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DECEMBER, 2007 4 6 16 58

Mayor accused of Parents wrestle Fighting for Make the most

lacking backbone parks back from fairness in the of Christmas in
on Callan the dogs welfare system your area


Nursing a passion

Foreshore for performing

Balmain Public School

land grab students took to the stage
with a performance that

angers council incorporated nursery

rhymes to welcome new
students. More photo-
graphs on page 31.
By Ashlee Betteridge
Bully boy tactics from the State Government over a plan to sell To find out how other
crown foreshore land to the owners of Le Montage Reception
Centre in Lilyfield have infuriated Leichhardt councillors and local students have been
residents. seeing out the school year,
Leichhardt Mayor Carolyn Allen said that Minister for turn to page 28.
Lands Tony Kelly was “very rude” at a meeting held this week
about the sale.
“The meeting was terrible and the minister was a real bully,”
Cr Allen said.
“Basically he said that because it’s crown land, he can do
what he wants with it,” she said. SEND
“But we don’t want more crown foreshore land sold that your news
might never return to public hands.” and photo
The sale concerns part of Leichhardt Park leased by Le story ideas to
Montage to meet car parking requirements for its business.
The owner of Le Montage, Conca D’oro Lounge Pty Ltd,
was leasing the land from Leichhardt Council. On November
2, with no notice, the Department of Lands informed council FIND your local classifieds
officers that council’s control of the land had been revoked. on page74
Cr Allen said that at this week’s meeting between the
Continued on page 7

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to sell their most valued assets.

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