry into new business segments,
higher market share in various business segments, particularly fee-based services, and
access to the vast talent pool of ICICI and its subsidiaries. In October 2001, the Boards

of Directors of ICICI and ICICI Bank approved the merger of ICICI and two of its wholly-
owned retail finance subsidiaries, ICICI Personal Financial Services Limited and ICICI
Capital Services Limited, with ICICI Bank. The merger was approved by shareholders of
ICICI and ICICI Bank in January 2002, by the High Court of Gujarat at Ahmedabad in
March 2002, and by the High Court of Judicature at Mumbai and the Reserve Bank of
India in April 2002. Consequent to the merger, the ICICI group's financing and banking
operations, both wholesale and retail, have been integrated in a single entity.
*Free float holding excludes all promoter holdings, strategic investments and cross
holdings among public sector entities.

Bring together participants in the development process to widen and deepen the
discourse informing development practice. Interactive features include discussion
boards and facilities to post papers, articles or other resources.
Publish research related to innovations and significant problems within the identified
thematic areas.
Enable online application for funding.
Address for Correspondence:
Social Initiatives Group
ICICI Bank Towers
ICICI Bank Ltd
Bandra Kurla Complex
Mumbai 400 051
Phone no:+91 22 2653 1414
Fax no:+91 22 2653 1164

Major area of social initlatives
 Mission Statement
 Strategy
 Focus Areas
 Related Interests
 ICICI Bank and the Social Sector
 Publications

1. Aneesa Arur and Shilpa Deshpande (2002), Infant Health at Birth, Working Paper

2. Tara Beteille (2002), Elementary Education in India, Working Paper Series, DI2(2).doc3. Bikram Duggal,
Bindu Ananth and Kartikeya Saboo (2002), Micro Finance: Building the Capacities
of the Poor to Participate in the Larger Economy,
Abstract: This paper traces the relationships between the provision of financial services
to the poor and their ability to participate in the larger economy. Poor households
progress from a stage of securing themselves from the day-to-day risks they face to
establishing and enhancing their livelihoods. The paper outlines the role of micro-
financial services in enabling mobility along this continuum.

4. Amit Singhal and Bikram Duggal (2002), Extending Banking to the Poor in India,

Abstract: The paper articulates the key issues in extending banking to the rural and
poor populations in the country and provides recommendations for the Reserve Bank of
India and the Government of India in order to resolve some of the issues.In the paper,
banking has been viewed as consisting of two elements: cash management and

management of databases. Given this perspective, the paper highlights some of the
regulatory issues that impede the progress of banking along the lines suggested.

5. Bindu Ananth and Soju Annie George (2003), Scaling up Micro Financial Services:
An Overview of Challenges and Opportunities,
Abstract:This paper attempts to examine specific issues in the delivery of micro
financial services and outlines some new approaches towards scaling up. Section I
reiterates the crucial role of micro finance in reducing vulnerability and enhancing the
prospects of growth for poor households. Section II examines the broad challenges in
micro finance; Section III provides an overview of the various micro financial services
(insurance, savings and investment, credit and other risk management instruments).
Section IV examines the issues specific to Micro Finance Institutions (MFI) in India and
Section V concludes the paper by identifying the key areas for further research and

6. Bindu Ananth (2002), Emerging Perspectives in Corporate Social Responsibility,
 Mission Statement
The mission statement of the SIG is "to identify and support initiatives designed to
improve the capacities of the poorest of the poor to participate in the larger economy".
The SIG believes that the three fundamental capacities any individual should possess to
be able to participate in the larger economy are in the areas of health, education and
access to basic financial services. Within these broad areas, infant health at birth,
elementary education and micro financial services define the areas in which the SIG’s
work focuses.

 Strategy
At a very basic level, the programmes and projects supported by the SIG are required to
cater to the poorest. They should enable them to become active and informed

participants in socio-economic processes as opposed to passive observers. These
initiatives must be output oriented, with a focus on producing measurable outcomes that
meet a minimum quality requirement. The initiatives also need to be cost-effective. This
is in recognition of the fact that resources are limited and their efficient use is imperative
if the maximum number is to benefit. Cost-effectiveness also facilitates the adoption of
the initiative in other contexts.
The initiative must be scalable. Scalability implies the ability to draw upon important
elements of a programme and adapt them to suit the needs of a specific situation. It
should be possible to do so at a national level. Even if the programme itself is not
directly scaleable, it should be possible to take away significant lessons from it in order
to enrich work in other settings.
All supported initiatives should have the potential for both near and long-term impact.
Consequentially, it is important that the impact of these programmes, in the near and
long term, be carefully understood and analyzed in a rigorous manner and not through
anecdotes. It is critical to clearly understand how an initiative is performing in terms of
its predetermined goals and in comparison to alternatives. There is little doubt that a
complex of factors, very often beyond the control of the programme/ organization, will
influence the outcome. Yet, serious and regular impact analysis can only make the
programme richer and is essential. The SIG assigns greater value to programmes/
organizations that carefully examine the short-term and long-term implications of their
In pursuit of its goals in the three focus areas, the SIG tends to support reasonably
large-sized initiatives so that issues such as cost-effectiveness, scalability and impact
assessment can be dealt with more directly. These initiatives not only have the potential
to provide key research inputs to other programmes, but also tend to have a large
impact that benefits the communities they work with. The approach of the SIG may thus
be characterized more broadly as ‘action research’, to distinguish it from pure academic
research. However, in its research work and impact assessment, the SIG seeks to
adhere to the highest standards of academic rigour. It often works in partnership with
academic institutions such as Institute of Rural Management Anand, KEM,

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, University of
California, Berkeley and the University of Southampton.
It is crucial that the programmes supported by SIG be time-bound. This lends clarity to
the aim of the programme and prevents its intent from getting diluted over time.
The SIG works by identifying gaps in knowledge and practice in its focus areas and
locating initiatives that address these gaps in a manner consistent with the SIG’s
mission. The identification of research needs is followed by an in-depth analysis of the
short-term and long-term implications of various forms of action. Among other things,
this requires taking a comprehensive overview of work already done in the country and
outside. The SIG, thus, seeks to answer certain fundamental questions in its focus
areas through the projects it supports and, thereby, contribute to findings that help the
sector. It should be pointed out that the SIG does not function as a rollout agency.
An important feature of the SIG’s strategy is the belief in strengthening or
supplementing existing systems, rather than investing in parallel structures. Another key
element of its strategy is the building of long-term relationships with suitable partners.
As part of this effort, the SIG works actively to improve the efficacy of these partners
and ensure sustained impact.
In pursuit of its goals, the SIG seeks to work actively with research agencies, Non-
Governmental Organisations (NGOs), Corporates, Government departments, local
stakeholders and international organisations. It should also be noted that the group
believes modern technologies, particularly Information and Communication
Technologies (ICT) can prove to be important facilitators if used appropriately.
The SIG also seeks to disseminate its findings and that of others in the field to a broad
spectrum of participants using a variety of media, such as print and the Internet. It also
encourages its team members to develop independent points of view in their own focus
areas, and supports the publication of this work. The most recently published papers by
the team members are listed below.

1. Aneesa Arur and Shilpa Desphande (2002), Infant Health at Birth, Working Paper

2. Tara Beteille (2002), Elementary Education in India, Working Paper Series,

3. Bikram Duggal, Bindu Ananth and Kartikeya Saboo (2002), Micro-Finance: Building
the Capacities of the Poor to Participate in the Larger Economy,

4. Bindu Ananth (2002), Emerging Perspectives in Corporate Social Responsibility,

5. Amit Singhal and Bikram Duggal (2002), Extending Banking to the Poor in India,

 Focus Areas
The SIG has three focus areas:
• Early Child Health
• Elementary Education
• Micro Financial Services

Health: Early Child Health

(Maximising the proportion of healthy three year olds)

 This focus seems to have the potential for maximum long and short-term impact and
appears achievable in the most cost-effective and therefore scaleable manner.

 ICICI Bank aims to improve individual capacity by impacting two important indicators
of chronic undernutrition in the first three years at the national level:
 Proportion of babies born with a birth weight of less than 2.5 kg at or beyond 37
weeks of gestation (Intra-Uterine Growth retardation, IUGR)
 Proportion of children under three years who are stunted.


A major first for India, the Pre-set Limits facility allows you to empower your family with
the flexibility and convenience of a credit card with the option of controlling the spend
You can pre-set their monthly spending limits and any transactions over this specified
Spend Limit will be declined.
That's not all. You can change this limit whenever you need to increase or decrease the
limit. Simply call the ICICI 24-hour Customer Call Center and place your request with
the Call Center Executive. This monthly spending limit can be reset every billing cycle..
Now you can freely present* your wife, your sister, your brother , your parents or
children above 18 years of age, with "Bandhan", the unique Add-on Card from ICICI


If you own credit cards issued by other banks and wish to apply for a Sterling
Silver/Solid Gold ICICI Bank Credit Card, becoming a part of the ICICI family is not just
easy but also very attractive.
You can transfer the outstanding on your other card(s) on to the ICICI Bank Credit Card
and this transferred outstanding will attract an interest rate of just 1.75% for the Sterling
Silver Card and 1.50% in case of a Solid Gold Card. And what’s more, this beneficial
rate of interest is applicable for a full 6 months of your becoming a part of the ICICI
Bank family.
This special interest rate will not be applicable for new purchases. You can transfer any
amount from a minimum of Rs.2, 000 to a maximum 75% of the available credit limit on
your ICICI Bank Credit Card.


Life is unpredictable and we at ICICI Bank understand your concern for your family.
Insurance is by far the best way to safeguard the interests of your family. And therefore
in addition to any insurance cover you already have, ICICI Bank offers you the most
comprehensive insurance related benefits.
Of course, we offer you accident insurance, but in addition we offer you medical
insurance, credit shield, purchase protection, baggage insurance and household


A special bonus plan that allows you to earn points every time you use your Card. Every
Rs. 100 that you spend earns you a reward point. In effect a spend of Rs 2500 on your
card will amount to 25 reward points which is equivalent to a value of Rs. 25 given back
to you.

First time usage Bonus

As a very special offer, for the first time that you use your ICICI Bank Credit Card, we
will credit your rewards account with 25 bonus points.

Accelerator points

When your spends in any billing cycle exceed Rs.5000, you earn an additional 10%
points over and above the normal reward points.


To begin redeeming your reward points, you need to have a minimum of 150 points.
The redemption of reward points will be done annually, first against your renewal fees.
Thus for example, an annual spend of Rs. 30,000 on a True Blue Card ensures that the
renewal fee for the next year is less by Rs 300.

Unused points will be credited to your card account in blocks of 25 points.

Reward points are awarded for all types of transactions, except fee, (joining, annual,
renewal) balance transfers and service charge transactions.


The ICICI Bank Card ensures that you are in charge at all times. This is the only card
that allows you to pre-define your own credit limits
You can actually request for a limit lower than what your are eligible for and your Card
gives you the choice of deciding the limit that you wish to enjoy.

Simply call our Call Center Executive and make your request. Your credit limit can be
changed on-line and will come in to force from the next billing cycle.
This incredibly powerful feature has been developed keeping your needs in mind, and it
helps you manage your finances prudently, without compromising on your needs.


Your ICICI Bank Credit Card is affiliated to VISA and is welcomed at all Visa Merchant
Establishments (Look for the VISA logo 1,10,000 establishments across India and
Nepal). The Sterling Silver and Solid Gold Card are accepted globally by over 18 million
VISA card - accepting establishments worldwide.
You now have the flexibility of using your Card to pay for everyday purchases on one
hand and large value purchases on the other.


We understand your needs and appreciate that you may need assistance around the
clock. For your convenience, we have set-up the ICICI 24-hour Customer Call Center
This is equipped with a state-of-the-art system that ensures that your queries get
handled efficiently and promptly


With An ICICI Bank Card in your wallet, you will never be strapped for cash. You can
withdraw cash on your Card, 24-hours a day, from any Visa participating member bank

During banking hours you can also withdraw cash, over-the-counter, from any ICICI
Bank branch across the country.

For your protection we have limited the maximum withdrawal to Rs.15,000 in a single
day. Transaction charges as applicable will be charged.


It is now possible to order a draft from the convenience of your home. Simply call the
ICICI 24-hour Customer Call Center and ask for a draft, payable anywhere in India and
favouring any company or individual (you can order a draft up to the available limit cash
limit on your account). The draft will be delivered to your mailing address.

For each draft request, a transaction fee of 1.0% of the amount withdrawn, subject to a
minimum of Rs.50, will be levied. However, for the Gold Credit Card-Members, no
transaction fee will be levied. In addition to the transaction fee, a service charge will also
be levied from the date of transaction to the date of repayment. The amount of the draft
will be billed in your monthly credit Card statement. And with the revolving credit facility
you can choose to pay as little as 5% of the billing amount

-India's first value for money card.

-Web based access to get details about your statements, payment status and requests.

-24 Hour Customer Call Center and access to all VISA approved ATMs.

- Fees for the credit card is free for Whole life

-Dial-A-Draft at 1% fee. Accepted across 1,10,000 merchant establishments in India

and Nepal.

-Accident Insurance of upto Rs 10 Lakhs. Purchase Protection of Rs. 10,000 Credit

Shield of Rs. 10,000.

-Earn while you spend - ICICI Plus - Reward Program.

-Airlines and Railway Bookings.

-Accepted at selected petrol stations.


-Free add-on Card Web based access to get details about your statements, payment
status and requests.

-24 Hour Customer Call Center and access to all VISA approved ATMs.

-Comprehensive Insurance for both Primary and add-on cards Dial-A-Draft at 1% fee.

-Balance Transfer at 1.75% Comprehensive Travel Benefits Purchase protection of Rs.
40,000 ---Credit Shield of Rs. 35,000 Earn while you spend - ICICI Plus - Reward

-Bandhan, Add on Card with self set limits.

-India's first value for money card. Accepted across 1,10,000 merchant establishments
in India and Nepal. Accident Insurance of upto Rs 6 Lakhs.

-Airlines and Railway Bookings. Accepted at selected petrol stations.


-International validity at over 18 million merchant establishments globally.

-Lowest annual fee of Rs. 1200 Web based access to get details about your statements,
payment status and requests.
-24 Hour Customer Call Center and access to all VISA approved ATMs.
-Dial-A-Draft free. Balance Transfer facility at 1.5% Zero lost card liability.
-Complimentary Global One Calling Card. Access to Global Customer Assistance
-Purchase Protection of Rs. 40,000.
-Credit Shield of Rs.50,000. Comprehensive Travel benefits.
-Bandhan, Add on Card with self set limits. Comprehensive Insurance for both Primary
and add-on cards.
-Airlines and Railway Bookings. Accepted at selected petrol stations. Household and
baggage -Insurance. Earn while you spend - ICICI Plus - Reward Program.
-Personal accident, household and baggage insurance.


The multilingual VISA Emergency Assistance Services program offers worldwide

emergency referral assistance to VISA Gold Cardholders. These include a wide range
of legal, medical and other services. VISA Emergency Assistance Services are
available to you placing a call to the Emergency assistance Centres in Singapore : 1-
800-345-1345, UK : 0800-89-1725, USA : 1-800-336-8472 and Australia : 1-800-

Emergency Message Service

You can call toll free or collect on the 24-hour telephone service and leave messages
that will be forwarded in the shortest possible time.

Medical Assistance

In medical emergencies, you get assistance and referral services, emergency

transportation assistance to a hospital, repatriation to your country of residence and
assistance in case you need a prescription filled or a lost prescription replaced.

Legal Assistance

For legal emergencies, VISA will refer you to local legal advisors.

Travel Assistance

The Visa Emergency assistance Centre can arrange for booking emergency tickets and
also assist you with lost ticket reimbursement procedures. In case your luggage is lost
while travelling, the VISA Emergency Assistance Centre can arrange for the shipment of
replacement items and obtain any applicable insurance.

Translation Service

You get foreign language assistance services in all major foreign languages over the
telephone, and assistance in locating local interpreters.

Payment for Visa Emergency Services

All expenses for services rendered under the VISA Emergency Assistance programmes
if applicable will have to be borne by the Cardholder.
All services provided are subject to Terms & Conditions of the VISA Emergency
Assistance Services program.


H.D.F.C was set up on 17th October, 1977 by I.C.I.C.I. out of the consideration that a
specialised institution was needed to channel household savings as well as funds from
the capital market into the housing sector. H.D.F.C. has emerged as the largest
mortgage finance institution in the country. The primary objective of H.D.F.C is to
enhance residential housing stock and promote home ownership. One of its major
objectives is to increase flow of resources for housing through the integration of housing
financial institutions with the domestic market.

Marketing effort

Marketing efforts and initiatives at HDFC LTD have always revolved around the
customer. The objective is to reach out to the customer and provide him/her with all
housing related solutions. Thus HDFC LTD has right since inception positioned it self
not just as a company providing finance to customers, but a company that also provides
loan counselling, technical and legal assistance and other property related solutions.
Credit appraisal skill and legal and technical expertise has been built over the years.
These set of skills, supplemented with the vast database and trained personnel is today
proving to be one of HDFC LTD’ strongest assets.

Approvals and Disbursements

Total approvals during the year stood at Rs.9, 041.25 crores as against Rs.6879.77
crores in the previous year, representing a growth of 31%. Loan disbursements during
the year were Rs.7, 616.56 crores against Rs.5, 803.01 crores in the previous year
representing a growth of 31%.

Subsidiaries and Associates

Housing is the core business of HDFC LTD. while the main focus is to grow the housing
portfolio, organically and inorganically, in order to capitalise on HDFC strong brand
value and maximise returns for shareholders, HDFC LTD has made investments in
various group companies. These group companies have strong synergies with HDFC
LTD and such diversification will enable HDFC LTD to offer a wide gamut of financial
services and products to customers. Investments made in the group companies are
from borrowed funds, where there is an interest charge debited to the profit and loss
account, with out a corresponding revenue flow in the initial years. While these
investments are long-term in nature, the businesses have tremendous potential, thereby
enhancing the valuations of HDFC. The shareholding of HDFC in its subsidiary and
associate companies as at March 31, 2003: are given:- HDFC Developers Limited,
HDFC Investments Limited, HDFC Holdings Limited, HDFC Trustee Company Limited,
HDFC Chubb General Insurance Company Limited, HDFC Realty Limited, HDFC Asset
Management Company Limited, GRUH Finance Limited, Intelenet Global Services
Limited, Credit Information Bureau(India) Limited, HDFC Securities Limited, HDFC Bank

Risk Management

HDFC manages various risks associated with the mortgage business. These risks
include credit risk, liquidity risk and interest rate risk. HDFC manages credit risk through
stringent credit norms. Liquidity risk and interest rate risks arising out of maturity
mismatch of assets and liabilities are managed through regular monitoring of the
maturity profiles.


The NHB has issued guidelines to HFC's on prudential norms for income recognition
provisioning, asset classification, provision for Bad and Doubtful, Capital adequacy and

concentration of credit / investment. HDFC's position with respect to the guidelines is as

• HDFC's capital for the purpose of determine the capital adequacy companies
entirely of Tier 1 Capital. The Tier was Rs. 2,066.71 Crores. In accordance with
the norms prescribed by NHB, HDFC's capital adequacy is at 14.05% of risk
weighted assets.

• Assets are classified as standard, Sub-Standard, doubtful and loss assets. Any
asset which is not standard asset is a non-performing asset. The principal loans
outstanding(along with Preference Shares and Debentures for financial real

• estate projects) , where payments were in arrears for over six months as of
march 31,2000,amounted to Rs. 98.71crores and constituted 0.90% of the

• HDFC is in compliance with the limits prescribed by NHB in respect of

concentration of credit/investment.



Introducing the HDFC Bank International Gold Credit Card,customized to suit your
conveniences and make your lifestyle a truly cherishable golden experience.

Find out all the features that are offered by this card:

Recognised the world over

- Cash Advance
- Revolving credit facility
- Interest Free Credit Period
- Comprehensive Insurance
- Travel Made Easy
- Global Travel Related Insurance
- International Business Travellers' Club (IBTC) Membership
- Exclusive Airport Lounge Facilities
- Lost Card Liability
- 24-Hour Customer Call Center
- Rewards Program
- Financial Tracker
- Utility Bill Payments Made Easy
- Balance transfer option

- Privilege Pricing
- Cards for your entire family
- Global Emergency Assistance services from VISA


The HDFC Bank International Silver Credit Card offers you the best features a card can
provide along with the conveniences offered by a bank. Be it low interest balance
transfer facility or comprehensive insurance cover, each of its features will help you
manage your finances better and leave you free to live a better life.

Choose which of these features* you would benefit from the most...

- Balance Transfer at a lower interest rate

- Hassle-free travel
- Utility bill payments made easy
- Repaying loyalty with interest
- Wide acceptance
- Cash at your fingertips
- Add-on Cards
- Save while you spend (Reward Points)
- Privileged Pricing on Loans
- Repayments made easy
- No liability on lost card
- Protecting you through insurance

The HDFC Bank Health Plus Credit Card is a feature rich credit with unique features

1. Cashless Mediclaim

The card offers free mediclaim cover for Rs.50,000/- plus a critical illness cover of
Rs.1.5 lakhs. The critical illness cover includes open heart surgery & CABG, Cancer,
Kidney Failure and Vascular Stroke. With this cover you can avail cashless

mediclaim facility at any of the networked hospitals of the Third Party Administrator
(TPA) in any city.

2. Discounts at participating hospitals

With this card, the best of medical care would cost you less. Get fabulous discounts
on annual health check-ups, outpatient and inpatient investigations in the
participating hospitals in each city.
Top of Form
Bottom of Form

3. Preferred partners for a healthy life

HDFC Bank Health Plus Credit card offers unique discounts and offers from leading
health and fitness related brands
4. Give your family the extra protection

a) Add-on Float Cover

You have the option of extending the Rs.50,000 mediclaim plus a critical illness
cover Rs.1.5 lakhs cover to the add-on cardholders, be it your spouse, children,
brothers or sisters.Whats more, the add-on cardholders can avail the discounts at
participating hospitals as well as with preferred partners.

b) Purchase additional mediclaim

Provide extra cover for your family which includes your spouse, children, parents,
brothers or sisters by purchasing additional mediclaim at fabulous discounts of more
than 50%. Whats more, you can get tax break under Section 80 D of the Income Tax
c) Life Insurance Cover

To overcome the uncertainties of life you need to plan ahead and create a circle of
protection for your family. With the HDFC Bank Health Plus Credit card you can get
your life insurance cover from Birla Sun Life Insurance at exclusive premium rates.

1. Save while you spend (Reward Points)

Use your credit card and earn reward points. For every Rs.100 spent using your
credit card earn 1 reward point. You can redeem the reward points for house-
holder's insurance which includes, fire insurance, burglary insurance and breakdown
insurance or for exciting gifts. What's more - you can save the reward points upto 18

2. Protecting through insurance

The HDFC Bank Health Plus Credit Card offers you the most comprehensive
insurance package at no additional cost. In case of death in an accident. If the
cardholder loses his life in an air accident, the nominated kin will receive a
compensation of Rs.10 lakhs. In the case of a rail or road accident the nominated kin
will receive a compensation of Rs.2 lakhs.

3. Balance Transfer at Lowest interest rates

Most cards charge interest at the rate of 2.95% per month. Transfer the same
balance to HDFC Bank's credit card and you will pay interest at the rate of only
1.65% per month. For existing customers of HDFC Bank, we offer a special rate of
1.45% per month for 6 months.

4. Utility Bill payments made easy

Pay your insurance premium, electricity / telephone / mobile bills using this service.

5. Hassle Free Travel**

Dreams of a quiet family vacation are often ruined by hassles of travel bookings.
Now with the HDFC Bank International Health Plus Credit Card, book your train and
air tickets from the comfort of your home or office.

a) Airline & train ticket bookings
Avail a 3.5% discount on domestic and 5.5% discount on international travel
also free home delivery on all your bookings as a valued HDFC Bank card
holder. Our tie-up with SITA Travels for booking of train tickets.

Add-on Cards
Get up to 2 supplementary cards for your spouse, parents, siblings (own brother/sister),
son and/or daughter (over 18 years) and allow them to enjoy the many benefits of a
HDFC Bank International Health Plus Credit Card.

10. Privilege Pricing on Loans

As a HDFC Bank International Health Plus Credit Card holder you get loans from the
bank at special rates.

The rate discount offered is as follows:

Loan Discount Offered

Auto Loans 0.5%
Personal Loans 1%
Car Loans 1%
Used Car Loans 1%



Standard Chartered is the world's

leading emerging markets bank
headquartered in London. Its
businesses however, have always been overwhelmingly international. This is summary
of the main events in the history of Standard Chartered and some of the organizations
with which it merged.

The early years

Standard Chartered is named after two banks which merged in 1969. They were
originally known as the Standard Bank of British South Africa and the Chartered Bank of
India, Australia and China. Of the two banks, the Chartered Bank is the older having
been founded in 1853 following the grant of a Royal Charter from Queen Victoria. The
moving force behind the Chartered Bank was a Scot, James Wilson, who made his
fortune in London making hats. James Wilson went on to start The Economist, still one
of the world's pre-eminent publications. Nine years later, in 1862, the Standard Bank
was founded by a group of businessmen led by another Scot, John Paterson, who had
emigrated to the Cape Province in South Africa and had become a successful
merchant. Both banks were keen to capitalize on the huge expansion of trade between
Europe, Asia and Africa and to reap the handsome profits to be made from financing
that trade. The Chartered Bank opened its first branches in 1858 in Chennai and
Mumbai. A branch opened in Shanghai that summer beginning Standard Chartered's
unbroken presence in China. The following year the Chartered Bank opened a branch in
Hong Kong and an agency was opened in Singapore. In 1861 the Singapore agency
was upgraded to a branch which helped provide finance for the rapidly developing
rubber and tin industries in Malaysia. In 1862 the Chartered Bank was authorized to
issue bank notes in Hong Kong. Subsequently it was also authorized to issue bank
notes in Singapore, a privilege it continued to exercise up until the end of the 19th

Century. Over the following decades both the Standard Bank and the Chartered Bank
printed bank notes in a variety of countries including China, South Africa, Zimbabwe,
Malaysia and even during the siege of Makeking in South Africa. Today Standard
Chartered is still one of the three banks which prints Hong Kong's bank notes

Expansion in Africa and Asia

The Standard Bank opened for business in Port Elizabeth, South Africa, in 1863. It
pursued a policy of expansion and soon amalgamated with several other banks
including the Commercial Bank of Port Elizabeth, the Colesberg Bank, the British
Kaffarian Bank and the Fauresmith Bank. The Standard Bank was prominent in the
financing and development of the diamond fields of Kimberly in 1867 and later extended
its network further north to the new town of Johannesburg when gold was discovered
there in 1885. Over time, half the output of the second largest goldfield in the world
passed through the Standard Bank on its way to London. In 1892 the Standard Bank
opened for business in Zimbabwe, and expanded into Mozambique in 1894, Botswana
in 1897, Malawi in 1901, Zambia in 1906, Kenya, Zanzibar and the Democratic Republic
of Congo (D.R.C.), in 1911 and Uganda in 1912. Of these new businesses, Botswana,
Zanzibar and the D.R.C. proved the most difficult and the branches soon closed. A
branch in Botswana opened again in 1934 but lasted for only a year and it was not until
1950 that the Bank re-opened for business in Botswana. In Asia the Chartered Bank
expanded opening offices including Myanmar in 1862, Pakistan and Indonesia in 1863,
the Philippines in 1872, Malaysia in 1875, Japan in 1880 and Thailand in 1894. Some
34 years after the Chartered Bank appointed an agent in Sri Lanka it opened a branch
in 1892 to take advantage of business from the tea and rubber industries. During 1904 a
branch opened in Vietnam. Both the Chartered and the Standard Bank opened offices
in New York and Hamburg in the early 1900s. The Chartered Bank gaining the first
branch licence to be issued to a foreign bank in New York.

Standard Chartered in the 1990s

Even within this period of apparent retrenchment Standard Chartered expanded its
network, re-opening in Vietnam in 1990, Cambodia and Iran in 1992, Tanzania in 1993

and Myanmar in 1995. With the opening of branches in Macau and Taiwan in 1983 and
1985 plus a representative office in Laos (1996), Standard Chartered now has an office
in every country in the Asia Pacific Region with the exception of North Korea. In 1998
Standard Chartered concluded the purchase of a controlling interest in Banco Exterior
de Los Andes (Extebandes), an Andean Region bank involved primarily in trade
finance. With this purchase Standard Chartered now offers full banking services in
Colombia, Peru and Venezuela. In 1999, Standard Chartered acquired the global trade
finance business of Union Bank of Switzerland. This acquisition makes Standard
Chartered one of the leading clearers of dollar payments in the USA. Standard
Chartered also opened a new subsidiary, Standard Chartered Nigeria Limited in Lagos,
acquired 75 per cent of the equity of Nakornthon Bank, Thailand; and agreed terms to
acquire 89 per cent of the share capital of Metropolitan Bank of the Lebanon.

Standard Chartered today

Today Standard Chartered is the world's leading emerging markets bank employing
30,000 people in over 500 offices in more than 50 countries primarily in countries in the
Asia Pacific Region, South Asia, the Middle East, Africa and the Americas.

The new millennium has brought with it two of the largest acquisitions in the history of
the bank with the purchase of Grindlays Bank from the ANZ Group and the acquisition
of the Chase Consumer Banking operations in Hong Kong in 2000.

These acquisitions demonstrate Standard Chartered firm committed to the emerging

markets, where we have a strong and established presence and where we see our
future growth.



The Standard Chartered VISA Mini Cardholder may terminate the card service if he/she
does not accept any amendment to the Standard Chartered VISA Mini Cardholder
Agreement proposed / made by the Bank. The Standard Chartered VISA Mini Card will
be automatically terminated if the Standard Chartered VISA Mini Cardholder terminates
the card service in respect of his Card or the Principal Cardholder terminates the Credit
Card account with the Bank.
The Standard Chartered VISA Mini Cardholder shall strictly follow the operating
instructions issued by the bank from time to time regarding the use of Terminals and the
System. In particular, Standard Chartered VISA Mini Cardholders should note the
following :
Standard Chartered VISA Mini Cards cannot be used at ATM facilities and their
Terminals which require the Card to be inserted rather than swiped;
Standard Chartered VISA Mini Cards cannot be used at merchants requiring a manual
imprint of a card to complete a transaction.


Primary Supplementary Multiple
Entrance fee NIL NIL NIL
Annual fee (Yr.
Rs.349 Rs.199 Rs.349
Renewal fee
Rs.499 Rs.199 Rs.349
(Yr. 2 onwards)


• Balance Transfer Option

Transfer your outstanding balance from your other credit cards to the global Standard
Chartered credit card at only 1.75% p.m. instead of the 2.95% p.m. that you are
currently paying.

• Global Acceptance
The most widely accepted and respected credit card in over 19 million VISA and
MasterCard establishments worldwide over 1.1 lakh establishments in India and Nepal.

• Revolver Facility
Flexible payment option using revolving credit allowing you to pay just 5%of the
outstanding amount every month.

• Cash Advance Facility

Up to 30% of the credit limit. Withdraw cash from 6 lakh MasterCard ATMs worldwide
and 580 ATMs across 46 cities in India.
• Teledraft
Facilities with doorstep delivery.
• Picture Card
Put a picture that is close to your heart and make your card as unique as you want it to
• Photo Card
Safest credit card
• Zero Lost Card Liability
Post reporting of the loss of the card to the Bank
• Credit Free Period - up to 52 days
• 24 hour Help lines at Mumbai, Chennai, Bangalore, New Delhi, Kolkata and
• Conveniently placed cheque collection boxes for repayment across centers

• Supplementary Card for family.
• Multiple Card to segregate your personal and business expenses
• For individuals, Minimum age limit: 21 years, Maximum is 60 years (salaried) and 65
years (self-employed)
• Issued to Indian Residents only

Income Criteria

(Salaried) Gross Income (Per (Self-employed) Gross Income (Per

Annum) INR Rs. Annum) INR Rs.
Gold 1,50,000 1,50,000
Executive 1,00,000 1,00,000
Classic 60,000 72,000
Sapnay 60,000 72,000

The membership fees for the global card is

Gold Executive Classic Sapnay

Entrance Fee 1000 300 100 Nil
Annual Fee (Yr1) 2000 1200 700 400
Renewal Fee (From Yr
2000 1200 750 400
Annual Fee for each
supplementary card (no 1000 500 350 250
Annual Fee for each
Add-on card (no 1000 575 400 250
*An additional fee of Rs. 100 will be charged for the picture card

SBI Card
Make life simple

The Bank is actively involved since 1973 in non-profit activity called Community
Services Banking. All our branches and administrative offices throughout the country
sponsor and participate in large number of welfare activities and social causes. Our
business is more than banking because we touch the lives of people anywhere in many
Our commitment to nation-building is complete & comprehensive.

Banking Facility Of SBI Bank

Personal Banking


 Current Account
 Savings Bank Account
 Savings Account
 Savings Plus Account


 Term Deposits
 Reinvestment Plan
 Recurring Deposit
 Maturity Value Calculator


 Housing Loan
 Car Loan
 Educational Loan
 Personal Loan
 Property Loan
 Loan to Pensioners

 Loan against Shares / Debentures
 Loan against RBI Relief Bonds
 Festival Loans
 Medi-Plus Scheme
 Teachers-Plus Scheme
 Sainik-Plus Scheme
 Tribal-Plus Scheme
 Justice-Plus Scheme
 EMI Calculator
 Credit Khazana


Gift Cheques
Public Provident Fund (PPF)
9% relief bonds
PSU Retiring Employees Scheme
Loan On Demat Accounts


 Gold Deposit
 Metal (Gold) Loan To Domestic Jewellery Industry
 Metal (Gold) Loan To Jewellery Exporters


 Who is NRI
 Opening Of NRI Account
 India Millennium Deposit (IMD)
 Foreign Currency (Non-Resident) Bank Accounts (FCNB)
 Non-Resident (External) Rupee Accounts (NRE)
 Resident Foreign Currency Accounts (RFC)
 Ordinary Non-Resident Rupee Accounts (NRO)
 Housing Finance Scheme for Non-Resident Indians
 Other Investment Schemes
 Facilities to Returning Indians
 Money Remittance from USA to India
 Tax Benefits
 Letter Of Authority To Operate On Non-Resident (External) Rupee (NRE)

 Maturity Value Calculator


 Profile
 Trade Finance
 Correspondent Banking
 Merchant Banking
 Shipping Finance
 Project Export Finance
 Exporters Gold Card
 Treasury


 Corporate Accounts Group(CAG)

 Core Credit Products
 Other Structured Products
 Trade Finances
 Fee Based Products
 Cash Management Product


 Project Finance
 Lease Finance
 Corporate Liquid Term Deposit


SSI Loans

 Liberalised Scheme
 Entrepreneur Scheme
 Stree Shakti Package
 Equity Fund Scheme


 Retail Trade
 Professionals & Self-Employed Persons
 Business Enterprises
 Transport Operators
 Small Business Credit Card
 Doctors Plus
 Paryatan Plus
 SBI Shoppe


 Agricultural Banking
 Crop Loan(ACC)
 Produce Marketing Scheme (ACC (PML))
 Kisan Credit Card Scheme(KCC)
 Agricultural Term Loans (ATL)
 Land Development Schemes
 Minor Irrigation Schemes
 Farm Mechanisation Schemes


 Lead Bank Scheme

 Micro Credit ( Self Help Group )


 Regional Rural Banks


 Government Accounts
 Public Provident Fund


 e-rail
 S.T.E.P.S
 Demat Services
 ATM Services
 Internet Banking

 Safe Deposit Locker
 Rupee Travellers cheques
 Information on deceased accounts
 Gift Cheques
 e-Pay
 Telebanking
 Cash Management Product

SBI Life Insurance CompanyLtd (SBILIFE)

SBI LIFE undertakes the business of life insurance and annuity in relation
to all or any kinds of assurance.

The year 2003-04 was the 2nd full year of operations for the Company.

As at end-March 2004, SBI LIFE covered nearly 14 lakh lives. It emerged

as the top private insurer in terms of number of lives covered with a market share of
about 14%. It received a premium income of Rs.225 crore for the year 2003-04 as
against the premium receipt of Rs.73 crore during the last financial year, recording a
200% premium growth.

SBI LIFE leveraged the strength of its parent bank and its group. SBI and its Associate
Banks became the Corporate Agents of SBI LIFE. SBI LIFE is now selling its insurance
products through 2,400 branches of SBI Group. SBI LIFE has also been slowly and
steadily strengthening alternate channels including Agency channel.

The Bank holds equity of Rs.129.50 crore in SBI LIFE, being 74% of their share capital.



• Accepted at 30 million VISA outlets across the world.

• Cash access at 810,000 VISA ATMs around the globe and from 5500 VISA
ATMs, over 1575 SBI ATMs & 251 SBI card Cash Points in India.
• VISA emergency services in 75 countries


• Flexibility
• Protection Plus
• No Transaction Fee for the purchase at IOC/IBP pumps.
• SBI Card Online, e-statement, SBI card Alerts.
• 3%-5% off on air tickets
• Balance transfer facility @1.75%.


If you own credit cards issued by other banks and wish to apply for a Sterling
Silver/Solid Gold SBI Credit Card, becoming a part of the SBI family is not just easy but
also very attractive. You can transfer the outstanding on your other card(s) on to the SBI
Credit Card and this transferred outstanding will attract an interest rate of just 1.75% for
the Sterling Silver Card and 1.50% in case of a Solid Gold Card. And what’s more, this
beneficial rate of interest is applicable for a full 6 months of your becoming a part of the
SBI family.

This special interest rate will not be applicable for new purchases. You can transfer any
amount from a minimum of Rs.2, 000 to a maximum 75% of the available credit limit on
your SBI Credit Card.


Life is unpredictable and we at SBI Bank understand your concern for your family.
Insurance is by far the best way to safeguard the interests of your family. And therefore
in addition to any insurance cover you already have, SBI offers you the most
comprehensive insurance related benefits.
Of course, we offer you accident insurance, but in addition we offer you medical
insurance, credit shield, purchase protection, baggage insurance and household


A special bonus plan that allows you to earn points every time you use your Card. Every
Rs. 100 that you spend earns you a reward point. In effect a spend of Rs 2500 on your
card will amount to 25 reward points which is equivalent to a value of Rs. 25 given back
to you.

First time usage Bonus

As a very special offer, for the first time that you use your SBI Credit Card, we will credit
your rewards account with 25 bonus points.

Accelerator points

When your spends in any billing cycle exceed Rs.5000, you earn an additional 10%
points over and above the normal reward points.


To begin redeeming your reward points, you need to have a minimum of 150 points.
The redemption of reward points will be done annually, first against your renewal fees.
Thus for example, an annual spend of Rs. 30,000 on a True Blue Card ensures that the
renewal fee for the next year is less by Rs 300.

Unused points will be credited to your card account in blocks of 25 points.

Reward points are awarded for all types of transactions, except fee, (joining, annual,
renewal) balance transfers and service charge transactions.


The SBI Card ensures that you are in charge at all times. This is the only card that
allows you to pre-define your own credit limits

You can actually request for a limit lower than what your are eligible for and your Card
gives you the choice of deciding the limit that you wish to enjoy.

Simply call our Call Center Executive and make your request. Your credit limit can be
changed on-line and will come in to force from the next billing cycle.
This incredibly powerful feature has been developed keeping your needs in mind, and it
helps you manage your finances prudently, without compromising on your needs.


Your SBI Credit Card is affiliated to VISA and is welcomed at all Visa Merchant
Establishments. The Sterling Silver and Solid Gold Card are accepted globally by over
18 million VISA card - accepting establishments worldwide. You now have the flexibility
of using your Card to pay for everyday purchases on one hand and large value
purchases on the other.


We understand your needs and appreciate that you may need assistance around the
clock. For your convenience, we have set-up the SBI 24-hour Customer Call Center
This is equipped with a state-of-the-art system that ensures that your queries get
handled efficiently and promptly


With An SBI Card in your wallet, you will never be strapped for cash. You can withdraw
cash on your Card, 24-hours a day, from any Visa participating member bank ATM.

During banking hours you can also withdraw cash, over-the-counter, from any SBI Bank
branch across the country.

For your protection we have limited the maximum withdrawal to Rs.15,000 in a single
day. Transaction charges as applicable will be charged.


It is now possible to order a draft from the convenience of your home. Simply call the
SBI 24-hour Customer Call Center and ask for a draft, payable anywhere in India and
favouring any company or individual. The draft will be delivered to your mailing address.

For each draft request, a transaction fee of 1.0% of the amount withdrawn, subject to a
minimum of Rs.50, will be levied. However, for the Gold Credit Card-Members, no
transaction fee will be levied. In addition to the transaction fee, a service charge will also
be levied from the date of transaction to the date of repayment. The amount of the draft

will be billed in your monthly credit Card statement. And with the revolving credit facility
you can choose to pay as little as 5% of the billing amount


Which physically resembles a credit card, and, like a credit card, is used as an
alternative to cash when making purchases. However, when purchases are made with a
debit card, the funds are withdrawn directly from the purchaser's check or savings
account at a bank.

Two different types of debit cards are in use today: online and offline. Online debit cards
use the same underlying technology as ATMs (bank machines) that dispense cash;
authentication may consist of the use of a numeric PIN (personal identification number)
known only to the cardholder. PINs can be used only where the POS (point of sale)
terminal is properly equipped; in particular, a separate keypad is needed to allow the
customer to enter his or her PIN and select the account from which funds should be
drawn. This is the only method used in some countries, particularly Canada.
Offline debit cards carry the logotypes of, and can be used in a manner nearly identical
to, major credit cards (e.g. Visa or MasterCard). The use of a debit card in this manner
may have a daily limit, with the maximum limit being the amount of money on deposit. A
debit card used in this manner is similar to a secured credit card.

Some POS terminals allow the user of a Visa or MasterCard debit card to choose
whether the purchase is a "credit" or "debit" purchase. In a "credit" purchase, the user
signs a charge slip (as in a traditional credit card purchase); in a "debit" purchase, the
user enters a PIN. In either case, the user's bank account is debited.

In some countries - with some merchant service organisations, (as of this writing) a
"credit" transaction is without cost to the purchaser while a small fee may be charged for

"debit" transactions. Other differences are that "debit" purchasers may opt to withdraw
cash in addition to the amount of the debit purchase; also, from the merchant's
standpoint, the merchant pays lower fees on a "debit" transaction as compared to
"credit" transactions.
The fees charged to merchants on "credit" debit card purchases -- and the lack of fees
charged merchants for processing "debit" debit card purchases and paper checks --
have prompted some major merchants to file lawsuits against debit-card transaction
processors such as Visa and MasterCard. Visa and MasterCard recently agreed to
settle the largest of these lawsuits and agreed to settlements of billions of dollars.

Many consumers prefer "credit" transactions because of the lack of a fee charged to the
consumer/purchaser -- and many POS terminals at PIN-accepting merchant locations
now make the "credit" function more difficult to access.

In many countries, the use of PIN validated transactions with smart-card chip readers is
being strongly encouraged by the banks as a method of reducing cloned-card fraud; to
the extent that cardholder-present transactions will soon not be possible in these
countries without knowledge of a PIN, and the POS terminal reading the smart-card
chip on the card.
Debit cards, and secured credit cards, are popular among college students who have
not yet established a credit history. There are also forms of debit cards (e.g. Visa Buxx)
that are purchased by parents for teens as young as 13. The parent retains a great deal
of control over the teen's use of the cards.

Debit cards are also similar to stored-value cards in that they represent a finite amount
of money owed by the card issuer to the holder. They are different in that stored-value
cards are generally anonymous, while debit cards are generally associated with an
individual's bank account. Debit cards usually offer some protection against loss, theft,
or unauthorized use while stored value cards usually do not.

Not sure how much you keep spending through your credit card? Well this product then,
is the answer to all your problems. It combines the benefit of cash and cheque with out
you having to carry either of the two.

A debit card is basically a better way of carrying cash or a chequebook. It is an

electronic card that one can use as a convenient payment mechanism. The card is
generally issued by your bank and is connected through the ATM. Debit cards allow you
to spend only what is in your account and purchases should be kept track of just as if
you're writing a cheque.


There are two types of debit cards and two types of debit card transactions:
Direct Debit Cards allow only "on-line" transactions, also called point-of-sale. An on-line
transaction works like a straight ATM transaction. It is an immediate electronic transfer
of money from your bank account to the merchant’s account. This requires you to enter
your Personal Identification Number (PIN) at the store’s terminal. The system checks
your account to see if there is enough money to cover the purchase.
A Deferred Debit Card looks similar to a credit card, bearing a Visa or MasterCard logo,
and can be used wherever your card’s brand name is displayed. It is NOT a credit card.
Rather, this card allows "off-line" transactions, as well as on-line. Off-line purchases
resemble a credit card transaction. The merchant’s terminal reads your card and
creates a debit against your account. However, instead of debiting your account
immediately, the transaction is stored for processing later -- usually within two to three
days. Instead of using a PIN, the customer signs a receipt as they would with a credit
card. Most off-line transactions are verified immediately to see whether there is enough
money in the account.
Regardless of the type of debit card you have, when you use it, the money is subtracted
from your bank account.


Obtaining a debit card is often very easy. If you qualify to open a bank account, you can
usually get a debit card (provided your bank is offering the service)
When using a debit card, one does not have to show identification papers or give out
personal information at the time of the transaction.
It frees you from carrying cash or a cheque book.
In case of international travelers, it can save you from having to stock up on traveler’s
cheques or cash when you travel.
Debit cards may be more readily accepted than checks, especially in other states or
countries as one need not verify the authenticity of the payment and the merchant is
assured of immediate payment.
If you return merchandise or cancel services paid for with a debit card, the transaction
will be, generally, treated as if it were made with cash or a check. Customers usually get
cash back for on-line purchases; for off-line transactions, the amount is credited to your
The bother of making payments at the receipt of the credit card statement is eliminated.
In case of credit cards, delayed payments are penalized at 30% p.a. rates. This penalty
situation never arises in debit cards.
Most importantly, debit cards can be used to make smaller value payments, avoiding
the need to withdraw cash from the bank for such petty expenses. If a credit card was
used for making cash withdrawals a charge is levied and concomitantly interest is
charged on the amount such withdrawn from the day of withdrawal.
The debit card base in India in March 2000 was already at 3,00,000. Moreover the
usage figures are even more impressive. Seven out of 10 card holders use their card on
a regular basis with the average monthly spend on a debit card was Rs 1,400, which
puts total annual spends at over Rs5bn. Bare in mind that only two banks namely HDFC
Bank and Citibank, in India currently offer their customers debit cards.

Both MasterCard and Visa International have already witnessed a huge rise in their
debit card bases in the Asia-Pacific region. After 25 years in the region, MasterCard has
built up a credit card base of 80mn, whereas its debit card base, in just four years, has
touched 37mn. Visa too, in less than 18 months, built up a base of 48mn debit cards.
Drawbacks Of Debit Cards:
Unlike a credit card, debit card transactions give you no grace period. They are an
immediate, pay-now deal.
They can make balancing your account tricky if you are not fastidious about keeping
receipts and recording transactions in a timely fashion. It is easy to forget, for example,
when you pay at the gas pump with a debit card and drive off without your receipt.
Using a debit card may mean you have less protection than you would with a credit card
for goods that are never delivered, are defective or were misrepresented. But, as with
credit cards, you can dispute unauthorized charges or other mistakes within 60 days.
Fees -- the debit card could be a costly affair to have, especially when using an ATM
that is not affiliated with your bank.



The HDFC Bank International Debit Card is available to their customers in Mumbai,
Delhi, Calcutta, Chennai, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Pune and Ahmedabad. It can be used
at over 235 ATMs in India and over 530,000 ATMs across the globe.
The charges for the use of this service are as follows:
There are no charges for using the Debit Card at an HDFC Bank ATM. For transactions
Visa/PLUS ATMs the following charges apply:
Domestic Visa/PLUS ATM locations : Cash Withdrawals: Rs55/- and Balance Inquiries:
International Visa/PLUS ATM locations : Cash Withdrawals: Rs110/- and Balance
Inquiries: Rs10/-


The Citibank Debit Card is accepted at more than 3,000 establishments in India
including 1,500 establishments in Bangalore alone. The Debit Card is absolutely FREE
(no sign-up fee and no annual fee) and there are no transaction fees. The Card can also
be used as an ATM Card at more than 463,000 ATMs worldwide.
Tips For Responsible Use Of Debit Cards
Do not leave your debit card lying around the house or on your desk at work.
If your card is lost or stolen, or you suspect it is being used fraudulently, report it
immediately to your bank.
If your card is lost or stolen, close your account and ask your bank for a new account
number and PIN.
Hold on to receipts from your debit transactions. Don’t throw them in public trashcans or
even in your own trash without first shredding them. Crooks are known to "dumpster-
dive" for documents that have account numbers and other personal information.
Memorize your PIN and do not write it on your card.

Don’t choose a PIN a smart thief could figure out, such as letters corresponding to your
birth date or your phone number.
Never give your PIN to anyone, keep it private.
Always know how much money you have in your account and review bank statements
carefully. Don’t forget that your debit card may allow you to access money that you have
set aside to cover a check that has not yet cleared your bank.
Keep your receipts in one place for easy retrieval and better oversight of your account.
Never give your debit card number over the phone unless you initiated the call and are
certain that the recipient is legitimate.

Flourishing economy and rising consumer acceptance bode well for financial
2004 was a bountiful year for financial cards in India. As a result of the thriving
economy, there was an increase in disposable income and consequently a rise in
consumer expenditure. In line with growing affluence levels and consumer

sophistication, which are the usual developments accompanying a booming economy,
financial cards witnessed robust growth. Specifically, in 2004, the number of financial
cards in circulation increased by nearly 49% on 2003. In terms of transaction value,
growth in current terms was 95% on the previous year. Consumers in India were not
only more open to the possibility of owning a financial card but were also not averse to
using their cards as a payment mode. The fact that financial cards are still perceived as
a status symbol in India also serve as a contributing factor to the healthy performance
registered by financial cards.

Debit cards immensely popular as they empower cardholders

While all sectors of financial cards demonstrated growth over the review period, debit
cards were pivotal in spearheading the dynamic performance of financial cards in 2004.
Debit cards are highly popular in India as the eligibility criteria are easily met. In most
cases, the basic requirement is for debit card applicants to have a bank account with
the issuing bank. Additionally, the control that debit cards provide cardholders with, in
terms of their expenses, is very appealing as it prevents consumers from overspending.
This sense of empowerment, coupled with the above factors, as well as aggressive
promotions on the part of industry players, all served to fuel debit cards' robust
performance in 2003.


Credit cards form one of the most established sectors of financial cards in India. These
tend to be used like charge cards in the sense that the majority of cardholders tend to
pay off their monthly balances in full. Charge cards are not as popular with consumers
in India due to the lack of flexibility and their often less-attractive rewards and benefits.
Consumers have been observed to prefer to have the option of using the revolving
credit line rather than not having it at all .

As at 2003, credit card penetration in the developing nation remained low, compared to
other Asia-Pacific countries. One key barrier to growth was the burgeoning state of the

distribution network of terminals accepting credit cards. It is, however, expected that this
constraint will be partially overcome in the future as the advent of technology drives the
costs of these terminals down. Credit cards are often used for bigger ticket purchases in
India. For instance, when consumers dine out in smart restaurants or when they
purchase air tickets for travelling. Industry sources believe that the key to future growth
will be to encourage increased usage of credit cards through expanding the scope of
acceptance of these cards. For example, credit cards are likely to be used for the
payment of school fees and hospitalisation fees in future.


Similar to other countries in the Asia-Pacific region, it is interesting to note that co-
branded cards have received a warm reception in India. Co-branded cards are popular
as they are perceived to provide greater benefits and more attractive rewards.
Additionally, as a result of the tie-up with either a mobile phone company (eg the
Orange-StandardChartered Visa Card involving Hutchison Max Telecom Pvt Ltd), a
petroleum company (eg the Indian Oil Citibank Card involving Indian Oil Corp) or a
retailer (eg the First Citizen Citibank Card involving Shoppers' Stop), among others,
regular patrons of these third parties would enjoy discounts and other priorities that they
would not get with other cards. Industry sources are confident that co-branded cards will
emerge strongly in the future in India.


Euromonitor predicts that there remains great potential in India's financial cards in the
2005-2010 forecast period. Indeed, it is projected that the number of financial cards in
circulation will register a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of nearly 51% over the
forecast period. This is slightly slower than the 65% CAGR clocked in the review period
for several reasons. First, e-purse cards only had a significant presence from 2001,
which resulted in inflated growth rates as is typical for a newly emerging sector. Second,
as the consumer base for the different financial cards sectors grows bigger over the

review and forecast periods, growth will naturally become more gradual. In the forecast
period, debit cards is anticipated to continue to spearhead financial cards in terms of
absolute card numbers. One key trend to watch out for would be the rise in smart cards.
By the end of 2005, there was an appearance of credit cards incorporated with smart
chips (eg Citibank's Taj Epicure Diners Club card). The smart chip not only enables
point accumulation to be tracked but also allows for greater security against card fraud.


By Mehmood-ul-Hassan Khan
Combining credit cards, debit cards, smart cards, microchip gadgets and computers are
rapidly pushing paper money out and replacing the same with plastic money. Now,
wallets and handbags are carrying plastic cards for no matter what the need in terms of
cash and finances. As governments throughout the world build techno-fortresses,
computer chip-driven bits of plastic flap as wonder cards driving the next sunrise
industry. Smart cards usually have multi-purpose lives from being national ID cards to
tools for buying bus tickets or paying petrol pump bills. Essentially, computer chip-
embedded plastic cards that store and transact data known as smart cards are
expected to be a US$ 6.8 billion global business in 2004-05. In this scenario, Asia-
Pacific region alone accounts for about 34 per cent of the volume.
With Malaysia's MyKad, Hong Kong's Smart Identity Card System (SMARTICS),
Taiwan's Health Card, the Indian government's plan to have a multi-purpose national ID
card and South Korea aiming for public official ID cards by 2005, companies such as
Sony, Infineon and Hitachi are gearing up for the big kill. The rest of South Asia is an
active emerging market for smart cards, which can generate revenues for respective
governments and enhance traditions of good governance.
There is great scope for smart cards in Pakistan too. In the next five years, the Indian
smart card population is expected to increase eight-fold. Such happy times for smart
card makers are feeding the growing banking and retailing industry. The cellular phone
boom in India estimated to be exploding at over 70 per cent annually; smart cards are
used in SIM cards of GSM mobile phones and big projects such as national ID card

schemes. "Thailand, the Philippines, Indonesia, Vietnam, India and China are at the
planning or pilot stage of launching a national smart ID card scheme.


The Standard Chartered, CITI Bank, MCB, UBL, HBL, Union, Bank Alflah, and many
others are doing great service to people in shape of credit cards. Now SBP has
enhanced the credit card limit up to Rs2 million. Britons currently owe a total of £52.92
billion on their credit cards, which is on the rise. Common shoppers spent a record
£11.56 billion ($20.6 billion) in November 2004. Visa spending has risen to US$ 275
billion in Asia/Pacific till 13 April 2004. Among other major Asia Pacific markets, the
credit card spending rose 12 per cent in Australia to US$ 61 billion, 12 per cent in
Taiwan to US$ 18 billion, 6 per cent in Hong Kong to US$ 14 billion and 25 per cent in
New Zealand to US$ 6 billion. The number of Visa-branded cards on issue rose in every
Asia Pacific market except Korea. The fastest percentage growth was in India where the
number of cards on issue increased by 83 per cent to 16 million. Impressive growth was
also achieved in the Philippines, where card numbers rose 42 per cent to four million;
and Thailand, where card numbers rose 38 per cent to 10 million. Among the biggest
markets in terms of cards issued, Japan saw a 5 per cent growth in the number of cards
to 75 million, Taiwan's card numbers grew 19 per cent to 22 million, Australia's rose one
per cent to 11 million, and Hong Kong's increased five per cent to seven million. China
has issued 700 million bankcards, ranking first in the world in the growth of its bankcard
business. India is currently witnessing large-scale adoption of credit cards, albeit more
amongst the urban populace, and a host of utility providers are coming up with various
kinds of plastic cards. As a result, while most in the card industry bemoan the lack of a
smart card culture in India.
In US the average general-purpose credit card outstanding per household, excluding
store/gas credit cards, grew a mere 2.5 per cent last year to $6,429. Among the five
most populous states, Texas was the only one to come in below the national average.
The states with the lowest average bank credit card outstanding per household in the
$3,400 range were Mississippi, Kentucky, and North Dakota. Idaho and Nevada posted
the strongest gains in bank credit card outstanding in 2003, rising 4 per cent and 6 per
cent, respectively. The state-by-state breakdown was based on total bank credit card

VISA, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express outstanding of $677 billion and
105.3 million households at year-end 2003.


Growth in spending on debit cards once again outpaced that of credit cards. While
spending on debit cards in Asia Pacific currently remains a fraction of that on credit
cards, globally the two segments are approximately equal and significant growth is
expected in debit volume in the coming years. Access to a choice of debit or credit
cards is of particular significance in a region where many consumers remain outside the
banking system, and are prey to the extremely high costs associated with informal and
unregulated lending sources.


A smart card has a microchip, which enables it to store more information and perform
more functions than the magnetic-stripe card. In six years, the worldwide volume of
smart cards has increased five-fold to 1.9 billion cards.

China: On Hainan Island, test cards are equipped to record social service benefits.
Being developed in Beijing are electricity meters activated by prepaid cards. China is
slated for high growth with about 750 to 800 million smart card users, especially after
the country's decision to issue smart cards to every citizen. Pay phone users, who
account for almost 75 per cent of the total smart card user base, compliment the high
user base.
Hong Kong: The new ComPass Card rewards bonus dollars immediately upon every
purchase. In Hong Kong, all citizens availing bus and metro services are provided with
smart cards

Japan: More than 11 million cards are in use. At NTT, they work both as credit cards
and keys to the company gym and other facilities.
Philippines: Top local credit-card issuer Bankard has launched an installment card for
low-income users.

Thailand: Thai Farmers Bank ATM cards can also be used to obtain health and
emergency services, and purchase-incentive points.

Pakistan: Medicards, Perineum cards, ARY cards, Loyalty Cards, Phone card and many
more are in practice in the country

India: There is influx of a variety of smart cards. The smart card industry in India is
currently pegged at around Rs 50 crore, and with an approximate year-on-year growth
of 45 per cent, and is likely to reach Rs 37,000 crore by the year 2010. At present, India
has close to 8 million smart card users, a number expected to reach 5 million users by
the end of the current fiscal and close to 22 million by the end of 2005. India's numbers
pale in comparison to other markets in Asia Pacific (the region contributes almost 40
per cent of worldwide smart card sales, second only to Europe like China, Hong Kong
and Japan.
Usage of smart cards in major states/cities of India

Bangalore: Even churches are advocating to their members to store their genealogical
data onto smart cards.

Bhopal: About 2,00,000 victims of the 1984 Bhopal gas tragedy have been issued smart
cards, which contain their medical history. Doctors can thus access their health data at
the touch of a button

Rajasthan: In Nayla, a village in members of the women's co-operative society has been
using smart cards to maintain their milk delivery and payment records. Sugarcane
farmers too use similar cards

Gujarat: In, the government issued smart identity cards to fishermen and their
dependents to get rid of pretenders posing as a fisherman's kin to claim compensation.
The cards are also used to identify real fishermen from cross border infiltrators who
pose as fishermen.


According to statistics from the Bank of International Settlement, (BIS) smart card
transactions in France have almost caught up with the value of cheque transactions at
13 billion francs.

* Smart cards offer enhanced security, convenience and economic benefits.

* Smart card-based systems are highly configurable to suit individual needs.
* Multi-functionality as a payment, application and networking device renders the smart
card as the perfect user interface in a mobile, networked economy.
* Smart cards incorporate encryption and authentication technologies that can
implement the issuer and user's requirements for the highest degree of security.
* Smart cards are used in distributing a government's welfare payments in order to
reduce frauds and abuse. The country like Pakistan the rise and commonness of smart
cards can reduce forgery of public funds.
* Health care cards allow doctors to access and manage a patient's medical records
and insurance information without compromising privacy."
* Smart cards are cost-effective in the long run as they cut down the cost of keeping
paper records.
* They also reduce the time spent on updating paper records, and at many places they
could replace human intervention.
* Contact and contact less toll payment cards streamline toll collection procedures,
reducing labour costs as well as delays caused by manual systems.
* Maintenance costs for vending machines, petroleum dispensers, parking meters and
public phones are lowered.


The first potential users for smart cards will be car owners, because they have to make
regular fuel purchases. In our country loyalty cards are being used to have petroleum
and diesel. The second largest base would be the user of mass transportation where
the average purchase size is between Rs5 to Rs200.
Pakistan Railways, public transport companies can introduce variety of smart cards.



Its plastic money you just know when you use it and being easy to carry and use, you
do not think twice before spending. Wow! Wonderful again to find that you have to make
the payment after almost 20 days after the arrival of the same and if you spend in the
beginning of the month, you end up making payments after almost 50 days.
Great:::::isn't it? I would say it would rather be cruel to take money through credit cards
from the person who does not even earn the amount, which he is now spending. If he
goes bankrupt or does not get a monthly salary, imagine the level of mental disorder the
person could go through especially when he has the entire family to handle too. It’s
difficult to change a habit and using a card would then be a habit for the one who starts
using it regularly. Again in a habit you always raise the level of wrong consumption,
which is the same when you start using a card. Using a credit card could be as
dangerous as probably commencing to smoke or falling for one single female who does
not even want to know you. As compared to a credit card, the better option would be to
go for a Debit Card, where you just need to take care of the fact that you have enough
amounts in your bank account to use it. Whenever you use it.

Credit isn’t your worst enemy. You are. Just like anything else in moderation is good, so
is credit. Use your discretion before you decide to pull out the plastic. If you decide to
splurge, do it within your means. All credit does is give you the leverage over your
current financial situation to spend more than you can with your own money. But the
buck (literally) stops there. Unless you have a compelling reason to buy whatever it is
you need, I would recommend going easy on your extra capital.

Ah the temptations of a credit card. The more you have the richer you are?? The glory
is oh so painfully short lived. One careless extravagant moment and you could spend
the rest of your life paying for it. So keep those urges down. Limit yourself to ONE credit
card that you use in case of emergencies or in cases where the only payment method is
your credit card.


As this project of mine is based on the financial product i.e. credit cards through I have
my full efforts to know the basic requirements of the segment but during my study I
found several things which are unanswered yet and I too think that to tap the untapped
market or segment we people will have to give the answers to that questions like

1 The customers having very less idea about the plastic money, what it is, how it works,
how it is beneficial to them so finally we can say the less awareness of this product in
between the customers.

2 Even who are using this facility most of them are afraid about the services that are
being provided by the facilitators.

3 Several has been found in recent past about the mishappening and forgery of the

4 The changing services and the interest rates are also the cause, which are
participating in customer dissatisfaction.


With respect to the secondary data collected I have reached to the following
conclusions in my project. My secondary data that helps me to practically
analysis the data which I collected through internet and magazines especially the
reviews and critics comments about the use of plastic money specially( credit
cards and debit cards ) :

Looking at the current scenario we can well identify that the plastic money is
taking a upper trend in India due to which more and more customers getting
attracted towards it.

The study of credit card does not lead to any concrete conclusion because
people that credit cards increase their purchasing power while the other half
were of the view that it doesn’t because people have understood and realized the
fact that although they have to pay later but they have to pay from their pocket.

Thus as per the study made through the analysis it was found out that credit
cards do increase the purchasing power of the consumers but to a certain extent
because it gives them the liberty to pay later but the consumers are becoming
smarter and have understood the scenario quite well so we cannot say that it
altogether affects the buying habits because they have realized that will have to
face the financial burden later on .Since many customers are increasing and so
the number of defaulters also. Due to the increase in tendency of non
repayments the bad debts of bank keep on increasing.

To add the popularity of the card and to increase the numbers of users the banks
are more liberalized in attracting new consumers.

The media plays a very important role in attracting the customers to choose a
particular bank and its services and it can also help to retain the acquired
customers also.

Debit cards may be more readily accepted than checks, especially in other
states or countries as one need not verify the authenticity of the payment and the
merchant is assured of immediate payment.

Finely I can say that plastic money has an importance in present scenario and
most of the people want to keep money in plastic form.


Websites :
Google. com


Business world
India Today


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